The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, September 28, 1780, Image 2

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T yarns Harriot D iQt HSTS all per fens* indebted to ktA JIV ° Mr him by tbe If ft of November MIC, ; that lit aif bt mbM to fad fv theft )iiHig teuadi wiiil kia. find WMa, note*, Md accaan ,*aa art not fettled to Ml fecisfac tioo by ckat time, will be pat into tbe bead a of aa At oruey at Law to be fu.d for witbpat diflinftiou of pcrfonl. TH fikbftilkef kiVttjt tbe accounts of „ Mrffrs. Box, Lavtin, and Cos. s, and Peter Lavein and Cos. in bit heads, rcquetls all pcrf’aa indebted to them by bond, acte, or opes account, to fettle tbe fame with Capt. Thomas Tallemach. All that remain nnfeti'ftrd by the flrft of Novem ber next wil. be pat iato the heads of aa At torney t Lae. to be sued without diftinAioe, as there t aa ebfolate sretfity for receiving menses to difebarge preffiog demeads again ft them. JOHN CHs. LUCBNA. bavin a ah, *;th Sept. 1780. The Georgia Loyalijl Society HAv ING resolved to celebrate the memo. rable fth es Oft iber, by dining at the AMembly Room, those dehrous of fublcrifcing Are requeued to apply to AL**X. M‘GOUN, Secretary. Savannah, Sept. 28, 1780. tA LL persons ere hereby fore* we ned not to employ or pay any wages't b a N¥|re teim&cirtiit B ILLY, (who has made it a prafl ct for sometime to hire himfc'fas a brick* layer) wiihoat a proper ticket from his maftcr. J. J. ZXJBLY. Sept. 27. Four Gutneas Reward. fk nAN AWAY A.dnar 4 ” Jv Stewart,-Tavcrr keeper in , Charleftown, fosne time • July JgMkT J; ft, A *KG RO MAN* named Ana a ham, about so years of m *g e . tall aud (lender made, K 6?.°®Lb jifeted, flow of &fecht ir fuppefed he is with Mr*. rove /d ‘g rcet ** C rcl na, but may be in Georgia; he had, cn when he went a-vay an OAAtbtig jacket and breeches, a blue coat lined with white The above-reward will be paid to any person who wf 1 deliver the fiU N.elro to Accrew SuWjm in ChaTcft /wu, or tt* Da vid Swanson, frovoft Maftcr ia Savannah. KAN AWAY from the subscriber the 2d *eptemhe’ irrtart, —- A Negro Wench, namtd JUNO, wi h her Child P-’ILLIS, ah its t toar years old She want of .with a Bermuia* Negro Fellow of Mr. Hal s, and is fupprfed to be gone towards Carolina. A reward of forty (hillings will be given for said wench and child, if taken up ar.d delivered to Mr. John Wood merchant ia Savannah, or at St. Aa. to JOHN MOWBRAY. TH B subscriber Intending to leave this province in a. &®rt time, defirrs all perfens to whom he is lrdebtcd 10 fend in their atecunu for payment JOHN RICtiEYsON. WANTED to purchase, or 00 hi e by the month, A Negro Cook , for whom a good price or wages will be gi ven. Enquire of tbe printer. To hi Ut y and entered into immediately. The House on the Bay latterly rc(upid by Mr. Gr-fr. F„, m j_ cultr, rrquiie of THO. TALLEMACH. Sa.asii.b, ,jtk Sayt, 17*.. •. Jfcnk For JAMAICA; tgg Mr * J,ak,.} B/mnn John Rsdmond M After, gm wm Ait b t.,1. fbi, tk tlof ~di, *U4 S A„l permitting* 6he aesatt 11 doable fortiled soar pounders, 4 cohorns, nod 6 farivels, wfth men anfwefable. For pjflage (having exceed-, ing good accommooations) apply at Mr. Mover's store, near the Maia Guard Hoik Barton ah, 27th Sept. 1780. - ‘T'HE Sak : of Ne'gfots belonging 00 the Eitate of Mrs. Crobke, which was to have been holden yeterday, it put off till Tuesday the, 10th of Octo ber* JOHN GRAHAM, Executor. Savannah, Sept. 17, 17!•, Publick Au&iott. Tomorrow morning, at ten o'clock, at tho ’ Vendue. House, will be fold, r T n HE Calia Furniture of the Ship Corea, A conflft ng of chain, gTaflca, a quui y of earthea wait, and laadty o. tker cabin furrlture. # ‘* Also at fame place will he fold, Two Bales of Woolleaf, a fdV Pieces Brow a a Quantity af Gar powder, aad fome ififti Ptov.fion, with faudry other sr tides. THO. TALLEMACH, L. V. M. Savannah, Sept it. 1780. “ * ..jrm ‘■vigjKjkUy.’ PUBLICK SALE. On Toefday the fytk of Oftobcr next, at the plaata ion of Mr. Ritter on xhe Iliad of Skidaway, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon, will be fold, A LL the Cattle, Ntgrorp, Honfehold r 4\:fornit\xrt t Wearing Apparel, and other , Effetts,’ belonging to tb,E&*ie ;of Michael Ritter, dec afed. For paraiculata iad eaadi tioaa el felt apply to MARY RITTER, Adair*. All pdrfona indebted to the above EAate are ’ requested to make immediate payment, and th-Ye having demands are defited to feed in their accoaats prptrly at it lied. s th Se 4 t. 1780. Tie CommiJJioners of Pilotage HEREBY give notice to those Who are wil li g to undertake the Pil tage of the Bar arid River of Savannah 10 apply to them i®fdauly, who will giva every eaxouragc meat to perfoxs properly qua) ltd. w OWEN OWENS, Savannah,') JOHN WOOD. Septern / SAMUEL DOUGLASS, her 26. f PATRICK CROCKiHANKS, WILLIAM ROSS, John vv allaiwl. KINGSTON, (iAMAICA) Jy jp. ’0 N T - , f‘‘ a ; fonit tbtfiit. Killj, ,J!.f .f, arrrvtJ tm tb tt dmufrtm St, Pcmt*fo. Bf /ort fbtjr lft Hijfmniola thty that troop, ytrtcLa<n t frtm oil p*rt, of tkt ijhnd. and of ftmbling at Copt f ran f oi, fr tht cvtwtd pnrpofe •f making a dtUtnt on this ctunfry Whtn tht united f„f, St D.~.i s . ,l tJ / tmi itt M hgbtfwku #• board of •whtcb tbt tom pony quart trod at that 7 * :t tmmediattly mbarktd andfilled them 7bt Capra, nt that tbtir •wbol, /rrw, uuhtn colU*}- **’ y ioul4 am ; unt t 0 35-000 troop,, and Jbip, of tkottnt of boidt Htftd in nvitb fovtn Jbip, of tbt hut am truing off Copt Tiber ton, w V t: OM/ S “ “*<?“** *r London stet, not kntnvtng boiv fonvtrfnil, tbty or, prouStd. Tbtt tb* tmt of on of tb„ ijlond „ mtditattd mod ftople fern to admit , but that our tumit, tan bring ha S that number of land fort,, i, mueb to bt doubted. S,r Gtcrgo Rodnty*, apptoraute on tbnr toad,, W opprtbtnd , nmh iter, fbon tonne met tbtm that an at tempt to a foil hi nailt inueolvo their boajltdfort, in ctriaiu diffract and min. A French neiMualUr , atten/iid cn tbt stet, nvo, tb v **J M V th Awt'Zt letter of marque of Ahplmi tb, prifouer, bame aotyet nude any and& Mr Mg of battle tmizttg us tbe nont fdo of Hifpa, aHH?i mU r V h ** they Oftere French or Sfantjb. i ifptrjdhzsui tu, ljuu ut Tr &£*£ •fern attach. J. u . Oak*. Commanders. “■“Hr 74. -• r M.w *2*s* 90. Set- a £t, a. ©Of* **• . rUmm... , . m !*,’ _ S4. Hi.. Klili St.nn. Jfarmdu Brig. > •’ t. •. Trarf. ons, vtAanlle’t, sad kitiktoML auvadtoit on the troops for tht grand ek£* ditiv again ft th BpaVlh^ai. 1^ ‘ *?'*** Fo#*, Hopowll. doyal Briton} mJ a* Fro% v*’ *#h* if**. mt'Xtn"'*" 1 "* Harrington* regm^ ***** Fbra^lm jTßree Bifer,, Providtnct and fiance. Riikt 1 7,f... Pali,Jn, J„, fvVt W 9, —hMuarier, to attend the troops. TTITi l Jupiter bmggogt fbip. Morelast flips. -a - ft VwXm&JsJSS c*7"'c A/ *"”f^^***^*“**!^ Cnh- GttrnMiZO. li, Lim. tUrfSA ... Cleveland, A n .fidC.r/m- tFZ\ I Mary and Ann, ln„- t Pnncef, £#;/, Old Harbour, Poncer ; Nottingham Ha*dti /L I r *’ Ciu gg*A ; Jiborw, Hnaofbe itt ; Polio, Wm. I 6mt ’ S P r j § g’ Cozier ; lamutl Hb*ckbatk\\ Effort t H<mvfoa % dnn and Ebcakoil. Fomder. | Ordnarce flora (hips for jamnsca. - I r Franem Sneetf. M l Milton. ’ Lift of the Kegimcnts that arrived ia the fleet 1 8 5 *b(yeilrw) Right Hm tarUf Harrinotodl I 9 id (buff) Hon. Cel \ 9\i (yetmnv) Col. M Cormießi. 94 tb C'wfottj late Cl Quidtfu-ft* * I ctt&N ,ud uj “ m/ur m The Right Hon, the Bari aad Counted of I HaMngtow. tkaHoo Cel. Stewart hn to ife I ° r B . utf ’ Gen. Garth, Cd. I M’Lormiclc, and a number of officers of dU. I tinßiod, came in the fleet. 1 k t—' o **’- feat I by hit Maffcfly for the paymeat of tha eragpi I Rationed in this island. r I s, 1 rl“J ,0, K d ’ ,k “‘ !**! th * lfl| St. Cbnttouber, u tx r ,Kt to Sir Gei- I Bfydgea Rodnty hronght infbrmation Aol Bntiffi Mitiiftry certain intelligeace that rSZ I furred, > of a moft formidable natnft, headM I by the Fnnce of Afturiaa, had k*—:™l Madrid ; that tha Snarth I c 0 .8 e ,..,i0.".ar w „“o. r "*. -irt Oi~. Mfc “1 .if (“ 4 d** f.B* <!ilTcmcwlk. I jiilm betwee. tt CMufm of Vb cm. I b ..d Itftiii ib.f. ft, l j tktt tfc. SpiUadt I •. OM (. fftitd to la,a (hrir left Fra,;.|., „a tk,t their fa.M(O. kii fmt. I the G “ ch *.“S CuMfti| , V* Smt that (Jr Gtotyo m, ia I hourly sipsftttiw of receiving a reiafeccc.l *..t oi i.o, 1, wi 0 f ,k, u*-S th ui ,a| of which it wa< e*pcOa4 be weald ntmmtxl fome capital stroke.