The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, August 19, 1779, Image 4

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dNNHPMBV ‘ WfW9F~~W9 ‘••fI BL RBWT W'’ VV^ I VPV I VP9V >Ma vpVMr MN iWP !H v^ t *ptped nt of the X¥p oiftt jrirtf. The Alhi'nl lie* also Ml Malted Ac crrW from heGg wn K rffd, mn4 wit kind coo>ifh 10 ifrif; that *fijf ffdAi •• and nnHiacf m ght b txpcAcd fr m ki** T# •heft indulgent tmrfcscf attentive mojr headdedtk# ncom non rtr-finilitf, admiration, sad applauft, #f the p<KJir|[,, Avery liberal fuWc f ipfi#n b*en rsitVw far the He itfit #f the ee#onded men, and for the purchaf* 0# a piece of plate, which wjl he prtTented to the highly meritorious and tiuly rt aowssed Cam taander. Lefl Saturday evening the inhsbiants of this city werr made fnprrmcly iy the life arrival of liit Exccllercy Oen. Sir Hrtiry fiM'ntoo from the tor. qor ft and comple t rrduAioD of the province es & 0 h Carolina ; hit Excellency having rcltored fra c an 1 peifefii decorum amongst the i<.hib ; tan|i a f that opulent, popvku*, and ticry important Co lor*. 7 July 14. Ctpjjf? btirg* ue the ag etahlc inte.ligrorc, that their Exc lienoca Sn Hemy Clinton >nd Vice Admiral Arbi.thnot, with.the vicarious fl et andaimv, a<rived l.fe at New York on the 17th alt. to the ir.tx,ieftibl fa l tfadion of the garrison and Uyal 11 habt anti of hvt city : That at the time of their at rival hit Ex ce'lency Gen. Knyphaulrn had detached part of the army under hit command to New Je: fey, to beat tin Gen. W’.(hingtoi>* quarter 1 at M-uis Town, which hit Excellency Si * Henry Cln.ion bcii g made acq minted, wi'h icfimediat ly HifembarkeJ the tioepi on Staten Iflind, who crefftd to the m-* , but G en. Wrlhu.gton beirg a;<priz?d rj their approach evacuated that town, and ft-d with the greaeft pre cipi'auqn to hit frrtn.flVs in the m untamr: That lundry fit in sh s had happened between tilt -King*# troopt aid Kbsla in thtr’Jivfi*s, and that m 01 e of • h-’m (rer, N1 x well wailatltt h-xe bee k lied, a< and t lat in another Lord Si Ing *ll w.u ide I. X. X)K XX X XX XX X X XX X X Publick AuFlion. TOMORROW mornirg, at ten e’e! ck, at she h use formeily occ pied bv Mr E lion, *,nd now by Mr. BiakcTty, near the Court OOdtllOW FU 15 * l \ MfURE, and ALL Til -. REMAIN ING STOCK I N *TK ADE, belonging to Mr Blake) *y, who irgeirg 10 leave the pro* vince, confiding of Jamaica and Weft I dia Hum, Su,jar, Coffee, Te*, Wiwi / differ tr.i kinds. Tobacco, Men and Womens Shoes, Butter, Vinegar, Soap Cardies, Sec. Tbs SLOOP REE, A ’ (he row li:s at the Publick VVha'f, tui't of cedar ind m.hogan< , every way complect!/ fated Til j. 1 ALLEMACH. july 27, i-?o. Publick Auction. Ob TUESDAY next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Vendue Houfc, will be fold, A TOWN LOT, know, by N • . 6, fitu a:e in Vernon 1 ythieg, IK atUcote Ward, in-t v e Town of Savannah; with the FARM LOT thereun o belorpmg. ki.own by N c . <. cont-'r tr g 45 st/rt anl. Plot aid g ant mav be 1 en, at.d c n ka wn, by ypytying 11 T.iO. 1 ALLEMACH. . }'■ ly .27. ;S> HK fj fc'i'er inten 4 s f l owing the Rufiuefs of a FaSlor, trd \vi 1 be ob! Ved to his fiierds and the rub- O lick for theK cootn anr*s, which be w 11 co de vt-ur to cxei ote in fuen a maiine as to give full fa isfaftior. tu all who may employ h m. He bat for f le, it his cellar, N• . 