Newspaper Page Text
Vi# ill rfoftttfs, tn civil military ellibKA-
Bifnti, and to exarcifa t perfeft freeiom of li*
g Cation ami interval government, fa that tb
JBntifh ftatea throughout North-Ameica, afc
ting with di il pane# and war* feeder © corn
aura icvereign*- <M> hire *• irrcr Cable o
roymcnt of every privilege that it short of a
total feparatioa of lnterelti, or cob Site* t with
that amofl of force on which the fafety of oar
combos religion and liberty dh/tadi.
- * “ ‘
Head ever thf t fin, then review what Hu Cnee
happened t Jock. all abLut yewj Gad Wil fudge be*.,,
tween the r ftVr and refuial cf peaci, and the prefcat
and futnie generation* no oft feel the confluence.
How Ung can the t to fpeni at IKe
jratt of fiaty naiilionaa yearned ftuth-Carolina, in
continental and lecal ex ponce/at the rate ol near a
million cf dollar* in a month > Yon have felt little
of the war yet* how many week* ccqdd fed held cut
agaieft (word, want, famine, intcieal dtvifiooi, and
ail that team of mitaiy, which even your own newf
ct announce, cveu feppofingyhr e (h'intd he no
fanhftr attack, nor augmentation yf the KLiog'afir
cat? The man thpt went to law, apd won h cau e,
was in rag*, and he that 101 l it naked} t*nlef* peace,
tit at lea# a ceffitien cf armi, take* place very soon,
probably no pea<-e cat) do yau any (/rice. T write
snder the cuutiflton that what baa beea felt >i ai No
thing to wh>.t may be t zpt&e t, and ffneeraljr pray
God, tuft in thil your day you may, e'er t| b? too
late* know the thing* which concern your peec*-; at
all event* this papei w.W witnef* tbit there on*
min friendly (or mui) enough to give you an i;ff:e
ionate, ti-Ttelv, frrioo*, caution. -
APERbON; who ie capable to maonge a R*ce
Tide Lifcd Plantatto'n, with Yboat Forty fire
Working Sfavti, .and can bv well , reconmeadad,
may hay* great cncvuragamcat by applying to the
STOLEN ft no* aft ore npar the Chi'ch, on Wed
ref *▼ tKe nth inst. between nine anJ eleven at
night, O >* Piece Black Silk* ore Piece Red Oeck,
ShtOTTt J 4 Ya and D maged Omabrip*; a Silver Watch
with a Itcilctrain atrd btah key, N ° .11,441} one
Bd Silk Handkt.chef it f>oi. Whoever will
discover where aay of *he abive article* may.
found, or ttte thief, will be bandfomely rewarded,
by applying to the print#*.
ALL refer.* ! a\ -r ’emanda again ft the Est te of
jnHy WERTSCH, Esq; daceafe', are drfir
ed to gre then* *i>, wroperly aueftad,. and ihofe in
debted there! • relink’ ‘mm’ Hate i*vm?r.t to
UP it Ebenrzer, A BLACK HORSE,
* ,b< ut 15 hand* high, branded CR on the eiium
ificr f| ut<l , h £ a War in Hi* ft rehead. The owner
.prnvivg hi* property; ar.d paying rhirzet, itm har
him, by npplymg ta J ACOu BHHLF.R.
RAN AWAY from th* fuKfrribrr, A NEC R O
FELLOW, named PETER } he i* ve y e
■varknblr, hiymr the middle finger on his ri?ht
hard sh ;t oft. A REWARD #f EIGHT DOL
LARS will be paid to any yerfan that will secure
him in tha Provi ft.
N. B. Hi keep* conftant’.v about town.
• —— g =s=s
tor BF.AUFOKT, nrxt.
T'OR fre ; oht or paftige apply to h M'fter rr board
g V the yTihTiiTc Wharf, or PETER DI.ANK.
‘lf'*') hi- for Suu t A cf the b;it MUS
CQVADc/SUGAR hi bairel*.
Savannah, ilthAugaft *7“9*
G E 6 R G I A, fT.
