The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, August 03, 1780, Image 1
Georgia number n. Qrfbrnt abfcrlrra pf / Mi turn maaxiaaa paetandi ttctftaj if, mat #*•/ amtigmm dead ra/, tfah/nog. jtmdtatm mna ahem aftSa im poet fidat, damefieie mhi tMctdtttm pmtnm appanara patriae & pravatm %>Ml atf rnfmkhtm aeolit appal fra fmamyma caufom tibar. lilii larva ft bam pkbHci prmttxtu velar a fhUmii . Bttdiyi Argent*. If H E queftloe wbcttia Rebel lien coniiftaca'i sever he agitated with A A apparently frailer drfedvantage - . 3,, thw la • time when opposite VEffaklili larion. The vtauC impartiality V (Mb JTll gs af mm author will net efrape fcilMi frmtkcft eki think tlwf act blamed, or feel themselves blameablr, and thole wHoknow do rule sf juftidi bat to do what they lift will ever be ready to condemn and perfect te any see that daryt to avow principles of justice oppofrte to t?itir power and usurpation. This however i a qurttioa of greater impottarce than curiosity, the calm ilifcuffiiMi of which it sever more aeorftiry than when the case ia aft u ally luppefed to extftj tod a writer that hat so ether view bat the pvbiick food m superior t Jtht potty cavils or ipfidious releftieii ct party and f-Bion j he may *ithcf drfrife or pity I Hem, but fas ought not to fufFcr hiiufeif to be di verted frem hia haoeft iutcstioee. The m H fuvourable time that can be gives ta commotions where fubjeAa are in araii against their frfemgfi is that of a civil war j it may be very pro ffer therefore to cor (tier how for war io general if fawfd- ; and iurify rim fraud tnc left of genual rules received by ail frber man, between two fyreign ard perhaps naturally lival power*, mail stand condemned hy all equitable sad decent perfont if begun or carried on by law. fill fobjrda against their natural prince and legal fov vrreigr.. I proceed to ly down tome of tbefe rule*, ‘‘d fli II not be very pointed in their application to y*ricul *r cafrv. Ho war taa it lautfml v.\ihaut a jut cause . and ft lift ibart it no tajier and JtLjer remedy ‘/a preferva aad abtdim peace. As it feemi an iufuU U reiloa to allrdge rcaf.nain proof U fucb an affertioe, I Unit cinttut myielf to feme authoritiea to prove wnt ought to be laid or thought aJ fiich on whom co Aiwh reaLniog can make toy impression. 44 Tbofs ~i-who run to am a without neceißty are the fcourgea *** of the human tace, barbarians and rebel* to the ° law of nature, or rather to the common father cf 44 mat kind.” “ Thof* disturbers of publick pears, “ those fcourgr* 0 f the earth, who, swayed hy a “ law Ufa thirl cf power, or a haughty and fivage “ difpJition, take inai without jalice or resfrn, “ who froit with the quiet of mankind tnd the “ blood of other* j thole falfe heroes, however dci -44 fied by the ii judicious admiration of the vulgar, ** are in eff & the worst ? f enomie* to their freciea, ** and deftrve to be treated at fuck. Eaperienct ftiewi hew very calamitous wat ii even swing 44 nations not immediately in it. War 4 diflurb* commerce, drftroy • the property of meo, 44 laifea the price of necctfuics, obliges all natirns 44 to be upoo their guard, and keep up ae a great •* expence )n armed force % titerefore he who breaks peace without a caufc nccefarily injures nations “ who ate the ofcj fta of bis dints, and by hi* per • 4 nicicui example rfTentially stuck* the fafety and 44 happioeft < f every nation upnaeanh, and givet 44 a right to jiin in repressing, >g, and 44 depiiving of a power whichJieha* foenormoufly - lhufid.’