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#Ks JHBk 9 Si ft* r * E* *H
number it.
Jf “■■* tW*w taatfrai* gaairtfaa ftsfav
TWrw* tmfi tr# magaa nr aptaatrtt r narrow
lataß.m Ndiaxta, ft an fratta tfm Jttmaat
#*•*• V egf*.
r ••*# * * That m mm
g V i4> A# /*%/•/ mftkamt m jmt
J T 3 roojfip iW mrnkft lier# it at t*Jm
f * JJ tcti faftr remtijf it tit mm mmi
\ m ptf*9* t*m;’ i<i Mu^ny
lifUl k. dd Ood by OOy ibnlMw M
chan Aft MU iW J
tw MMmM far, in niictl ttf bmM
•ofttofolteftky prsA.c 1 that h e* pans* wuh
*•*? ffWM* tscopf pi4# a4 oka inn y at y Mi
fMa k ms Iwi • ha in ike wrong, a 4 ar *•
fwt shew cn CvOvAieti ‘■■t th f that have
lU coinage to >itiad f. lier i ntk anil |ni cr f.
k t •* we*f# will always he vAn ui in tbs
a4 bai mmMiana .miaraijf 4ifl>
•r*. I rraiiiy fabnii iiiitvot ( ckiof *jr tt|.
Iff nbaibti njr r|| pitp It an ill ft usd the ti ft
,Vl a hind j ilit,j it ia it*. t .
A /oft mi ta%k. (ms nar m /#a*/r tamthimt j i mi
U**J4 than tbt emit ttaitaatt that maJt i /• } and
jmfi md ty-u.abU tftn ts ptatt ami attta
ttUat** mi mait b stk* pntf, th athUja it and
vr krf o* mm .t^rg^ftfy^'m’W^kM * ;
fsrt) Jy Mint ihij HtrtTi rtjtMfi. TkiYaß-ituiTla
Jy ctUn i in tli- piemding . r, and can
r* k ('>nlifbt y r by % y that
*.-•** the ha ah*. >• ihtrt ikat feme *n
Wl aat tlj ft rg.i.ftf || ifsf.a ie agai. It them
thy will h agai 4 itti u l c<*orfe| ibey can an*
|if wo k u, th mfclva or perfu dr ih r ia|tt mta
\ b*Uef or 6 fk * I mt# of what mull af ArThor fa <a
•t wiOte| th 7 ntr f and naat tbtf craat
confute j n a that fuffued thcmfclv'o u be prrfesd
cd om oi then femur A ongeft piui lea, av their
very property and pvfT ft at, may eah.y .If, be
pcifoadrd out cf fhen ( Iceland km mat palmed
open them aa an ctj A of hup* aid , Icafura wuich
l* rmly a preface to cet is deft, e Aron.
J* h ** •*** •*•• jutiy kego*, can a*. longer bn
M ‘kw wkiln tke caofr cotti tMi tka- ia im it f*,
■ wuia trni fr.f m4aat *a :k.t so t|4 iN
K i*yrrd t
ttfaatt taafa ttgat tftAnt j how chat op rat ,
•‘ 4f * wa.ii . pia.tnte, wki k baa su *a .1# r.,
Os tbat aontM O” a iriatm f* which i aa Kf .
hiuly ranx ted f War and mft y r.urt ,r r r ror.
ticue fettva , or im,A *. and i> the en i.a deft uAi,*'■-
of oi c or ktk f antra, or in a rrcoociiiMt u Or
twees ihtM, If a natt a w,|| . t hca ken to or re
epave any ►ropdaln of peace they itaooace bom.a
|clui, tad fnd aettpi o askiad at la. or if
Ike. JwrMy j a |ui ad fa.ruraHU # r,V , n#
It ft kai eonfrqueace t tbemf Irea will piohah'v
k*, ih.tatl.4ft they may be gI.J ea 1b... km*t t .