The A dvoc a t B-Gt N-£ r a 1., on the
of fcir Jauis Wallace, cf the Pxperi* |
menty O® Behalf 6f. , > ■ b.
1 A%*inft
The Taivjf-T.i I*. ShiP^Genhal A* mold*, 1
htr Guns, Aat in unitios, i MirC. J
WHEREAS an formation hath hero ex
it hired, and mi tied, ait and fi'ed, ie this
cau e, in order to condcmß-ticn of the said (hip
General Atatfßld, her gun*, ammunition, tackle,
-apparel, furniture, and every thing btlo.-g ng
“Yd and on board her : AND W HEREAS the
usual menilion hath teen ifl*ued f om thi Lrurt,
and dtilyfcretufned, and no claim hath been
mace or cause fhewOk a£*i said condem
ration : THPSE are therefore to give notice,
That the JUDGE of the Lid Court will, cn
on Monday the 6th day of next,
pr'cred, in the alua’ tnanrer, either to con
demn cr acquit'd fbip Ger.rra! Arnold,
her gun*, ammeftition, taek le, furai
tore: and every fhirg bofonping to and oh
board her agreeable to the direflion sf tht stat- f
ste in Pat case ma(Je and provided.
ROBERTSON, Adtrocate Ocicrtl.
i6;h Augud, t77p*. 1 y.
The ATbcATft-GKvitAL,Mi tfeeftalMiesl
of &2r JaMta Wall at a, of the Expttl
raent, os Behalf of, Ac. .
Against .
The Sloop LitTLt N*d, her Tackle, Ap
parel, Furnituro, Cargo, Ac. J*
WHBRKAS an information hath brea ax
hibited, admitted, had filed, is this
Ctufe, in order 10 condesiaatios of the said
sloop Little Ned, her tackle, apparel* ferai-
cargo, and every thing da board her 2
WHEREAS the ofaal moaitioa hath
been issued frodk fhia Coarfi tad duly returned,
and no claim bath bcea m.l , or cause fhewa,
againß the said condemnation : THESE are
therefore to give notice, That the JUDQB of
the said Codrt will, oa Therfdav the 9th dap
of September next, proceed, ia the ofual mu
ter, either to cenderika of acquit the said fioop
Little Ned, her tackle, apparel, furniture,
targo, and every thing oa board her, cgreeaSle
to the diredioa of the Ratutc ia that case made
tad provided. /
ROBERTSON, Advocate-General.
Savaanah, 19th August, 1779.
Mll just iipo?td, i th* Betsey, Capt. Tempfe,
from L'vrdun,
■ winch he w.W iiLlTf of upea th* nyoft rrsil n
bf tormi to tr.y .perGh taking the whole. They
purcAally conhft cf the following article*, via.
Dulti'.‘ blankC'*, ftrou printed cflicaji,.
LCM ***
kettles, veirmifop, a few twrreia of beef. Sc .*
~~yoJjN tunncT*
Ha* icceivcdj ia the Betsey, Cipt. Tem/e, from
. London,
PE AN and EAST-INDIA GOODS, which ha
will far file, at hi* iui'e on the Bay, foina time
next week.
• ‘ >T
On F’iJay the toth infant, at 1 1 e'chek, at aur /V/i
----dm, Houje, WILL BE SOLD,
A FXW Cask t choice Ir.uicj, 10 B*rrcl* Weft
Multcvido Sugai, and 5 Banrii Mef* Bef.
On Saturday, at 1% ’cUtk, $m tkt Bakiuk Wharf,
The SCHOONER 2WO FRfENDS te burthen
about 140 barrel* nee, complaatly htttd, and well
for a dreghar, being of a* enijr draught of
wvtei. Inventory may be sere on the UhM
•- -■ ■ j - — 1 —T-- # “
Oa Mondaj, at n o'dstk, at aur VtnJut Übufe,
A Quaatity et 7 S h* ard yird wi'lt Checks Ir'.fti
Linenv, Oz iaati£>£, PriatcJ Linen*, HiruJkcubicia,
W.iimg Paper, and a few eltg-int Waittcoata,
TO BK l!Tt\
Sivinr.ah, kiting two parlaur* with hre plaee*
and rwo ic 1 redmi belaw, and iw* bed room* above.
