The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, December 16, 1779, Image 3
£-ndu&, aad tat delusion which appear* to jtre vail in year mind. y ** with refpeA, Sir, your Excel lency’i moil obedient servants, “ B."LINCOLN* > “ EStAING. ** His Excellency Msjar General Prevoft.’* :^ -■ -—— - , *’ ■ A> C*. ~f i 9 y ** paragraph t> a South Carolina paper, of De cember sd, dated Williamsburg, Virginia, Novem ber 13th, fays 44 We are informed from urqaefti •aable authority, that seven French Wipe of the line, of the Squadron of Count d’Estaing, are to winterja the harbours of this state, in order to protest our coafta front any attempts of the enemy 3 two of these Clips are already arrived at Hampton, and mote are in light { one of them, the Pendant, hat on board aoo invalids, cenfifting partly of lick, and partly of tbole who were woaoded at Savannah.” The fame paper contains the following adfertife ments 1 “ Augujia , in the Slate of Georgia, Novem -44 her 4, 1779. Whereas, from the invafie% of the 44 State by the enemy in December last, the absence ” of many of the member* elected to reorefont the 44 different counties in tbe Hotifh of AAembly for “ the prfelent year, with other unavoidable causes, ** fevaral ineff.ftual attempts have been made to con •* vatse a legaT Ifaulb or Reprefeatatives : And 44 whereat it ia efential to the welfare and happi -44 nefs of the State that a legal and cooftitutionsl “ H >ufe of Aflembly Ihould be convened at fooit as 4 * polTiblei We do therefore earocflly recommend to “ iu.h af the citiaeot of this State at have preserved ” their the canfe of America, and we e ” inhabitants of the counties of Chatham, liberty, 44 Glynn, and Effingham, prior to the re ** duftioe of these counties by the Britiih forces, to *• repair to fach place within thia State at to them Ihall appear fate and convenient; on the fi>d 44 Tutfday ia December next, (that being the day * 4, appointed by .the Conflitution for a General Elec .** tien throughout the State, in order to cleft proper 44 per(ons to represent those counties in the General'’ 44 Assembly for the ensuing year, that a full, free, 44 and equal representation may be had to proceod on 44 bufineft of the utmost importance to the commu -44 nity : And it ia the opinion of this Board, that 44 thia town will be the mod eligible place in the pre ** Tint situation of afaira for the meeting cf the As -44 frmby, which will be oa the firft Tuesday in J -44 nua ty next, agreeable to the Conlitution of tWe 44 State. My eritr of tbe Board. JOHN WERE AT, Fre(idnt.”---[ Yok may meet at your appointed time and plate, but, unlcfs you Are very expeditious in go ing through your hufinefs, you may probably be obliged to adjourn to fame other part, as it is not expelled you •will feel Hold enough to waif for your friends coming to pay their ref pells to you ] . *_*„ “Qo Friday next, (he toth December, will be fold, at the houft formerly occupied by Count Fu laflri, several valuable articles of genteel boufehold furniture, late the property of Edward Fenwicke. Also, at the fame time and place, will be fold, run. (Sty articles of furniture, late tha property of Tho mas Frntricke. HOPSON PINCKNEY, ShlT, Cht Did.” r Lad Saturday was married; Dr. Simuel Beeercftj lo Miss Elizabeth-Ann Bowen, daughter f Mr. Samuel Bowen, deceased. . On Tuesday lad a Court of Srlfion of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery began to fie holden here before the H-m. Anthony Srokee, Esq; Chief Judice, and the Han. Martin Jollie, E:q. Assistant Judge. Dies.] Miss Sally Martin. Cornot Colin M - Bean, of the Light Dragoon*. * . i—mnmm #. r _ Mr. Printed, A paragraph in yeurlift paper men tions n match to ha run between two herfes, on Mon day next, for 50 guineas. As it ts totally without foundation, the ptrfen at whose r.queft it was pyrin your paper ia desired in future to have matter* afeer tained befo.e he annexes Gentlemen* names to them. * CHARLESTOWN, (South-Carolim) Dec. 3. A FINE body of continental troops,’ being part of the reinforcement from Virginia, have arrived here since oar lad. A much greater number are Ihortly cxpeAed. There are now, it it said, upward* of ixoo Britons and Germans, foldiera and sh lorr, pri foncra of wdr, ia the Sidles gaol ia Philadel phia. To tbe Author of 44 Thoughts on the lata Siege of Savannah.’