The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, July 27, 1780, Image 1
wm ■* h w w * ► ~ v *• M * am H ■■-&*-***&’. -'**• ■- < f; •■ , ' j ■* Mr. JohhsTo*, r AM i plaio man, with a limited education, my | da^ii , °t J, and accordingly I mule cfcoice of a ratal |,f the feiaraf to happinrl., m tarhieh, however, I have been niiitabljr difappomt ®tt* y ckagyin at the erroneous opinions I oeet entertained of men and things is patt defection : Mr homebred conceptions ted me to conclude that truth and propriety of conduA was the mft diitft read to good fame and fortune, but alas! I wow have cogent reafms to iamant the grand rnftk-, and that it was only a mdh&e ta all the cot.folation I hsve left. all advances to an advantageous comprpg? nttr, by a bargain with men ev'io were my declared enemies, becaufc the ne-rffity it im rosed ts future ** reciprocal Cervices (hacked my delicacy, at their proceedings conveyed to m** by a plain and dueft View, a glaring tint of the miseries they haw fioce produced • and in cm I was facrifi ed at the altar of REBELLION, which a m re liberal e location might have prevented, by evincing.the •bfurdity of such ohftinacy, with the advantage of prudential temparising j /wearing, with proper re servations, a few unmeaning oaths of obedience to the Csngrtjsj v filing; or premising to sign, an t njfgnijfcanl ass ciatinn. Infulis, imprifmmentr, bam fitment, md ten fife at ie a/ ftecceded what I thin thought the htnefi rtfufil, when mo rom eofation could reafmably be ex.>eft:d lor these fufiTiring., more ihan Ice-ping my if that e. u!d afford n.i h oldi.. jg t the pvm tsfrs* HONOUR. But th* f< punilhment*, great as they were, (hall never iel me to declare, wh the bnm u oua Falflaff, I uiill have ntne es it Neither sh all any dria >pointments force me to desist from serving my relatia-a and coadjutors tn future, whether they have been in or ou, cf rebellion j if guilty of the hln-keft crimes, I (hall erdeavou", like the Spartan KING, ** to*get them acquitted for my fake jf If innocent, for their owntaking Care to omit no instance of com?u r ftion in them, Jet tliofe of the coot'a-'y be ev*r f*. nnuawou*, that rray possibly contribute ta that end, having been taught upon he hieheft authority to believa repentance at the lap hour will atone for the fn ft a*r dens crimes, therefore an‘early overt aft thereof fttjuld wash them as whit* ai f*ow, T should not here be u'-rterftood to mean th* rfie guilty! fh'uld entirely escape notice* Oar children Ire r eceffarily corrected for faults, Heavy hearts and light pockets aw, wih ’h*ir present incapacities ard ftilings % dreadful runilhmeftti, if th-y <fo aot yf///, as kereteftre, hope f >r miracles in their favour. All tardy unf .nunate debtors are to irfu'ts,, extortions, beggsrr, and I ft of liber ty ) 1 rrn:Aion wh'ch ihe numerous attachments n >w on taeir eftatea mart brirg too h me, and embitter with the gloomy profpeft of their being fereyer I ift to them. Yet confident and firtituic may prrvent • fatal defpandency j Though a 1 (sf twenty rounds to pay t wenty ft] 1 irg* it :h,e iravitnhle ctn i quence, notwiihft tnHirg the imrn*''ff ‘plenty of coi” , with the fin afTurance, hi rtftntd h* c*l ar• funritj, (though to me inr* licable) f j,, ,emain ir g with u*, it is more than probable th- larp-ft ,nd JhdLcf .thnfe rftates will be trans'srred/Vi Ky tvact of bidders, to persona g-uilty thio the prcf.nt owners, ar.d who, by Jkperlative fuming, ; rfsifrd fftatrs on tbe rf other! tha wantonly roamed from home, where they might have staid anil frured the leave* and v j c her fli tbs idea with paternal fondnefs of living in this province without japer rn-ency lt forms a fmiftied pillure ir, miniature of ( P u-ence fitting u ,in a monument fmibr.g at Grief:*’ Aifo a medal, o n oreftde fltew. Jng a man in ragt ofFming u another f..e paper, which he contenaptuoufly rrjrftr, with ‘hefe ernble* rnitick charaAc't rn the rxergur, S, J: Ft L: Im. The reV* rft ftiews .