Newspaper Page Text
|L YS&Y (Hull WHITE LAP-DOG, with liter
’**■ cnleuted eats, and a i'pot upon' bit back, ts the
breed. A *f aerfira that will deliver him to
the primer (hall receive half a guinea rf^rardi
T 0 B & SOL p,
t)u Thorfday the 17 h day of February next, at the
Vendue.Houfe in Savannah,
can cook, w*fh, andiron, and a very valuable
NEGRO BOY, belonging to the Estate of Di. Ro
bert Trail, deceafrd.
All ptrfoos to whom the indebted are de*
fired to give in their aeceuntc, properly artefted, by
the day of sale; aid all accounts due the Estate, and
Dot fettled by that day, will he put in suit.
•*. Jt JOHN IRVINE,) A . .
JOHN SrORR,) Adm r, ‘
SaVaanah, stb Jan. 1780.
npHE fubferiber intending to depart this province,
requeftt all perfana to whom he is anyw fe in
debted to call and receive payment; and all persona
who are indebted to him are deftred to make immedi
ate payment. SMITH CLARENDON.
6aid Clarendon has to dispose of, A genteel Rid.
ing Chair and Hainefi, Sec.
DAN AWAY from the fubferiber lift week, A
young NEGRO FELLOW, named ISAAC,
about 13 years of age, Carolina born, bad on a light
blue waistcoat, check Ihirf, and old green t: owler.*,
fata a large fear Under hi* light eye and acrofi hit
nose. A reward of one guinea, and all reafonabie
charges, will be paid t< whoever delivers him to
January 5, 17*0/
%y r—
p AN AWAY, on the 15th December jaft, from
the sloop Sally, ANEGROTELLOW, r.aruitd
BAM, belonging to Powell Giiggt, and carried
away with him a double moses boat, with two
swivels. A reward of twenty (hillings is hereby
offered foe the said Negro or boat, on delivery of
‘either to the Printer, 01 Wiliam Oldit, Mailer of
said (loop.
— l,l “” ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ in mi ■■ ■■■— w■ 1 1 -mho
CASH will be given for a small Quan
tity of LBmbpblack and Linfctd OiK
Apply to the printer.
Tomorrow, F.iday the 71b instant, at n o'clock, at
the Vendue-Houle, WILL BE SOLD,
/‘'OFFEE and Sugar in barroiv,
Jamaica Rum, **>
Bed new Flour,
Iriih Beef.
A Quantity of Weifted Hose, , \
BladT Velvet.
Sundry EffeAs belonging to a Gentleman dtetaftd.
A neat Phaeton and Harness complest, and fume
Indico. ..
January 6,1*1780.
TO BE SOLD, ra Tutfday next, at ptshlick Salt,
The Sloop St. Antonia.
For particular* apply to JOHN TUNNQ.
N. B. A Quantity f Tir to or fold.
‘VXrHEREAS it has been iodultrivuily reported
** that several perfars had got thefinallpoxin the
tnwu of Savannah, and that the said distemper w.s
In many houfti in the said towr, on which it became
aecefiary to make inquiry into the truth of fucb re
ports, that it might be determined what was mail
filutary and proper ta be done far the welfare of the
inhabitants, and general good of the province, in
order ta which D.ftcr Donald Macleod and James
M (Tinas, Esq; one of the Chu ch Wardens for
Christ-Church parifti, were deftred to examine all
the boufu in aad about the town of and
which theydidina'very careful manner on Mundayths
3 ] inllant j and on Tuefdav the 4'h, aa appear* by
the foilswing report, made by them to his Excellency
Sue Governor, vs. “ That they h.d viiited and
“ carefully examined all the inhabited lioufet in
<< Savannah and its environs, and found that no
“ individual pet fen war lirsrfified with the fmail
* prx ; but that, at the house of Capt. Hinlock,
“ his fun and two daughters, and one Negro fe).
