The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, January 11, 1781, Image 1
THURSDAY, January ii, 1781. TANARUS: H E GEORGIA “SAVANNAH : Printed by dn AA T IDO TE ag a i nfi Sh AVERY , exemplified in fame detached Olfervations on the Condition of the Human Species i.i the RnjfJian Empire. jraotOK* F all countries under the fun 3&Jj( (Turkey not excepted) Rufli i is the place where, Yearningly yg law*, actompani a P re£t ‘ nded police and W W municipal regulation, tie people /TV. J* are rendered moil miserable. —•> there has fuperleded all the rights of nature. “Man is in Rulli.i an article of commerce, ancl is daily bought and fold at market like any other commodity. Children are here daily forced froth their moth ers arms, to be fold to - persons given up to de bauchery. The joy which other people feel on the birth of their legitimate children is heie unknown. This event, on the contrary, is a forrowful one to mmm ” taker, away from her at the irtflant he is playing at her knee: she suckles him, And takes a great deal Os trouble in bringing him up; he. grows, and the time approaches when (lie is in continual appre hension oflofing him; she can never flatter heefeif that in this beloved child she /hall find a friend and a support in her old age. If, when fomewlut far ther advanced in life, the child perceives the tear Parting from his mother’s eye, in confluence of these dreadful reflexions, he asks her the reufon, preScs and bedews her cheeks with his tears, he intreats her to difclole tp him the ciufe of her grief, and thefeene ends with mutual Toothings, ..embra ces, and overflowings of nature, too pungent and Jamentable'to admit of defeription. H The meanest animals enjoy the happiness caused % by the birth of their young : Man, in Russia, is the lOnJy being who cannot partake of it. This depra | vity ftifies all lentiment, every idea of jultice, every |tayofTeafo n The people in genera! are wicked | and abandoned, m proportion to the difeourage ment theyjneet in their endeavours to be virtuous. They commit the moft abominable and I locking vices, under the fanftion of law or gof ■pe . To fuin up the whole, a man mull be a I ?° n bc a S ood and, according to their doaripes, may be a very devil, ahd retain I ?i he P r ‘ nc, P‘ es good Chrillian, which com I r U l ° b [ erv, " g externals of what they call the rec urch. Here it is a prime proof of pacd- TV ° n 'y to betray your friend, nay your I father, but even to charge him fa'feiy, and bring Ifcm to an ignommiou. death, if the Minitlerin one Ijnl ance, or the Lord m the other, require it; and I*? co_-femorfe am„d, the commission of any | crime, if the perpetrator k eonftious that at all I he'd T- in S? S SSm of the form, of I the . fuperJhfions he has been taught to P^ as fa gMliihed religion -of his-country ° SJ Oiapped^^ joe ) .is infer ted in his works an anecdote in full of the morals unH f 1 WKerc att ibuted P 1 and /eogtous sentiments I A A d U • thlS natlon barbarians, ibeingalked Cre [n th ng condemned, and If , f . lh c coutfc of his trial, whether he S’ n, ° ckcd to the |in-vhathecllM U a * VC ” ***s*& Ift “r aft anrS-A t 0 God X mon la A‘t of r„| P tbecour i e of the trial, headed Konth't Plund f ed ’ robb < d > ad -as complied with M preliminary was i new frf rip, Jf - ° 1,1 ‘*“ a , Mms being rather udges what coni f ? JOyn ? e ’! t ’ hc WM asked by his . *?** ‘'^Ke e tctd d Sr orfions acd con ■ An affeSling Account of the RujfianTu n't foment cat fed the Knout, by M. VAbbe Cbappt dAuter ache. _ - EVERY body who *as been at St. Peterfburgh knows that Madame Lapouchin one of tke finefl women belonging to the Ruffian court. She was intimately connected with a foreign Am bafVdor ei .'aged in a coni piracy. Madame La pauchin, wno was supposed to be an accomplice, was condemned to kilter the punifiuftent of the Knout. She appeared at the place of execution in ageneral undress, which contributed to heighten her beauty. The sweetness of her countenance, -and her vivacity, were such as might indicate indif. cretion, but not even the shadow of guilt, though she was generally thought to be guilty. One of the executioners pulling off a kind of cloak ‘that coveied her loveiy bofoin; her modesty took the infttintfy turned pa.e, and burit into tears. - Her cloaths were soon after dripped oil, arid in .a few moments flie was quite naked to the waist, exposed to the eager looks of avail concourse of people. One of the executioners then seized her bv both hands, andl turew her on his back, whilst another laid hold ot her deacate limbs, and after placing her proDerly, and fontetimes brutally beating her head to keep it down he took up a whip called Knout; made of a ong ltrap of leather ; He then retreated a few Heps, ineafuring the requisite diftnnee with a Heady eye ; and leaping backwards, gave a stroke with the end of the whip, so as to carry away a flip of t ! , n fr ° m . , the L ncc y to the bottom of the back : I hen linking his feet against the ground, he took ins aim