The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, December 16, 1779, Image 2
the fences round my fields, ‘aW upon the plantation adjoining Tbaider wit have been of lata frequently thrown downs *Wnftnl ilhdifpeled per fobs, anddr •pretence pf viewing the cattle advertised in this paper the lath of left Month, and by that means I have loft part of my flock whifch were within theje NOTICE la hereby given, thlt I,am determined tq prosecute such ofead •in future with the otntoft- severity, the road to the pliMatfoa being well known to all the late trafpafleri, and were ignorance could not fupppfe It would take to much/dilmtcrefted trouble to fare the property of ethers, (which 4 the dr livery of many cattle to the chimera free jtfedl txptnet will prove) for Inch ungrateful re tuxna, and the certain loss of ntv own. JOHN MULLRYNB. Bonaventore, the 13th Dec. 1779. •. h’ fwall drag fee timber, which thj French left at_Mri.Bowen’;, is resnoved to the ihid plantatiba. If the owner will go tbrtmgk the gait likt mm bonifi ham he may have it. ’~yOHN~TUNNO~ HAS for (ale. A large and complete AfTort mentof European and Eaft-dndia Goods, which he will difpoie bf for cash or bills of ex change j also Ruth by the hogihead, and Spa aifh Sugar, by the chest. * N. B. The lain of the fchqener Tweed and ; Jlrop St. Antonia it off. WHEREAS many Horses belonging to the different Departments of the Army hard Brayed, and bees loft, during the hre siege, and the scarcity of Horfet for fate in this neighbour hood aaakes it difficult to replace them, all ptr fons therefore who are willing to difpoie of Horses or Mules, or fad die, are re qnetted to bring or fend them to Major Prefer, Afting Deputy Qoartermafter-General at Sa- Sanuah. and he will purchase and pay ready teney for them. T O B E S O L D, A B O A Ti With masts, fails, and oars, fit for a privateer, -pad will answer for a large vessel, having a Well In the middle to lift anchors. She may be seen alongside the fcheoner Lady^Parker. IT7HERKAB there are many Very poor dis ? ,yf tressed people, who, by the calamities pf war, have beeh redaced to the nec> City of coming to the tour# pf Savannah, nrd who are real obje£li of charity, and as the afual means offubfifting the poor in this province cannot at E refeat take effeA, jt is thCiefors hoped the umane and benevolent will contribute their mite towards clothing the nake&aad feeding the hungry; and such f s are fy (reneroufly dis- Cfcd are requested to pay the fame to the Rev. r Tonkins, the Rev. M . Stuart, or the Rev; Mr. Zubljr, who will aiftribute the fame with that attention the rcfpt&ivt wants of the con cerned make neceflary, The Subscriber has for Sale,*- Best Mess Pork and Beef in Tierces n- . - COLIN M'LACHI AN. /N purfuanct ts a Writ of Attachment to tbt Pro vo/ Marjbal of tbt province 1/Georgia, in the several caujts under .mentioned, dire Bed, I bent attached in the rtfpeßivt eattftt the property and tf ftßtfollowing, vix. John Simpson 1 J Lot or Pirtel of tana in vtr/us > the ttwn of Savannah, in the John Houfteun. J parijb ts Chrifi-Churcb, in tbt province ts Georgia, containing 90 feet fyoart, be tbt fame more or Uft, which feud lot or parcel it ad- Joining m lot of the Hon. John Graham, iff; and Jamtt Chapman. John Simpfow 1 A Plantation or Traß of verfns - > Land, containing by efiima- Wahon and Telfair. J lion 500 acres, he tbtfame hart or left, commonly called Sabine Fields, in the parijb ts Chrifi-Churcb. t ho-lb red 1 Jt Plantation in two trails, vtrfut > containing by efiimatnu 160 b Stephen Deane J acres ts land, more or Uft, in tbt difiriß ts Little Ogecbte, in the parijb ts Chrifi- Churcb , adjoining tends of the late Bemetid Btnr fara, George DAegal, and Edward Delegal, and tiet on the north branch of Little Ogechee Tt*utT j and also a Tovar Lot in Savannah, 6© feet in front and ho. feet in depth. formerly occupied by Philip Minis, aid adjoining Gtrjbon Cohen't lot. j* . If'Goan end others Two Plantations, in thru .verfns , trails, containing by tfiima- Charles Myddelton. lion 1500 acres, more or William T clfair and left, about fix miles from others North Newport /ridge, ly- Vtrfut ’ing