* Theft are the impartial thoughti of a sery great man whom I ihajf often have occafi n to cte, the rrfpiA for wht,m and hi* c hi* in t'uceJ me to adopt she figoa-uie of fatul'i Aaer of Hattons, Ii i* not left certain that, even where there may -fee a just caufc, juftica forbida war, uolcfa every ;poflible method and hope of obtaining redreft Uils, A* war is the greatest evil nations can be a 111 fted with it not to be ruftied into while there is any p©C>lity ter avoid or prevent it. gjb fort aft bom prmcipis alifnaadt hi 11mm ptnre fid tmm daniaut fofltaquam amatbus frafrm tantatu hat ad:fit axtrtma rnmftmr U ma* be tbeduty *1 a good prince fume* time* to e grge in war, hut then only when, having Med all other meant in vain, he n compelled to it tv txl'csie neceffiiy, Jlbiric Qtatilij dt Jure Billi, 4 * > tap. 1 7- Be Hum tjt m t+m hort am da, at aam - kfbmm.2 uajStoj mat <vtra chon tat ham tft am after a tefutat: War is Is horrible that noibing hut ox tc.nre hece fitly can esc lift it, Cntias da Jmre Belli & Bari, It ia clear ihertfare that war begoo when 01 might i.fely be avoided is always uriu ft, and that ta*!* who begin it under such ciicumftancei moft bfcorfidcrrd ai the authors of all the mifehiefs that A from it. 44 The Law of Nature retommenda f face, concord, and chanty, and obliges to a item t the mildd methods of terminating and fftreacei,'* lintel, p. 545.5 45 . Be tidy, there may be just cause for c.tnpla.nt where yat there ta no cauft and () j t ft ftfer and more bnneurahlo for a time not to insist u |on a dubious right, or to submit to ft me temporary mjuftica, than, by lying to arms, to rife story Ihmg and ufc lemodiaa u.ft litely worfa than die dil •a&. Thii ft • which all buaaoe and pru •* dent aiMM adopt, and ir finitely mata fife and honour able >keftre Ood nod :n than, tkairs mfm * V SAVANNAH: THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 17*0. *ke fmatfeft pretence fight the l*n* u 4 fheenft everywhere ftaugbie* nod tftfefenon. will be dafUcaale to ('latrevut tbefe ilsrtieal . **£?**** *** *Apfablt with n don Me fttce. ’ The vefation between fuhj fti who dor tnd no their s gvventors la of t very dtfFerant caaure front that hew tween different independent ftate*) they cent pole but nee body, and to attempt the diffolnuna es that oHrers as nanch from war against fn.ctgnett as men. u-ughtet from fsieide, end feHMlifence from m . monmojdtr. Whet *ay jultify a war against a dis. fnsftri.-.r.’vrssr: • n y par* of the state of which infurgeots haws kukerto been mcm'aera. ftobjoße art undr tb# m'ft r,!. , noti, u (^aata%§a t and tho Bad l. tact to each other, they haver pawned their Tenia f.r their fidelity, sod called open the Snpremt Kuier of ail to pumfti tbeui with eve Ufting deftruc non mjuld they diirega.d tho nath of thnir Osd. Whateva, can operate upon nun, thd fear of Qod, the happieeft of tbetr con nrry, the regard fur family and priority, ought So itftraia them frem hrtnkinr in upon the publict tranquility. All violen cea (faith Vut-I) disturb the yublick order, and .are crimes of state, N. 8. oven when anfiog from jut canfes of complaint-—Every rilftea ft,said even patieatly fuffer fuppertahle evils rather than Jitarb the pubuck peace.*’ If tboft whnb'g'n a war a gwnt a foreign state are the peft* of mankind, who twgbt to be reeled out of the earth by iha common 1 ntereft and efforts of all nations, ik#r can net be worse beings in hell, er out of ir, tha theft who wtbftgv*’ A tha nation of whft]t iksy ‘ are a part without cause, and they (without previ- ? ®* repentance) mu ft appear coniptcuona sad next n rank, on the last day, to Lucifar and the fallM •egeft, who without any cauft introduced refeliUa ia the creation. W lofocver therefore refifteth the P Vl er /*., h ,h * wrd ’ Mn of Ood, and they that resist (hall receive tn thcmfeivei Jum.iation. torn Sm.. ” ‘ There are bmindt to all human power, aod theft neither levereignt nor fufcj Ra can break thro* with, outm, and imponi;y. The doAriac of non rehltancc and pa/live übedftnec kas long and dtferv odly been ex doded, but its oppefita, like fme powerful and violent medicinet,otlght to Ve handled with the utaui