Newspaper Page Text
“dd *• *0 wllwlw,
|wivK> .{chafed her. At 8 Hi* f*ckt<l and Hood
towards tfcaTis, and fa on aftet boiflFd Fienqfl e<* ,
lAwt. ‘ baled 9 croffM m^mlk
•ad exchanged broadfidea, bore up and
<tft di*B under tup biit. Alt# tha FfUjAW*
gate let her ecu set, tup gillart felt, tad Jmdding
fc Milt, and mjdt kjf. J>* U* *•<*• CM*
puSbly abaft after b"> but sit thrunn*rg *%|>ng
■be WaaoTog r.sggtr.g, bnr.f liktwife maah daring ad,
praveniad her bring ablt to lot iudding fa>)s, by
wbkb tb Frruh frigate gird much grtmnd of
•s bar. At 4* umuuM pad tu fie auothtr large AU
•wad, ebicb the Irie fuppuitd vm her confer t, by
iba frigate** bring a signal gon, and takir g in her
fora lap gather RaddirgqpJ; the thought it
prudent, la tht shattered cordmon (hr eu in, la
haul bar died to the foathward, at wbkh time brr
fore top fail yard b* ke. The lira bad 7 men killed
’ and 9 wounded, one af which it dead. She if
sassed to ba the flermime copper bottomed
|Trenchfrigate, <f)6gert, fr*>m Behan.**
EjttroS 9/ m kittr/rum Si. Cbrijhpber, May if.
** lf.thirg worth iciicy hat .craned m this
quarter since my hff, fa apt a trifling hruih the e-
Ver day between fix of cur copper bctim and al
m ‘ft the wbele of the Frerch fquadroa. S rOe rge
Kedpcy being det'mined fi> ce the hft sllton to prt
tent the Frtrrcb from getting into F>rt Ray if, bit
been ever'fiace daacfogyfter them te the windward
of Mtrtinicc, and the ether day being rrerty rear
tap with them detached fix of the f.iftci failing *ef
felt te brirg ti e tear die fion es the Fiench to ac\ -
•b, judging, before their ean er rear divifivr.s c:vd
bear away fa as te double on enr (hips, that hia
whole fquadroa would be up, so that he could brirg
on a general afticr j hut fich wit our *unha py
fate, that to the Ciitica! junflure, when three (hi.l
j got into adior*,’ an unfavourable flaw cf wi-d dm*o
■tb ; Britilh fleet farther to lerward, and the
rear and center dieiflone.of the French an opportu
nity of rmulrng cur fix fbips at an ffrtierctful rtt-p
they w re called away, but daiitaie.) cor.fiJcrably,
with the lufi of neat 140 mer, However theyVe
aw m gead rrder and about feur league* to lee
way! *f the enemy between Barbados and Martini*
<0 ••
We are informed that mi tial Itw, agre**hlf to
- the eotjf of thr Rebel Uoufr of AtTcmhly empower*
log the Mack Governor md hbttmm to bring it into
~-epsmtion,;-wai. |n,Mf(sgihnyffit Phrh'defph.a -
last week, by * idrr .fa /rnAigatt and now tTv dtp
ptrolt Duuy/iti ej D firm art - tbt tgreg tus jcj'ifb
Eetd. ■ J
CiarltHoixn, Stuib bmrtl\na y ’July 14. Lift Fri
day we hat a heavy thunOc tlnim, curing which
the lightning one of me a.m-d gallira i0 the
Laib< er, killed one mao and wounded another. It
also brack tha Waikheufe, and killed a woman,
who, at that instant, was (hutting ene of the win*
SAVANNA H, Augufl 3.
T AST Friiiav arrived here, the privateer fcheoner
Higaland Lsf*, Cayt. Sljo, from a cru’z. #n
thr nth uit. (hr was taken by iba aiue VV*f f >,
formnly belonging to Cha'leflown, then in pofTcf
fi n. f a Spaniard. Nxt 4iy she in with and
was retaken by hie M*frfty*s ships R chat nd and la, which>a!fa tu k the W ,fp th. fame thy,
do the 14th the (ki,-t wf war captured ,vt ffrl*
rut of that Had jufl come out froai the Capes cf
V>rzinia. Lift Capt. 1100 law feveu fail
of ships and brigs Handing to the southward, and
at feve*> F. M. he came to anchor under Fari Moul
trie. tkn FritUy the tStb he perceived four lhi,>f
and three brigs at anchor ts Chirleftuwn bar; aid
ane flip under fail. Same d.y, between Smno a r d
Ch acirflowe bar, he f< ke a feb uner from Charlef
town for Btibaior, which had left ker rudder and
b-ve her guns ove;hoard.
