The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, January 20, 1780, Image 1
T H £ r3 ’ • •. . * -'L . i “a ‘ ;rYtv 3s T ANARUS; ■£ * 5f v-;l Georgia Ran away thofkthßfcsavrnmtodft ctuatlaßCes of daring iaferftce, A Negro Mao, . lamed CHANCE, of a jello* complexion, •*try boro, os year* pf age, ftnlble, ftooal fa hi* whlk, about five feet t*o inches high, and of a (lender make.* A reward ts tea dol lar* will be paid the perfea who delivers hiqt to the fabferiberi and it* bv aa improper ftftaace, he (hdhfd bektol*4Tito attempt t? take hiia, the few rfwill be paid the parton who kill him for snaking fuck it* Claee> $.. A- r t The NEGRO BOY adierVifed'thh jjth left November, is ftjjll ftbfea t, and was tefeued lately by a foldfcer from a flare* who was cbndu&urg him home. A reward okfix dollar*.will be aid for the bey, and the (sms fam to the Informer, open conviftioa of tha refeuer, fey JOHN MOLLRYNB. Jaa. 20, ,iySd* , ; - *-mmA FOR S"A LE, A . QUANTITY of ROUGH ’ RICE, INDIAN CORN,- IN* 3MCO, and TAR. Apply to Mr. R>?, Merchant in Savannah. **B(fc?!*L£ . „ EUBL IC K JUjC 11 OK. Xn*idaV the ltd iullant, Jtl i o\lck, at il>* Verw dua-Neare, WILL BE SOLD* CUGAR aad COFFEE ia bam!** ° JAMAICA RUM* -**?3* , - . - A FEW BOXES SOAP, =A LS 0, f A PARCEL es SAILS, waft f thrm neW* TALLIRACH aad WALLACE. January if, lyfo. V * -v ■■ ■■— ■ *■-■ - - -■—, - - ALL pkrfjjM Indebted to the Rflate of tii mitel Gillespie, dcceafed, are desired t Make immediate payment $ aad tbqfa having demands again ft the fame to fend in their ac cauats, properly atteftid, i> # ALEXANDER CUNINGHAM* Adah *AV AN N A Hi Janaafr to. T AST week •(n icki- g tatti*ter was coma .. mitted ea John Ritter, a moil iooffenfive inhabitant, as he was tothing to donrt as a Juryoaka. The fellow that perpetrated the deed is fajd to be a deserter from Pla(ki** corpt, tnd is m confinement. Ob Sunday night a promiDhsf only Ton, a kodt ift \ers of age, of Pater Young, at Ac aon, was fhdt as he Rood fey-his mother jthrde bullets palled through htm and n door into and partition, and he immediately expiie<C\Tbe Coroner*# Inquest brought ilia WilfuHif order by a Negro fellow called. Sambo. The said Negro stands committe/, Jid h& 1 fcf the info, lence of Blacks meets (ben with greater checks than hitherto, and their arms are taken from them, the coafequeaccs may * rove very fcriui* Mnimai<vtrfio*i *** the amthurd putt im the Paper es the ylb December, teaching tht jitge at Savannah. ‘ UP W O pofiiion# in tbat picca, i>. my humhie opini- A on, are vary exceptionable, via. whme the author li Wfitrng Concerning (he inhabitants ot ibe c< tlntry Who did nut join the forces in town, he is pleslVd to express himic f thus i “ Others thought they bad ** Aifficisdt fesfont to reriuin at hjiae, of whom it ** is not at alt impossible that fuuA only waited for 44 the event to decide what part in hore>,’ duty* 44 and conicience, they bad better taft#, info ethical ” drcumftinces.** Here appear t to be a proftiwtion of the term* beneur* duty, and conscience # Hon our is that tteem which a parfvn acquires from a Itott tenur of life, or whan his demsaaeor It eon fitait With lua principle** and that delot dm and v m . ttf iihtr ■lfiftEhfc'tl AWtIl, ‘^k^* r *NmA . j ■ & _ t -*’~^ r X ‘ * *1 * . • * ’=> SAyARNAHt JANtAftJtt i<J, i‘ 7 it£ tv’ • ‘ i ‘eivrtiQr whichi constitute the Vharsfter es a-geademam Bat how it honour applicable to‘l man who will hot aA according to Me own fcfe e/f right ami wrong, but remain in fuse* Until