The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, October 12, 1780, Image 1

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    ;[■:’ ‘ * ‘ - : ..iY
’ * a.k | ;, „ 1 * •■ *’
4h. lut,. ‘1—r--a •: ~• • .
rtfdndtnJum fp immtduabiie vuluus w pars
~ fine*a hadatut.
*9tT *WT HOKVEK cut flier ■ the natural
B. /■■- of R.btlliuti, and the
/mV , sheauful eff A* which aswft o*a
? Vmdabiy uikiw, will ad-
„ * . *W-’ T * n>it that a greater tr n tarN
J#sjj be committed again!) the Sujvt'm* Kuftr and
Jydgg of all, iter any that f,-reads greater mi -
wy* trd ihertfure dtf< v< severer fumihment a-
V-rng men. Pe jo y it its beginning j mauler,
bTina.liei, rapier, and violence, mv k it* picgref*;
i<- cruelty are i:s-chsr*£)eriJltck) and . f
faijiiy, murder, viol trace, i jjftire, anil cruelty,
wbai cite but jtemjtoxal and eitmal flclt uftion can
be the cud I
R Vc’liiti frequently begins in triumph, but frl
di ■ full t.i end 1.1 iDlamy. It fumiflist a coUur
fyi every vice; hat woe unte thioi who cannot al
ledge even rebciliun at a far. ftion far iheirproceeilng*
ind who have net even the warrant of ao idol ta fur
|iift) a piete'ce where hority is wanting ! Tbit
It the car? r f all futh as attempt war without a cvai
niitt. ov cany it on contrary to the rule* rft.ib
lifhed ars>eg ail civilied na.tisrr. A nation at
•U*^!yUMhio'l bf ‘! *><'* H'tfor any
‘*■ ©Mtg-a*niv •to ■■ >feeve--nwi’j*f a-- h-W1 e- >*Te of
*\ * r|o farm j I r MAV J Ei: \f THEM AS
ROBBERS. Ihe city of Gireva, after defeat
p t*f hr attempt *J the f\roouf IfVaiide, hung up
the SavayiccU over their walls whom they hid
” made puiantia, xa robben if bo h J attacked
” ‘bem without any raufe. N. bvty > fFcieJtocer
“ lure bi rrtictedinj;, which won 11 hue been ,f*.
V feltrd ill a i'jinsal wi,.” Panel phrt. u. pa*.
%i. i'liefe Sari-yaidt, r.f whun atuUt 50 , weTe
ksjwere all regolirly c m na r d<“f t h.d fi ?ft
ndfi i 1 fioni their, wL-> himicif wir ‘t
Jutod.4 tut sh* ti oacbci sfutfi of hit proceed i- gi
xottid not tx.ufe their attempt, ncr mirgatcuhtif
/atej an.Hu rely g?ir tea and lerfins with u
liry COtuanffijm at al: ate lttll HfSn t nlV .tu g
if they fi I into tbcii. bauds whom ihty ii.tend t J tj
ni'k- a prey of.
M-n who under pretence of puMi k wir coumi
ymate robntrirs, a-d f.rm themf Iv i to bo 1:- s
that th y may .be better rfT.-A their vi.l .in u pur.
pole, ate no better than highw.vymt. , ard dcfeive
n< bette t'eatmert; if the guilt becom. * ger.e, d f
the pur sh mem mull te in j rop->rti3n. Ii , ...
“ ‘he K t'g *f Piuifi.i haJ aJvice that the i. b.bit*
“ **'* of ni untatns b-gan t^|, € fufpeAed, and
P 811 * g* l er l to itpiel/ihef* rU.hen, the chief
’es wh- ni h-d and fiopcareJ on 1,.s v.j roacblf ijhit
** hi f dud’ on fy fame miferah’l- wie-che*,Wb
“ ! e t* ri.Mred, buying feuetul cabitn of thy ft wii
_** k (id MQdIJL ejety *’ nni gut a <;"uru, orJtr /*
“ ail tie m: t. /Sfftr t) re -
“ laie, but to fi .re ii,e _iL. ir g |. 4 . y ,}, u
“ u._ l.beially rewi-ded *"” r f f. t J
“ t* c cant aiy -fu!f. r the firr: ;u rH ,
“ hare their h*.m: t* dem iilh--!, i.‘ ieiK d.f r-
J\ £e 4i*u'.diup|.ep rg them, ni it it th.„ j~e
*** ,A ‘P*f-rtt,M.eJ
Y#T| countrr>* Pit Kin* f Fr^U,
p. 54.. “..In the Hilt .noi cf 44. rt te/gue w- t J
“ eleven 1 agi- g cn g
T ‘ i>fc d.fip.eeablenel* the tight, had xlfo am (\
ill-ckw.g tmr I!. Ihitt k .<i Ixreil f. hber:, wh.;,
under ci i.’ u: of wr, has pltfrY*•* t^naurdei
“ ed a Jift i. < irnhcf of peo le.” HU. p . OJ .