itt tbt parijbes of St. The (ante, - _ John and St, Andrew, for- Storr and Riad ‘ nurly the tfintt of William vtrfut . Jones, dtciajtd \ also ano- The fame. ■ tber Trod of 300 octet, more or Uft, near Sanbury, in the parijb ts St. John, lately occupied by Arthur Carney. If'G oan and Others 1 A Plantation nr Trad of vtrfut. > Land, containing by tfiitma* David ttugueoea. •) rise 330 acres, more or left, in tbt parijb of St. Philip , wberttn defendant lately resided, adjoining lands of ——. —- M’Goua and others ) 4 Plantation or ... vtrfut >Parcel if Lana, eon. Adam - Fowler Brilbane. j triming by tflimation Same J 750 cures, more or Vtrfut . > l/s, in tbt parijb ts ~ Same. Philip, adjoining lands of Shew Butler and Jamtt Maxwe-l; .also a. nhtber Plantation or Parcel of Lands, containing bp a efi motion Joo acres, more or Ufs, in the parijb of Chrifi-Churcb, dtfir’td of Liftlt Ogecbte, adjoining lindt of tbt late John M‘ Lean. ld'Goua and others 1 A Lot or Parcel of Land _ virjut >at Yamacraw, containing Chifolm and Wife. J by efiimathnlQf fett/quart, snort nr left, in tbt parijb of Chrifi-Churcb, adjoin ing lands 0/ Dr Zuhly . If *Goun and otheis i A Plantation or, Traß ts •Virjut t Land containing by tfitma •Sbem Ba ler., J ti*n 3;o acres, more or lift, Graham and another “iin the parijb of St Philip, vtrfut > adjoining lands of Adam , Shem Builer. , J Fowler Brijbatu; and also another Plantation or Trad of Land, containing by efiimaiion 500 acres, more or Uft in tbt parijb a fort/aid, whereon tbt defendant formerly r,filed, and near Fort ArgyU. M'Goun and others 1 A Plantation or Parcel vtrfitt 5> of Lands, containing by if- ThOmas Savage. . > timation ,©o ac r es, more or Uft in tbt parijb of Cbrtfi-Cburtb. on Great Oge tbft river, called tbt Point Plantation, adjoining lands of Joftpb and William Gibetas j and also ano tber Plantation or Parte! of Land,., containing 750 aertt,-more or Uft, io theparijb of St Philip, called Starling t Bluff, adjoining binds of James Mac lay, Storr ard.Ri'd j A Plantation pr Pared of , f i***d, containing by efi/mation William Baker. \ 500 acres, more or left, on the northern branch of Midway river, in the parijb of St. John, near lands of John Baker Storr and itied 1,4 Plantation or Pared of , y* 1 /**,. ‘ f Land, containing by eftimatien Dmlel Sul.'ivant. > 300 acres, more or left, in tbt parijb of. St. Andrew , adjoining land) of Stephen WtUitmu and 7 homos ‘nUivaat. , Grahanl and another ) A Plantation or pared ” f Land, containing by ts. Joseph Clay. J timation 500 acres, more or Uft,, tn tbs parijb of Chrifi-Churcb, ou the foutb wtfi read leading to Bryan's Cuwfien, and about three miUs/rom SacbevtrtPs Old Field; also an un improved Town Lot in Savannah, in the parijb of Cbrifi Church, containing 60 feet front and 90 feet in depth, and lung .ppofite a Ut of Janus Haber- Jbam s; and also another Lot or Parcel ts Ground at 7 amacraw, on the Bay, containing 2CO feet front, and 500 feet in. depth, more or Uft, formerly occupied by Robert Wat is, dectnfed. Storr and Ricd 1 A Plantation or Parcel of I m. I amM ’ tonidining by efiimati- James Haberlham.) on 1500 acres, more or Uft, Graham k another ‘i in the parijb ts Cbrifi- V . \ Clmrcb faded SiH Hope, J adjoining lands tfjofctb Ha berjham and Frakeis Harris; also a Lei in the Towi of Savannah, tout aiming 60 feet from and 180 sett ta depth, tntre or Ufs, whereon defeat nod formerly rtjided; and aljt another Lot in Savannah, contain.r ,n i sOfeei m depth and 60 feet inf, tm, formerly the property ts ~ Farley, d.ceafed, fronting the eafi common, and formerly in tbt occupation of John Lihh • Uafione, Ejg. Hooftoun 1 Bart of a Town Lt in Sn verfts > vanuah, containing 45 feet in John ha'Cluer. J /rent and go feet in depth, more or left, formerly the property of Cbriftopbtr Ring; 4**thir Let of L**d 4u Tdmacratv, im thi parijb of Chrifi-Churcb, cent aiming go feet front and 100 feet in depth, more or Ufs, adjoining tbt benft formrlytfcnpied by Mojes Nuntx, and nearly oppofith a bohft lately ttcupitd by John Wereat. Storr and Ried ) A Plantation or Traß of Land, vtrfus . * combining by efiimation coo acres, James