he okaains a opportunity ufaßing for in)er> Duty is that oh hgation which a |*m oWla t* fnpemre or fbcty, which it performed by yielding obedience to die sous ftituion t The dhtlihl Aan dues what he fmcerely be* lievea to he right* although he May he iniftaken ) be • eaufe error it either uivtafeitrle or entciblr, there fore cxeuTable or culpabje* as m* tbs ianMm&iltrv* ewoQ * ‘ hold of every meana if and invcfttgMM Hu fubjeA with all at • teniae to tbe fcigheft of his capacity* yet cannot five att the truth, bis firfr fa iavinctble* therefore cxcUfhble, Wf coat ret. TfthHlo* Is duty attributable 1? the chat after above, deferred | Eonfcienta if a *■■*s judgment es hirf&if when he enaaparta” hie cwnduft with the’ laws httmta and diVine# These definitions are tg eetble to cqir.ttWn acceptation and ikndai ftsndiog* and it it evident these tertph bear no fignification Rich can be o(ed inThe abovemenriesea p.fitioo without she higVcft utipropriety* . The fecund exception is eehd in theft pterdsi And it w*s not fcerraiii Beyond the .pombility cf “*the contrary* thSr there was not a man within oujr “ works th*Yhad net rather Been in (hstsuspof the “ ehemy. v This is a very extraorotiiary aflsrdon int deed; but perhaps the gentleman his Tome pCrtfcu*. larjatcnt ible meani .’g in it* but as it (lands must unavoidably give ffencp to ail the Geoilctma of the army who were to the l.ntr* and at the fame time convey a mod fcandaloi,* rqpett to the enemy* who trt*y imagine that hjs Majesty’s army is in a great meafute eonttpted in tihhir favour. Such exceptionhlo' parts of that eentlptiftil pied* in my opinion* and I presume ntfo to tke sense of the pnblick, dp rhitlenge an eh r ian; tisU bran apology From the conliuhalor# Plato. ■ a Writer in f imothy, paper faith: “ / txiauld Undertake to rt iuce 4ur debt rttifbin the cotnpaft of 1d,006,000 flirting* (if it may be te duccd to that it must be triore,) 44 aWd make good the tojfes Uibicb the aged übidmUs and orphans haiit fttflered in tbat tithe* These lodes are not afeertained, and though widows, Orphans, and the Aged) to be yet here Is im plied a treat and general loss which even these prlVikdgßft per funs are #ot to hope to fee rtpaid 1 for this grave undertaker proposes only to makegood the lodes wit bin on& yiair t and, after firft encouraging -hopes that the debt might be reduced to the moderate sum of io,6ot> ooo* if all others besides Widows and orphenft would with their lofs* deftrdys evert these hopes a gain, adding 1 44 At leatt 1 can die thonftrate tbat it coutd bane been done ti tbe.lafl twelve months” but I will never be done hereafter efcoept by a general tfankrUpAcjs Such are the comforts of a moft infatuated people# richer than eVer, yet *0,d00,c60 ia debt, without the ieaft profpetl of be ing able to pay or carrying their point, And yet stupidly advancing, 44 Whene ver vie ebbofe our enemies jbeuld mote the) tiulfl go* and moft imp'udeotly afiert ihg, that the King's troops are paid im note# of their oncers# “ at milch inf tr ier to coHtinentskds continental ate to milted dollars.* With such tales are an infatu ated people fed, find by such lias they must Inevitably \k or rather destroy themfeirts. It 0 V A “If W■ v ‘ w 1 * •*> V?