The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, December 09, 1779, Image 1

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t m m Georgia On tht late SIEGE of Savannah. (Continued from our IN the French army there was alto a coloured brigade cf Nfgrces and Mulatto**, fuppofid to cor.ii of about 700 men. It hat been uf uaJ, I believe, in the Weft-Indie*, with the French and Englilh, to employ black* and fl-ive* again ft or.* another, though among the former only they are said to be regularly trained. In this refpeA therefore the French, in the late siege, have done nothing unusual ; perhaps these troops have not committed more disorders than ethers, and it may very leafonabty be supposed, in cr.fe of fuc cefr, they would have been admitted only to the last share of plunder. It wa* natural for the beCeged to follow the example of their btfiegere, and within their lines to put arms into the hands of all fueb y Wscks as were willing to bear them. Reasons ex isted for these measures within which could not pos sibly be pleaded by thole without. Their number probably did not amount to n third of these that were brought against us; in general they behaved well, and had as strong personal motives to fight as many of their masters; had they fallen into ibe enemy 4 * bands, to be transported to a much fevercr servitude j in the Weft-ladies was tht least they couM txpefl j and however Tome of their former mtftera without might, or may possibly blame and threaten them, that they willed to preserve their liver, thrir present tolerable condition, or that fome wouid exert them selves for the fafety of tender maftere, it what they can hardly ba condemned for in any courts of hu manity. Since the siege a nvjnoiia! was presented that they might be disarmed, which was favourably answered } and though all mifehief could nut bn pre vented, and fome of them have followed very evil pra&ket, fome under pretence of orders, and fome without even a pretence, or only under pretence of ordersYrom men aon-exifting, hunted up and drove off cattle, and fold them, as it i* said, at h# rate of a dollar or two per head to fueh persons as chose to have dealings with them in that kind of traffick, yet as the laws in genera) are open, and dimes of this kind may be profecoted for at any time when they can be proved, they may be proceeded against now, •r hereafter, whenever injured persons (hall think proper t and if any fliould be found Kill in arms, nr giving room for lutpidons, every while m.n may put tne Militia Law in execution, and difaiisi them, wnlefs provided with u proper ticket from their owa refpeftive mafte-s. Though the Congress has re commended the measure of putting arms iato the hauda of blacks, it asuft be montloned to the honour of Souih-Carolina that the recommendation found few or no advocates in their Afembly. Though u Colonel was po(fibly found to accept such a command, the measure was deemed highly impol.tick 5 these who did not rejeft it from motive# of danger might perhaps be afraid to rifle or lose them in the service when nothing but continental dollars was proposed •sacompenfation. Except once in fight of this town, when our grass and forage cutters were fired upon, nnd once when the French landed upon Hutcftinfor.** I Hand, the Negroes were not feat without during rhe siege; the grass cutters behaved with mors refolwtioa and spirit than could have been txpe&ed, and tbqfe on the island drove off the French with lofp, so that they never returned again. The fituaticn of the besieged, and the ftrtngth es this ganifon, on tko oppronch of the enemy, were far from being such at could be willed; a place in veiled with a5 fail es the line, besides other naval force, and an army by land which m : ght be supposed very laige, though fortified and garrisoned in the strongest manner, without being chargeable with ti midity, assy feel very ferieaiapprehenfions; a force by no means comparable to this a few months ago truck very great terror, and produced a proposal of neutrality, which, had it been accepted, would have deprived the French of their confederates, and our neighbours of an opportunity to ftraio their forces hopes and boasts to the uttarmoft; and it is certainly happy for this province that iu enemies have now made an experiment which issued in a manner rather more inglorious than that neutrality by which they were willing at the fame time to give up Congress and France, ana remain tame fpeftator* of the conflict and their own approaching fate. k Here wa* a re. markable difference; the army before Sarenpah did rot consist of a few hundred men unprovided with (hipping and artillery, but wat in every refpeA so pe ri or to cveiy refillance that could be expe&ed to bt rmde, and a proper acquaintance with the real ftrengtß or weakcefe of the besieged will excite our poAetiiy to farm a more proper judgment of whit iicuar