£*lvj fiifpen tj iby a cloud, 11 the indecent aft tude of Pltiyi?tg a tempest. Voiding in impetuous sh wer t f ein on feme men benea b, who firugglirg tocatch ir,dilTilvesinvifibly upon the tub es their hards. Thegrestrr the and p (,'it oa •fa country is the left remittance and'ctrculifion af nponey it required t And ttrnr merchantt, from no. fives of publick utility, will remit product at a certain loss, in nrefermce to coin, may perhnpt ad mit of m i them 1 1 tc a I j hut no lucb proof is requisite to pronrunce the perfor blind or i*f*r* who st r ays unrfceririlr out of a plain road into b.icrs aed tb rns. But ftriftnres on tbit Cub pft i Tht bbff-d situation of a country where pro. duce is a lenJer in payment, the merited iodulg<e of anothti Currency Bill being ever granted, and the enved circo-uftsme cf a pioy,icc unhurt bene J with currtncv fora medium faJe and ciiculation, ■ ,iy be confidcrcd at icifurc by . A< - A LOYALTBT. NUMB F. Ri f. _. .■Fertem ftf tenacem prtpojUi <virum , - - - Nen eivium arder frava pettntium. Meats fwatie fslida . jg 0 r TN the beginning es these unhappy tftprf, Jiam *wn tfTat wruld ratherclefe than wtdea tha breaefc advised to cooloefs of thongbt and moderefion of mrafure*, they were ufoally acfwered, “ Weftu k not this k i** and never wae any refutation mom ftriftfy adhered to than tbit by tbofe that formed It. Tba talk of ranoßoctag thought wm wry arf to feck at never eoofidererTy Hie king tat sor part oftshe j ufingf ! cf lifr > fm’bla to men nf de^ Jnik * - * .g^L-; gWjft jotii JBhß^ g..!| r-m —i fl^EPSvq^^nflß^flEp 9k JSST* Ljflr itsH9~^^|fll9HßH(faL H n * ~r \?, J&g&Nfr Jl # *b| r ; SAVANNAH: THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1780. •k ** to torment them before their f They were told, “ they ,hat would not think * ft mull think lifts* 4 * “£fet thor unthinking would involve iheraTftd their country ta ruin }** hut Lme fought the,, refuge and ear*, and others placed their honour and patriotism *# ,h ° l *S>dfl’‘cfi. Every man that was fufpcAed of thinking became n fufpelled and to thirk different from people that did not think at all wae a c->tie which exposed to every fpeciee of insult, luffeiing, and i The tdnfequences of all this are now viable | number, that died at thMughtlffe at they to be feared they stow SSaifeK:* sh-tight, and if er thought, however painful, thin of ni own . itnV"r*l and profcffVd maxim of that day. -• ts Out succeed U ntil be tolled m R/Wx/fe*, *nd deemed a Kebeltnn if nme tmfearee.” On this dreadful alternaiive, which with the greatest fafety *0 thrmfilves and their country they might altoge ther have avoided, they ventured bliodfcU, and I'ke rope dance,, fcvped on merrily, and fnfked about with the highest unconcern while attempt, ing to p.f* over the narrow and frightful precipice. As this Neck or I heard fume of e\lr r°tf IL Cpta *2 U C f fo,i * afisffi pubiickly de. . * e> mutt not look ta con/equencrs,** This •*” **? a W 7*o ward off ruin and deftru.on when it ta trrefrft.bly pointed out as coming on apace; but when that rum and and ftruftion they have been warn - f aftaaoft' I '-it- sflually whit reparattoa can Bft •Mk. .MiM 1 brought it on f And if ,hiu t h,r, , h i L-oned with mrfery are ever brought to feeliirgs, murt those f-cl who nc.tber caa bear their doom Wtth car fe.ous iuitocence, nor escape from ,t, tho* they bioked upon their l ltf . Perhaps thofc who ftt their country in Wood and fiimer, to have the picture of Iryir g whether they could b.tng about a nhrili .n or revolution, would row be v f ,y loth t admit the authrniicitv of so h-.r ----arduus a principle 1 VVc have, hosserr., .hefaoftion ol th ir authority whin on thr funm.t f glory and power to dec)ire it what it really ... There is not I J muchof therx.flenceof these quondim states left *t to permit a fttiduw of hij>e tht all