L revolted fiKj At,, whn Kut brts c'omju- ed,
fj'milted, received-to mercy, arc! revolted again
tt they aie the *ery vrotll , f men, ate the onfittFtt
to lie endured in foe it t., and therefore, by the cou
fent, nay, and demand of all minkind, liable to
Cve 1 y level ity.
“ In theyem73s, tfter the furrendei of Mexdia,
Dfi uurs can e t j me cam •> from the tohabVahts es
A'me*. to dtciarenheir forr 9nv j or having bun oblir.
id totuki dr ten odijl, tht Ln'eror. id rm.
niination it a vare.i rhai the,: bee i gu Ify ,f
the bit li'irraf*r j in dehance cf the duty
wh ch thry owerf to th. E and eror as his subj At, they
dccU.fd for the eenny at tire b*ginning ot the tam
paigp, dif-Aioiiv h w t take M x<lm,
ayd madt m uifmni icto th< Bum it if Trmtfw* e , ,
killing'and fl.yir.gxli the Y. n eroi’s who
•euldc feifeveung in their loyalty. a cn-
BjS k fi |/ K 1
K% if jQF J • pvi ‘
If J-yBiT. A vy y\ \jP4 Jdl^dA
miaal behaviour being reckoned worthy ®f tht fe
vcrrfl Cul. Kdf.ick was teat with a
detachment of the Uuk of rulcar.y’irrgiraent of
foot inta the territory of Almat, to cut off all the
Hb*bax*i4| wiib*m BftinAton df age, lea, or
and fitbr.Dw* 0* * *< ,l - •’
retr rHW f-i thetr piy, aad deter them horn
fl>f *ingh*,ltif favour to the ecemy.*’ Gent. Mag.
44 ‘t Pi F uffiAn General J.fmund ma< chmg to
“ the rest es of f-'me Sxxot-s, came too file, but
“ because the peafsnts had fi ed upon him, and he
“ underffood they had afififted in the m fTicrccf tbe
” Swu •, tog*-th’r with ih:ir wues a and children,
“ he mwdc leiiilala, and rx l irpated ail the iahtbi.
“ tanrs w thout diftuiAun us age or f.x.” PraJJian
Campaigns, p. 17 .
1> tii* yen 1705 the Bavarians, always tema. k
allc fit then alia.hater.t to their P,i ce, hti svhele
Ci. untry otir p ribJued bv the Imf eria 1 arms, tifefv
favour of their Xtaerttga , and at firfi made f me
piog efi i but the Enipr ror’J troops coming sgatnlt
and dtfratmg th ro, thei; leaden were ha* ge l x*d
qualtered, and all 1 f them neated as R belt. Their
’P. Hue and uYtl fa Ism:nt?d *h ir ill luxeO, but ne
ver that th<*y hid been treated urj'ill.y.
. M r. wh 1 } fportc l wptY an oath may dill have'a
regard to wh4t tkey caji their hor.ou;, but upon
-4bofe wba-bave-bfCke WKSfc fat al’- , ; a Bbuili
there can be no ftntber tie, and
ety can o< for ger eudure h ui. Ad mankind aie
ccncerivtd in it ihjt fu< 1. mer. may be treated as they,
defrive r no ho- ct oaaa can p. ifi •ly ai y thl g
m ineii UVcur, a-.a tvety one's p incipf-s and per
funmay be juttiy iuipcAcd wba f r e&ks of them o*
tbe 1 wife 1 hia with daifttstior.