for applying a second blow parallel to the former; so that in a few moments all the skin of her back was cut away in iinaU flips, mo* of which remained to her Amt. Her tongue was t en cut out, and lhe was direXly baniihed to Si beria. ; In 1762 flie was recalled from exile. A* Account of tbs Rtception of a Dutch Ambnjfador by the Emperor of Japan . A PERSON in the fuitc o f an ACatick ambaf nd - e 2 letter to : , f d ’ c ‘ But thou g , > 1 found the inl.abi tarns fir frou) engaging in general, yet the Dutch - merchiims who ar e permitted to trade there are till mote dcteibble: they have ihcreafed my dis like o Europe ; by them I learn how low avlrice can degrade human nature, how many an European wtli fuffer for gain. I was pXt at an audience given by the emperor to the Dutch en -*rr feme ‘ ent P , * fentlo 211 the cour 1, lT Y ys pr e V,ous t 0 his admission ; but he S3Bf t 0 lt,end those deli s ned for p- ■ 7^"fofi^ d me e m d be a f^lo'r ‘ ii 1 Ih f tHnc,ed the honors mult hive re a uu'a tro^ l^ h ° nours * but * bout • i,wrmrn f? h after the P refen ' s were carried orw"“d P The 6 tCV ° y “ and hiS train Werc height: wkh’loL M F COVCr ' d from he4d their W;w b r kV ! S ’ w !' lch Pt ev ented their feeing Vom 7h/ a Ch e WaS S d b / 2 tonduftor, chofeu trojm the meanefl of the people. the citv of S redo on , o h Urable l mann “’ havi “B tr aversed U ’ at . * en g'h arrive.l at the pa ad:S’i„t;he f guard a "oo 8 m hal H an “T’ mm r rere i, an “'“ cnee Uft ph‘ UCr?dUCCd thcm into the hall audf. a kfod at ,eng lt h fe r en ’hrofio ‘ envo / was conduXed towards Se raTr’ h t °° n a ? he had approached within a ccrutr. rilihnee, the gentlemaß uflter cried out &OY A L GAZETTE. JAMES JOHNSTON. with a loud voice, Holanda Capilain! On these words the envoy fell flat on the ground, and crept upon his h uids and feet towards the throne. When he was come near to it, he reared on his knees, and then bowed his forehead to the ground. Thi* ceremony being over, he wasdireXed to withdraw, Hill grovelling on his belly, and moving back wards “ Men must be excessively fond of riches when they are earned with such circumitances ofabjeX fubm flion! Do the Europeans worship Heaven with more marks of profound refpeX ! Do they confer those honours on the Supreme Being which they pay to a barbarous king who gives them per million to purchase trinkets and porcelaine ! What a glorious exchange, to forfeit their national hon our, and even their title to humanity, for a fereen Or a fiiuffbox! “ . ’ • ‘■ If the ceremonies at the firft'audience appear ed mortifying, tbofe which are praXifed in the the Indies of the court were placed behind lattices, in filch a manner as to fee without being seen. Here all the Europeans were direXed to pass in review, and to grovel and to a£ the lei peat a* before. With thisTpeXacle the whole court Teemed highly delighted. The ftranger* were alked many questions, molt ofthem ftrangelv ridiculous, with their names, their ages, &c. TTev were ordered to write, to Hand up, to fit, to com pliment each, to be drunk, to speak the Japanese language, to talk Dutch, to sing, to eat: infhort they were ordered to do all thaf could fttisfv the cui lofity of women. 1 “ Rc on a set of grave men thus transform ed into buffoons! Yet the ceremony did not end Here ; for every great lord of the court was to be vi iced in the fame manner; and their ladies were ali equally pleased ‘ with feeing the strangers per orm, even the children Teeming highly diverted witn the dancing Dutchmen. c S ( ? r ! ed 1 On returning from r UC K k / p k eL ] acle ) ** ,s thc natl °.n which aflumes such high dignity m India, and other countries in Asia; that behaves fb proudly at home, and in e very country where they have power to (hew au thority ? How does the inordinate love of pain transform the gravest of mankind into the moft contemptible and ridiculous mortals! Who would acquire riches at fuA a price? Perish the wealth accumulated wuh of honour and humanity’ Let roe leave a country where there are none but fucb as treat all others like slaves, and in their turn fufier such treatment. In my travels shall I not find nations of more nufflanity’ than the Japanese or Dutchmen ? The people here are suspicious to ex. cefs ; their moraU are C orrupted, and they are e ■ quil > i by fupcrftition and vice; and conse quently 4he moft ufefifl fcicnces are negleXed where the great arfjlaves to the prince and tvl rants to the people inhere the women are chafle only when debarred of the power of transgression • wnere the true disciples of Confucius left perfected than those of Chriflianity : in a word a country where men are forbidden to think, a‘nd consequently labour under the moft miserable flave *ry # that of mental servitude.” Ajhort SERMON on MO RTA L ITT. T,x T -Job V 7 .. Man U bom unto trouble, as the lparks fly upward.” I? H^ L d iY id e the difeourfe into, and confides it (Uhder, the three following heads^: Man’s Ingress into the world. Secondly, Progress through the world. