The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, November 25, 1779, Image 1
t , T H E ‘ Georgia A FLAG of truce arrived from Charleftown ■ last week, and a general exchange of prisoners is (aid to be in agitation. /“ IVe extol,” faith a cele-. brated author, 4 ‘ we Ifive the English and “ French , at hearing the accounts of the “ treatment given to prisoners on both sides “ among these generous nations ; and what “ is more , by, a custom which equally dis plays the hukianity of the Europeanan “ officer taken prisoner “of war is released “ on parole , tzxdf the comfort o£paf *l Jing the time of bis imprifenment tn his “ country with his family , and the party “ releajing him thinks itfelf as secure of “ tfJ // it had detained him in the clof “ P r if 6n -*L unnatural ruinous war iskeptup-by America a gainst Great-Britain, in which, without even the lhadow of a pretence, the French have joined, I wish the charac ter which that impartial foreigner gives to these two nations might also be ap plicable to America-, but how far this may be the case fads only can deter mine. In our Gazette of the nth inst. ‘we have an,account that Col. Kirkland, and his son, (a mere youth 1 ) were in irons, as w*s Col. Thomas and fome others who had the misfortune to fall into their hands. This is treatment which I believe the French never offer ed to a British Colonel, or to any Bri ton against whom no crime appealed but his attachment to his lawful and natural Sovereign. But 1 believe this is far from being the only instance that may deprive the Americans of the praise this author gives the French and English. In the late expedition of the “Britifti troops into South-Carolina a mong the numbers that took his Majc ftj’s protection doubßefs many did so because they could not help it; the ho nesty and loyalty of others, as well as their wit, has fines appeared to the full, by their taking up arms again, and fome plunder ers as soon as they thought they might do so withAfe|y; but many no doubt afted fronroetter principles, and were willing to keep the oath which they had voluntarily taken to their conqueror. “What was the confcquence? These ad a number of prisoners of war to ijpe British General were carried to a cmn mon gaol, huddled in a prison (hip, fome put in irons, and expofedTo all the taunts and feoffs of insolence rioting in power. This must be considered as an aft of the (bate, and I am exceed ingly mistaken if the honest Swiss * shall ever fay, “ We* love, we extol,” the Americans for so doing. Every Sove reign owes jtiftice and a drift attention to those who are his fubjefts, or fuffer in his cause, and ought to relent what ever is done against them contrary to the rules of war among civilized people. SAVANNAH: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25,- 1779. Those who abufc, and even hang, the loyal fubjefts of the power they are at war with, merely for their fidelity, and attadynent to tli# power, in my opinion aft contrary to the prac tice and law of nations, and .those who aft contrary to these laws univcrfalty received put themselves out of their protection, and cannot claim or appeal tQ them in case of necessity. Whoever tells them so may stir up their resent ment, but in reality afts the part of one that would prevent the increase of com mon calamities,remove obftaclesofnego ciations, and, without approving their conduft, Spprove himfelf their friend. - * VATTEL. November 18, 1779, . PUBLICS AUCTION. On Fridry the 26th instant, at 11 o’clock ?* the forenoon Vo t’ii# wharf above the Caf tom-Heuft*, WILL BE SO^LD, THE MATERIALS of the SCHOONER GENERAL MATTHEWS; alfo,* TWELVE BARRELS OF PROVISIONS; together with the HULL of said veffcl, at (he now lies funk in the river Savannah. For par ticulars apply to ‘ * TALLEMACH a*d WALLACE. V Ifov. 22, 1775. V f PUBLICK AUCTION. ’ • i .'‘•l Oa Monday the 29th instant, at 12 o’clock, at our Vcnduc-Hufc, WILL BE SOLD, for the Benefit of the Underwriter!, THE HULL, MASTS, &c. of the SHIP FAMHi, at fee now lieiafeoreoa Sapelo High Point, about 25 miles to the fouthvrardof Sunbury. 5 * * 1 Also, aboutONE HUNDRED RUM PUN CHEONS on board said feip. 1 will be made known on the day of (ale. \ V TALLEMACH and WALLACE, Nov. 22, 1779. —— ■ ‘ ■ ii % THE fubferiber intending to leave this pro vince mi a feort time, reqeefts all persons indebted to him to fettle their accounts, other wise the law will be put in force against them; and those to whom he is indebted are desired to b ing in their accounts and receive payment. JOHN CLARKE. 