* jA WRITER al leifute it certainly inexcusable in advancing any thing to publick view of a dark, an uncertain, or dubious meaning. Some of your 44 Thoughts” for lsd week are of this nature, and require fame illustration. To attribute a fsnfe pf honour, duty, and conscience, to weuters of the e veut, ia order to decide vebat part te take, per foes of no principle or eftablifced way of thinking, and to Affirm that a set of men in tha line* of Savaanah be- liavod with great propriety; aad acquired liAieg fte pour, during the late siege. and at fame timesfleH* that it wit not certain beyoud the possibility of the contrary that there was not a .man in the 1 ino# that bad not rather been in the camp of threnemy, mud be either paradexes or apparent contradictions. The med exceptionable paragraphs are those of tbe locood columa of tho Gstette, that begin, fa the and eth end end in the eyih lines froth tho tap . And that other 1 * thought they bad fuffetent reasons to remain at borne, of •whom tt-u not at all impossible that feme only waited f%th* mentis deetde what part in honour, duty, and conscience, they bad heft take in so critical circumftan - ces. Principle in mankind ie so nearly allied to ho nour, duty, and coufcienee,-that in mr opinion the tatter cart not properly exid without the former. That there ate people pofltfisd of various principles, ftm* of which *’# diametrically oppofm u each othar, and Siasy poff.ffrd of no principle at all, are truths in- by ihoft m the lead acquauitad with hu mtn nature, and the cor.dud of a gieat part of man. kind in thia age. Therefore the waiters of the event, the time-servert f that mean to fail in with the victorious party of whattver denomination, caonot certainly be afluated by any fix:d principle, and; ftriflly fpeakmg, muff be totally dedituto of a duo lenlo nf duty, and cor feience. v 44 Tbe Militia on affual service during the siege in general behaved w:tb great propriety ; officers and met acquired lafttng honour, yet, there were a few that went over to tie enemy, font that were impatient of military rule and reft ramt.” These are indif P utble flits, but as you bave undertaken to givefome ac count of the condrta of the Militia on thia occsfi n, it ought to be neither imperfea nor partial. You might with equal t-uth and judice have continued the detail, and given fume account of ibnfe.rhat went camtrtonly by the appellation of SKULKERS. Os these there were miny who could not on any ration be prevailed pon to JW tbe fatigue and danger wttbotherv. Them mo.e flutter* .hit feig.ed rherafelves fi k; -them we-e Jkulkers ihit inhabited deep cellars ; there were fiulktr* that took refuge in deni and caves under the B.uff and at Yamecrawi there were Jkulkers that dispersed themfelvet among 1 Slipping in the river and upon HutchtnfW* 111- andj there war tfkulkegp that availed themfelvet of a preteace of being prifoneN, but in faA were waiters • Os the event, in order to pay their court to and attach themUlves to any power that (heuld prevail. At matter* and aod dtiring the siege those men wert certain - 7 * grievance amongd us j their conduft was therefore naturally the fobj.-ft of many irurmur. ,n B , councils, and conventions; n the lines, when it was ftequently in sgitaticn *0 bunt them out cf their lutkmg placer, and tem; el them to aA the part of good citif.ns ana member* of the community 1 bnt !•* however was objeAed to and over-ruled! forthta fiibdar.tial reafoo, thatfuch peifons could be eonfiJered in no other light than as notorious coward*, and therefore wete better abf-ot from tbe linee, at their presence might.* all probability corupt .tber*. and rnfeA them wnh cowardice. * The above defeription of men within tbe line*’ together with those tha,t lodged in fwamys and thick els, and the tuaiters of the event ia various parts of the country, amounted to a numerous and ißufiriont body, far superior to the 3,0 militia, of all denomi, nations, that nobly braved all danger w the lines, and set the much bonfled and pretended irrefift.ble power ©f their implacable adverftriee at defiance. • Bit the in ill remark able of all yoUr 44 Thoughts ** and what hat alaimed maayperfons, are the follow ing words, which you are particularly called upon to explain : they are at least only capable of a double “ Andit iinti beyond the pojfihthty oj the contrary, that there was net a “ or workr that had not rather have 44 been in the camp of the enemy.” L t An OFFICER. Savannah, 14th December, 1779. t *- TE/’HEREAS, dbring the late siege of the * hewn of Savannan, a great many Herfes in the Qjartcrmafter-General’a Depart jneat were kilted, end many f yu out of the lines and were stolen and left: AMD WHERE AS e connderablc dumber of Horfet ere imme diately wanted to replace fuck as have been loft: Therefore all perfoes are required to aid and assist hit Majesty’s fervtce in this particular, aad W brin# into tosye forthwith all the.Horfta which they ,caa possibly spare, and deliter them jo. plijor Fraser, the Deputy Quartermaster- Genera l , end, for which they will be paid the full value in taih: And Notice if hereby given. That, on failere thereof, the law* la such cases made and proyided will be enforced. . By Order of his Excellency the Governor] ft’ ‘ a k D ’ E * BA< i K > Dap. See. Savaanah, 16th Dec. 1779. p AW AWAV from the fubferjber, A Nfi- IV GRO MAN, named Htrckles, about t yea’ra of age, ibort and well made, speaks goad EogHih, had ea oxnabriga jacket aad troyvfers, and is well known about town ; it it imagined he is harboured by negroes abeut Mr. Kiacaid’a plaautien. Whoever takes him up, and deli ver* him at the Printing-Ofice, (hall ke reward d JAMES JOHMSTON. ft’- T> ‘ ~ ‘ft* ‘ •*? 