Y‘Srday arlived at Tybee, the ship Thomas,
Cvpi. iesrd, fro* London, last from Madeira}
also the ship Refjlution from London. #n
dayr tiie Thomas fpeke oe the ce A with the Herb
fr * Louden, and the Rulf.l from Madci a, whuh
it’s th tight hive proceeded to Chailcftowa.
A Gentleman who came paCcnyer in the Th an*
informs u, that cn the i)th of June lag Commo
dore Walk, gham, with five As >s of the line, four
fixates, tad a number of traitfporia with troops cn
board, fuppef'd t> be joee, paled by MaJeiia in
h:s way to the Well Indies.
By the last accounts fiosa England Admiral
Cleary cv ndmanded the graod fleet at Pertfmouth,
which confided of 50 lice cf battle (hips fully mao-
Bed and crrnpleotly fined for fca.
A fi op from An ‘gu, Capt, Kennedy, i< ar
rived in this riepr, dtlm\fteJ.
The fcboooei Two Fuends, Capt. Darrell, from
B iiruJi fur EaU Florida, ia put into Fyhee 10 di
fl-afs. ‘ , x
*,* Tot fait *f Light mtaluaklt blt/rtet\ a fair
iff id in fht Jbiittb /a/e f thit faftr % is put ejf till
l/’tdntjdty ikt 6to br/tfrnhr ntxt.
Jn the SHIP THi.MAS, from LONDON and
The following Good*,
Fj<chafed from the Wft Mmuf flu, tft f* r Cash,
and to be f v ld bv
O ’ the rreft reafenabit Ternaa, for ready Mwey :
%TADFIFA Wine, of the London
** Goirt> ; in h gffceads and quarter caflt i If
eVpo P'.rfer in ditto, dine * foperiie FK u', all
Rit di of White aid Black Mats made up in the
we*tell manner j Mors, and I <y* f!ipe|
. and Pairpe nf aU kmu* t Btuedclothe wnb rri*r
*aang ci mnlftv, Myfon and ether Teas, Laaf lu
flar, nak many ether aitidt* tee tedieut te meoti#a.
* r~Jr f• to tbo pofleflljrs aiall the mSodry
glflcd Mad cwvtflrated by u Jfl af tIM B*aral
for tumpiag, ifeiaf % ,
mokhg currant, tkd fan} of from tkuflad ■
MV jtomdted and nt ponuda, in paper MUfl
•f credit, and for applyiafl the fame, 10 randar
*• |hd. praithar of firm, on nath, a Ante ®r
* accost at of the fereral fume es whkh they are ?
. podefled 1 and that the Committee report their
proceedings nt tha teat meeting of the Hoafe (
in order that foch mraiurea may be parfned as
bf the General Afttally may he thought mod
That Mr. Zubly, Mr. lanes,
Mr.! Baillie, Mr. Patcrfon, and Mr. Doaglafs,
he the fa id Committee.
A true Copy, ~ _ /’
Dy. Clerk.
It ptrfeaoco of the above Refolatioa and
Order, we do hereby give notice, that we are
ready to rtc ire attefled accouau of all fume
of legal paper currency any perfoa er ptrfoas
is or art pofcftd of.
Wm. JONBs, — ~
RAN AWAY from the plaoution of tha Isle
Benjamin Fo* about two months ago, A
likely NF.GRO FELLOW, named Dvs-
UN, 5 f*et o inches high, abcu: zt years of
(peaks tolerable good Englnh, 0 f black
ccmplixkn, ha< butiy hair. Also, A NE
GRO WENCH, named HAGAR, of a
middle stature, has her country marks on her
face, Tjfeaks good Ertgl-fc, of a ye low erm
plexior. They went off together, and pas
for hu/baitd and wife; they era (Ted Savannah
river at Savannah, and were ferns time at Mr.