“ low, have lately had the Lid disease, but art now
** patfsAly recovered and well.” Which report being
this day laid before the Honourable Council by his
Exeellnacy the Governor, Jt was resolved, that the
fame (hould be publiihed i 1 the Gazette, for the in
formation and fatitfa&ionef the inhabitants, in both
town and country 1 And it was a(fo irfolvcd, that
every meant bo used, and the direftions given by
lew duly observed, in order to keep out and pievcnt
the ftid distemper from gettiag into the town ; and
if unfortunately it flriuld break out, and ft difeaver
•d in any heufe in tewa, ih2 pe fun in whole house
the fame may be is hereby required to advertise the
fame immediately, as tbelaw dirc&t, under the pe
oal’y thereof. • v .
Bv G'd-r of hi.* Excellency,
GEO. D ERIAGE, Dep. Sec.
A N OVERSEER, a firgle man, te take open him
the direllion cf *5 or id fecfible N grces, to
he employed on a small plautation Ux mile* from
Savaaaah, who Uadetftands planting rice, corn; and
other providers, the making of tar and tuipe- tine.
To futh g- peifan, and who can give good preef of
his (kill and afliduity; every reafonabie eacoarage
raent will he given. Fer further icfoimatieo ap
ply to the Piiaier.
WHITEHALL, September si, 1779.
Copy of a Letter from Lord Macartney to Lord George
Germain, dated near La RocbelU, Sept. 4, 1779,
received the sytb infl. by the packet from Ofltnd.
Near La RocbelU, France, September 4, 1775.
| FLATTER myfe'f that long before this letter
* reaches yeur Lardftiip you will'have received my
difpateh cf the sth es July (A) from Grenade, givi*
i’*g you an account of that island's being in peiTVftion
of the Fidach. I feat several copies of it by diff.'reßt
channels, but left none of lliem (hiutd have come to
haod, I Stall now in a few words acquaint your
Lordfliip, That on the id f July the Count d’Ef-
arrived at Greaaria, wi.h *5 f<il cf the line and
11 frigate*, having 6joo land trtops on bosid. We
made the bed defence we c u!d with the handful of
people we hid, wliii-h coulifttd if 101 tank ond file
rtf the 48 h regional, 14 artillery recruits, and be*
tween 3 and 400 militia.
Wc had, the good fortune to repulfs the enemy in.
their firft attack, but in rite second they carried ouf
lines by dint of fuperiur a win bes, after a coaflift of
abaut aa buur and a half, 14 wiiich they had killed
had wounded 306 men and upwards, which amount!
lo mmg thin t ie whole farce we had to uppofe (heir
(mark ; for io the preceding night wc were dsfertsd
by alm.ft all the coloured people, and the greeted
part of the new fib).As. Beit g at the diferetioa of
the enemy, without mean* of icfiftance or profpeA
of relief, we were obliged to propose a capitulation,
which was instantly a<>t( peri m >t<*rily rtf used by the
; Count (i'Eftaing intoto-, and iejirb ofit he feat me
the naift extraordinary and umx prejeft that
ever entered into the mind of a general or politician.
This I rsjtAed in my turn; and there being no
poffihility of ob aitupg any otner, all the principal
inhabitants to whim 1 communicated it were uraai
rooatia prefe<nrg a furreader wl.hc.ut any conditi
ons at all to the that was offerrß ; and upon that
footing the enemy are no w oofTffad of the id rad.
My 1-tter of the sth nf July is so full and circuta •
ftaat;aJ, that I mutt rtfer your Lordlhip to it, and
to the papers iaclifed in it, f>r the particulait, I
flatter myfclf that you- will believe, that
0 thing was ooi tted that could yoffibly have boen
done for the prefervatiori of G.enada. This rsfl e*
tioo is the only coulolaiionj have under the misfor
tune of its lots.
In ray former letter t meationed, that it was in
tended thit my fellow prifnners, of the remains rs
the live companies ts the4B h regiment, should
embark witk me for Europe in a (hip ftt apart for that „
pupofe; but I know not why ite beftiaatton was
altered; the troort were fenr, lam informed, to
Guadeloupe, and I was put on board a French fri
gate bound for this place, where we arrived iaft
night. I hive written ro M. He Sartinr, through
wbefe bands this letter paffri, to know the intentions
of his ecu t with rogsrd to my ealargemani, and ex
pert his answer in a few days.