Providence was done upon thia occasion. It should be remembered therefore that, of the army that arrived here in November and December last, a very costfiderable part, companded by Col. Mait land, wa at Beaufort in Seuth.Carolina; the tom. munication between us and that part being impeded, and Vxprefle* mifearrying, the way beeame every day shore difficult, and whether these troops Woold ar rive to all thoughtful persons more and more doubt ful | and yet it does not dimioifh the merit of men or officers then on the fpotto fay this detachment was of the utmost importance, and that the increasing diffi culties of their passage, which nothing but the bigheft seaUndardour for th* service could have overcome, filled many that kept tsp a good countenance with vert gl ocmy'rtioAion *. Aconfiderable part of m nsd ammunition) noth tko Vigilant and Com of the SAVANNAH: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1779. strongest gallics, ware actually prevented by the e- r d tho, **\P r “dence and bravery kept them ?' “* of . “>• •njy • hands, tbe want of them was veiy wr!c and r f gfetUU b 7 U ,ba * • regard to the fafety of the place and his Majefty’, service. Part of the troop* thatkad been ftationad at Sunbury tound themfelvea intercepted by the eaeufy, and re. ying perhaps to# easily upon a word nf honour fell into their hands and were made prisoners, the ne ,7'*PP r T ,c . h been f> rapiJ and unfofpeAed, and-the infer,only of o ur number* having rendered it necelLry to call in all our eut-pofts; their adren al* w ; r * lo „ fwift and unnppofed that many well af tested to Government could not possibly reach this nuce in time, and that others thought they had fuf- I""?* “ bome > of h *™ l * •• “o* at all impossible that Dme only waited for the event havbLdwTiV ‘r h °“° Ur * du, y* and conference, they had bell take in £0 critical circumstances. The militm on .ftualftrjucidunng the siege in general a JrZ ‘V 1 ’ *> ro l’n officers'and £ 0 qetred laftiog honour, yet there were a Few that SE™.? the * ne ’ n fovt# that were impatient of !) von i eu?n r<ft ’ V'"* and wu not otrtaia be- . * 7 # " d tbe P o *bily of the contrary that there was WOrk,Uat . had “•* been W'r n> imtJhr lh * i*V mjr * yt ** 001 “"common in ’..k-rJET? ® u ,e(ren nao, ber#, yet it has been trutb * ,h:lt once during the siege imouTeH r . fe ß ular, 'nUi.ia, volunteers, and fail or., mounted only ,0 * 3S o m . n ,ft u ,||y upon rfur iod A • ber * ru,jr t 0 op P° fe ‘he strength of Franc# frothy, C V to defend such extensive wo.ks as, to e?JI TV 0 a ° f i pUce h became nect(Tay u 1. ,h ® and army with it, and pruoablyall thefoo-hcld of Bri.ain in these fou.he.n From Z f° l ‘° Up ,0 Franc * or Congress. t rom this t. u .caount of the strength of our gtrrifoo a judgmont miy be formed .f whft might hare been I" 4 ;* lhe of what was done on thi* landy spot, and who will have the greatest rea glaiiMido^ 1 '” * n, *°orial of it with the deeped (Tt bt entinued at Itifurt.) To St fc’jfj Ptrlslitk Sale, ■ O. Moncf y next the ieih irftant The SLOOP >T. ANTONIA, as (he now lies j Also, The SCHOONER TWEED. For particular* apply to JOHN TUNNO. PUBLICK AUCTION. On Monday the 1 jth inst. ot ten o’clock in the For e SOLD o'* 0 '* ° PP ° fi “ lhi Vend * e *Honfe, ALL THE REMA'iNING STOCK OF GOODS V.;. be !°"* io S *0 Mr. JOHN WALLACB, con - biting of the follow,ng aiticlos, via. Sheeting linen, dowUs, r anabrigs, biown rolls, felt hats, bed bunts, . . **dj,yarn hefe, broadcloths, calamancoes, check handkerchief,, men* and womens ready made Amu and (hifre, &c. Sc:. Sc:. 7 A few * a t eh ° r c,a red Sugar; and fofiT Z$ L ?Z AC * ““W4LLACE lavanaah, December 7, , 77 p. Notice is hereby given, •pHAT the Court cf Sessions of Oyer and Ternti •ll T * nd G * ne,al G “>! Delivery of thia province will be hoi den, oa Taefday next the inft. at teo © clock in the forenoon, at the late dwelling, house of the H >n. James Edward Powell, Esq. * By Order af the Court, JOHN SIMPSON, P. and C. C. FOUND by a* Os my Negroes, the 30th N r!ft 1r V , 779. A Sorel HORSE, aboet 14 nands high, branded oa the cfT(boulder NB Bad the mobatiog buttock S D ’ calling at nty house, N 0 .4, oa the have him again, oa paying the vfuat charges. JAMES HERRIOT. r ITTMERBAf evil disposed peonleTin go- V W tag up and down Savannah Hirer, have made a praftico af trefpsffigg on the plantation of Mr. George Kincaid, absent from the province, and on Friday tko 3 d Uftant, in the ereniug, broke open the dwelling house thereon, carried away a mahogany double theft of drawers, chairs; end other furniture, also took the fffißes out of the windows; this i* therefore to forbid tre (puffing in future, and to offer n reward of pounds for difeorering and coavifiiag any of the offenders | and as there must ba purchaL * r * ,f Roods ia and about towns it b hoorea them to make it known Jiow they came by Atm, otherwise they may depend en being profieegted apoa thtir bwagdifeovered. Infer r* h ,o If * T ZIJsYf. t . ou h Gazette. James Walker, HAIR DRESSER from * ha P ubl ' ck That he intend, tellewlng said bufiaefs in Savannah, next door to Mrs. M'FarlaneV Ladiss and Gentleman who may be plcafcd to employ him may depcad on being ft D~i* DeWeft Ufte * “ and °* ,h Awwft noticaT ■December p, 1779. • GEOR GT A. By ril Ex “U* nc y ,** r 7 A MKS WIGHT, Baring rs- V* ?"'