Btti’ltc*s plantaiior. ; from that they went into
€flrpjfegt,Jknd _flhont thrrea treekt ago_.
they crofTed Savannah river again at Mr. Hall's
plar.f’t on ißtrGeoriia. Whoever will taka
up said Negroes, and deliver them to Mr.
John Todd tavern keeper in SavaenaH, jofaph
Rr nes at Little Ogechee, or the fob.'criber,
sh ll receive a Reward of Ore Gaines for each
and reafjn.ble charges. All persona are forbid
ha bourirg or con them, nr'Maflcrs of
vefTels carrying them out of iht province, as
they may depend on beirg prosecuted to the
utmoA rigour of the la v. r_,
Aagift 1, 1780. J JHN MMAHON.
N. 8. Tht Negra fellow cringes his name
in fome places, aad ca Is hiuifeif Dick.
mmmmmmmm m w w mm—mmmmm mmmmm
I GIVE tliis pnblick na'ict to all cerfons,
that Mr. Andrew Cons nirgs has t*ken the
advantage of ane, in ftiltng~a x iay Stilli >n, the
property of Mr. Georgv Walker, wh eh nas
been legally taken from me by said Walker;
and said Cominings h.ving my note of haad
for ejl. flerling, payable the fi 11 day of this
ir flint, therefore i da htreby forewarn all
persons from bargaining so: said note, as I
do not intend to pay any part es it. f~-
13th [aly, 178#. JOHN CAIDE.
, j,’
RAN AWAY from the fubferiber the ia;h
—— v <
A Negro Fellow,
about so years of age, sh rt and well made,
known a 1 over shi* p-ovince, been these
16 months paA with Capt. Yak. Wiocver
apprehend- ar.J delivers him to me at my plan
ta ion at’ Ogrchee fha 1 receive five p unds
ftcriing, and all charges for bring
ing bias hame, and if any person will prova
that he is harboured by a white person he Assll
receive ten pounds more on conviction of tha
offender from JAMES JmACKAY.
My 25, 178a.
Ten Guineas Reward.
RAM AWAY thefrih inAant, A MU
I.YDORE, who is the property of orphars,
the descendants of the la:e Mr. John Greene,
• deceased. and is well known in th s province
and Carolina, therefore a pariicolar deferi- tion
js anneceffary. TEN GUINEAS lewardwill
be paid any ;erfon who will deliver him at
Bonaventure in Georgia to cither of the ftb
feribers, or to Ja&b Deveaux, Esq; in
Charlellown. . jOHN MULLRTNE,
•: l ° ly 3 ** ly, *~ ‘ ~
JL LL persons having any demands againit
*he Eflate t f the late Mr, foka Gratne,
deceased, are dcfired to deliver ia tksk ac
counts prape/ly atteftsd, aad to reaflar ajaA
ncccont of all the cffc&i in tbasf hltds ; aad
, those indebted to said F.ftata am rcqmfltd ta
make iaamediare payment to
L# ■ mlf M mW ■ ™ Mgg f t
•pO ba fold fi cafli at fhnfcfbarv PU I | A -|
tJL %tloa oa Argyll liaid Faaai*'"l
CBORii I*. m Ik. c-o.ral I
; ,. I-- *>,L, lln Dcbi. ‘.li
-• J Jok. Darla tin jnnrftt. J
ITFHERRAS the teevrd nt Inrge of fl.l
Ts obtained in this canflyl
laflor asiflaid, and than is na evidewc: theimfi
hot by entries in the Prcvoft Msrfltal's bnnfll
for the yfnrs and
notice, that 1 (hall, on the 11th dn* cf Augnfll
inftnnt, apply to his Honour thr Chief Jtflijl
at Chambers fur leave to fae oat a Writ of Eg, j
ecution, for one ha ad red and one poui.ds, aiai 1
An lings, and eightpenca, with costs of fai# |
for which the laid jui gment wn* obtained
etfhty-favaa pounds, eighteen ftiillirge, 3 I
tenpence, for principal .nd intetafl to the firft
da y or
oa the fatedatioa of the entries aferefaid, in
par nance of the regulations in such cates ! a tly
made by the Hid General Court, t lcft the is.
fnadant la this cau o* his ett'irney or attor* i
a\es, or any other person or peifo. • concernad 1
In tha premifus, (hall, at the time abovemeatL
•aed,< stew cause to ti n contrary
J. ROBiiRTaON, Plait tiffs Attorwv
td Auoot. irflo. “*
Vi £OkL JA, Jn ire ueterd CourtT*
Kcl a 1 and Spalding )
. rv'tfut \*( In Case.
