Newspaper Page Text
W&& A V A N N A H, December
Saturday /e’nrijjht the Gsntltmen of the
T* Jcelfliy Club give a ball ar.d flippy; tu the Ladies
*i{ this province aftl ga rifon. A gteat number ho
noured them w.thtUe.i cuhv.any, a* welt as the Go
vernor, Lieutenant Gcveincr, Major Generals P;e
vtrt and Liflie, and many Officers es rank in the
ij:*w and army. The rooms were neat and elegantly
It ‘ted, th* funper and dtfert, which conGfted of up
ward* of oot hundred covets, we-e chelea and lerved
with latte,"* the were good and plemifol, and
the whole was conduced with a fpint that did honour
tj i Srr s cl the Turf, ‘
On Widneftlay ih* isl i-tli. Was inn over this course
af- (tikes it*tch Ii a purse *f guineas, by the
fell- wing beifes, ike b'ft rs three Iwo mile Irtats,
and came in a follow;, v.z. ■
lit H at, ad Heat, jd Heat.
llay Ifo fe Jtckca,
rider in yeivW, I • • *
Lieut, A th. C-mp
, bell’/ B i.*ii H. ife
Kati .ii .rider in blue, * • •
Lt. G ey’s G*y Mre
Saliy, white, dist.
Capt. Kerr’a Cli fnut
JlutfeSlann, ritier is
green, x dist.
J .ckco and Ra ion made a good race of the n It
Jteat, distancing the t others j ths Cecond was de
clared a dead heat between them, and afforded a good
deal of fpoi t. Bttween the beats f me your.g Gmtfle
rnen ran a poney match, which gave the company
much direrfi'-n. •*
We hear a foeepftr.kts match, the best of three two
jnile frttUtn aay brfe, mare, or gelJinp,
carrying t oaAfEt, (alioving ma-es thiee pcu.’ds)
thill be ever Savannah coutfe, on Wcd.efJay
next the ijth ir.ft. subs ibr< p*.g ten guineas
each. Giicat fooit is exprfted, as the harfes sireaoy
ientsted a>e nearly upon an equality in gaodneft, and
f known bottom.
Thi Monday following % match for fifty gx : nea,
‘play or pay, the best of three iwe mil; henta, will be
run cvet the fsnie ccuif;, between Lieut. Cr,l. De
Lancey’elin f- Jackeo ad Edward Feawick, Eiq.’s
Jiorfe Red Buck, rtditg their own horfts, equal
N R W - Y O R K, Odobtr 16.
TT>Y accounts from Bolton we are informed,
lj that since General M'Lean had clla.
blilhed a poll at Penabfoot the inhabitants cf
the form it place had been so much ftraitened*
for the want of firewood a’ ti ccafion a. Town
Meeting,, wh.-n he following pren iums were
voted : That 1200 dollars Humid be paid to the
p-rlons Who fluiuld bong into the town us B f
lo the gr. atert quantity of cord wood ftom toe
loth qf September to the tft of April; loco
the next largtft imported, 800 to the third, end
500 to the fourth, and that ths price of wpod
from the eastward fiioulJ not exteed 60 dcllsn
a Cord,
The following is the preamble of en aCI of the
Aflemhly of the province of Pennsylvania :
“ Whereas his Moft Chriltisn Majeftv, ihe
jllufttious *rterd ana ally of theft United Stares,
hath font a great and powerful fleet to c-o;>e
xate wilh the .irms of these ltate. for the annoy
ance and delfouttioa of the common enemy,
which will require a very considerable and im
mediate supply of pr visions. and more especi
ally of flqur, which it is our duty ani intertill
to furniih wi hout delay, so as :o give vigour
and efftfil to the united arms, and realize the
happy profpefts of terf"intig the wr.'’
