Newspaper Page Text
Any Per Ton wiling to contra# for
Sweeping the Chimnies
of lliifii appointed as Barracks to bia
Majesty’s Force* in this G-rrifbn it dt firedto
•ppJy to THO. WlLt*. MOORS,
Barrack Mailer.
o QAober 12, 17S0.
■—1 w Mini —rnrnmmtm oiiwun one—a—w eweo a——
To be (old at private Sale,
A NEW BOAT, just
oflFftha Rocks, about 23 feet long and n*ar 8
radder, tiller, two marts, ard four osrs,
all qu te new ; (he is not to bes Id for any
but because the owner las no use for
her, v Any per (bn inclining to purchafa her
may have a bargain by applying at Skidaway
FOR S aT E,~“
A WAGGON, with
every thing belonging thereto ccmpleat. Ap
— ** “
To be fold at publick Vendue,
On Tuesday the 1 zth day cf D-cember next,
• at Thunderbolt,
All the Personal Estate of
the lateMr. John Greene, deceased, confifttng
of 36 Slaves, ameng whem are a few good
fawners, a Mulatto carpenter, house wenches
and fami ies of children ; fome household fur
niture, neat cattle, breeding mares, a large
fix oai’J lot, one of four oars, a small
flat The cor. ditto ns* of fa e will 1 e then and
there publiflicd. All pcrfors who ar.eindebt-
o^-kaye any; flem? v o&*Mta ttf
n e requeited to make payment, and their de
mands ktown, ty that day, or they will be
excluded, as the adminiflrators are deemined
to dole the affairs of this ellste Goo after the
fa!e, which will begin at ten o'clock in the
Thunderb. It,- 7 JOSIAH TATTNALL,
12th 0A.1780 J J. UGMTEN'STONB,
CAME to the fubferiber’a plantation fome
time ago, a likGy
Negro Fellow,
ftyi bis ram* is PRIMUS, but ca/inot tell his
mifter-’a name ; he is about 5 feet in irehes
i igh. branded ou each bread I L, speaks very
lad F.ngiilh, fays lis m</le ’s plantation is ao
the fait:. The cwr,y rrs? have him again by
applying to N A T H A MEL POLH ILL.
bt. Mauhew’s parish, Oct. to, 1780.
• A .pi m ■■■■■— .1 - ■ -■■■ , 1 ■ ■■■■■—- ■— ■ ■ ,i— 1 , ■ „ , 11 ■■ ■
Publick Außion.
Tomorrow morning, at ten o’clock, at the
Ventkie-Houfe, will be fold,
A QUANTITY of Negro Cloth, Tome
readv made Jackets and Brrcches for
Negroes, 4 Pieces Brown Ho land $ Pieces
Check Linen, 4 Pieces Dowlas, 6 Dozen
\ h ead Stockings, 10 lb. Thread doifeient co
A so, fome ndat-Houfehold Furniture and
Together with 6 Quarier C: fks of Pwrt
Wir.e, and sundry oth#T articles.
Oft. 12, 1780. THO. TALLBMACH.
RAN AWAY frnm the fubferiber in July
1779 NEGRO MAN, nan-ed
About 24 years of ag*, (hort and rema<kab'y
fteut/ has a large BKUth, speaks go-d Ergjity,
and is fnd of Hiking a..d blowing a pipe
in imitation vs a fife \ he had on * h'-n he went
awry oxnabrigs jacket—and t awfers, and is
well known in and town.< L'e was fen
with the Rebels in Ofb.bsr la ft at fome 1 f
plantation up the river. Wluevcr tikes him,
upland dclt'ers him at the Printing-Office,,
(hall have 1 wo Guineas Reward ; and aojr
perfen barb uring him, qr attrm- tir g tJ carry
him out cf the province, wi-T be prosecuted
with the titmoll rigour of the law by
„ls he will coae home hi (hall be fcrgivin.
RAN A WAV, from the Subfcribety
Tbe following Negroes. *
TACK, Boatfwaia, Silly, P#Sr. Dlaak,
\ Reah, Molly, Jeuey, Kale, Jody# aad
Fhcebe. Whoever deliver* fald Nogroes 10
Mr. Talemach will receive 1 reward of two
dollars for each ted at) reafoeable charte*.
If they are harboured by e while pence five
guineas re* ad will be and If by a he*
gro one guinea, on coevt&ioa of the offender.
Savannah, OA. 7, 1780.
SAVANNAH. Qftobcr ia.
THE General Affcmbly of this province,
which met heie oe Monday the 25th
ult. w>* on Saturday, lad,. by hi* Excellency
the Goveraor, adjuamed till Tuesday stxt the
17th inll.