M. d’E taiag wol I ndt consent to any exchange
of prisoners in the Weft Indies on tin's occasion.
An assurance was given to the inhabitant* of Gre
nada that they (hould retain quim po/T-fTi nos their
vftatet, and that during ih war they ftiauld not be
obliged to carry arms agaii ft hit M-jefty. Til* other
arrangrmenif, I presume, will depend en the Court
of Ve; fullet. lam, &c. MACARTNEY.
(A) The letter rcfe.rtd to above ha not been re
ceived.” a
* # * Admiral Byron's Letter to Mr. Stephens in our
LONDON, September ,6.
CIR John Lockhart R >('.’* (quid-on, confiding of
three (hips of the line, two fifties, eight of the
lrgeft frigates, two cutters, and two
fi-e (hips, was certainly delt.oed for the deft-nHinn
.fa eoiWiderable number ©f trarfports colt-filed to
ft her in Coneale Bay, under the protection of two
French feventy-fon'S, and a* the wind and <*fither
proved both very favourable, wo may focti ex -est to
h*ar that this foirited fchrme ha* been carried into
executh n. The above expedition was planned with
so nrifh feerecy tht n> t a single Officer in the ft• t
knew c( his failing till within ten mi u;ei befoie the
fquad'on weigh-d'encht**,
ExiraQ of a Utter from Corhf dated Sept, j.
“ Yelterday was brought Cove, the Sarfil*
litas, Don Fr. Rent (To, a Soamfh man of war, from
Manilla to Cad'S, deeply laden with gold, filyer,
coffee, chioa, cochineal, and indigo, 800 tons bur
then, mounting t 8 twelve pounders and fame small
guis, but rierjred for 40 gun, and hd i;o men.
Site wis taken the j l ult. off the Western Ffl-s, by
the Aa'z in prirareer of Liverpool, and the Ranger
of Bristol, of 16 guns each, aflor art engagement of
two hoo *. A erlk of gunpowder taking H e on board
the p.iz , 40 of hes bards were blbwu up, which
thiew them into such confufipu as to give the brave
Englidt ur> an opportunity cf hoarding her, with
Ae )ofs cniy of one rash, Ihe it deracd tie ftt oft
valuable prize tsken since the rich (hip t\a
km by the late Lord Acfor. In her after-hold the
King of Spain's cargo is (lowed, which is supposed
to be gold and filyrr, bu: not yet opened. The Cap
tain and- crew weie rot permitted to fee (t when
(hi-’ped, as (he was laden by porters, which is the
ufuat custom at Manilla; nor it it supposed it will
be examined until the owners of the privateers from
England arrive here.*’ “
>*4 y
CHARLESTOWN, (South-Carolina) Dec. ijT
T AST Friday arrived here Capt. Milligan in eight
days from Havans. He left it the 4th inst. and
inform* u*> that a squadron of men of war, with •
number cf other failed froaa Havana about
theaotbof last month; and another, with a consider
able r umber of trans, nrtf having troops on board,
were, when he (Capt. Milligan) esme away, lying
dr single anchor, waiting only for their ftuai erders
to put to feat There were several other fine (hips
cf war in the haibour 5 and o number more upon
the ftockc, on which they were wording witk great
afiduiiy. That several E> glifli .veffcls have beta
captured by the. Spaniards and carried into Havana
where ih<y have upwardfof too prisoners; amengft
them a Jamaica fttp, late Capt. Mafoo, and 3 Pro
videice piivateers. That John M'Gillivray, Wil
liam Siruther, and jamei M'lntoft, were confined
in the Mar# Caftlr; having been taken, 00 the X4t(i
of August iaft, by the St. Juan man of war, of 74
guns, the St. M*tilds of 36, and the St. Martha of
jtt And that* Mr. Farquha*, Mr. WilliamMac
murchy, and M>. Alexander Begbie, wern like wife
prfoners there, and likely to remain fs, till a cartel.-
(hall bo fettlodi 4
The fnsie evening returned from Philadelphia, the
Henry Laurens, EfqJ late Prefideat of the
C ntiqoctal Congress, where he hat mot faithfully,
ably, ferved this date, as ono of
its Representatives, by elefe attentioa and attend•*
ancr, for upwards of two years.