03. 23. I* a Pe>fyivaaia paper of the 14th
jnft. is inforted an aft of the Rebel General
Aflembly cf that province for raifi'g betides
the luirs heretofore granted, 5,700,000 dollars
for the current year *779, i being Uenr.fyKi
itia’s quota of the fom of 45,000,000 of dollars
which the ha- demanded fom th- re
volted colonies that have foljcd'.ed theaifelvcs
to its jurifdi&ion Had Great- Britain demaod
ed one thirteenth partof that enormous r um from
the whole continent, even at that time when
she was lavilhing her b!co,i and treafur; in its
defe ce, the meanest plebeian upon it would
have been taeght to exclaim that they were an
opprefled, abulxd, and 4r.done people ; bqt v.e
now fee tfernt ove-a ■ ed by creatures of their own
creation ard fopiorly f fTc-iag their property
to be voted away hy a set of the mod nba.iecncd
iniferearfs that ever dVgrhCtd humanity,
Eve y sou-th man has been ordered to be
draughted fr m the Jersey militia to serve in
the Rebel : rmy un il th s6th of December;
esci devoted racoon to rcC-i‘C f Tly fc/t cr fa/er
dollar* ; wh-ch rags now pass at the rn'e of 1 car
fwrty for one solid Spaniard at the city of Phila
delphia, the feat of the Rebel Rumps.
If we may venture to conjefturc from many
expressions dropped from the different fl>gs cf
frace arrived our hft, ic is greatly to
be believed that ha.- made a folcmn
jcqueft to the Court of France to tird a police
pretext oflhviting Mr. tPafhingtcn to the Court
•f Verfatllas, by way cf gettieg rd of man
whom they no longer wilh should coiftroul their
rebellious measures. . - ’
1 Qg 301 The following it the moll perf
accr uor we can yet procure of a Iste enterpriz;
Into h’ew-lerfty, under theconmaad of
L moroiaglaft.ab.'nltwoo’clock,
th# Rangerc, with the Cavalry belong
leg to that regimeat, tad t Light H*rfe ; pn-
Aer the command Stewart, who artt
stationed on Statea-ifland, landed at Am*
bor and proceeded Rtf far as Bonam-Town,
wh:n the foot returned to Amboy, and the ca
valry, amounting to 70, commanded by Colc
ccl'Simcoe, advanced to Bo*.nd Brook, where
they destroyed >8 large flat bottomed boats, and
feme stores; they then preceded to Somerset
Court House, 18 mi es from Amboy, rclsafed
the loyaliilt confined, fc: fire to is and dt
ftroyed a large quantity of forage end flores,
collected for Mr. VVafhingtsn’s army.
On their return on the south fide of the Rari
tan, within two cnjles cf Brunfovick, in a piece
cf woods, they were fired upon by a large body
of rebels, who lay in ambufli ; the cavalry im-„
mediately charged and ditperfod the rebels,—
but Col Simcve havipg in the charge his aorfe
shot under him, in the fall received a bruise,
which stunned him,>r(f his gal lan: g%rty
i-ig him ki led left him on the field, approached
to Bnunfwick, and, on the hill near the barracks,
they pifccrered 170 rebels drawn opto receive
ther^ 1 ; tnefo were dfo immediately charged and
defeated, with great fl.ughtcr. Among the
killed, we were informed, was a rebel Major,
named Edgar, a Capt. W orhics, and another
Captain, befidis many other cffircts. The
party then procce ed on fbe road towards South
A inbsy and fevcral miles fro- Crunfwick
they jeired the foot, who hsd paflVd over to
f.n .-rs taken; among -.him, is a Jnhn
Hrnpto;, a moft notorious villain, who took
thi benefit*&f General Howe’s Proclamation,
and since that aas been remarkable for his vio
lence and activity in dillirefling the friends to
Government,— *he whole lef: fuflaired by this
enterprise it one man kU'cd, and four ttken,
beiidts te travc Cefo: tlSiniooe, who ‘we hear
is nrw a.prifouc a. B on wick.