Yefterd|y fc'naight a Beet arrived et Chir’ef
town from New-Yorlt aod*r convoy of hit
MajeflyN f.igate Thame*.
ALI T of (h Ship* of the Line ender
the Ca nmai.d of the fallowing Admirals, ,
Admiral Rodney’s Squadron.
Ships. Cui.s. Commanders.
Sandwich, S o,
Triumph, 74, A fleck.
Te rtble, 74* ‘ Feryalbe.
Alcide, 74, / Brifbsee.
Torbay, 74, ‘ Gideon.
• Commodore Drake,
*“*. n. Ctft
Cullode*, .74, • Bair or.
Shiew Ihury, 74, Robnfon.
Cmiaur, 74, Note
Intrepid, 64, Molloy.
rjni ai*mO*Xlk- • • >aggl*fdeas. : -
Adtniral Ailuthnot'i Squadron. 1 .
Skip*. Guns. Commanders
„■* . it Admiral Atburhnof,
Europe, Ctp( C ,; M
R&ifonable, f’4, Dent,
Robufte, 74, Ccfby.
Admiral Gbeavii’s Sqcad on.
Ships. Guns. Commanders.
London, 9 0, Admiral Gra.,
y Lapt. Greaves.
Roral Oak, 74. S*e ey.
Bedford, 74, Aflleck.
Rcfolmion, 74, Sir C. Dpfe,
* Ca r t. Manners.
America, 64, Tbompfon.
Prude*, te, 64, Burnet.
A-LIST of the French Sqaadron under the
Commind of Mons, Ternay at Rhode
Skips. Guns. Commanders.
Le Due and. Bu gogne, Bc, * d ” ir .* l
b 6 CapL de Med*ne.
L Neptune, 74, . Deflouches.
L’Rvetlle 64, Tyebeand.
La Provence, £>4, Marigney,
Le Far.tafque, 64,
L’Arderf, 64/
—— 64,
La Surve llante, 40, De Cillerf.
J.'Andromaque, 36, Deßoveiul.
L’He mione, 36, La Touche.
t s^
Mordai l*fl be’ng the Anniversary of the
signal Defeat of the French acd Rebel armies,
commanded by Count d’Eftaiog and Mr. Lin
coln, bjf_a bardful of Britons, before the lire*
of Savannah, toe fan e was duly observed here.
In the Forenoon the Rev Mr. Bmwn preached,
in Christ Church, aa excellent sermon, suited
to the rccafton, from chap. vii.
v.. 14. “ Jn the day of prefperity be joyful;
but in the day of adversity Coofidcr : God also
hath set the one oyer agsinfl the other, tn thi
end that nv*n should find nothing after bim.”
At noon ar.d at two o’c pek tha veflbls in the
river fi.ed their guns; and at three in the af
ternoon tre Georgia Loyalist Society met at
the Assembly Room, where they dined, and
spent the evening ia a very agreeable manner.’
On Tucfday lift put icto Tylee, the brig
Good Intent, (one of the Jamaica (He ) Cipt.
,Trott; and the (hip Echo, from London, lad
from Bermuda ; both bound to Charleftown.
L company *i h the ’atter ariived the (hip
C own Gajley, Capt, Webb, which was taken
iume months ago by the Rebels, and was af
terwards retaken off the Ckpes of Virginia iJ
earned into Ber.ide by all of C*udrkh3
fleet. ; ’• ‘f ‘
Capt. Webb briagt advice of the death oil
his Excellency GovSmor Brusre a ftiflatfl
before he Giled
The Rebel privateer of *9 gnjJfl
and another thtp of the fam: forced tk hewl
have taken several yeffela of thb (attaick fteftS
ahd a brig from Liverpool ; all bjuod toJ
Chariefiowe. cf. ,
Pip ] Mr. Joba Lyot, Blackfoith. |
*. Y tel K B Phtv ft. I
Cdpt. WbtU % nm/fi]
7 t9b , ac /V /r 9 * Bmkimort/w ‘Statm, noa, font iM
here In) f Friday by the fthaaner A&t+e, Cnpt. GM
behnvny te Mefrs Geedrub .
Hts Mnjt/y,/hip the lri, t Cep#. Dannhm, nw # |
big •fire * E<g Harbemr Ufi Thmrjdnj, mod M
Saturday fet/rwteg meat Ufl f ebmfe ifa/kvw, /**•
foftd a rebel pria niter. . ’ ”*’
Tbs feUem ing account f the damage deem ewMt
Mob auk riser by Sir Jobe Joke fen and
may be depended upon. At the fert mean tedidM fbrf
Ran/eUter , 51 benfes , 44 barm, burnt ; 17 men k U
led and 51 taken prifeners. At Scbebarte, ay boefo
harnt i 7 nun killed and a 1 taken frifeaertf At HeU
man's Creek, ta beufet burnt. Total of tbo rebel hh
at the about three places 1 Ileufes and bams burnt 14*.
