Newspaper Page Text
’ * ‘ “ ‘ ‘ Y -
,Icg for btißi fucctflitj, %ti the fmilci cf Hunt Oil
your proceedings and persuasions; believe that
American at fixed at fate,- and iter
currency and ‘credit firmer than the cliltf of Britairj
•but remember that the CongreTt felemnly declarer,
■tbai; n four year! lime, they teatraAcd a debt of
two hundred, and that, in the fame (pare of time,
nil the taxei have brought into the Treasury no more
than aboet three millionth Bo 3ft of if, that the peo
-,j>le cf the United Stae* 44 meji faltmnly pledged to
„ dOeh other their LIVES and FUR fUHMM, and their
■Jdcrtd HO HOUR. tVae ever confederation more fo
lemti or explicit f” And in . fappuct of ail this they
two hundred millions it debt, and finely-. noft
ceneroufly, virtaoufty and patriotically, provided a
boot three in part of payment!
‘ Tbua mtreb for poblick spirit, justice, aadpatri-
Olifm, under thy article of payment and provision to
difthargo the pubiick debt. The loans mhde to the
Kate* by wili bn the heft proof of publick
.virtue and confidence $ theft that neither pey nor
Jend can have no great claims to either. Where
money can be obtained neither by loans or tagts the
state tr.uft be ia the left ftageof conlumution, and the
greater the advantages are that are cffeied to Und
ers, and the frraller the fum* treived by the borrow
era, the nearer mull ljf the dlfiVlution of the hole.
’ The monies lent BEFORE Match 1, 1778, had
’ this tempting,ad vantage, that the intend was pay
able ia Prance ; there must be f*e cause for it, of
which the mi ft 1 atural Lents to the interest
was not well paid } 4\it ( is that-thia whole Kan
amount* only to 7,545,136. Since that time there
wa* an altcatiori the interest became pay
able in Philadelphia. This was certainly m-"e dif
advanlayecus to the lenders, money in France
Would command goods faleable at an immenfc ad
vance) yet in a third of the time the loans amounted
to nearly four times the lame rum, f„r which I can
bffign no other reason than that the holders <?f it
could not get any thing better for it than Lean Office
certificates, though theft luffeted a veiy large dis
count from the very time they were emitted. They
lent 26,188,909. It now a!fi> irconttfl.bly appears,
that, while all America fuutifhed only 33 millions
by loam, foreigners did not put a Argil’ Jfiilling in
the American fund*, the reafm of which, when it
if cot fidered that Amen** pays heavier interest thin
any other hare, it irfliiflibly plait., and proves how
much tbofe imposed upon the publick who gave out
shat the Dutch and ethers had vrfted very large capi
tals in the continental (locks. Thus much for credit
from foreigners. There is no balance (buck in this
account, but iufpeftioa will convince every min that
n the day of its date there was not a single (hilling
in the trcafu>y. The nation Ametica contend* wnh
is laid to pofffefs no more than beiweeu 20 and 30
£ millions in gold and filvrf'; Come do not pi ff fs so
much in copper; the future money of B-itaiu is said
\ ** to be in Peru and Indofan,” which} as Spanilh
/ dollars art very plenty, is not at all improbable. I
believe the future money cf America does not now
exist in Peru t>r tndnftaa, and, as they exprefa it,
44 this money will remain with them” when gold and
silver may have wings and fly away. They fav,
V the depreciation of currency has so fu elled the price
of every necejfary article, and of confluence madefucb
additions to the usual amount of expenditures, that very
covfiderable supplies mufl be immediately provided by
loans and taxes.” Is not this a on it formal confetfion
that their urney is of little or no valar ; that even
of this money, depreciated as it is, theie is none in
thetreafuryj and that, m left cuufiderable fgppiies
>re immed’ately provided by loans and taxes, inde
pendency must be given up, anuniverfal binkiuptey
take place, the Congress di(Live, and tlm child un
born rue the day whenftj.sration from England way
decreed, a.treaty with France entered into, the offers
of Oreat-Britain Lqiufully rej.Aed, and evtry fne
cie* of miftry eftablifted on the rums of the belt sys.
tern of government and happiest connexion.
Whether any HFot ts by loans or taxes can prevent
or long retard these d.fimble or dreaded con/cqueaces
may be a fuhjeA of enquiry in f. me future paper}
meanwhile the prefens is fuhmined to ft ins eonfi.
deration. NON QUIS SED QUID.
WHEREAS evil disposed people, in go
ing up and down Savannah River, have
made a practice of trefpsfiiagon theplan .a-ionof
Mr. Kincaid, abfentfrom the province,
and on Friday the 3d instant, in the evening,
broke open the dwelling house thereon, carried
away a mahogany double chest of drawer*,
chairs, and other furniture, hi so took the fa9te*
out of the Windows; this is therefore to fqrbid
impairing in future, and to offer a reward of
five pounds for difeovering and convifiiag any
of the offenders; and aa there mult be purChaf
cr* of fuck goods in and about town, it be
hooves them to make it known how they came
by them, otherwise they may depend on being
prosecuted upon their being difeovered. Infor
mation ia requefled to be given to the printer,
-*■ 1 ■■ M ‘ —..
