The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, January 13, 1780, Image 1

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    T H £
fH *.’ -r.ixt^
.fro* the LONDON O A ETf E.
■ .
A6uikALTT-o*rici, September to, 1779.
AM” “ipWESTERDAY ia the evening the
Hn. Vie* Admiral Barri. gtoa,
Aad Capt. SaWver, of hit MajeftyV
* ft ip the Boyne, arrived at this of.
• * fice with difpatchcs from the Hoai
Vice Admiral Byron; Os Which the following
are copie* and ext raft*. *
* f o iVi ■> v t
ft * *”+ *** ** so fcf* Aimirtd Byr o
S I k,
AGREEABLE to Whet 1 wrote you by the
St. Albaas, a duplicate of which will dcctra
jpilnr fell, I failed from St Chriftopher’t the
ljt> of last month, at the fame time the trade
last it far Europe, and.proceeded%o windward
Os the iflandt far protection of the convoy, in.
lending to call at Barhadbt ia my way 10 Si.
fef■***”* I#e ca f with the wiad
hi eAft, retarded our progref* so much, that it
ONU the loth of Jiae before the ftjuadroh coaid
breather the island of Martiaico. Thia induced
fee to proceed diredUy taSt. Lilcja, where!
hrrired next morning, and learnt that the french
hed poieffvd themfelret df the island Os St. Vin-
Oeoi, With 0 small force, and without oppofi.
Ooa* Upon a conference With Major General
OtMf'jt was determined to attempt thereuk
-I*l Os • Vincent, for which pitrpofe the troopi
Word ordered to be embarked immediately on
board the iranfporti, and every thiad got in
laodloefa Without a moment** left of time s but ‘
intelligence being received af fljet feeu that
looming to leeward, fteeHOg a eourfe for Gre
bade, X WMte to Lord Macartney, by one of
lie Aids de Camp that happened to be at St.
Lucia, to give his Lordship notice of oUr fed-
Hmsi, and that the troops aadfjjadfon w uld
immediately come to hit relief, if, at St. Via
teiOt, Or on the pAffego thither; we (Hiuld learn
that Grenada was attacked. I Kkewife feat ah
Officer in a fail failing fchoonfer to look inta Port
Loyal Bay, where he saw thirteen large (hi ns,
Which hefoppofed (hrptof war,, more eipecially
ks (feeof them bore a flag at the foretop-gaiiant
faaft-htad ; but a frigate and feme other small
Craft giving him chafe, be was prevented from
going so near as he intended.
Thd line of battle, to be tranflitted here
with; will Slew that the (ijutdron under my
dommOad confided of (hips and a
frigate 1 With these and the tdanfports I failed
from St. Lucia ch Cataniar the 3d, and next
Afternoon had intelligence from ot. Vincent of
fcoretkah thirty foil of French men of War and
(hips having patted there on Thurfdey,
fed among them appeared to to* upwards of id
fhipsof thelihe of battle; if wai farther report*
fed At Mons. de la Mottc Piquet had joined
the Con fit dEftaing about a week before with
a frong reinforcement. Upon this informs.
on the flgaal was made imUatiy to bear up
for Grenada, bat it fell calm feon after, and
continued so until nine o’clock next ammi o,
about which time a fmali schooner that left'Gre
nada of Saturday evening came inta the fleet,
And the principal person on board her (a er-‘
tnmtjreported that the French had landed about
two thorffaaji five hundred troops Dear the town
°f St. George on Friday; mad; in attack upon
ife fort that night, and were ropalfcd : That
M*Ef ,ine y *Pei tdhoM oat.a fort*
oight f That he had ftia the enemy’s naval
Safe* 1 Mr*; which did not exceed eight (hips
tilth* line, be fide s frigates and armed traaf
ports. Another fchoooer from Grenada joined
As ffipe after; and brought a similar account j
Only the matter of her; who had been frequent
ly * pilot on hoard tke-King*s Alps, reported,
wat the enemy had between fourteen and nine,
toeg foips of the line. It beifeg my intention
* * y.v r* . *
JSk • m&SMar*. vI&aESS&I^K! f m ™ wlV^
- ~tfiiyESfti3 r (SttMyWP*P f ily^V^^telßM
S \ **” £. Jk | > . i,’ \** /
SAVANNAH* *HURSDA?> JaMaM ij* i 7 U,
l from thisintelligence to be of ft. Quotas Bay
foen after day- break, I drew the foips of war
from among the traafoerkt, Jesting pafy tfe
Suffolk, Vigilant, and Mob mouth, for their
protection; nadir the oNWt Wf Rear Admiral
Rowley, who Was intended tO csatUft the dd
barkmeat of foe troops J felt ho was to join fee
With the Alps if I/aw occasion for thaif service.