their proceed top bMiw wi l Cfvr by any Cher name fh,n th.r bh.JbMhemf Ives agreed upon U the beginning. This doubtlrii w!l not make tlum in lute with the nation, thnt mifearriage may nr called, rebellion j but pe.hspa also the illufiuu rvy ccafe, an d mens eytl may be opened who hud ro appreh-rfioni till they found themfelres in the rn d(t <A Samaria j and, now the ground of their Infatuation is re.n v ved, what fti ruld hinder cat and and m *) to acknowledge that the madnrfs an 1 knavery of t*:cur uilers, and the abj ? a fe.vility of a people ,h t rook u arms tpmli ihemf.lvrt .n these rulers lupporr, bat really been produft-vc of nothing elle nut a derated rebellion, and that the utm ft of .heir power, deception, and villainy, csufel no othsr re volut.on than to give a turn to the wheri by which the virtue of honrft men w- put to a fevete trial, and Ihr very worst rode triumphant, but thit their ti .u t V h wa, fh 7rt ard i famous, and >he of men vh . fear G >.d, aid and , not meddle with them tha are given to lift only • till tbe pit caa be digged fji the wicked?'’”- ’ Though, up'm the principle on which the chief artjn p-etended to fetouf, the case, rn these parti a, lead, is entire y decided, yet particular fears, hopes, and private thoughts, and publick difeour'es, may Hill vary about the name the !at tranfallions mv deserve. Cou.d I hope that, while the prosperity ts fools destroys them, adversity” might lead men to corfi ler, I would/Willingly even row offer fame cdnfiJerations which 1 will stand or wll by thetr own weight, and can hurt none but such who, obftinatrly refitting their own cobvifti nns, (he eby render thrmfelves inexcusable before G>dl* and men here and hereafter. I would leave them with thofc who are deepest concerned, happy for ihemfelvet if they are brought to think feridufly ti Isft, tho* it might have saved t world of trouble if they could have been induced to da /• at firft. Let the cause be argued in their own breast, and their own con/ctence fjt;hfu!ly record the irrtfiftiblo ver dnO ; - ‘ Upon no other pribciple than the prof>a of suc cess, and that fjcccfi .>ul.l ahobfts th* criminality of the mean*, w. uid men have a*.y icgard for their I,v-s, engage in any def crate aAion. To set out upon such • plan may be deemed bili md po litick j bur it is frlf.evident that a regard to God, to just tee, and conscience, have 00 ftnrc in the re- Mutton. Upon shit plan men may, gyd l mad fry, must place pt.jury 10 the room of a lawful oath, to murder no dime; rapioe ar.d violence hold tUt pitta fit equMyaad ( or can any dcftgn be too too villainous, for mta that m *” a *d that feecefs ** “ CaA,rt * *9 klw leMilloo ay be batched in a fingl. break, but trioti, Mfttaya popular pretence tbe oioft dift y bot tbe meft likely CO ••*••7 •” ke fa, tba jgTTrB r • _ 1 , • ‘ \ mmm . ware of what it coming tbe caitfeßi prepare fir the worst, the cenaing eadeavour to be ftcoreio f . very evontv these at tho Helm begin freretfy to dread the general rain and downfall) defpalr aid violeaca r ? the natural eonfeqveoce | the authors ojf the attf chief • dash,” and provide far fifety hy ft.ght; 1 those that rents in pay the col; aid nothing is lf| of the baseless f shriek bat a curie as exteefiee aa tba goilt imprecated by the dupes tad lighting an tha authors of iaareby aad rebellion, B “ § What eoaftiratet tbe latter f any late ia (omm future paper, upon iaipat tial principles receivad aaft rcfpeAod by all esvilitad mankind. KINGSTON, OaNuca) I,m <. WEDNESDAY bit Vift.., K.r*. tio Nelfnn, Es returned from the part of St. John, on th* Ipoa n Main, with difpatchcs for hia Excellency tbe General. W* find that his Mases. ty*a forcet under Col. Pelfon, having farmounted the obftrufttaas thef had to cr coo a ter ia getting their floret, provffi.aa, and artillery, ap the river, had inverted the fort of that naipe, es atifea up and |o from the Like of Nicaragaaf that tha OUoel had trtfttd four batteries, which had goad eff ft, had eat the gamfen off from iay fttppiset af wood and water, tbe latter of wbieb they were fa much dtftrtff: and for that they wads feverai fa Diet {• order to procure fume, hut had been drove bt ik w Mb. <tafidif..