We a-e inform'd that bft night twerty-feven
jiriforer werf biought to to* a—they were tak
en bv Lieutenant Colonel ‘limcoe’s party, .|ofin
Hatnpton is fa id to ne -ne of them, and it is
reported that Col. Sttphrn is njifliag,
foppoied by*thc rebels to bpit lilefl.
A Journeyman Printer,
WiJO can wi rk a. I-so and Press, and
will give dole appli.aiion to business,
will meet wi h cnCGu-a; *icnt b apdying to JOHNSTON.
n BSENTED from the fuLficriber, the fol-
\ lowing NEGROES 4 Lymus, t>ancho,
Cudgo, Cork, Prim s, Ti*ui, Sophy, Byng,
.Si’flkpfbn, Nero, ar.d Sa.upfon. It
is fuppi sod Cork and Cudg'o are employed by
fom- person or persons in fawrng near Savan
nah, and that Lymus; Titus, Sophy, and
Byng, a;e gone towards Newport. Four dol
lars reward will be paid any erfon for Lymus,
Sancho, or Titus, and two dollars each for any
others cf he said Negr cs delivered to the fuh
feriber j ar.d whoever is corvifted of harbour
ing or employing any of the said Negroe>, the
info'm-r, upon such conviftfon, receive
five guineas, if the delinquent is a free whi'e
perf n, if a Neg'O two guineas; and whoever
com eals or hai hours them on being
profccuted as the law by
Mulberry Hill, Nov. 2;, 1779.
ALL persons indebted to the Eflaie of An
drew Stark, deceased, are requcftdd to
fettle their accounts i .niatfy, otherwifo
they will be put info the knds of William
H tew art, 15 sq; Attorney at Law, to be foed for,
as there in an absolute receslity for paying his
funeral expcnces; and those having demands
faid estate are desired to fend iu their
accounts, properly attested, to
L O S~T,
A SILVER mounted PISTOL, maker’s
name Wilson, London. Whoever has
four.d the fame will be handsomely rewarded,
unon delivering it to Cornet M Sean of the
Light Dr?gorcs.
To be fold by the fubferiber, at
his store r>n the Bay,
RUM shrub, porter, Madeira and Port
wine; fine da ifiecUlime jnice by the
ktr, case, or g%ll’n; mnlaffes In Iron bound
cafles, rsifins and currants; pepper, alfpice,
mace, nutmegs, cinnamon, and cloves; fogar,
tea, cafe*, and checo ate; Vir£ir.ia tobacco,
feap ano candfos, cod fifh and butter, a few
ba rels cf w rice fome tacon and hams ; a
quantity of ufeful earthen ware, fcch at bowls,
mugs, bak ; rg dishes, & c. haedktrehiefs,
floe kings, and ready msdc fhi ts; ccarfe aid
fine thread y buckles, knives razors, feiffors,
tec p^per : ink ponder, ard Englift quills;
cheft and pad 1 cks, filb hooks,
cotton with many other articles, for cab,
on rcafanabic terms.
. Savannah, 29th Nov. 1779.
Colin M‘Lachlart
HAS for file, at the flora lately occupied by
Mr. William Duguid, in Johnfon?*
Square, and next acor to Mr. Fatio’s, the un
tfer mentioned articles, forcafh, or foch other
payments &s may be agreed to;
B/aad ani hunters Dolland’s tclcfcopcs;
cloths, ‘ -2, 3. ar.d 4 quire rul-
Worsted (has r, td account books;
Ruff” milled (.-laidipg, Orderly bo ks,
Flannel under jackcta Quarto meurnirg and
faced coiamo* paper ;
Periled and thread Quills, wax, inkoow
hofc, der, and flitet;
Soldiers rufflrd fhijts, Anticiprtion, a late
Serjeants ditto, piodufilioß;
Overalls, * The Ducnca,aesmtek
Military fines, op eras--
Waxed leather ditto, Keppel’S Trial,
Sti chcd and bound do. Fine smoking tobacco,
A few calamanco ditto, Jamaica ram by la-ge
A few pairs English andfmallquaniities,
boots, - \ Madeira and (berry
Coarse ha*s, \j nwine by the dozen
Buck (kin ‘gloves, v and gallon,
Wash leather ditto, Shrub,
Shaving pewder, Excellentfouchong tea
Ditto boxes with soap for breakfcfl,
and brush, Best ccffee,
Henry VIII. and Mer- P jwder’d fugatinbage,
ry Andrew .playing Best mufeovado ditto,
cards, % Bl:ck perrer,
Compliment ca r da, Salt and Molasses, &c.