Killed *4. Pri /oners 73,
Sept. *6. A rebellion lately broke out at Pert em
Prince in the ijhnd es Cuba\ many ej the ringleaders
bad been impri/oned at Haaana, no here tbe Britijk
are treated xoitb great kindness and ho fat a.
Off, influenced te this alternative te tbeir yurn iaM be
bamiour to our countrymen by tbe gracious mddrefs end
ftnflbtlity nab'ib nvat Jbenun to Den Jean Font are.
by Admiral Sir Georgy Rodney , on bis triumph ooee
tbe Spamijb fleet.
On beard tbe Spanijk flip es war Dilifcncia, cm .
man Jed by Don Manuel Ignatius Perea, taken by eat
es Mr. Goodrich’streftts, and carried to tbe iflandof
Bermuda, base been found a box of letters cemmuti,
tnlfllsgmce Wa
pr*\.H'es tn the kingdom of Perm, impatient ofljbmt
m *',l% i ?t 9 *. S* 9 ™ l/ '* s P a **fl government, base rt.
• ; tbe nty oj Art quip a, fe'cond in rani and im.
per tunes to Lima, is the. bead qesarters es the oppret.
ed; it is floated betmuten l ima and fetofi -, all fa
Militia of that country are dijofeLled, which eccajfas
the mo ft glooms profpeS te the Piceroy and,the feraonts
of the Spani/b crown i the like difpofltien is appro .
bended from the large kingdom of Chili, which rebelled
a:d became extremely formidable te that gettermuem
about fix yean ago.
Srpt. jg. “The flip Lyon, bound from Cbarleflonx*
in Jamaica, baaing been taken by the enemy, was
happily recoaercd and brou K ht to Sandy Hook by Adm *
rol Sir George trydges Rodneys fleet lafl kPednefdao
Since our lafl bis Majefly's frigate the Iris has taken
and feut m the fries alter brig HfQor, Caft.flb fwt
0/ 10 gutty, from rb ladelphia. He. ran another afbere
necsr Blue Point on Long Island, and burnt her lad
f bur [Jay but in all probability the crew has get o<m
to Lonneflicut or Rhode Island.
\ Ah ° ,htr hng (*formerly the MaerUm flop of tbit
fflt) haded with flour, and a flip with ato bogs.
heads of tobacco, both from Philadelphia , are ok
brought in by Admiral Rodney's fleet. *
We art well off*red that when Gen. Gates arrived
at Philadelphia from the foulkward be acquainted the
Cong refs, that, vnltfs an army as numerous as that
under the command es Gen. Waflington was sent to fa
Carolinas immediately, all ta* oyer in that quartif
of the continent.
Sift. ao. Last Wediiffday the (hip Watt, I#*H|
S*‘A* f * belonging to Liverpool, fttuek on ifca
H If Mo n Shoal, Montack Point, and in tea
hours lu k j her C maunder, (he diftieguilhed a4
truly gallon! Capt. Coultbard, with ao of hisc't*.
were drowned
We frel great concern in communicating the death
of a brive tttnm officer, Majsr Thoma* Mtcaa,
of the Royal Welch Fufilacrs) • violeat fsver ear*
tied him cfF.
His Excellency the Commander in chief has id*
printed Lieut. Col. Birch, of tbe 17th Light pi
goons, Commandant of New York, with raafff
B.iea tier General.
m 2 T • ptrf>m of good reputation and
perfectly intelligent, jug arrived from the North*
ward, we me ir f,rmed, that, about a fortnight a.
go, Fort Stanwix, after hiving been five er fix
weeks closely inverted, was liken by hoc Britifc
troopr, commanded by n L eutenant Colooel, fun.
posed to be of the King’s or Vs ((tb regiment. 0*
faithful friend Capt. J u f>ph B ant, wish a party of
Indians, flared in rh* glory cl this ceirqueff, which
was facilitated by S TARVATION, (apbrafemt
adopt frem our old acquaintance and fellow cithtto,
William Liatngflon, Esq, now of Neva Jersey.) Tfc*
Indiana have laid watte the whole country, the Tory
ho„f-s-excepred, down to StheeeAady, where soma ‘
R bfl* are IJI owing up work* to oppoft the pm
g tfs of the Bviti/h troops aad our Indian allies j the
Rebel women and children have retired te Albany,
whAre, from a corfcir U fnefi 0 f their uaprovekie
parfecutiona and moidtis, terror and jeopardy yn>