Eoquii* of the j/rintcr, who can also inform any per
son wh# ia acquainted with th* whole prnceii of mak
ing tar, ard is willing to taka under hi* charge a saw
Ncgrcai, to be in that bvfifete, an! wlo
can produ:e lofficient teftinaony of hi* lobrirty nnd
industry, where be may meet with good a .Cvurage
ment. ••
Ducktr j Tavern, AuguJt 9, 1779,
HORSE, ahauf ,14. ha*d high, bath hind feet
white, canter* and pace*, brandad an the mounting
Ihm'iJai O, and on the *fF (haoMer TD in one.---
Alio, x. young ROAN STALLION, aheut 14.
hand* h gh, nfibg tbrne years, hat an viable ma. k
about b m .xcepta fear on hi* iff butiodi 4#ne with
x knife, and half blooded.
Whoever biingi f*iJ horfe* t* the fubferiber, or
give* informativn where they may be had, (hall in-
Raotly rcce>re ore * nmn for neb from ,
JACOB D. OBMAN, Lieu tenant of the
Geaigia Loya.itt*.
By CrPcr cf the Honourable Court of Vice*-
_ Admiralty, on Friday the 20th August, at
the Ctßom House Wharf,
faraitafa, and apparel, Ac. tlfo her
CARGO, consisting of iS hog (head* of tohac
co, it half tierce*, and 6 bag* 1 ice, 3 barrel*
indico, n quantity of beefwak. The file to b:-
gin at 10 o’clock, and the Conditions will then
bo declared.
WcdueWay, tgth Aoguß, 1779. ‘
- ‘ # - * 1 ‘***} , i
.. v
A NOVRKSEP.Rtfatoedotftaedatbol/lfc;
/i iag of Tar, to ttlit the Charge of i ft#
Negroes nigh tswn. He will meet with petafif
•feecuregeouiil by gpjsfjiaj to the printer,
THt uni&fi \ -AS K VOR M 3 badft
A Ihf P inting-Ofic*, V.J, L!Sf , RllnftSi Us
ftenoociitiooi es Dower jAffVis, of Arbi,
irstiss, Bills of Safe, ef Attorney, Mort.
§*(** Apprentices and Servants Indentures, BHII
•f Lading Seamens Articles ledice Certificates j
Sdmmei f*, ExkttiitA, Warrants, sad Attach*
heats, for Magifirates.
*X# *XX*#*’
• / •-Vs- ,■ *; <r; (J f w?
SAVANNAH, Augufi i f%
com* ia to aur army aa Forr Rovat
. Irtand, S uth Carolina, we art told, ftft ihat
numbers cf tUe -'eluded inhabitants of Charioiawa,
preferring a life #f fiavtry under the arbitrary go.
veromenf cf Ceagrdfs to tho istfliarblskitfeimf
peace and freedoat, which they might foee enjoy, ft,
moving from thence to tbe northward with ihcir ft.
(Atties and effrfts.
A man was unfortunately, contrary tq pofitiveer.
ders, killed aad fcslped Ist week at Middlcfts Ferry*
N- Indians were fuifored to crofa ihe river before hit
Maj'fiy 4 s loyal fuWjefts were carried to prffaa, where
many now iaagoifii, aad foasa Hava disd of their n£-
ige. It is aot wifited ta carry oa the war agaiaft the
helplcfs or onsratod, but all offi ers, cfpocialiy theft
that areaflive againfi perfoaswnder protcAioe, can
not rtfpeft to be treated otherwile than at ohftiaats
shrir King and pdietable asighbeora.