16- 0 be fv-rnci next t> Mr. Rum, Wine, Coffee, Tea, &c. so cash onlv. D. ZUBLVjon. FO R S A L F, By James Her riot, .Ar his CtlUr tin fhje Bay, JAM Aj C A Spirit* iind Rum by th heg (brad cr f rra.ler qa-n .ifr, ih üb, WrnC of kirrds, Rice by the barrel. Beef ard tjr’<, Butter, White Wine Vinegar, and Flail• cf ail kind . \*'ar and bv lerd cf September nrxt, f> if y Hea*’ of Lea 11 Cattle, ; ntorgll them a few C .wi and Culves Ar<y pe son briegirg 1 Lid Hernut will receive a reaf-nible price itnmeuia.eiy •ndeiivcry. PUBLICK SALE, On Monday the 7th Awgutt, at t e house cc- Cwpied by Mrs. C.pthia Milrer nppofite the Court Hcufe, betwixt to and 11 f in the so e *o ■, Eight valuable Negroes, vC nutting of Sawyers, Carpenters. a,.d ,‘fS?v trah, |ely 26, 17!^^- ~ ’ “WAN TE D, An Overseer to take Ckilge af a Rice Plsatttion i l|*t frees Se ytaaek. A, pnCew properly quwiihod will nest with •* wwrageoncat • pfiicauan • * tip Jtldty MAR/SARKT EIVEN. TO BE LET, ORSOLni That airy and commo diets HOUsB, froatlog the Sooth C aim • which whs pbffcffed by Williaai Stewa t, E'q; lately deceaf and. For paritculars • quire c i William joaes, Ffq; t*r & LACHLAN hTGIKLIVRkY. t . i PROPOSE to leave this province t very loon. SAMUFL BLAKELEY. Savannah, July 15, 17S0, Bt. Jebn'i River, f.nft Florida. RAN AWAY I on tt.e fuhfcriber, the un der delcribed Fout Negroes, viz. ‘JAMIR, about five feet fix inche* hiph, speaks had Fngliftt h-t or.e kg much larger than the other, and bis country marks thus))) upon each fide cf his face. THOMAS, a fiender made fellow, about five feet tevet mchei high; he has a vesy voire, and had on when he went away a blue jacket and breeches. 1 hey carried away a canoe and a rifle gun. ABRAHAM, a thick well let fellow, about five ket fix inches high, freaks very good Knelilh, and is f goed boavmas. M <RY. ANN, a flout likely young wench, about five feet fix irches high, speaks very gQiid Knglifh, and bad oa when (he went away a bits? petticoat and white j ckeu ‘I he two lad named formerly belonged to a Mis. Randei apon John’s Iflacd in .'Soutk-Ca rclina, were c rpcu ed from thence, and legally C'nfemred in a’ Court of Vice Tt-s -probable tbev may artemot to retuf-i there. Gou,ws,Re*iid wilf oe give t to iny perf n who will deli t: the abovena.ntioned Negroes to me upoa St |obn*s River, or in propartion for any pait cf them ; but (boeld it not be c nven-ent to dkjircr theiln there. Twenty Shillings exch, and all reafonabla charges, wi!} be paid for putting them into the pu’ Li k prilen n S. vannah, or delivcing them to George Baill e, f sq; rear Savannah. Rf'BEKT BAILI IE. R.4N AIVAY frim the Sub[criber % A Negro Man, n.imed Qiiafh, about fi;c f.e five inches is blind of aa eye, and W'Jl ktinwn'abo t .