krg for what they haughtily ~j R f d. M.ny bare
forced peace ben ~ WM s ff Jfi ko
ford in vatr it wbra it wa nMoHe b and. g wn i
• u and tk. Oght hard ie a el by a
eooq4ier.r eriy tavoorak t who •< hid it io he r
yewe. to mk: peace on the r o *n Ira t f>e
they were oud* a e aqu.. To defpr,, , me. w,r
22 fe *" 4 tC ’ * * r •<! imp, fe
terry lie fo.ii then r ur,- i, t a d make la at
yiO. lira of Ilu dri aod booty u rn|i(i wen aa
delpemiea. tLeo.Mee.) they w,| ~ k | u f,jty %i er
a <.feji,wtr „f rt# lutUosf ft tioo af.e- ec y
yb.ja failed , tbty m ybe aa i..d aa Lucifrr, and
l. lad at fa r, but Uod rrhftuk .he p4ta-l, km.
f*-a a. war wt.k tbrm, , n< | wHjm , r h . f
ra B t I°/ ’ ,#0 hun, ,{, “*#fm w
, J* ?
.00 as k-ta va th,. fhj and, she fi rt of baa
eh*^# f, h f h r* “ h; fi <ce * M ” io Amrriee, 4 4
id iaa.Vm whr P,WU I: a “ ts *“ m * l ° # ur
•• brft M, ;;:.;;o;:; e .T- , cr
-/■ * .£
paUrvai M .| mv kind,lb %mg ,bo dlx!
• t .a. Os recj- cilia toy , , , h . locch * J e of rt.
Mire, 4- and t tn tell me wbe'ber * u can
* !rrr*h Vr w ’/r 1 f, u hf * ,iy •* p*i
•• Itif 1 r' 4 * ##ad yrst laid....
jt M jr f., frit cta ~11 pas, ~ ,j
.... ....-I a,. „ ,j, „ u *.
Vor piopr.ty ktra dcfl tM ,ed h fore ~ u # kC r
l Ar. ycor We m I .0 and Airote of a hrd
„ U OD ’ O'bread 10 live ot f ||. r fom | ft ,
teat or child by ihen hand r ra>ly, m(elf the
” ‘t’" 9 * •"IwwhM fu vief.i Vlf y . HaToMT. v,
„ g*V f / U j g* of ,h f! „ha | % o r ;
r’ ! Pd *** (hike fcardi auk
„ ‘ b / r m # u *• *re yu. o.w.nhy of th!
o SJL{ f f,,h#r * f * ni ’ “lever, and,
• b! t f aßr r *‘ i, yoa ba< t h €
hyer. . f re ward a.d the f. f . f yC# g. . *
mZ “* ** ,k fc* •
fl am'dirf 5 ? 9 T s ****"**>’ all tke fuf.
' # ‘Tt* tm * ** in .0
ahlf in rrc * f ’ and iadred u av id. ‘
* i h a 41 ?'* ‘ ct *•. k. seker .
io bnk W etoocifiotioo aotf.iwa e i prio.
* w h'cb. I'ikn at ro tof bao'.iity, ao4
htt klaooekoe •• and Me a ■*..
ffooa ;|| 6> reed battle! prop
WWEJi-jUMLJ—uffUia at h ■ * a^
f” •• fekmit to tkt ff^
k aa tactacr yafarei ’
„ M Th ‘* • • “kfck *m cannot foe.
e. Vl* /!* * r f* U *** obe Ma*ore if Mo did.
e. I kd*io.s.