Tie f^ced y and exe.nplny jufiice exccu ed
up • a luw be. wf f eifor.* who. bad taken tbe
,a h if all-g- o-r, n l then |di ed Clark and
h- hirdyt , wit pfokubf y preki ve d.c lives of
1 u-n or , on ofav fear at talk may operaie, tho*
b+e,e tj fhej peovrd call u< ta eve y;n i iCvT . The
‘ei ay of ihf cvii and military hat l.ithe tj emboU
and ed men u iff as iha’ me r return was a mm fa.
v. gsl and sat bar than ifnitenee has b?en
b.e w A utual cinapi4a> of the f: I bat returned. have nt only avowed thcmfelves v ij
of fer ar ftimr f.r liking ih- jvigei f f rebellton,
but ‘Ptuy . nuld n.'t co..cevl their j >y at any glim f,f
cf h priV.i might diltrefs th: g .vonmer.i t iey had
lat'ly agiirt 1 * rn to sup ion, but wbuh it was,
and pr ibibly still t*, their hearts’ w<fti to oee fer.
Ailth>re who re'u e to become fuSjeAs, and p-efer
C'lfitinuirig upon parole, proclaim to all she wmfl
that rhey liid wur and with an opportunity to
re ew t>e ho rors of war, ao J to re-efiabiiili tyranny
a- I cor. f- I*i n among ns. S >me men hive mad* it
thei .fi ts f -erd fil ‘e repo ts, .1 and thu’
lie* feirce ctef .uthved a iiy before they were dif
p.ui t I,J, i'ct ad <y o-kT- i befo e they wereicpeat.
ed. --1 id repeated id renewej with i-n|,ur.ity.
The mne*a hs aid parolee ere tV.fl t with by
tL r by wY:m they aie given, the m .re it behwevea
tii f t.i be upun their regard by whim they are re-
Cf vid ; while we are am z*rf to fee men cipable of
I. h * tires h wln-io wc i..ul l never have th, ught
c-. ‘ole f 1., ih.rity ufeJf muit take tbe nYlim,
iJ fall iiion jufic? fui N* f ciety
cn fu frft wtiiuii fume ti? s and whe e relict n
aid hon q- ae no tnore binding ail ti < are at an
e* and, and th-'e it go -em'dy left but in the bnjuagt
< f aayMotU ti tyt uif the. rotten that the Cund
m-y bf prft tred. £
B it never i the violation of an oath more har
fioie in iifelf, or mere pernicious Ij the c m*nuri
ty, than when it is diftegirrfed by judges, jnrois,
or evidences, iu a c ustuf jultice ; rhisfuikts at
Le 100:, ad while in c.fes the eflVts may f>e
fliw, ir. this they may beinflint, and mutt always
prove rxtei 1 vl ; . ‘Euc jirrot chat acquits Kccauf* ihe
c im;n-.l is h i fr-co !, 01 because i.i, heart iells
fin, ih 1, tlio . the f’A il marifeftly proved ard il-
h* wrufi m th ■ fveie case have iAud in tie
fine rn inner lunife f, ( . e. it really a criminal
L mfi If i> and thr juror that condemns, net because
he u c.nvirced ihe prifrner ia guilt.y, of the faA,
bm because he owes h ; m a particulai fmej ihe
w. that g.v-s Lrs ryidcnce, rotas he k ym it
t > lie ttu.*, bit as lie wilh th to save or de*lr :j him
for or agairft whim it 11 g-ven } j|l tl|ele.ia that
iiirtaat publ.ckly feai their damuativo in epea
ROY A ) ; *>
. . * !
■* u • a■ , . % • -
court, aad call atmn the living God to be a fwift
w tncf* aad avenger of their guilt, tad t wft
neft will be prove agsint ikem, for He that ftjf.