-avannah ; when hs went sw y he bed on a cloth coat turn dup *i b rid A jeafor.ab e rva and will be p T. t ’ any perf r that will fcCure him and deliver ii tv at the fa’ fc. iber’s plantation oa Hu chin ton’s A s he is ver arful it i a provable he may --t fi t t*. go eff in Kmc vt - f1; thr r •Kre al I ‘lnfle sos Veff-le are caution ed sgai ft carrying him away from this pro vince, fes they, cr feeuritie*, vt’l be profccuccd with the utmost severity of the law (jFORGE BAILLIE. Savannah, July 24 i;Ba. RAN AWAY from the fubferiber at the Orphanaoi.fe plaa r ation, Four Negroes, viz. A yctjrg rained }*m ; an-the mirel Mingo; a Gtrf, r.imcd P.ttty, of a yellow comy 1 xifn, i 2 or 1 j >• rs cl 1 ; a- and a Wench, named Crly, 2; ye*rs of age. Fr Dollars Reward will be paid fer each of ;he three fi ft, and Two for the other on their being deliyerad at the sbeve plan a.-iin, or to thv (jolcf in Sa.arn.ih; and snr perirn ht'- b uring tlfem v.ill be nrofecuted with the ut moil rigour of the law b, 1 I CHARLES YOUNGT. RAN AWAY from th Subfcribcr, - Three Negroes, viz. ■-• r - Peter, five feet tfin inches hi?b. of a b'ack complexion, abcujt 23 y a-s of age, speaks good En - ifh Aaron, about five fee t and an ha f h ph of a yellow corn: lexi n, fpraks bad F.rgfifti. knock-knee’d ard club fodtedr of the’ hbo coa-t y, has cqt teeth. C anffa, • young wench, about 18 ears of age, of a black c mplrxior, fpraks g ,od knock kr ec* I, of the G uinet country. Whoever | takes up the ftid Negroes, and de live s them to me at Little Ogechcc, (lull re ceive a Guinea r 'fteward for each, and a'l rca fonable charg •. All persons barbourir g thcoi, or attempting to carry provii c% will be profccuied to ;he utmost rlfOtf of the law. L WILLIAM FOJt fen. TO BE LJE I\ and stay be entered • upon immediately, ANKAT PARLOUR# and BED.ROOII it, pleafistadf situated in a eiry aau healthy psrtof the towo. Alfefsi ciest Cable room for a korfie, if waotad. Aj per Ton >■ waat cf fuck Mf 1 y . K-- .■ &AfftiiAAa mJi laiTa t7yli v -- • -• A Gold Sleeve Button. Thg©*’ er describing ike fa mem* y have it a. ftin 9 oa paying the epence of adverting ad giving a f.wall gratuity to the finder.— Apph to iha printer^ **YEETor ftolc n from t'ke tohlc itaer. a O the Iflind ofSkidtuiy, about the kerii. * wing t f Mar tft. A LIGHT IRONGREYMARE, aoout 13 hand* and an h?lf high, branded r>n the mounting (boulder and niph butt ek 7 8* abou: eight yea i o!d, Aim made, and her ni h i hmd hjvf white, trot* a<id can e's, Whoever deliver. tSe said mare 13 the fubferiber A,all receive five dollar* ieward. A* he hat g f c t reason to believe the ma e ha. been llnlen by a white per Ton, and carried off the iflad, a further reward of five guineas will be given to any perfoa or pdrfon* who will dried! the thief cr thieve*, so Mat he, she, or they, may be brought tu jßice. PHILIP DfiLBGALL jua. Skidaway, % 3j l.'l v. r So. OiiUK tj I A In iUe General Court. *• aue ’ Blhfrt , 1 x e>jusW.” I Martha Voung, Executrix of f ln Debl * Kite Y ung, and C*a£.