™}'. Govtrtttr, and Ctmmandtr it *1- Province of Georgia, Cban~ ctUtr, Viet- Admired, and Ordinary of tht fame, A PROCLAMATION, by an aft, intitled, U An AH to at J , : eve ?. f * ■ ■ M ‘ h aa ma y be, ffic spreading of the Smallpox in this Province,” it is. amongst other things, cuifled, that, from and after the eighth d*y of April next enfuiog tbe uafling of the faid|6f, if any perfoa whatever within thia province dull inoculate or ingraft, or cauf* to be inoculated or ingrafted, the disease or distemper commonly cal. ~ ‘ f ed *he fnullpox, in or upon him, her, or them reives,-thcii'family or dives, or in or upon any, o,h*r person or persons whatever,” (except aa therein after excepted) “ or (hall wilfully or kuowl mgly loflia, or cause to ba ii Sifted, the said dif ea(c or distemper, or (htll use any aft, device, or contrivance whatsoever, or (hall willingly or knowingly do any aA, matter, er thing, by „ by reason whereof, the infeftion of the said dileaie or distemper may b* ibfiifted upon, . V r * c '' ¥ed him bar, er thamfelves, thetr family or (lavca, or aay other person or per lone whatsoever, within the province as aforefairf, °c b J b L cb \ orb y rea . fen whereof, the iofeAion °* *" e disease of distemper may ba (pread or * conimuaicated to any person or persons whatsoever within the fame, then, and in every such case, c wy person who (hall offend in any of the premi fee, for everv Aich offence (hall forfeit the sum of one haudred pouada sterling,” And further* „ tk ** ‘* caf * *T (hall bo tMewUud we In ftfA or being kwow tobeiafaAcd with tht ; bid distemper or disease, (hall be feat, brought, ‘ ned > or convered, from the uffial place es re * lidence of tbe said (lave, to aay other part of this ‘ Pjoriuee, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this aft, the owner, ot other person having the t< “j® j har S e t9er J fuf h Have, (hall held* jvdged, deemed, and taken, to have caused and . P!^“ r f dfutk *° *• committed, and (hall . rub i ,a and I'able to the fame penalty and fer ‘ **■'• ta therein before impofad on any other ‘ potfonufefted with tbe faigdiftemper, and com- ing, being brought) orient, within this pro vtace, uoTef. fueh owner, or other person aa a forefatd, ball upon oath declare that such Negro 11 l • l*. • and not eome > or wxs net sent or brought with bt, or her knowledge or consent.” 5 S , S ,er f I** r btl * a "y or persons sfg. b * i ßf f. aed w,t > * ba said disease, in a.yhouf* ” Within the Itmita of any town, village, or plan / uuon) within this province, every maftar, ow. V’ L °l otb,r *’* rf ' n ‘he care or charge of u •*" d *ely upon dlfcoveTy eH „ f" c h i“fftton, fix, or cause to be affixed, on tht front door of such house as sforc&id, and!fo at 4I moft P"b!uk place within tbe said tewnr; villages, or nearest to the (aid plantations, advar „ * ,f *"*‘ a ®g n, fying that tbe fmaUpoX Uat fuck “ o "** 1 end ,n case fneb mailer, cwner, or other person having the care er charge of such house us „ 01 r,fu ' e or cause to be affixed, fitch advertifementt hereby direftedL !, e * cb ibd .'7"7 Pf” so negltAing or refufing ~ ?*,- f or f ei, soc *very such offence ten pound* ?, e i ,D ,f L And /* r ‘ h,r 44 *he* if, at any time* „ “ fllail be‘bought expedient, daring the contln^ STJlftf 1 •?’ u * dn,i * inocularion, then it i ,wf “ f . or the Governor or Commander *• I”J h !. r° r th V'T e &*■ b y acd with the ad vie. tt #B< * ®oni* n * of the Honourable Council, to givi *4 f'T'J? 0 r for 5*I f#M being inoculated with ib* f'd disease or difiamper, under such regulation* nodreftriAtona as they (hall think proper, mad notify by praelemanM, any thing in tblVaft con- ’ P ,h * co ** ra, y notwithftaadiag.” AND WHEREAS the fmallpcx is fithi tv bare broke eat on fome pianiatioaa in thia province, wherefore, in order tv prevent the spreading the fame, and that so of tht* province in that behalf made, and ffie penal- KVi yjwhfiw ttaw., n..7SU JiJg “4 .*• nc. ud co.fent of bi. Mij.. sty • Hooconble Coanctl of thH profitet* to ootifv -4 k. <b. f... f d . 2^33 that due attentsen'Md obedience be paid by all 1 and every person and petfona within this province to did wl°rrer! B .f!£- r,oi Uw * “ will aafwer dm contrary at thatr peril* * GIVEN “"dcr my hand and the great seal of the province of Georgia, this feth day of Decern* >7. —h JW hi Majtfty a reign. By his Excellency's Command, W * IOH **V a ®ho.D'*a*iah, Dep. tec. “ y 9 -•-All JUB kino. IN'. +•]