70 BE SOLD , on Monday the %yth of December next,
pART of the PERSONAL ESTATE *f Clement
* Martin fen* deceased, confiding of Negroes. The
conditions will be mad* knWn on the day of ftlc.
i sth. Hoy. LEWlfi JOHNSTON,)„
. 1??#. CEOftOR BAILLIE,) Execr **
\Y’ \ *
My bis'Excelimey Sir JAMES WRIGHT, Baronet,
Captain-General, Governor, and Commander in
Cbtef, bis Majesty's Province cf Georgia, Chats
tiller, Vice-Admiral, and Ordinary of Use fame,
pU HEREAS, by an aft 1 * intitled, ** An Aft to
*’ prevent; at much as ftiay be, thfr spreading
“ of (he Smallpox in this Province/’ it ia, smongft
other things, eusfted, thar, from .and after the eighth
day of April nrft ensuing the imfling of the faiAaft,
** if any perfen whatever within thia province Ihall
“ inoculate or ingraft, or cause to be inoculated or
“ ingrafted, the disease or diftenter commonly cal •
“ Jed the smallpox, in .or upon him, her, or them
“ falser, their family or flares, or in or upon any
“ other perfen or persona whatever,” (except ai
therein after excepted) “ or (hall wilfully or know
“ il!, B*y inflift,.nr cauft to be it flifted, the said dis
“ ease or distemper, or (h.Il use any aft? device, or
“ contrivance whatsoever, or ihall willingly or
v “ knowingly do any aft, matter, or thing, by
“ which, 01 by reafcn whereof, tbeinfrftion of the
** 4*'d disease or distemper may be infltfted upon,
“ given to, or received by him, her, or tbemfelves,
“ their family or (laves, or any other person or per*
V f® n, whatsoever, within (he province as aforefaid,
“ or which, or by reason whereof, the infeftinn
“ °* the said disease or distemper may be spread or
4 ‘ communicated to any person or perfont whatsoever
“ within (be fame, then, and in every, such case, e
“ very person who (hall offend in any of the premi>
** f e *t for every fuck offence Ihall forfeit the sum of
“ one hundred pounds AerlingAnd further,
11 that, in case any (lave (halt ,be inoculated or iu
“ grafted, or* being known to beinfefted with the
” laid distemper ‘or disease, (hall be sent, brought}
xt ca-fied, tr conveyed, from the usual place of re
** fidence of the laid Have, to any other part of thia
w province, contrary to the true inientand meaning
“ of this all, the owner, 01 other,rerfon having the
“ care cr charge of every such flare, lhaU
“ juried, deemed, and taken, to have caused and
“ prostned such offence to be committed, and (halt
“ be fubjvft and liable to the penaltjrantffor
“ feiture as is therein befiiye imnoftd oitssy otner-
“ pe.fon irfefted wi-h the said diftrmper, \nd com
“ ing, being bn ught, or ftnt, within tma pto
vtree, utileft such owner, or other perfonjhs a
” f*r*fxtd, ftull upon oath declare that such Negro
“ or other (lave did not come, or was not sent or
“ brought with hit or her knowledge or cunfenti”
A!fo further, “ that where any person or persona
“ lhali he ibfefted with the said disease, in any house
“ within the limits of apy town, village, or plan*
4 ‘ tatior, within this province, every i>iefter\ own..
“* r ot ether person having the care or
44 such huuft, (hall, immediately upon di.'covery of
such inleftion, fix, or cause to be affixed, on the
“ front door of such house as aforefsidj and also at
“ the moft publick place within the said towns,
44 villages, or near est to the laid plantations, adver
-44 liftmentt, fignifymg that the fmallpcx is at such
44 house j and in case such mailer, owrer, or other
44 perfen having the care or charge of such house as
44 afoief-id} (hall negltft or refufe to affix, or cause
44 to be affix'd, such advertisements hereby direfted,
44 eich and every pe.fon so neglrfting or refufinr
44 fltall forfeit for every fucb cffcnce tea pounds
4 fterhcgt” And further, 44 that if, at any time;
it Qiall be thought expedient, during the contin-
‘ hi i * # admit inoculation, then it
shall be lawful fpr the Governor or Commander
44 in chief for the time being, by ard with th* advice
44 and confer.t of the Honourable Council, to give
* £ e . r *!® on or P* r l< n being inoculated with the
44 fatd disease or distemper, under such regulations
44 ar.d reftriftion* at they shall think proper, and
44 notify by proclamation, any thing in .his aft con
,he co * ,rar y notwithflaading.” AND
WHEREAS the fmallpcx is said to have broke cut
on Line plantation* in this province, wherefore, ia
order to prevent the spreading the fame, and that no
person r pe.fon* may pretend of the law*
pf this province in that behalf made, and the penal
ties annexed to a disobedience thereto, I have thought
fit, by and with the advice and consent of hii Maie
“l 1 Honcurablc Council of this province, to notify
and make the fame publick j and I do hereby require
that due obedience be paid by all and
every peifoa and perfens within this province to the
befe.e tn part recited law, aa they wili answer the
contrary at tbetr peril.^
GIVEN under my hand and the great seal of the
province of Georgia, this 9th day 0 f Decern
her, m the year of our LORD 1779, and in
loth year of hi* Majsfty’* reign.