F/t?ic a Kiiowles. )
WHEREAS tha record at large of th ]
j idgment obtained in th.s cause is lrfl I
or m flaia, ad there is ao evi e.c thereof but
by entries ia the Prwoit Marl M's boak for ik 9
7 ?* rt , ‘J 7 **** *775* Ido ftreby give notice,
that 1 mall, * the nth day of AuguA inAaau
•pplyto h.s Hancur the Caacf Juflict at Lna*.
bers for leave to fa out a Writ of Executi t
rw*!* MmmAtiu I
rli! ■! i due on ,h f
iwd| a dr * fv,t y fr^amage s , j n tere-S, xvd caffr—
to the filfl day of AuguA inA* t . and remain*
tog an(ati:fied, on the fuun Jation f h- a .
tries nforcfaid in purfuancr of the regulatiati
in such casts lately made by the said General
Court, unlcfa the defendant in this cmle, nr
his attorney or atternics, ar any ether person
or persons ca-cerned in t. e premises (hall, at
the time (hew caTe to th t
J RGBFRTSGM, Pltintiffs Attorney,
AnpnT 1, 1780. 7
G t v.> RGI A. In the Ge. crai Cuuit. ’
Kcl fall and Spalding J
•vtrfut C la Case.
Thom at Ufgood. j
WHEREAS the record at large of the
judgment obtain*. 1 in this cause i> let
or mislaid, atd there is iioev dence thereof hut
by the doequet of judgments now in tht haeds
of the Prothoaatary, and an entry ia tha Pro
vort Mar dial's booh in the rear 1774, Ido hare* ,
by give noiica, that 1 ball, oa the 1 tth day of
August ir.ftant. apply to his Honour the Chief
J uAice at Chambers for leave to L a act an Pj
ecutior, for the sum of two hundred end thirty.
fy* P r ond, e.ghteea (hillings, and twopaace,
with cofls of fuif, for which the said judgment
was obtained, ninety five pounds, two fhtl
lings, and flxpeace, for principal and intrreff
to the fird day of AuguA instant, being then
anfa iified, on the, foundation of the dccquet
and entry nforcfaid* ia purfuanca of the rega
lacioas in such lately made by tha said
General Court, unlefa the* defendant ia this
cause, ar his attorney or sttornies, or say other
. person or perfoa* concerned in the premises,
(ha!l, at the time abovementioned, (hew cause
to the contra r.
J. ROBERTSON, Plain tiffs Attorney,
Angoft 2 1 -10.
GEkjR GI aT la iha Geawal
William Miller J
ottrfus i In Cast.
Thomas Lyan. J
‘VX/HBREAS the record at large of the
Y V judgment obtained ia this caafe ia lafl
or miiflaid, and them is no avidcacf
thereof but by the dccquet of judgmeittt new
in the hands cf the Prothonotary, aad aa en
try iu the Provost MtrlhaTs book far the year
1775, 1 do hereby give notice, that I (hall, oa
tha nth day of Augnfl inflaat, apply ta his
Honour the Chief Justice at Chambers for
leave to sue oot a Wiit of Extcutioa, for tha
sum of fifty-nine ppan.ds, fevea ffiiliings, aed
sixpence, damages, and,fix poaads, feventeea
fftiilingj, and elevenpence, cofls of (uit, dog
on the said jndgment, aad reaMiniag anfstif-
Bed, on the foundation of the dccquet and an
try aforefaid, in purfu nee of the regnlaunat
in such cases lately made by the said General
Court, ualef#4br defeadanr ir this caafe, at
his attorney or attorniss, or any otktr person
- or persons concerted ia the pramifes, (knit; nt
the time abovemantiaaed, flew caafb to tbfl
J. ROBERTSON, Plaintiff’s Attomoy,
Aegufl z, 1780. _