Newspaper Page Text
‘ftftd intent if Curing Vs offthefae* of-tbt Sarth, df
ftrOying rfr family*, and U Make paffgjfion of Our
JLandt they deftrve to lefent back to their Own
to Starve The Speech *f the Swedish General
that Lord MamfiAd quoted in the House of Lords might
•with more jufiice and propriety Ik made Use off by Its
y o-4 he SittcbhenforifWe dottot defray th/m they will
do dll in their power to dejlroy Us---It is ft ale Strange
<Sibal C'Wbt>le Country /bond he so abandon'd! 1 ash
Jerry that Elakes House is made a Den of Yhifves *
I fuppoft General Lee intends to Vlfil Beaufort I
‘M'd be ob/ied to You to present my Compiikynts, tbo’
’ unacquainted, to Him, & Gent Howe, •who l know a
little, and acquaint them that / ft a!I be very glad of
the pfeafure of fheir'Company and their Skits, if they
will make my House their vuay fa Beaufort- —They/hall
have my Boat to attend them ;, it will be an tafitr and
‘more.expeditious Way of gating there- -1 hope You will
Accompany tbem--Befo good It let me know the night
•before, if they intend to Ctme this way
lam glad to finj that',au Army is moving Southw
ardly 1 hope they mean tovijsl Bast Florida.
/ am
Dear Sir
Your AffoUle. Hble ServU
Cos/iw River, Augnft
the n-th 1776. \<
, * The Highlandei* taken an b >ard one of iße
tranfport* after ikt attack at Sullirao’i Iflani Wei*
confined to tbi* house.
THE proeerb rs theantientr, Africa femper novutn
monflrum frofert, taAorr'k and, mipht very well
leak Dated, Civil wars and rebellion are daily pro
■ duQive of new monftert. The State < f Georgia;
while it txifted, above iny other, hat been remarks
able fer such produdi.**, and the dcfpicable re
mains of i’ wt uld aow be fur k in utter oblivion if
|hi* prrdufihve faculty did not Sill furvie* the only
proof of their exigence. It would be difficult any
where to colled such a numhe if fitch men, and
their annuls, fhvit at they were,, mat fafely bid de
fiance to all the record* cf -cruel tyranny, violence,
aod madness, to produce-any'thing equal ) nnr it it
in tha lead to be doubted the drege of the esfle have
pteferved the spirit ar.d fade of the whole, though as
yet a rapid succession in tyranny and office senna their
only charafteridick, and Governor* and Atfrmblie*
in that State quick aa m.fiiejmi out af a
dunghill. Niithei Prefidant Wvreat nor Guvemor
Walton have been able to mif* the bubblf to the
kighet pitch, nor to preserve a feat in Dan Quixote**
fiddle any longer than waa necclTarv te ex jolt them
ftlttt to eoatenipt and tidicule. Ala*! the iaftabi
lity of Alb!unary or lunatick grer totf< I No wonder
that PrefidentAVercat prudently submitted to the su
perior parti, integrity, and merit, of Governor
Walton) but that the (aid W.lton afore Aid flijuld
so quickly make room for hie better*, hit put
cauld feel the thorn*, hit proclamation cfctpe the
preft, or himfelf enjoy a honey-moon of dato and
government, is rather degrading j and to do jufticc
to merit wherever it may b> A u-id, cur.fidertng what
he ha* undergone, aod hw he duck at no>hing to
serve tbecnufe, and that it ie hot birely problemati
cal whether any one can edeerd him in ieal for con
fifeatione or scurrility c f langu ge, to pel* him by,
after sock greet promifet ton by him made, Art mi
almost rather Ungrateful. Os thi* however hu peer*
..mud he the beA judge*, and it feem* the ptefrat As
sembly af Notable* have given the preference to
Richard Howlay, Esq; wh m they eliAed Gjver.
nor, and that George, Esq) also had the ho
nour of being chtfeo P efideot of the Council in pre
dilcAien to tho late fiAicu of a Governor George
Waited. I shall not presume to attempt to laanch
out in praise of such chareAeiij their namea me
their chara&ers; and the new GjVeraor in particu
lar if a* advantageously known in Carolina aa possi
bly he can be in Georgia ; hit ab-.lities to proptf,
taifl, (and towarda those that are not ungratefu )
tofefteu law*, have gained him great fame) but, a*
Confifcatiea Law*, above all other*, feamtd hi* fa.
vouritei, probably hi* mod impoitant fervieea will
flill cantinue in that channel. Hi* exalted ftatkn
will not divest bins of this infallible ma. k of patriet
ifm, aod to provide money for the State, and sub
sistence for themlelve*, will certainly claim the firtt
attention of hia aflociatcs. A* nothing can be
from him that nothing but, all man of property by
this lima mill be fufprAl, and, from the
ion of tkingr, I cannot help jadging them in immi
nent danger of being found criminal; and how happy
mu ft that country Hey whet*, to be pctf-fTed of pro
perty, if only another term for being fal>cHed and
guilty. A certain fct of men who otptfcJ another
set while thty both had a home in Geotgia may now
fee what they bar* brought tkemfelves toy and their
familtca aod country) they may pore over tbe r%-
tpeAable lift of tlteir picAnt ruler*. Th fe he the
Gjdo which have brought y- u out of the Land of
Egypt. Let them lay their hand* on their breast and
Confider the tendeocy and effcA* of their own doiago.