t tiotb tbe %uuktJ, and bo that eoademmttb thr fuff,
iota they both art an abtwunatim tt tht Lord “
O A j(Kr 6 - UU.V4frJ lU|^
An ACT Jor Ibr Relief cf fucb $f bis
Majesty's Liyal Subjefls as have any
Re 4 l sr Prrfonal Pnperty in tbe Pr§ -
<*i not of Georgia, and wbhfe fTitle
Deeds, Bonds , Notes, Specialties , and
other Evidences, Vouchers, attd
inrt, have hen either ioft, deft toyed,
or carried off, during tbs Time birein
after mentioned. 1
XIfHEREAS a molt suds ioui and wicked rebel
-4 li .n o*l lately ra fed and earned or. agair ft*kia
M jeily in the province of Geergia, and in pro
feetttNn tnereof ihaoy pc>font alTenbl and in an wn-
Ivwfu.l aid b. itilc mum , n
M j dj’s ypai tHd focii odier
f u ragei anti lt cf n hnee as in the end. totally
adverted Li* Mijed)** f*id governmert, when the
pfurpers a flu in ed tw tbciiii'dvei isl prcteded to
possess aH tbe legal powers of a well eftabiiti-d gO
-and thsir def-at and,
irtending further t diltrefs bn Mijefty’s Joy .1 fub
jeAs, melt wantoily remved and earned rfminy
records aid papers", publick and private, i< Ihe
gien prejudice and damage es mtny of bit M iefty’a
f i’j A, and injury to, the cub’ick t AJdD
WtJERE AS forne of his said M.jitty's fubj<As,
from a deli e to prrfnve site granrv, title deeds,
b*n It, no rs, f, eciairles, and oiher w ti igi aod vou
chera relative tj thnr jud du-s, drma de, ad ether
~i¥st~¥iEt~ perEonxt effares, fi ortf • ihe p< fi if, ~f gg e
Rebrls, have, by acciden a .if fire and . therwife, fort
the fame, theta have had them decayed and wholly
obliterated by endeavouring f-cretly to kiefrtve
then, t > the great injury f many *f hi* M j tty's
C id fu‘ j A;, their families and poftcrity t Fur ie
medying-. the as tar s nr,ay be, We ilicretore
prsy y•’ •1 > tn it fined M je Ay that i* maybeer aA
c AU befit EnaAed, by his Ex :el.ency Str JaMia
VA right, B ironei, Ltptuo ■er si, Guvei nc r,
ad C m Hauler in . h.ef, ;>f his M jelty’l piovmce
ot Georgia, hy.and wuh the advice and cmfent
of H i the Council and C. itHtiona
Hnnfeof Affemhly cf the laid in General
. Aif.-ntblf fßer, and by the authority of the lame,
That, imneJiitely from and after the pafHog f
th s .A, v fbatl and (Sy b: lawful tc and for any
of hi-M j-tty . lubj Hs eli ting within the province
ts Lie .git af .ieUid, or eltcwbo.® wrhio his do
mi. runs, ;uhl his allegtaace, hiving any es
tate or mtered, abCaiuttly or c-n litiunaliy, of cr
in any guods, chattels, l#rd , I nemen s, diver,
or other leal or perfonai eftitc, withi ine Utd pro
vince of Geoigia, pnd wbu Imtb ot hare f mai'ed
a-.v l w is .r damage in the r giants, Visfc deed*, bill
or oil!* f ule, b ud , and nntn v s hiod, special
ties, evidtr cer, or other vruchers or <vr tmgi rela
t va thenunt,, at any t me between the firg day of
Jvnnrrr, in tiie y*a -f our Lord one th ufard fe
yea hu Jel t and fcv.nty.fix, and he fi ft day of
Jinuirv, m th: our Lord one h mfaod fevers
bn d.tJl ind e.g.-ty, inciubve, u, petition he Chief
just er the i-me being, c -r, in bis abf. CC f, tht ▲ fill ant julliee,. thertiu Ifatidg what deeds,
v. ings, tor t It umeou, , n particular, he hath
loft, ,nd i)v.l,r ineaos.aod pray le, r 10 rxamins
f ich witnrTe as he may have ta prove the contents
of the writu gs and isftrum'ntf, and also to tak
hi- own sen in refpea rbtrouf, • which peti.
tton shall be an< cxed an affi tarwit shat the coetentt
thereof are tru- t ..the bell cfYbedepanent’aknow
le Ige aaJrbcl e j and if it (hall appear 4® the^Judirfe
U whom such p tition is prefeute.! that the fame t(
founded upon this he it in such case reauircd
tv grant the prayer the eof, andtauroceed tutakv of the peiitiont, A and also of
bumeil, AAd if the petitioner hath no wiiocfltt then
(Set tht jisurtb Page.)
in”. iJ