The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, January 13, 1780, Image 2

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    TO B E SOL B,
A ftm blooded Stallion,
tixteea hast?a klgfc, one of tke be# v*r p*
•pa ianpottpd into ibis coamry. Me p)*f be
faea at plantation, by apply
iaft Id tke of eke Light Prageoaa
St kid plantation
AMY perfoa willing to centra A for from
io to so&C*rdf of FIREWOOD
nay bo fapplied at a conveaieat landing ep St*
vaanak Hirer, at a very reaCnaabla prica. Ap.
ply to tke priatar.
THI fakferiber foteadiag to We thia pro
vince by tin tniddle of Marc* next, dh
fim all perloaia to whom he i indebted to call
br payment t end tbofe who are indebted to
Mm am reqoefted immediately so dlfcharge
tkelr otherwife be will be obliged to
pat them into thl bands *f ** Attorney at Law
to be feed for. PdVID MPBPOCH.
; A N ACCOUNT of tht SIEGE of
, SAVANNAH, as publilhed in
thii Gazctte in November Uft, is re*
printed, and may be had at the Print
ing-Office. ‘ ‘ 7S t
RAN iwAY the fakferibar the,i?tii
af vceember lark ANiGRO WENCH?
named TINNOE, about 18 or 19 years of age*
very blade, foort and thick, roaed face with
thick lift, this country bora, aadfpcaki good
Engliibtl ftie bad on an aaaakrig patticoat, a
thick hcpefpaa white cotton prapper; (be hat
a young fellow with her ahamd Pick, whp for
merly Sponged to one Mr. Pbwaix, who she
pretends is her butbaad. It is fuppoud they
Are employed about Newport. Whoever will
deliver her to me, or give Jaforauuioe whete
Ihe may be had, A all racciva one guibea re
ward flam ...
Oa F.iday the 14’b isQanr, at 11 oVlack, at the Vaa*
A FEW Qarur Csflu old Jamaica Rum, - •- .
**■ A bvaotity af Soap*
A few Barrel* New Rice*
rive Batfitl* New Flour,
Aud ihree Boxee Sugar.
Soma Saltdutk, BleiSc Velvet, Blanket*, jlegro
glutb, Ready made Clothe, and fuadry other Dry
eodeV —.-
Jaadary ** *7*o.
;• NEW-YORK, November 20.
THE following is taken from the
Pennsylvania journal of the 3d
y Extras of a Utter from VOrient, dated
Auguß 20, received tyCtipt . Tkobpfon,
arrived w/ an eajlern pgrt : v
‘‘ Gibraltar is blocked up by the
Spaniards, and reinforcements are fcnt
to d’Elhing to lupport his superiority
in the Weft-Indies.” “
This Ihert paragraph fervds to
strengthen the credibility of the ac
counts from St. Christopher, dated
sßth and 30th September, inserted in
‘our Uft week’s paper, of an a&ioo be
tween Admiral Parker and the above
mentioned augmentation for the Count
4’Eftaing, the event of whkh we have
from fcveral quarters of the Rebel coun
try been informed was propitious to the
Britifti fleet, with the Capture of leveral
line of battle (hips, frigate*, and trains.
porn. The fame account has been
brought to Guadalupe, Sc. Euftatius,
and St. Christopher.
PHILADELPHIA, November 24.
SEVERAL, (hips pf force belonging
to Count d’Eftsing’s fleet lately
arrived in Chgiapeik Bay,’ for the pur-,
able of laodmg a few Tick and wetlnd-
ed men, ana taking in prbvifiuns', this
being accompli (bed, they are, immedi
ately to proceed for their fUtion in the
Weft-Indep V ; 4
Dec. t.Thi Tryklahd Chance, frohiSt*
Euftatia, on the pth of November? in lat*
fey, which was difmafted, and so much
disabled by stress of that, af
ter taking put the men ahd feme of the
:moft valuable articles, they burnt her.
The brig Betsey was loaded with lum
ber and rice, at Sunbury ia Georgia,
out of m uch Ihe was taken by; the
Witch, add ordered for Charleftown,
When Ihe was retaken by the Guade
loupe frigatP, who ordered her for
Antigua, where Ihef was pound wheft
met with as above.- %
CbarleJUum , December 14. The Hon.
George Walton, Efqj is elffted Govern
nor of the State of Georgia.
A fmaU privateer from St. Atigu
ftlne, commanded by one‘Williams,
Was brought in here last week by Mr,
Bellamy, of this town, who was taken
the day before, but alfifted by theCapttin
of a Norlh-Carolina brig, a prize to the
privateer, and his own Negroes, after
a Ihprt contest, in which Williams had
one of his hands nearly cut off, over
came them.
Dec. 48. There are now in this har
bour four continental frigates, viz.