Tbofe that feel thrmfelvc* a little /torched by the
fire themfelvec kind cd may Here view what relief
they might expeA f out thnfe they formerly fuppor:-.
ed, and what fafety, credit, or advantage, i* to bo
cxpeAed from a government composed af such eba*
rafters. ‘ .
I will oat Ay with a certain writer, AAt of
worthy men you are, indeed ywu are a set of worthy
men,** left I flieuld befufpefted if ftattvry j but such
of them as can unde'itnd it wilt not be offended
with the complimenf, Pulcbrum est digito monftrari ac
dicier hie est, and I C4A<liiily declare th.t I 10,.k upon
nil the highest office* iu tiuii S*ete so properly filled
up that we may look upr-o ifaim worth aa o>my,
they are the men and will do tbe bufioefs.
|T ha* been confidently a&rted by proper judges
that a CharicAown uih, r, who usually figna
Scourge, te of a* mcch fe. viee to their cauf* as a bat
flion ) if {>, the yung man bad belter ft.le hhn
,teif Legion than, especially as naioftiu
inent which i* J/ for the hock of fools cannot be
fruited il hi* country. Ms it howerer, that
till* write* if equal to a battalion, and also rite! thu
batMliea cohfiftt of ai many mao at ho hat reader*,
hot left than r ;oo or &000 At rely, then’, p'*y, at
what rue will luch *n extraerdinary battalion be
maintained ? A* I suppose them all ptriot%, pnd as
they cannot serve in more than on* battalion at
once, I conclude they will receive no pfy but wh-n
in afitual and at thrir Slate it not invaded’,
and iliei g eat m*n afiure them Georgia is Aon 10
be evacuated, I trice it far granted thty are not now
in set vice above .'-Hie a week, i. e‘. the dav they read
the* paper; end as every i>aper coft* only era dol
lar and an half, the ex >ence can be no moie than
aap dollar* every. TuefUy. Should the King’s
troops, when they evacuate Georgia, take it in their
head* 10 move into Carolina, it may perhay• be put
to the left whether a Scourge can stand n bayonet,
and I would advise that writer, merely bccaufe I
with him no harm, to make a private trial in his
room whether hie writing* are bit I let-proof, whe
ther his Scourge can face a gun, and what depen
'dance there may be upon a battalion of paper, Ei •
cept one author, who hhk abeady gV to Amen C si
ner, and publiftied more truta than probable he in
tended, it feem* the whole Previrce cf Waiting
in that State is devolved t* “ Scc f U -gft and Scor
pios*, ** and it will t>* verv c-ntrary to the nature cf
things if Scorpion* and Rutlefnakes do not at Uft
prove poisonous to ihA by whom they are Andled.
RAN AWAY the 15th it ft ant, under tir
cuiaftaace* of daring infolencc,
£> . .. -
A Negro Man,
named CHANCE, of a yellVw complfcxioe,
country bora, 21 years of age, fcnfiblc, Hoops
in hit walk, about five feet two inches hrgh,
and of e deader make. A reward rs tendw’-
lar* will be paid the yerfon who delivers him
to the fubferiber; end i r , bv aa impreper re
finance', be (hould be killed in an attempt, to
take him, the fom of fix dollate will be paid
the porion who kill* him for making such re
The NEGRO BOY fAMES, adverted the
, oth lift November, is dill absent. and was
refeued lately by a soldier from a slave, who
was conducing him home. A reward of fix
dollar* Will be paid for the boy, and the feme
sum to the informer, upon coaviAidn of tho
refeuer, by JOHN WULLRYNI.
Jan. 20, 1780.
■BMBWWV WMtamw wmmwm ■ —— , , - - - grTrr t nI - ■ —r ■—
ALL per fan* indebted to the Eflae of Sa
rauel Gillespie, deceased, are dtfired to
make immediate payment; aa J those having
demands against the fame to And in their ac
counts, properly attested, o
RAN AWAY the fubfeftber the tilth
of Dtcamber left ANIGROWENCH,
named TJNNGE, about 18 cr 19 years of age,
verv black, fit or t and thick, round face with
thick lips, this country born, aed speaks geod
Englilh; Are had on an auaabrig petticoat, a
thick homespun white cotton wrapper; (he has
a youag fellow with her named Dick, who for
merly belonged te one Mr. Phacnix, who flie
pretends is hgr hulbaad. It is fuppof:d they
are employed about Newport. Whoever will
dclivef her to me, or give information where
ihe may be had, Bull teceivc one guinea re
ward from
ANY person in want of A WET
NURSE, may, on applying ,to
the printer, hear of a healthy woman,
with a good breast of milk, and who
has lolt her child of seven days old,
Jan. ij, 1780.