N. B. He begs the favour of those who owe
him for dealing* he e, or-elf-where, to as
soon as their conve ience wil! p< flihly admit,
that he may beerabLd todifi.-herge an • demands
Bga>nft him &i>d carry on bufii'efs to his ,?nd
she fjtis r adtion cf those weiiwiihersHv ho render
him their orders. .
1 - . . . .
70 BE SOLD, on TteofJay ikt 21 y? December uextp
at the fu'/criber'j bou/e,
SUNDRY EFFECTS belong ng to tht E
flateef Capt. John Simpflia, of the Geor
gia Loealifti, de‘e<fed, corfifling of weqiing
anyarcl. books, Sec All persons Indebted 10
said estate are desired to make irrm'diate F*y-
Rent, and those having a- maads agninft (he
fome to give in their acconma, proper! attest.
ed, to MARTIN JOLLIE, Admr.
Savannah, Nov. n, 1779
THE fubferiber interring to leave thi* -pro
vince in ash -rt time, requests all persons
-indebted to him to fettle their accou nt* other
wise the law will be put iir fore* again ft h m j
and those to whom he is indebted &re desired tm
b ing in tfccir dccounri and receire pevment.
ALL perfor,s indebted to WILA.IAM and
WARD T. w I F.*. IR and Cos. arc requeued tod if.
cha-ge theT me immediately, t hole wno do
net avdl themf Ives cf tr*i notice will foe 4
with ut diftir.dion, as no longer icduljgencrftSH.
Lb granted■
ALEX. M‘GCUV, Afting Copartner.
Savannah, 23d Nov. 1779.
L O S~T y
LAUNCH. Whoever finds her. ani
gives information of the fame to Mn M’Far
lane near the Mailset-pUe, (hall have four dol
lars reward.
TO EE SOLD, en Monday tie tjti of December next ,
pART f the PERSONAL EHIA.EuI Clvm*:4
* Miitin sea. dcceafol, configingvf Ntgir*e. The
conditions will be made known or ti*e Havof fale
Some Feather Beds, with
Bcifters, Pillows, &c. to he fold. Enquire es
the printer. .
% j\ LL perfoas indebted to the Estate of Adam
Henderson, deceased, are desired to make
imined ate payment, olherwife their bo:.ds,
rotes, and accounts, will be put into the hards
of an Attorney at Law to be faed for without
diftinflion ; and those having demands agsiaft
said Estate aye desired to fend them in, properly
attested, to V z . T r ~ 7
rpHE following BLANK FORMS muy be had at
the P.intirir-Office, v lz . Ltafes, Rsleafer, aid
RsDvncia:isrbf Djwer; Writ., B ndi of Arbi
tration, Btlfo oPSirfe, Powers of Attorney, Mort
gages, Apprentices and Servants Indenture*, Bill*
ts Lading, Sensed Article-, Indico Ce tifi atesj
Su-nmorfos, Executions, .Warran tu, and Attack
meats, for Maglfiratcs.
APEREON wlo has been used to befinefs,
ard writes a good hand, ii defiron* to un
dertake transcribing andengroffing deeds or o
ther papers for aay one who may have occasion
to employ him in that branch. A line direded
tO M? v D^ a , tM7 - Plt,t ’*’ T *7brh Savannah,
will be duly attended to.