caution, left j| bccua? a dangerous weapon io the hands of a madman, and by an un timely or over-dvfe deft/oy that very coaftitoiirn which it ought to prefer ve. The violation of every ftw, privilege, aod prom.fe*, by a poor bigutted, pneft-r.ddan prince, ia ,6lf. brought on moft boppy and glorious revolution , the iufarreAionslo 1715 and 1745 were odiuut rebellioai, though not named wuh luch base motives and knav.fti financier ing a* have since disgraced men who aftd in direA to evety kltan appeal to God on which tht) kx out, and threw therrf-|rr and their delndtd 7*'! V* the BTn,, of * ow#r h m ft remark .Mefordefpottfm and oppreflinn of any in loroptA The case of Sw fferland and tfu United Frovtncoa has frrquertly been mentions J during the present contest, and in a manner as (hew* bow little thoft tbit would avail thcmfelvts of it arcjtcqnatntnd with or desire atbcis ft uid know the truth of tha mat tar. The Swift sever revolted, nneer took up arms againtt their lawful ftvrrcign, they belonged either to the Empire e s He many or fume Mnnafteriet in Iheirowo count, yi • th* EmpMer Alberta 1, who “*■ * * heiijyi atiimpted to provide a princi pality for frme of hi* children in their enuatry, . gatnft this they pleaded, petitioned, and appealed to tbetr charters, governors were sent among them to drive them tv despair, which their enemies in-- tended to term rebellion , what hardftipi they fuf fered contempoiary hiftoriana declare, yet they did not take up till they wee attacked, nor did the y ’’ u< * Sor fio or 100 men felly but fought like men, 44 in hope* of obtaining peace were even freeing of the blood of the Auftnan., and did not purlue them and, so far from taking up arms or revoliing agunft ih< Roman Ejopire, tn whacks they than bcienged, the Imperial spreed E* g ft , this day appeara on their gate* end cHi, and vahan criminal justice ia adotiniftered tho Pctftdent till aAi under the authority aod in the name of the Em pirr. Their case therefore divert tala tmda from theirs who without, or even with feme cause, tonk up arms against their fovereigr., mr make wae apofc~ the memhera of the fame body from which they t**e wantonly revolted. >x Let na fee next whether the cooduA of the Low Countriea, when they separated from Spain, afford* •ny patronage to such as make war without anv or without s iuftJem cause, nod rrjcß every offer es pwee hy which it might have been eeded. About the year ijfte Philip I|. # -,. ted to introduce the lhquifition ia the !Low Coun tries, and to exaß a grocral febm ftion tn tho Coowcil of Trent. Ne Piateftaat will deny that this was n mortal grievance. About 15(4 aaa . nobiHty and othere prefentod a petitftn to 9 fta th* af t>r. lahh’t farm** tailed tki ***•/ Lldrf(y, addrafad tatla tori af Pm/. **dar tha ay a af iha dmrkm* G*H rs f'a it Which hi nw thia at Member* A’ ~~ r ” . ‘ 4 - • - --- - l the Oavarnaft that they aaftt he nnlMaintd fa their Iftertins, they rmlij a ne4d Umafing na. Twee, but ta iffy the Duka of Alva arrived with so army* bekeaded the Cowatt of Sons mead Re. mend, (work Cafkwlvcki) and, altar fifmiina tL Princes es Ortqp, laid on a tut of owe par cent, od •easy est ate, ftve par coot* wo nil maftahln, ood tt. p*f m. .. u 4 Im ~7, dered 70 cattaor a ass IntLlt to he Jmngod tbe oast day before their own do era ta failure rs pnrmant 1 •ay, dwnog the sis yuan of hia admin lit an an. m left ikon itfOoo prnfboa left Am mm onmMriCflL mi one dm the provtncM ftoek <ff tho yekeof Spoao, and da. dared thimftlvt* indepeodeet, did not |ft| gf lft till 1577, and tho war botwnsn them nod Spota lifted not loft than 70 years hefoeo tho Bono reh* ■ vincoa (for tan after all remained to Spot ) worn declared an independent people hy the treaty of Weftpkalio. Whoever will rend the hiftery of their wars, nod tho battles of the Amei.aoo, will find t remarkable coot oft between the M poor ditriffnd Suioo of Holland,** as they ftiied thomfalvm, ted fame other people, who, wstkeot a capper af their own coir, and hundreds of in debt, beat that they nte 44 at fix ad at fate, amd that all the mm -’ Bear efiha earth admin aod ahmf adhm thaw ri/baf There ia eaanre recent irftancet The Cerficnnc, hy the n-kaewJedgeaent es the very power that af. fitted the Aeooefr, had long beta frely distressed hy their government , when they hsd recourse to ernia Franco pJvaitly at least supported them, they mamtetaed the confix upwerds of go ytn*s, perl •"* ** S bi J 5,_. have perpetuated the.r f ced ,m j out nSes sicf ic fUfT’ BB hNLH , like trie paliiitiaat , after wonkeotog bells parties, at tall made aconquoft of it for them lei vet, o*d f/rm temwneed that tbe enh mam ta pom mm eafr Jhattemant am a eaafered ijlamd, ta mtSitb tkay ora fen pie they torn hove majaf title , it ta gat ridaft be aid oad mar ml a motive: by braoking them oliva .am tha mheai, patting them ft tbe fimerd, ar dLfpauhmg them by omy atbar mam <utbieb regal bamamty map farm gefi.” \ Oaa would think this tr* i.faioe, .hM.h happened while the American Cor.grrfe wee fitting, weold lot have encouraged th*m to if to Fraacr t bnt fr it ia that they did, sad on :hc very peince who thus treated tbe poor Corficene they havehc. fte ed the titla of 44 Prate Par es tbe Bight/ af Man kind,” with tb* fame propriety, no doubt, that the stiles a King of England the defender of the P > (h Faith. Prom what I have said I might net nejoftty con. elude, that when fubjtfti take up or contiaue in arnia aeai ft their lawful fovrreign, withoai a just a.*d fufttcieot cauft, it is Rebellion , bur, before I draw „ aoy cendufion at all, I mean u effm furtbet confidaratiana to the (enoua thoughts / every read helvetius. ■fegjjgM—eawhWWW -V-N I m 111 ii MM——^ i L*4t* MaganXni tyyg, page 40S. ♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦44 N E W . Y 0 X K. )um w ®Y J then tick intelligence from Atheny we Item. . J oh a with a ft rang party, m fa tbe netgbeurhood of job u't T w-. He burnt fevcral h ufts of eftive rebel# 00 th- bonks es the llehawk* River, between his owo hoofs and tho village of Steioarabien, abuot tha eift nod sti May, and had a ftumift Ia which frme of tht rebel were killed, and betweea %a tad o taken P n J Among the former were Cel. Tifcber and Jellta Fonda, and two Wethers es esch, with ** 4 *— Neither threats nor porfuafioot can prevail epoa the fruthern militia to torn oat. From to tn eV. hard money is offered far volunteer*, and tn. mencp extorted from the formers at the point of the bevel • c, t ftw *ke the bounty, and this dafinnmr . Th** hAckwardnefs compels tbe mftefs so thi/tfat , garnfoo* at tha higklaod forts, hy detachments to tha north. They are obliged to totrrj even pcov fi one with thems which thsy can ill frara, liftax ae the, *•.*. hi,kl.U firm Inm IM u mSa! “i"* . bc **i •• •, el ready drained, and the profpeft twfpcAtag the an futng bar rest ve. y To ftppfr the do fi:•••/of mee*, they are ampfoyed ta .iTitM* pacta of the nver in uking aod frltsog fift for the continental feldiers. Nestng can tahowght but Iwe hard money. Sals in the county mi Alhnnv ne 1 herd dollacs per hotel. The Lnyntifte a mdT. H’y*•” “f vftoZlf their sum. hate. We laorn all# from the Wall Kill that there it another party undo* But Ur and ft modi in thn wefteru parte of U ftnr conety. “* 7 ,m ••• dm aeeeaat af tha tforopmax *— - hie Ma/ajtfifty Ine, Copt, PoSar, aaoda Bramah * At 4A, MU Tucfdcy June fa the irta tailed from Seedy Hooka at a P M tam day fte fail in with two privateer Im*. oat horn up t# the annhwaid, wi.tch the chafed and rua uftorn on Long Ifleod, where iha now tie* a wreck. A* pa* 4A. M. Wadoefday chafed n brta, aa •a fuppofod, io the feu.hoard, at § left off cknfiow l’- rM