1 t Lawrence Watson, BEGS leave to acquaint the publich in gene ral, and hi* friends in particular, that, having been regularly bred up in Edinburgh to the Painting, Gilding, and Glaring Bufincflbs, he propole*, with the affiftancuof his friend*, to follow theaa in their different branches, and hopes by bis affdaity te meet with the ancoe ragemeot es the puslick. Apply at the Bar* rack-MaAcr General's wpod yard, Y- Gazette. By his Excellency Sir JAMES WRIGHT, Baronet, Captain Ge neral, Governor, and Commander in Chief, m and over his Majefty’t Province of Georgia, Chancellor, and Vice Admiral of the fame, A PROCLAMATION. TXT HERE AS the French and Rebels have lately invaded this province, and committed great waste, and done considerable damage to tht crops t AND WHEREAS several veflels booed to this port have fallen into the hands of the French (hips of War, which have beta on this ceaft for two month* paftv By reafoa whereof his Majsfty’t troops Bow quarter ed here, >• well aa the inhabitant*, are threatened with a scarcity of provifiona, and alf* with to extra vagant advance on tha price of‘dry goods 1 AND WHEREAS I have received information that tho high price demtided by planters, merchant!, deal er!, and othera, for all kipda of provisoes#goods, ware*, and merchandises, tho produce of, or-im ported into, this province, and exposed to fate, fo* the fepatate and private emolument of individual!, is become greatly detrimental to the publick welfare; and injurious and ruinous to.many industrious and indigent familitt,’ and pregnant with very difaftroua confequencat, particularly with refpeA to tha prieee of thpfe neceflary and ufeful nrtielts of berried beef and pork, flour, buttar, merchantable rice* rough rice, Indiaocorn, rum, lumber, and butcher* meat at market, and which it it fuppefed will be raised higher in proportion to tha scarcity and want, tad may reduce to poverty and rain a great many of hia Majesty’s liege fubjsAst To avert which dreadful misfortune at far as may be, I hat* thought fit, with the advice of hit Majesty’s Honourable Council, tSf* ilTre this my proclamation, rscoaunqeding and ftriAly enjoining all planter!, merchant*, dealers, trader*;, and ether perfone concerned, to fell and dispose or abeir produce, warer, merchaaditei, provifiona, end aU 01 her necelTariei, at a reasonable profit; end cau tioning them, and every of them, against a contrary conduft, on pain of the law. And, for information to individual* in the fait and purchase of the several unities of provifiona before particularized, I do hereby notify to all hit Majesty’s fabjeftr, that I have appointed eight Geetleaten, who are compe tent judges end proper perfoni, or the mejerity of them, when met, to enquire into, afeertain, and fix, just and equitable pricer, on all the said articles of provifionr, for the guidance of feller* and buyers, to te which I earnestly recommend, and expeft, they will conform. AND WHEREAS it it difficult to afeertain what may be the jllft and retfonablc priced at which the several article* of foods, wares, and merchandizes, imported into this province, front Great-Britain or elsewhere, ought to be Ibid, there* fore it is notified totll merchants, and others whom it may concern, that it it eXpeffied they regulate tha prices at which they fell the faaM according to jujfticai and equity, and on the moft roafonablt and modtrats terms, or advance upon the ptirne col, and neceflary charges attending the importation of the fame, in conformity with the prices fettled oa the produce, and on provifiona imported into this province 1 And, should any perfen or persons forget the duty of a goon citizvif, and extort or demand exorbitant prices, I declare to such, that the law* now in force against such abufts will by ftriAly executed, and (bat it if the duty of every good citizen to forward their en forcement for the general good; to which end I have! dire&ed hit Majesty’s Attorney •General to pay all due attention to any informations which may bo lodged with him on tbtl bead, and to profecate with out diftin&ion, to the utmost rigour, all those yrho may commit any breach of the salutary regulation* hereby recommended and intended! And all persons who may purchase any provifiona or merchandises, end think themfelcss aggrieved or oppressed, are r*- wuefted so give information thereof to his Majesty’s Attorney-General as aforsfaid. y , v GIVEN under my hand, and the great seal of the province, at Savannah, the 4th day of November, iotheyepref our LORD 1 yyy, and in the zoth yea* of hie Mjefty’ reign. JA. WRIGHT* By Command of hit Excellency, Ge*xci D’ixbaox, Deputy-Secretary. - Q9D SATE TUI BIN O, [N. •]