4 , Rio* the L ON& O X G A • T £ V VitttM h4l l s July The the REFUGEES in England tohia MAJESTY. ■V^ESTSRDAY the -Following Addrcih Wal t 1 presented to hi* Majesty by Sir WilHant Peppe&U, Bare, being introduced by the Lord of hi* Majefty** Bedchamber in Waiting: Which Addrels hit Majesty wa* plcafed to receive very gracioully. - A%-. -’ “ “ •' 1 ‘ . • 4 . Te tbe KING's Moft Excellent Majc/y. # j \ AT this important period, when your Ma jefty’s arms era engaged in reclaiming year re volted fubjeAs in America, aad in repelling the combined and unprovoked attempts of France aad Spain, we your Majefty** fubjeAt, who from yoor Colonies have taken refuge in Great- Britain, beg leave to approach the Thiono with heart* and lives devoted tojrour Majefty*# Perfe# end Government, and. to offer our unfeign* #d thank* for those unparalleled exertions’ which yonr Majesty has been pleased to make for the relief and proteAion of yonr sfaithful Colonial fubjeAs t And, notwith(landing your Majefty’a arm* have net beee at.ecdcd with eli the eff ft which thofp exertion* promised, and from which occasion has been ukta to raise an indiferimi nate charge of. difaffeAion ip the Colonifti, we beg leave, hme of ea from our ewn knowledge; and others from thp belt information, to affurd your Majesty, that the greater number of your fubjeAs in the Confederated Colonies, nct withftanding every art to reduce, every device to^intimidate, and a variety of oppressions to compel them to abjure their Sovereiga, enter tain the ilrmaft attachment and allegiance to your Majdty*s sacred Person and Government. In support of those truths, We need not aps peal to our own fufferings j it is notorious that we have faerificad all which tbe moft loyal fabt jaAs could forego, or thehappieft could poflefs: But, with confidence, we appeal to the ftrugglea nude agaiaft the nfurpatiena of the Congrcfs, by coutlter refolvcs in very large diftriAs of the douatry, and to the unfucceUful attempts by bedie* of the loyal in arma, which have subjec ted them te ell the rigours of inflamed refent ment;—we appeal to the fafterings of multi tudes, who, for their loyalty, have beea fubv jeAed to infiltt, fines, and imprifoaments, patiently endpring all. i* tbe expeAation of that period wh ch (ball reflote to them the bles sings of your Majefty’a Govern meat;-—we appeal to the thoqfandi now ferviag in your Majsfty’e armies and in private fttips of war, the former exceeding in number the troops inltfted to op pose themfinally, we mak£ a,melancholy ap peal to the maay families who have been ed from their once peaceful habitations; to tho publick forfeiture of a long lift of cfta’ei ; and to the numerous executions of our fellow citi zens who have sealed their loyalty with their blood. . , r If any cdlony or diftriA, when covered or poftefled by your-tTOops, had bqea called upon to take arms, and haid refufed 1 or if aay at* tempt had been made to forth the loyal as mi* litia, or etharwiie, and it had bedn declined, w# fttould not Os thia occafiop have prefamed that to addiefs your Majesty; but if, on tho cohtrary, no general measure te the above ef feA was attempted, if petitions from bodies ot your Majefty't fubjeAs, who withed to rife in aid of Government, have been hagleAed, aad the raprefentationi of the moft rcfpeAablo loy •lift* disregarded, we aflure earihlvet, that tho eqeity and wisdom of your Majefty’l mind will net.admit of Mt impreflions injurious to thf honour and loyalty of your faithful fubjeAs in those Colonies. , . . Revering and firmly attached “to the Bririflt Conftitu turn, which it has been tbe glorv of your Majesty’s family to ftcengthen, and of your reign to improve, we.lament tbe infetea tiff of fiseb of our fellow fubjeAs in America! whoraAing .open diftrent principles, or do uded by their have thrown aiide their, jest allegiance, and cast themielvet upon the aftftance of the ancient enemy of their country, liberties and religion j an nlliance which may enflavp, bnt never can eftablifls the happinefd of your Colofifts. Animated with these fend* toents, we fnpplicate the fupreue Difpofur of Events to crown yoer Majesty ’$ endeevonra with n success proportioned to the righteousness of yofir caufc; to fruftnMgp Aw ambitious defigna of your enemies, gad finally to reftere to your Majfty*s fubjeAs in America that auMgovern- Ea* wki f‘. tl, q l <*( (•* felicity. (Signed with iol namaa.j