“ ■ ’WWW- CtmtHnitHOPLE, AngtJft. H dt‘s co f of lsft week ao-lefr than iefi fine* broke out ia this City eafi its fsburbal on. of W tiH*J*Hil deacet ilrtkiw4 fix ftoufiu; eafi toother fa thft cease# of CoeftsatMOglf, la Urn orfkt of (he sytk psst, which raged upwards or if hoerm aad cor fumed 30 befidfa about 6q*i hovfts dr (hop . Different attempts bars baeo mate to httrn Tera aad Galas, th refldaateof’ tha Pranks. t. QJ I ! ’ *''P . #•&* J*tHP J 6. Last Baadap fc’a Sight; aboet tea In the evening, an immsafy eeaatitt ks nutter was thrown oat of the month of Yt /nvias t it had tho appearaaee oir * bomihd forge, and the fiery matter *s ejefted to the heignth eftwo miles end ejialf perpendicular kt teaft. Yhe breadth oi.tHs fiery appearanM sSms pear Tour miles. An immeafe Black dauA . we formed abcra'aod ell round the MeuaMih* i ro “ JLe xJarld, tod /irlfCdYlghtriHu, perpetually proceeded-, leek* iN the wind did net blew toward*. Napier. The cinders have been carried upward# of 90 mills la a ftit'fiht Uae, had in difttnt p aces it waft thought Naples was deftmyed. . *”* Ltipjick. duguft go. • The report which pre- Vails* that,the Kt*^• Os Fruilfia was afleasMiag ha army of obfeiVstion, gaiaa ground, which* it is laid, Will cohfiit es e cords oF between iD and c 0,009 ace* which is to be commanded by thh Duke Ferdiaand of Brnttfwick. IS is xlf# said, thll before nrgt winter the aficftiTary re- wiU bfe reiftd to fapply the deficiencies from whence these cores ire td be drawn. -• ‘ _DuM, jafy so* The brave Gapt. Roy dr Riled this awriULwiiAApri|MtaeroreA,gnaft IS company. wjtfrwOW 24 g7tV deck, being the fafteft filler he’ soon came (n fight Os seven EngUftt privateers* and made signals fed h>s companions to fullo# him | ha approached them with great courage 1 , end, though he wae deferted-bjr the other two, he attacked the One my. and (beght them feved hehir, ftnkirrg onh ahd taking five es the others in fight of tHo port, of Which <hs inhabitants, officers, tec. okra aye wit- efle. Owm the (here, who, on hie return} loaded Mm with compliments, and re ceived him with the loadeft aedemttiohs. Upon, Mamining the erijtM* the Cepoi. of oefot the moft coafiderible of them prevea to be i women* who has f<? 11 abed the bufieefs es a fongglet and Captaia of a privateer tot test years. .* * rxr-?*— • -w- - • if ague, Aggaft iy. Letters from Peri?, of the 13th mil. announce, that the embarks tied of the troops deftihed for adefteat oa England was certainly go take pi tee the iieh 3 so that eery interesting neWs Was expefted at Ptris bp the latter cad of this moaUu Amongst the trodps embarked, to ihe aomber of 60,00d men, ffay He feme letters) arc it.obo Spaai mde, aad five rift regiments. . • * ‘ ;v U W f * m GibraUar import* that the gar- Mfoa 11 ia a good state of deferqfipfead that the Ertperot of Merocfco gives the (Iroageft aflurf* nneesof the conrtnaatioa of hit fricndftio, and o/ his intention tdJake care to furaift that placd with all kinds of previfteas, fire. ? ’ LON D O ts, dagajf if, THE MinerVa latter of marine, of edd , tou, 18 guns, fix end nine ponaden, and J 8 men | a (cheftocr from Cadi* to North* Csrolica, with Jiraady. wine. tec. sod the Marlborough fetter df aerfine, es 34* tone, 1A gnat* and 43 men, from Bufton for Hifpanfe,*. with lumhe-, ci., ftc. are elf taken by tb& Terri tie privateer, Ctpu Ayres, of Londoa. Ofir trade io Russia ibis year has feeeo greeted ibaa ever wai known. The eftpertatioß of tin# Jead, cppj er, eoarfe linen, aad wooiea cletfis, *°eg ells, worked ftnffs, arc. make feme h- ‘ mends for the loss of our American trade* eafi, ia this, by treaty, we are to ftaad uprivalied. Aogujt 14. Tha N. 8. Eeaevahi, Caps. Don Antcmo Aquileja, a Spaailh frigate, of ifi ( Set the fourth pgg t . ]