fctewart. J more or ftfs, near Midway Meet */St ’ Jti9s U H riKin & U * t ldack ay, Bfq;\ A Plan!a flop ir ffmß ts Lnitih vtrfus [cent nit ing by. ifiimaiicg 5c o acres. John Wereat. ‘more dr less id the parijb tfCbrifiL. Church on Great Ogecbte rimer, adjoining Unit granted Jamtt Mackey. EJq. Storr and Ried, “J A Lot of Land in Savaity verjju , . Ivab /aid to be the property Survivars Raes, El sos Samuel Elbert, contaiu bert, and Gfaham. J ing 60 feet in front and 90 fiet in depth, lying betvettn lots ts John Richards and /John Lyots. V\ Hrwat \ A Lot nf Land in Savannah, • N vtrfut ‘ , ysntaining go Jeet Jroat and too Edward Telfair./ set deep, mere or Uft, on tba Bay, adjoining the lot lately occupied by Philip Moore; .and also a Plantation in Cbrifi.Chnreb pa rijb, called Sabine Fields containing too acres ts land, more or Uft , dsfjoining lands ts Dr. Znbly. Hewat & \ A Plantation or Pared £ > vtrfut Jof Land in it. Philip's Adam-FewUr Brilbsne.) parijb, containing 756 aertt, more or less, adjoining lands of Janus Mans well ; and another Plantation or Parcel of Land, id tbt -diftriß of. £1 ft It Ogecbte, parijb of Cbrifi Church, containing 800 acres more or Uft, adjourn, ing'lands ts tba late John M Ltan r Together with alt the dwelling- boitfti, buildings , hereditaments, rights, members, *aud appurtenances , * thereunto fever ally and rtfpeMivtly belonging and etp- P>rt aiming, the properly of tbt several defendants a bove named, .bit, her, or their heirs and ajjtgns for ever, eu it it /aid : Wherefore every ptrjon and pet fons claiming ibejatnt, or any part or pared thereof, frave hereby notice to appear in bit Majtfift General Court in Savannah, nt the return of tht ajmjaid writs, on Ttufday the ftvepth day ts December, to Jhtw tanje why the said premijn. attached as afore faid fiottld not be aJjuOgtd the property ts and be longing to tbt befhrt named rejpeßivb defendants anJ abjeut debtors. P HAWKINS, AB ing Provofi Marjbal, December a, 1779. IkssowsiuwsetAtsswsmtxts* SAVANNAH, December 16. IN confequeace of a report having been lately propagated, and Induftrionfly circulated, in Charieftown, that Gen. Prevail had provide sot the security of womca and Children during the siege of Savannah, the pnblick may he convinced how far that report has any founa datioh in truth by rending the following letters: ” Camp, Savanhah, 6th Oft. 1779. “SIR, ” I AM persuaded your Excellency will do me the justice that, in defending this place and the army committed to my care, I fulfil wkpt is due to honour, and duty to my Prince. “Sentiments of a different kind occafton the 11. berty of now addreffiag myfelf to yeur Excel, lency ; they nre those of humanity. The housed of Savannah are occupied solely by women sad children ; fcveral of them have applied to aw that I may reqneft the favour you would allow them to embark ou board a ffiip and go dewb the river, under the prouftiou of your'a, until this bufineis is decided. ” If this requifltiou you are so good to grant “P, “ lfe children, with u few fervautsi ihtll be the firft to profit by the iodulgenct. ** ± J* T „ e *°*onr te be, with proper fefaeft, your Excellency's meft uhcdieht and very hnmble fervact, it* w t ‘^A.PRIVOST* “, His Excellency the Count d’fiftaing.’* U Cam P lf Savannah, OAabCr 6th, 1779. “SIR, //y . ** W ®, * r persuaded that year Excellency knnws all that your duty preferibes—perhaps your seal hat already Uterfered with yor judg d'Eftaing, in his own name* **j 1 t 0 ‘hat you would be personally and sloas refpanfiblt for the confebuences of yo M robftmacy.—The time which yoa informed Jim, to the comm* cement of the siege, won id 1 5? ceira fJ r f ®r the •nautemeat of articles in cluding the different orders af men ia yaur town had no other objeA than that of receiving fucceur.—Sack boaiuß,Sir,is fufficieht te forbid every rotercoarfe between as which might occa of time—befide*. in the pre lentapplicution; latent rearobs may again exist —there are military ones which in frequent in. ftaaces have prevented the indulgence you re- U e n^iet ** tc the aufta. “Vi o'’ 0 '’ fanftwaj—and we deplete the fats •f those pcrfoas who will b the vidias of roar