‘d. J Whi EKE AS the record at large of that judgment obtained in this cause a gainst the laiuJGac Young iii bit lifetime i lot •r mislaid, and thrre i. no entry thereof but in the Provost Mitfhil’i book for the year 1775* 1 doke eby give nodee, that I Aiall, oa the Bth day of August next, apply to hia Hon *°ir Chief- Jufiice f r leave to foe out a Writ of Execution, the sum of one thou fend pound*, with c ft. of suit, for which the said judgment was obtained, fix hundred and thirty three pound, and niaepence, p*rt thereof, for balance of princtpH and inter.ft to the thirty* firft dayof December lift, being then unfatif f ed, on,the fwon.atian i pur r f the regulation, in such cae. lately made by the said General Court, u left the defendant in this cad >., or her Attorney, w (ball, at the time abovementioned, shew cause to the contrary. Wm )0NE 5 , Attorney to the Affiances of the Plan t.fF. , Pa van-ah, 16 th july. | 7 Bw. G In, i in (be General Court* Ji-hn Henderfoa 1 - itr/mt l r r> r Am Red, Executrix cf f 0 e * jahn Red, deceased. J WH>RKAS the record at large of the j dgraent obtained in tb . cause in the lifetime sf the Joha Red i Joft or m fluid, ad there i* ro evidence thereof but by the drequet of judgments now in the ban ‘• of the Prothonotary, and an e try in the Pr. roft sh I’, book for the years 1775 and 1776, I do hereby give notice, that I (hall, cr the 8;h day of Aug ft next, applv to hi. Ilorour the Chief Justice for ave a Writ of Rxecuti n, for the futn of thirty-three pound., three ftul lings, and fixp-nce, with ceft. off lit, for whi.h the fai juc'gTicnt wa.obtained, or -he fuun ati in of th and entry a's afo e- in pu'f.snce cf the regulation, in such caf s lately made by the said General * ourt, unlefi the defendant ir. this cause, or her At torney, ft,all, at the tine &b vemention:d 9 fttew cause to the contrary. Wm. jClNiiu, Plaintiff'. Attorney* 1 zfi, , 7 3° UKu R(> lA. 11! ce Ge era] Couit. John Henderson “1 ‘l/ftjtdi C 1 ~ I ucy Bo g, Executrix of | 1 a^c * William Bugg, deceased. J WHEREAs the recird at large of the judgment ob ain-d i 1 this cause in the lifrriVe of the.) said William Bugg i* loft or miftKd, and here is noev dcnce thereof but by the doequet of judgment. now in the hand* of the Pn-tnon )try, arni an eniry in the Provost Maiftd'i boot fur year. 1775 and 1776* I do hereby give notice, that J shall, on the Bth day ©f August next, to his Honour the Chief justice f.r leave to f,e out a Wri of F*. ecutiop, for the sum of eleven pound., fifteen fhilliivg?, and twopence* with costs of fuir, for which the Laid judgment was obtained, on the fjunda ion of the and cquet a> and entry a. aforC feid, in pursuance of the regt hiioo. in fach cafe* lately made by the fa and General Court, unless the defendant in th:s cause, or her Attor n y, shall, at the time aboveroantioaed, (hew cause to the contrary. “ J Wm JONES, Plaintiff'. At nty. July 26, 178a. * f’ \ XXXMXXXX.XXXXHCXXXX OPERATIONS of the Royal Army in New ferfey. Ts Mr. RIviNOTOM. ® i fti Eliaaovth Town, Juoa to, tyla. A 8 <bt Itfhvh, agreeable to tbetr ufuai .praAiee, 7* have pubiiftied m.ny glaring falfehaod. rtl*. •• ibe laic movement into Jcr&y, I baee be Iwdweed* from a rtgaid Is truth, to (end you ibe fit owing aceoantof oar operartsw., which I re vmjprn Will gwwHA.s f or o atte of tsmnrtoe. - , A BR iTiiH OFFICER. y T*fdy rghi *h* A h i,j. tl>>