One of this efetty*i frigates was rajynear os la
the night, and gave the alarm ofottr approach.
Soon after dab.light oa Tnafday tht 6ch, the
French fqusdron was fun oIF St. George’s,
moft of these at anchor, batge.ting underway,
foemiagly ia gfoat coafuhaa, and with little of
no wind. The ftgaal wis immediately made
for a general chafe* ih that quarter, as Wall as
for Rear Admital Rowley to lhave thd convoy;
aad aa not mote than fourteen or fifteea of the
enemy’s (hip* appeared to be of the llad from
the poStion they were in, tbu signal was made
for the Aips b oegvgo, and fom 3# titev could
get up 1 in canfeqaende of whkfii Vice Aduii
t*lr Barrington ia the Priafee rs Wales, with
Capt. Sawyer in the Boyne, and Capt Gard-
Asr ia the Saltan; being the bcadm i of the
BritiA fquadroa, and carrying aptest of fail*
Were fooa fired upon at a great dittaned, which
they did not retard Until ihev goVconfiderably
neam; but the euetay gettiag the breeds of
mod about that time, draw out tlfejrljae from
the clutter they ward lyin£ ia, bj* bearing a
wav and forming to leeward oh thd'flarboard
tack, which Stewed their flrcßgtk to be very
different from omr Gieaada intcllireabai for if
Was plainly difeovered they had thirty Tour fail
of (hip. o/war. twenty-ix or twenty-feyen of
which were of the line, and of tbofe o*-
peared of great force; however tl* general chafe
was continued, and rife signal madd for a clofs
engagement i but oar o>moft could
hot effect that, he
It, by always bearing dp when our fitipi got near
them; aad I was fmy to oblcrvt, that their
fopiriority over us in failing gavo them the op
tion of diflaace; which they availed themfelvCs
es, so as to prevent our ic# Woos ever getting
into a&oni and being to leeward they did
great damage 10 the Hiatts aid rigging, when
our Ant could not reach them. The Alps that
flittered mutt were those thd adtioa began with;
and -the Grafton; Capt. Col ling wood, the
Cornwall, Capt. Edwards, and the Libs; Capt.
Cornwallis. Tht spirited example of Vied
Admiral Barrington, with the former three,
CXpofed them to a severe fire ia making the at*
tack; and tne latter three happening to be to
leeward fuff aided the fire of the enemy’s whold
tineas it pAffcd oft the fUrboard tack; the Moa*
mouth likeuife fiiffercd exceedingly, by Capt.
Fanihaw’s having bore down in a very gallaiit
manner to stop tie van es the enemy’s found rod
and briag it to altioa; bat front the very (m art
had well direded fire kept up by ihe feips
ind others rhat wen engaged, I am convinced
they did the enemy great damage; although
their matt*; rigging and fails, appeared lefaut
|ured than uars. The four ftiipt last adajriened;
with the Fame; being f> difatried ia-tfefit olafta
and rigging, as to b? incapable of keep*
lug up With the fonadrOn; and tb Suffolk ap
peariug to have retried confidsrabl: damage id
an Attack made bp Rear Admiral Rowley
upon the eaumyt* van, t took id the flgaal for
chafe, hot co&unKtd that for tofc cue age meat,
formed the beil line whith circuiaftajces could
admit of, kept the wind to pitveni thh enemy
from doubling apod oi aid catting off the
thanfports, wch they (cctttcl inclined to doj
ftnd had the latter Xery mach in their power, by
means of tfelv largd frigates, Independent of
(hips o> the Lne. The Preach fqosdro* Xack
•d to thefootliward,’ about three o’clock 1* the
afternoon % and 1 did the fame, ta iareadi
hefs to support the G a (ton, Cerawdil, dad
£=. Art Os ncibw, ..4 . jJL Wn l
ftera: Bat tbu Ldoa Ukewife being much to
leeward, aodhaXiaglott her mainaodmidedrop
*"d I s * foftrof her riggiagperd fails pe
xngctft taa t Hf ex.raordiaary manner, Oh bur*
p-moefwfw • - **ty*~. ’ - ayi.fc Kir>'iw.