—■ —■ ■■ ■—- ■■■ ■■’ w■■ —■ MU 1.. m‘l owou.oii, ■
Oa Tfaurfday the ryth day es February next, at the
Vcadue-Heufc in Savannah,
cen c ok, wafi*, and irau, and a vary valuable
NEGRO BOY, belonging ta the State af Dr.
bait Trail, dveeafed.
. AH pcrfoM to wham the Eftateis indebted arede
fired to give in tbeir accaunt*, praperly attested, by
th* day es Tale) aed all acccnatt due theXftaie, and
Oat fettled bf that day, will be put ia suit.
Savannah, j h J M . 17 | 0 .
THE fubferiber intending to leate this pro
vince By the middle of March next, de
fire* all perfbns to whom he ia indebted te call
for payment; and these who are indebted ta
him are requeued immediately to difebarge
their accodit*,teherwire he will Im obliged to
pat them iftte tlmanda f an Attorney at Law
to be sued for. DAVID MURDOCH.
savannah, as in
this Gazette in November last, is re
printed, and may be had at the Frigt
iofrOffic* / * r ----- ---
t OR S L &
iDICO, and* TAR. Apply to Mr.
Thomas Ricd, Merchant in Savannah,.
Jan. AT, _ _ ...
** _
A full blooded Stallion,
Sixteen hands high, One of the best ever per
haps imparted into this country. He may be
seen at Mr*. Gibbon*’* plantation, by apply*,
lag to the of the Light Dtagaona
at said plantation. ‘ H *
——W ■ 1 Ww*—W MhMB
ANY perfan willing to erntrsft for f-om
10 to 500 Cords of FIREWOOD
may be supplied at a convenient landing on Ss
Vaanah river, at a very reafcnablc price. Ap
ply to the printer.
• . -
CERTAIN intelligence has been re
ceived that the Captain Pafliaw
has gained an important vidorv over
the rebels nigh Tripoliza in Morea*
It is said fome thousands of them have
been cut to pieces, Ivith many of their
chiefs. .
Stockholm, July 20. The beginning
of this month airivcd at Maerlirand, g
fhipfrom Virginia, laden with 80,ooolb.
of tobacco, and iooolb. of indigo.. The
mader cf this veffcl, the seventh that
has put into that free port since the re
volution in America, fays, that he is
soon to be followedby nine more from
Virginia, all bound for Maerftrand,
London , Augujl 12. Advices from
France, by the way of Holland, fay*
it is impofiible to deferibe the embar
faflment the French were in, from the
fear of the Englilh landing on theif
coasts, on Governor Johnftone's late
visit, the marchings and counter-mar
chings of the troops from place to place,
whenever he appeared with his little
squadron, greatly harrafted the troops,
and the country was in a perpetual a
The Sophia privateer* (the property
of three daughters of a nobleman) has
taken the Efpermandeau, a very rich
Spanilh Ihip, and is arrived at Lisbon.
There are 7000 poll chaifcs in this
kingdom, which on an average run 16
miles a day, fome with four, others fix
horses; which, in addition to the pu
blick revenue, bring government about
7001. a day.
September 1 6. The conYoy coming
home from Limerick, in in
cludes out own homeward-boil rid East-
Indiamen, two French Indiamen, the
Manilla (hip, four whalers, and eleven
other vefiels from different quarters.
Their value is c imputed at more than
four millions and a half’ fferling.
Sept, 18s Orders are ftnt koffi the.
Admiralty-Office, to the Commanded
in the Downs, to permit no (hips what-*
ever to run through there without firff
undergoing a ftrlft search ? and to treat
all such as are found endeavouring to
evade it as enemies; the like orders ate
sent to all the guard(hips at the More.
Mr. Stephens, Secretary to the Ad
miralty, in a letter to the lady of Ad
miral Byron now at Bath* dated Sept.
9, fays, ** He has the pleasure to ac
quaint her< that the reports'(he may
Have heard to the prejudice of Admi
ral Byron are malicious, fcaridalpus*
and void of ail foundation ; that he has
the fatisfa&ion to learn from Mr. By
ron's difpatches* that he did every thing
that could be done to being the whole
squadron intoa&ion, but that the French
as industriously avoided it, and conse
quently the brunt of the battle fell up
on the van, which was Admiral Bar;