„ ~ „ . JA. WRIGHT.
By hi* Excellpncy’s Command,
* ~ Gbo. D-erbage, Dep. Sec>® ./
TO BE SOLD, on Tuesday the l\Jf December next,
at the fubferiber's house,
StJNDRY EFFECTS belonging to the R
flateof Capt. John Sirapfon, of the Geor
gia Loyahfts, deceased, confiding of wearing
apparel, books, &c. All persons indebted to
laid tftate arc desired to make immediate pay
ment, and those having demands against the
1-me to give :n their account*, properly atteft
Savannah, Nor. 11, 1775,
James Walked,
TTEREBY inform* the publick, That he intend#
following said business in Savannah, next doer
to Mrs. M 4 Fartane*<. Ladies and Gentlemen whn
may be pleased to employ him may aUpead on being
served in the newest taste, and oa the fherteft notice.
’ ■' w ’- - , _ (
December 9, 1779. y
Xo be fold by the fubteriber, at
his rtorc on the Bay,
ITI UM, Ibrub, porter, Madeira and Port
J\. wine; fine clarified lime juice by the
keg, case, or gallon ; melaffes in iron bound
caScs, raifin* and currants; pepper, alfpice,
mace, nutmegs, cinnamon, and clove* ; sugar,
tea, coffee, and chocolate; Virginia tobacco,
soap and candles, cod ijb and butter, a few
barrels of new rice, Come bacon and ham* j a
quantity of ufeful earthen ware, such as bowl*}
mugs, baking diihes, &c. handkerchiefs,
flocking*, and ready made fhirt*; coarse aad
ftae thread ; bucklg*, knives, raisorg, feiffo r*,
See. paper, inkpfiwder, and English quills
playing cards, chest and pad locks, filh hooks;
cotton lines, with many ether articles, for cash,
on reasonable terms.
■ * sAmuel BLAKBLEV.
Savannah, apth Nov. 1779.
—- .
v . .
A SILVER mounted PISTOL, maker’s
J. *. name Wilson, London. Whoever has
found the fame will be baadfomely rewarded,
upon delivering it to Cornet M‘Bean of thd
Light Dragocns.
A DL perfon* indebted to the Effate of An-
drew Stark, deceased, are requefled to
fettle their accounts immediately, , otherwise
they will be put into the hands of Willianl
Stewart, Esq; Attorney at Law, to befued fori
as there i* an absolute neceflity for paying his
funeral expences; and those having demands
again ft said estate art desired to fend in their
accounts, properly attested, to
ABSENTED from the fabferiber, fol
lowing NEGROES: Lymus, Sancho,
Cadgo, Cork, Primus, Titui, Sophy, Byng,
Sampson, Nero, Pompey, and Sampson. It
is fuppefed Cork and Cudgo are employed by
fome person or persons in sawing near Savan
nah, and that Lymfis, Titus, Sophy, and
®y n £ gone towards Newport. Four dol
lars reward will be paid for Lymus!
Sancho, or Titus, and two dollars each for any
other* of thtfaid Negroes delivered to the sub:
fen be r; and whoever is convidied of harbour
ing or employing any of t.he said Negroes, the
informer, upon such conviftion, Ihall receive
five guineas, if the delinqnent it a free white
person, if a Negro two guineas j and whoever
conceals or harbours them may dfepend on being
prosecuted as tha law direfts by
Mulberry Hill, Nov. 25,’ 1779.
Some Feather Beds, with
Bolsters, Pillow*, See. to be fold. Eaquire of
the printer.
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Adam’
Hcnderfon, deceased, are desired to make
immediate payment, otherwise their bond*,
note*, and accounts, will be put into the hands
j-? n * ttorßCy at L,w 10 bc f ® cd without
r• j 00 * tbo^"e having demand* again ft
laid Estate are desired to fend them in, properly
attested, to . , r /
JN o . HENDERSON, A&ing Admr.
T H .L ® ° W - ,Dg B £ ANK F °RMS may bthod at
lW . P, . ,n,,n P;Office, viz. Leaser, Releases, and
Renunciation! of Dower; Writ*, Bond* of Arbi,
tration, Bills of Sale, Powers of Attorney,* Mort-
g r g r*’j- F r f n,,Ce * * nd s *rvan Indenture*, Bills
S-J; T’ S “ q,eD, >ilv, Indico Certificates;
Summorfe* Executwni, Warrant., aiM | AMaoh
, .If. AeAtiona f