Mfep fofoa ftflward, when tiso flAtiitaffife||
my gtpat furprize, ao (hip of thooMu
S 7 K SM OraffewMi
Cornwall Jfeotftyaard, Mb bad might baud
ferns weatfered by the French if they haA kept
Was fartfett to lea Ward, fed loft Mr agtittap*
wil * adlt difafeadi-Ml
gtsatfbprfiority, that
with firing upon these ffilis wfea aaffidff feraly
withfopm (hft j aqd/nffored dfen tojjfeh tM
fquadroa; Without one effort fecbtl£im o|L
The Monmaath Wis so totally difebled ia her
ffllftl add rigging, that l jadned i pfopar fe
fend direfiions in tfeeVening (or CtstiL.
few# to make tht fell of hit way a Aatltfei
*;i t sfk of**
the iflsnd. To difledge them was imprTaicahle
considering the RattHthe twoßfotTotfim
fore sent orders to Capt: Burlier, the Agent, to
ittake the heft of his way #fth the traafoorts td
Antigua Or lt> Cbriftopber*i; whicTeVar ha
Wall fetch, Ifttendingkjlfep thu Kin|’i Aife
between thm and rite french (quadron, Which
at twe clofa of the etenipg was about three
miles to lsowafd af til, ana l had fel doofe
would at least ba 4 1 Bear 111 ‘the morainri for
although it was feddmtrl froffi their candaft
throaghoat the whole day, that they were mi-’
foltad to avoid • deft engagement, t waold
not allow myfelf so tbiafr that; with A ffecd
so greatly superior, the Prdnch Admiral wfefe
permit us to carry dlf the tranfporu uaaroliftedg
that the fehaviodr of the officers aad mba of
his Majtfty’s fdaadria Was focb aa became frfo
tifla seamen, ksaloua of the hoaoer of the!*
that were embarked with tbrir officers ia that
King’s (hips,bffhaved as breVe Mikrtj and front
she exemplary good CaaduA wf those who got
Into adtion, from the tilible hffcft which tfiei t
brittt and well direfled fire had apoa the caw
iny’s (hips; and front that tool and determined
vefoluuoa sad very flroag dofire of eOrnlng*td
adofe engagemeat. which prevailed natver-,
felly throughout the fqaadroq, I think myfelf
juflifiablO in faying that the grepi ftperieptf
ia nuraßers And fotet would not have avliled
the enemy so math, hid net their advantage!
over us ia felling epibled them to pirtftrtt 4
diftaned little Calculaied for dettidiig sick coa
te (Is. ■ ~
Yoa wfll herewith receive a lift df thfi liM
pod Wounded 5 Vied Admiral Rirrlsgtoh iPAU
mong the latter, bat Ms hurt if fligftt, which.
ii happily.the case srith a confiderible part of
the woAaded. ;• ‘ -
I am, Ac, j. BYRON!
.... LINN O* iITTLB.
•Yhe Suffolk te lead with few flarbotfd dad fed
Grafton with the larboard, tacMoa board.
Mom. V3e AdmirAl BarrlAgteb*s Div^fea.^
k Cw*- *•*. * tia 64
W..rwib.; i,? 7?
Magnificeaju Caia. Elphinftan, 60074.
Hoe. Ylefl AdmirAl Byfod, Cemmaader id
, n Chief, Us/Xvifem.
F-toc, Capt. Batfeart, , |q# f4
LS// tht fourth P*gt | j
l*‘ >;