Providence, Commodore., Whipple j
Boston, Capt. Tucker; Queen, of
France, Capt. Rathburn j and Ran
ger, Capt. Simpson.
SAVANNAH, January 13.
WE hear from undoubted
ty* that, fome. week? ago, a
Britilh Joldter, who made his tl'cape
from Charleftown prison, On his way to
, join his qprps, fell in with three Rebels,
Isaac Ford,; . Charles Ford, and one
Smith, (nephew to the llte Mr* Par
sons) near the Horlc-ffaoe, who.carried
him to Isaac Fo|d*s house, anAphorrid
to relate ! without hesitation, and with
wanton cruelty, hanged pirn on a tree
before the audacioufiy declaring
at the fame time, that they would treat
every Britilh soldier they Ihould meet
with in the fame manner. What 4ftay
not thofebarbarous Rebels exreft from
the just refenanent of his fellow foidi
ers? ! v-
Alas hfo many Loyalists have been
hanged by order of Rebel Governors,
after fuffioring the grofTaft contumely,
and undergoing a mock trial by the
moft abandoned Juries and infamous
Judges that ever disgraced human na
ture, that hanging is now become fa
miliar to thole Virtudtts Sent 6f
r.nd the putting to death A Tory is
highly mcritorjou# among them j but a
day of reckoning is hafteningon, when
all those Murderers, and the Tar and
Feathering Gentry, must answer Er
their crimes.
By Capt. ( Biihlef of the Ebeneier
militia we have the following account!
Thatbn the morning of the 3th in ft.
a party of Carolina Rebel militia* con
flfting of about 40 men, who had cros
sed the river the night before, and kept
lurking in the pine barrens, came to
Ebenrzer* furroundeft hit house, and
allced for hitn, but not being at home,
they plundered the house of fome goods,
and carriad off on# that kept
guard there, Wounding him in tU*
(boulder after he was mede prisoner \
they also the Rev. Mr.
TriebnerVhoufe, and carried off seve
ral of hil Negroes likewHe took
Capt. Qexley, two other white men,
and one of Mrs. Wertfch's Negrtfcs*
One of the Rebels, named David David,
is taken* and favs the party was com
manded by a Stephen Johnfoa, and that
two of the Dalhvrs and Zettler were,,
with him. The fame party crdfftft a
gaih last Sunday, took two Negroes
from Isaac Denny % robbed the house of
Widow Denny, and took a horle from
Mrs. BeChtly.
Several families have Come down to
’Ebenezrr from whom the
Rebels have robbed/hnd will not fuffer
to live there. r . .V
His Majesty’s armed brig Ktppel,
Capt. Stiel, failed from TybeeforNew-
York yesterday fe*nnight.
> Same night the Ileop Polly, Capt.
Kenip, from Sr. Augustine, in the gale
of wind, ran aftiore on Tybee and
bilged i her cargo, conlifting of rum,
fupar, & c . is laved.
Last Friday night about 30 Negroes
Were carried off from the Diftri& of Lit
tle Ogechee by fome Rebel plunderers.
The Rose-Bud privateer, from St*
Augustine, carried the account of the
defeat of the French and Rebel* by
General Prevoft, on the 9th of Ofto
ber last, to New-York, where then*
were very great rejoicings on the re
ceipt of it. This veffcl was sent off
with letters from his Excellency Godlr
nor Tonyn, and Colonel Fulitr, Com
mander of his Majesty’s troops in
Florida. .• *
t O N D O N,_ August 28.
it) EFORE the Thetis left Lisbon a
” report prevailed, that advices had
been received there from the East-In
dies, that Sir Edward Hughes had ta
ken the Mauritius.
September u On Monday Sir William
Draper, K. B. set off for Portfmoutb,
to take upon him tire command of the
garrison at Minorca.
Sept. 16. A letter from France men
tions, that the troops which had aflem
bled along the northern coasts had all
embarked on board the transports on
the 4th inst. by aa express order from
Court two days before.
This morning fome dispatches were
received from Jerfcy, which were
fought over in the Hope lug-fail boat
arrived at Portfntouth, which left Ad
miral Ross on TKurfday off Cape la
Hogue, and reports that|khere are up
wards of 300 fail of transports At St.
Maloes, and a great number at Havre
de Grace.
Sept. 18. His Excellency M. de Sl*
moltn, the new Ruffian Ambassador, is
arrived at Paris, and is expeded id
town in a few days.
The last contra# for frelh beef to be
delivered at Portsmouth was for the *-
.mazing quantity of 30,000 oxen, 150
of which are required every day to dine
the fleet at Spit head, which contains
30,000 effcfiive men.
Extrail of a letter from Portfmoutb , Sep
- Umber 16.
tc Every thing having bekh pat oa