%bls. liCt-i. that Cel. JtoiSea fihly have taken the place by efca/ade, hut being foovinccd it asuft farremder at dificvetion, buattnhy had led hint to save tho offufioa of blood, aed wait rill their nece&ncs bad reduced them ta accept hi* terms. t. John it a regalsr built fati|eation, hat about yo dtecehof cannon mounted, aid is defended by a gxrr.f >n of about sto men, ju or 4a of whom only are regular*, tbe others are the wretched mot ley militia of the country. Thera are not too troops ** ** w,lO, province, so that an easy conquest pre fers itfeif of reducing one of the richtft region* of N?w S ain to bis M jefty’s arms. Letters from St. John** fay that the banks of the r.vev **cep ia the neighborhood of the fort, art h-gh, clear of underwood, covered with large sorest trees, nod by no means incommoded wish fwampa aa .Tib.’ tb< penodici* prevail upon the coast, and render it unhealthy, they have little ir.flueoce in the interior part of tbe coun try, which enj >y at faluhrious an air as any part of toe western wori ♦ j that oar army hive stores and prortfi tos of all kinds in faur montha, tho’ tbov were a little straitened at fi ft f#f want of craft to convey those necessity article* up the river j that the troop* are in high fpirit*, aad thit thair leader ft ids it dtftcuW to restrain their ar dnu'with.n proper bound*) that B igadier Gene* r *l * Adjutant General Gtlrymple, with the 1 e.nfjrcement, b J arrived ia ptrfeSi health the *. be b:in ‘ n i lk a ftecable news of the fuTViwder of ihe caftlc. N E \V . Y O R K, Juae 16. WGNDAY arrieed the letter of atarqoe (hip Wi(l, Ctpl. in n ~bl from Lh...p.01. °. lb. ,lt inst. i. lit. ~. j 4> |„. 6§, tne fell in with and engaged a rebel frigate of jfguns, ia pounders, for upwards of 7 glaffee. The rebel ftiip was croad-d with* men, and feoghf xy guns cm a fide. The Watt mounted s 1, a „d 6 pounders, fume of them carrooadrs, and had only 164 men on b>nrd, it of whom were killed and feverai wounded. The aft.oo was obstinate and bloody, and the carnage on board the rebel frigate ami*tng,;is the vcffjla wer* a coafiderable time yard arm and yard arm, and the Wait, by the fu penor (kill of her officers, and the alcrteefe of her crew, had tbe opportunity of twice raking her an. tagoatft fore and aft, wh ch made her a perfeft ftaughter house. Htr fter.t was drove ia almost down to the water, many of her guns dUmounted, hundreds of Got thro* her fids#, her fore yard and topmast Got away, and ill her fails and rigging greatly damaged. She at lift put before the wind and ran from tbe W*tt, which chafed her f hour, bot having * cargo on board, and her mart, so maged tht ftte cnold not venture to ctrrv a rmt prefl of fail, (he loft fight of hor chafe on inst. The Watt hat a great number of ffi>t holes thru* her fide* and fails, 4 of them thro* her powder magaaias. She has certainly fought a move glori ous battle than any private ffiip of war fincc the commencement es hoftilitirt. The moft exalfed encemiam* are .adequate to the merit es the breve Capt. Coutthaid. The determined coarage he ex hibited during the aftien, and the cool deliberate minaer in which he iffacd hit orders, dees him the brnbeft honour | nor ought (he approved behaviour of his gelltat offirera and crew remain unnoticed a they richly merit, and will certainly receive aul piaaie from every maa who hss the glory af Us country at heart. * 9 ■. . - ▼•or aa. We sm bappy ta iad that tbe gallaat behaviour of Cspt. Coolsherd and the ctxw of tha Watt Jetmr of .marqae Mmts with aneommea ap. RUafh. Major Oiaml Psttifon, m tba arrival f arituT* IseMbT 1 * pdiitwft iid brnSSL^ IN*. 74 )