Letters from Philadelphia, just arrived, fay, that
h largo embarkatioo had just takea place at Nw->
York, and ;ts destination, it was ganerally believed,
would be feu hwardly: And oae in particular, from
?:*#d ruthority, affnrst, that thn troops reaaovsd
•cm Rhode-IfJsnd (about 5000) had been ordered
down to Sandy-Hook, without being dilhmbarked 1
if so, -.-is it not time •we/bouU take A hint, and be
Prepared ?
SAVANNAH, January 6, (780*
Vs AJOR-GENERALS Prevoft and Ltflio, with
a number of Officers of the Army and Navy,
attended thu of the Chwulic. o‘Brnoovilir,
who wss wounded and made prifoaer in the attack
on obr lints of OAobtr iaft, and was buried
fiets with great military huaonts an Sunday the 16. h
AFeut Cbriftmas H ilidaysa rnmbsr of plunderers
fren* Pur} (burgh crofted this river near Shentzer,
hut in their return were waylaid by the Ebenezer
Militia, and every oce of thsm killed, wounded, ot
drrwncd. Capt. Keal, a mao very noted in hi* way,
is supposed to be among the killed.
Five vessels were lately fsen off St. John's River in
Etrt-Florida ; one of them cane to anchor and font
in her boat; the men that landed went to the pilot'd
house, from whence they carried eff a few articles of
little vJire ; they all Engltfli, said they bo*,
loeged te the Unicorn Biitifk manes w'fjr, and ea
qured what veffela vreicin that river and at St. Au
gustine. They are fuppof.d to be either French or
American cruizert.
The Verg-ance, a letter of marque snow belong
ing to New. Yoilt, commanded by Capt. Deane, ie
arrived at St. Simon’s. We are told Capt. Deane
lately teak and feat or tarried into’ Now Yoik a
brig of 14 gut s, belonging to B- star, and another
Rebel puvateer; with one of which ha bad a vei/
blordy engagement.
Since our last the Offkrra and SilJier* cf the 60 h
regiment, who arrived here fome months ago from
Eaft-pToiid.i, set out on their return to th t pr vince.
Oi Saturday weie brought to town, it Rebel pri
fonen, t-ken by Majar William N chol* and b.,u< *
of ,c ur Militia on the Ceded Ladds artitl at fiuckheac,
Anionglt them ia a Lieut. David No f ,n, wbc com •
manded in a ftorksde fort at Wiightft)orangh, hav
ing ur.der him eight white men and two N.grace ;
M ja NichoJe, in (termingthisf.-r*, killed one ot;hs
white win, the other f ven he tpleaftid on oarole.
At Buckhead they killed a ceit ia Hvrdy Boykin,
who, after furreodHing hitofilf rtrrfener, fired at
and woundul une of the party. Thevjcalbd the
plact es abode of Cel. and Lieut.'CuL Few, al(V> at
the houses *f fume other at ted Kfbeir, in hopes cf
taking and bringing them down beie, but th*y f,ve<i
tbemielvct’by ft V
W<aredcfiie.J tolafert the folloVsir.g parapra;ht
“ Left Sunday evening arrived in towc, Lieut.
Groige D iwkiES, of the S uth Carolina Loy#ifti,
after a long and etdiri corrniiemeat of upwards of fix
months amor.gft the Rebels in Soutb-Carr.liaa. He
wa* joyfully iccrived by his f'ieid*.heie.’’
lli.M j.lty h’ubtsn gracimfty ple-Td toaFpoirt
Col. of the King's Rargers, Sivt>erinieml
ant ot the Indian* on the fide of the Atlamick, and
Alexmder Catfieron, Esq; Supeiioteodant of tho
Indians on the M (fifippi.
Yesterday arrived within two miles of this plsco
300 Cherokee Indians, with the principal Chiefs 0 f
their aatioa.