< T}t r 'l | l, *1 kit imago io se
m 4 T*s: i **•
: Tfc * oftaa W.oid
~ o* 4 !•••<# ko oattMpomd iko oak, ft
at ItTJTLI •*••21 •* wU v# ••
o!SJ22 i* ,f *• kd MTf
CiltSL 4 t.i>*rNis4, oil om
i A? k * ••• i*f*
A rove dtfrootry
k * y ‘ • ‘ •<* •* •• aaaeodod to f.m,
44 * *'*:* *** • tke * V eoment of the timoa
bTi /uI Wafi m N u'ker
k o.r. kaoo f ammt . p .r,, ood
tu oikei f rt-urd tr ftalj. t l km
fofo ed it DO S.ts .y. N w, k,o i, „ •* kJrod
e V P'trpbfet mat printed .a the M Cma t
* • Aswrica* a.d bad private asd | obUck
u oa by ..Steiowala rd bgifl.iaiea, what ko
aoearcta e| be doomed av a a.tmoal te umrar,
•**•/* • k*i but too cf arly .eed b.w ar|.
v*Tf..|y ba* kon adapted. Tbo oatiosa ts tko
r >tt f, om hence leers w'.at it fatun y thro aa*y
ea oA k Hid .ha eaah.ti** of tkofe now far/led
•tree fi U o emrog thrsi yroee feccef •* ,
* “r*o ard eC ffuetli.fion after era- fe. •
* tvf ff® * J like tbe A'gcrfwe p air*
they moai. t,W upoootkerr) Man fnih.Mo
* .a **.w4d it oaii-oJ .* a Ui, ad
fetbey glory in It eeen while then • ■ ftrc let ot is
i ikia vied Aor tm Or it |o rAi di
<b ir ra-k aog tm. cad 1 a uo, h oi iber
f osaMy isea by ‘*ca*m n b-rd of *<.!,” M d
e-ite tbtia above the oedt< ary errdit>o t si*a.
ll*pml* raw A ike ioa ge of Q and be gua ded ia bcl
•** tbua atarie rtfesdaling feeila, aed f r,i„ ,j
b aft. by a d.akVlicsl t*a,ov only J N v or but ln
author fugbt ctkors to wriUc tbo atefoea ia fscb a
ddt .At.. , no devil bofor* uiired tke
tuning the usage of G 4 into wt Am, a*.d
*p?v ating i hem. 4 taaeavritd isamettal maiico
to ke tea fair 1 are, BluA fa eerr, if y y jrt yet
l-kting, eli you tbt hr fuck aseoakfo
kfsf, kvmtar e uld ko fed fa t es
• and w e
wb:b y<o wire so oufl / . ff rrd.
Af r q.i .tiig a .lecla •!■#. wfa'ck trema wirh
war, oeageaacr, ad rncu ,ir **vty oerJ, it
a rf.icf to rear |*< n v e inj re.d a r f. mt„
\th • wb k-ra'kcib )*o;co on eaub at4god*wj Ito
|S • • eeay fyllatti, ,
“ A rati, nil being it to tens nate h 1 4 g #ncra
” hjr riti’fial
** • ,c * ‘• W*Mi In b .fit. |f , ntot the pa iiet
“ (It oMrrj.*i i<t( i$ s .iL f acc tasna > taiios
“ h 'hrr ia tm H.anrd >o akr w . arm. ( tr , t .
*• doc ng bits ti an a|rrem. . \V r lae. n t c f r.
u C * J * ,he qaeMo. . Vft, ls k ,j r co .La
“ c rq pered r > fwnf.nhc 10 a treiiy .** fmlltl Aft.
in- ft. 14. ** If a nation, Cft n :(.|ory <io e it, u
‘‘ •-dsce.l lo take up arota, • t try The oocefEty cf
M pe *.g a| 11 re;>a.anoa, Hu by aa wj . pit.
4 * ‘’*.* ii a*iuf-’a rt a
“ *'fee dtUrncM m quarrel, *kih •d)rtn;
bad bee 1 fulf. Wa. 1. uot main f>r the pii nary
” lasfut’ cauf* wb.cb the nit on haJ to ei gage in
” r * ,h * ca,,f ’ ‘ not no mre than tbe pictence.
What right h (the bead f tkt aaitao'to os.H.fd
” -iko I-fete of .* Aa r, with the iivca ands rtso't
•* of the ci a a, to g**tify bit yafi .t > Theft
w • arc # arroga I dclro i f cdsauaad, tke
“ nArntati oafp. we , the tin.A of racket, thr
e. iitv r f ronq ft, hatred 1 and icea.PO.” /dru,
ft. ta, fttfto. Ifh M add but one mere:
** w *• •** •'• ** as rmtA aad wee 4c j. Aue
“ #b, * • g peace, each ;ry pw- Aa l y
“ Jitetet ft ail t at b loaga t, ht, a pc ce wwatd
b come imp Abio, ft ft, w th organ! 10 the eery
** fekjeM wpicb nc*4 Bed tk'wa ,oe of tko in*.
1* et c m utacknaw cdg< b ms f to rbe w.oog, .-d
kwndemtbu oos wajwft prOtrnliora, whtth k>
”** “ r,,; ha<dty di ucleft reduced to the lull m>t,
“ ••'•ct jlmtshe ow aih }u ce of h.a aufc,
M **• h* *!*•< m fupert of it iikcwifr fat fa on
” *o lest-ration ) b. roflore wL.i ko kaa
•• unjustly lakta, re.aa.s.fa tko fkiepot of 110
*• •', and ttadauagot. .... Who Ai l
44 ‘dt’A ca cuUtian of oil is a t
*’ rcua, aj it woo dbf dreat’ul f porpotoat# mo
44 WJ t • prafecuto It nil Ibo total loin cf 000 of
•* tke parner, aud aa in the at ft just mute we ao
*’ s err to Me 4*ht f tbo .oftoeaetos of p*ac*, a.e
44 c * n *® J•• ‘end 1 • wardsihit falotaiy view, < o
** *’ ,k ; f *'f • l#l ! h ” * -froo on ail ike cla.n.k
*\ 4 •**•**•• •• btb fi .oft lo ft|
Oi by Ike ot<> -qtm.bie c at. ..
iJn &m 9 r *’ t ’ L *-
I Aril not SOW toU.go „ V wmu h
ftrongee a I th,, h.ld who e mtabm of the f pat
stats aod fo> fcAi agai-. ft tUi, s—seal ftewiia, ore
_*ke cnoo, ding pa. tecf, bo, Aall coocfode ihi* ta
per three qt JUtm whi h mV k*mf*T
kt foe >d ooey la* tke m ft am coo
Americas , a An icu I,i|na.vlia4
•rtor lawa * kick tko pewolo at Is ge ft.d koeo
•kosgke o.aeo uai rko fokabtcsava had
po oy mR ad, s-d ae lft token p
a MBS •*•••§ .We lirnatof Avckfawai farmed.;
therott so tke ItgArylad
of,W. alf.geosaf.raoee Aat.. faAl.w A old
ke p-E and ts f.toro) and fsp. eftag >W pa. pie A old
es'ti.tae seoo cksle* io stait, mob at sotktrg Mh
Was tko evmh eotf rbae goooraaa a*. tad heft.
A.oAios of all its fitted*, and sail i* foauiga aid
Md a erases ostmy ae etfeA <Wie yurp. fV, by
vkat a .peiiau o w.o’d ako. geo-rvoseot *ri , ta
ftend# digrily fu k ptocoedtugt. a.d W* f. v dmo
t‘i kyptltsa .i A tW case koawsia Autrica
Sad Orest ■ tun f
It it• tans ttaavoriowfaA tksiOeottßviisis
sotsuty eoyaalad toevy Isur askgristascecvasrltas.
Ad, hat HA
Congref aMd ftinlwsify, ftsd Hast the*
d# o k-oo Wof Stand wik a fraro sad CostesS
wkick srasli ke deemed inadlfrsMs ketwsos ptfeos
awdaeiWaS i4 O k an Isfull that violatat tke
betnf all .ieilisdnattoae f
la aa s jal ad Isofot y lea agatr • goasroma iffs
af pw*, that they canaat W aceopied kacaufc th.fe
•a ekes they made c lied ta a pot I bsl
pswm • fa per their eppafitua Sfdtf (Wtr ,§•
lortl fott ttgn f A 4 may th ft who trod f h I
pa i*“ pwwoi r sfonasly rsp*A s r
aat 4 ft Ulttv than the can*# with ak-o futh 0 owrv
poiftiiovfty hr. k- k ogb me y e fu-ed am nf
me.*, m reap as sdeart .ge sum the aoktltiaasf tm
M |aA I
I will he g* otff m ter to cotfc or tea ‘c aty
fach quia , but tu*y g , to the tfTreca af ths-
Wao *i*y, * y .ora fac r#*, ye O < at tad wilt w \*
urqu ft*ma fat bit cd, g/ad ** f4cre i# at ft./Tw
***” , MELEE i.u7.
Aagbl ts.
‘THE fall wisg it a c *eA aft of the r c.font fine
’ ts ketrd tk L> .] SanJwi U y*ftttdo nil.
f-'r t Ch,id.|.ht G -if *, Tb*<nat Fetguf.r,
A tkose Teooir , A siadfr M S't.ic, JiCuk
R ad, R chard Hu br, E' rs B *k% Riward
Rutlrdgr, I fate H Iw •, RirkarT L’ A agtnr,
t Tim tby, jab* B4wai4s, Ho r h Ru lr-tg.,
Th sji s.o.g , Thrifts Ht>w.rd, Williim
Hl<l O Wo*, B sard M*Ca4y, Dui.l Rtmfif,
Jha TJ', Gorge F .gg, f t 9 F.yf:.oa, Jh h
Smitk, J ha Pt'hrr, Juba Stafu n, Jnba F t est
F'l 1. J-'ir. Bu V', ] bn L VCUSi, fhvis.t Str.aJt
tea, E ‘iiJ N ith.
imgmf jt. Tne ♦oll'rwing Arc anti cf Hf df
h to; A.ii# • which Hive late;y happened i, tLia
Tr vine* Wt o .w pm ft* >y Authority.
L.i Cornw.l.ii be ng iectt'd ioteUigtaco
t’t G*. Gitra h 4 tmirf at D'eGreek, ia
NUL Carwfiea, tS. ag h*f t.A moath, ad 1 kes
a,*ea him in# Cos n n. 4 wf the troope which bad
b*ra cel-'A *g tbnr fiaCO ibr fdfreadre of Cbarltf.
town, at a t k ,.i ye *n j-u tmg iHrs ii set* ■, f-t
not so, Caiji’en ca the tie gof the yo h. indaf.
nref th-rr n-if in ibr mt, u.g *f ;h i 4! b ii.ft.nt.
Gtr. G-.tre bid al tiTy ;c ftraTe.i im ebif p/o.
*ince # and -aa advanced as facial ab ut
it rnilee difttnce frum Camd.s. Hu L'rdA.a irTeroa and him Cf. f be ftrosgib and p
of the Ktbcia rrC ted to attack tbenr, at*k'(h
they had Wt*. i, el *. Q (be , jik by a t J& ,
roilina udG r. S oit fr*m Virginia, , m 4 *o*. r
diagly, ab u: U * m the eeemag of ikat tte
Bray k gin b ir wa-ch, and, after ikry h**|
preerrdel about right m l?v, the advanced gurda
of buth panic! fell in wib each other, and a ft r .
m.A 0 fut 4, tn ohich feecal were k lied ad
wnonOod 00 k th Ufa ) Cl., f .f Ifcf
R‘h'fi hid h < irg broke, a-d afterwardi fell iyim
owr bi..d, at *;£* d*4 *n .irme itica wag goo
which they left u,un ih* ft M. f, ~m p,,**,,,
aad defenm L>r4 Cj> n*a!ti, wit trfarmcJ that
the whole Rebel a my was upoo-tha match ta at.
tark kta In <dtr ta ae#rf the confshos of as
aAion is the right, bit L.C(hip bthod on grea-.d wt* faeouiyb cf.-t kit {.sail •• nbers, aad ia
the m S” li *4 tock 1, oblige rhr Reb it to
M. bin ait. At day.kmk i the muiriog be
formed bit itu m. line, witlra rtfr er, and
the cavalry keh...d the referee. Tne li c cmfiftd
of two dietft •,.$) that of tht rick oslftcd of tbs
flight of any, ih; ajd and yyt togimesta. under
the co. mtad wf L ; cnt. Col. Webftr j the left tW
Tu sntrr-a of I etasj, infantry of the Legios, and
part ®f Cf. If .nti.roa*, N arte Carolina co^it, as*
dr L rd Riw o , >nh two ft .ad two j rmuderi
the r frrye eta Cv of tke 7,1 t regiment ad
tw. ft uW ~ whim ibe oealry was ordered
|1 keep c-fc) th S rtk Carolina rfor ca and
- •••* direA and tp attrod to tke rear sod s
, (fr iht Hf?. Ab :ut ao oiro-ee if rdt*,
hadiag the Rebel* I rmod eery arar him, bit L’ rt-
A P aide ed .km left to be auactcd, aad tke afti.
I !*. ‘.** **•:.'. Af: . k>, CIO,
Z h ’m r*,‘ , **''** 4 * k •* *k'qT..W U In>,
the R kola were fkcowa into total coafoftm. sod
give any, wbea tWy loft s groat number of aim!
,k * or 2 J ammedialolr to sass uwo
Vie., which tkey dil with groat ftsogkcer p eke
waa t#Minuf.r upwards af aa m-lt sod
T" r ** •** kii4J •* ,fc * ***fha# l hot
pftmrt of h s/e canon aod all rkair amw iri a
vw fokeo ia rko ftld Cko ksgoM of akeir Otao.
rafoM ora, aad all sWar •*VfllT and nay
~... o .. 1,-t...0T5£.w
----. * I*. \ •,
[N* 60.)
* r * MCft
idmmy Jaf, 17 to
CE llk
WI I Es YVfVfW ‘
ire., tr mO mfiiftwCM w
<wyt JO7I 1
I few etffos GW EaVsftl
Jamtt Math at varftiS Jtfm &*Hi f
JmJrmm Htmatt rtifet Edhajfi TUfai* %
s*d hftee okioiotd is ootkrftfttto <s*d coafcs ft
rl 10 tbs fn Uortag HML*r|l
QrW. That dte PatoftlH Psfvadoats
Crskmi *
immt *r • WHHism M*krr ; . ‘ ‘j|
smt ter(g DjmiA i
Jmmn Crmhmm if mmsthr Vcildt Sbm Might j
Smmt wl#t ‘Jfefb CLst
|#N tnfu /iy HsMsrfkmm
litmrwt Mto*ma vcitui M'Cl* MT } |
Ifrr y fW *erf* )w Ssrmmrt j w
‘. J|f £• (/ # £/•*•/ **rfui Cbsriu hl\dhlrr* ;
Jtiham itijatr if otktrs iciiai Ummi <Wjr^
Mi u#* if h hr $ nt(n Da\ mi bfagutarm ;
JW'G'rt* (/• ivr# *crf 4’ Adrtm Frm*~4r BnjMam ;
r/i*ri vrrfi -)Mw^
Ms an vcnai JiiU'M li iff 1 j
i*/ *ifi fhmuu |
i'd idfdmiion is the Centra! Cosrt ts sist
thi fsvtrai Bcfnbuo, ii wc)t of tb follow*
r -r- : . ; * ■ i ’[
BjU Cimfrr rtrfut WT l’: mm O’ 9<yf4 |
Simf/$9 ret Ist J*b* lUuflt** ; L
7*hi Smfjim ttrluf /*b M’miu* !/ Edward
/ # y*?r ;
sjf'rrX k '* ,u '7~‘ _
4* fnnl Mtrlkal of tk pro
-1 * by tirttt of • Writ of
<* rcd4 U the fefenicM*
4U ittKi iLJi*4i sal
9*4 chattel•, stonier.
tfct federal Dofrsd.sti
•* tb art sbfent frost tod
tht bid promises, t th€
ytfti WHRRE