Ore day lift week a pirty of about jorwhite ata and
too Indians eroded into South-Carolina. fcaursd
the country for above 30 miles along the.banks of
-eh.#jid,-riieilf -a wptabar. - : e?l-Slcgpeei>. ft#T ■
vWTvy V€**Rt>b*le were , ibe houl* of a
ISsptaiA Stafford, they proceeded to if, lid est iom* -■
>*g M * .were fue.l at j upon Which they rafted ia,
slid finding only a whits man, named June* Lem*
apfoa, and a Mulatto fellow, the ftrft they ade pH.
fooer, and tha’ other they killed. The day af.
ter fome es the white asen, aad all the Indians, hav
ing cio(fed the river, and only to of tha former jr*.
maintag on the Carolina fijo with a number es hortes,
thev weia attacked toy a party of .1$ Rebels oa herfit
hack, with white feathers in ihsir hats, bat theft
brave follows took in trees and foupht thejfiailaecs
for thiee quarters es an hour, when the Lieutenant of
the Rebels being (hot, and falling frera his horfs, the
others thought proper to betake them Halves to flight.
The Indians in this inru-fiou obftrved tbe greeted
regularity, obeying the orders of their leaders, aad
refrlining from aft* of barbarity agaiaft woman,
children, aad peaceable inhabitants. Tbroo wgawga
they teak wait well treated, aad delivered |
Colonel Brown at Rhrncztr. A party of ftepi
came into town tail Tuefiiy from their caasp, aid
having waited oa the General received his thaaka
for their fpiri*ed conduct, aad a proiaifo of hoiag
ami ly rewarded for their fervicet. It ia imagined
tli t’ another visit wilt fea be paid by them to the rt
bcl I• >u* Carolinians.
’ 1 he pirate Spcacer baa carried off a aumbor af
negroes from the fouthcra parts of this prbvieee.
2 he armed Ibis Gcrmaiuc and Keppdl brig fid lad
from Tybee lift Friday on a coirs.
Same day arrived, the ftiip Hero, Capt. Roberts,
and brig Bctfsy, Cap*. Temple, from Loaded, fa
Ut. *7,long. 49 , on tha ao'h of Jaly, they parted
with Admiral Arbuthnet's fleet, aoofifting af two
74 gua fhipi, a .64., and shoot to traafparts with
troops, bound t New-Y#rk. Mr. Jonathan Simp
lon, M . S.mpfon, and Mr. Henry Keall, are
come paffeagers from Ls’don.
Lift Saturday arrived ia this river, the floep
Young Ned, from Chadeftown, loaded with rice,
indico, and tobacco, taken by his Msjefty't Aarp Ea
periaavar, commanded by Commodore Sir James
Wallace, on Friday morning lift, off Wrnyawj fin
was but two days out, and was bound to St. Eufta
t-us. M". Scott, Piixs-Msfter, inform* us, that
lhs Commodore was in chafe of tvibrios aad five
fljops, all armeW, which cams nut with rls priat|
one of the brigs catried is guns, and was catiroly
load-d with lice, and the other veffela with tobacee
and iadico, all b?und to different ports ia the Wei-
Indies ) and the Prize. Mater thinks they coaid eaf
efcvpe falling iota the hands of that brave oficer,
wh > has so often proved s fcor*a to tho anfratcfal
aad perfidious toomies of his K ar aad Country.
Oi Sunday the left iaft. was braught Ini# this
rive , the fchoorer Jefoe Nsrartae, from Hsvaas,
bound to Philadelphia, loaded with rum and foga-,
taken off Cape Hntteras by the privateer brig Mays,
af New.York, Ca.t. Cunningham,
The following veffclt fri ed from Tyhos 00 Tues
day, viz. Soyereigc, Flyrot Monarch, Mill; Fa
vourite, Butrerwig ) True B'lfon, krewart| aad
Ruff l j for I-eland 1 tfoinn llliod,
Rail { P-Hy, and Indofiry, Hotchiegs)
fr Jamaica. Col. James. Mark P rev off, Ins Lies
tenant-Governor of this province, Mijar Vng
Brasm and Lady, went passengers in |h F:vourite. r
The privateer brig Elphinft fB o, Capt. Kennedy,
is arrived at Tyboe. Dunng her cnaige, we arc
told, (ho look thiee prtt;s, which were ordered far
this port, but ana* of them am yet arrived.
The Mate es the fehoooer Hope, belonging to ||.,
lem, taken by tho privateer brig Elphinftone, informs
us, that ho left Guadalupe about 37 days ago. be
* P Efixieg, (he fays) bad fried from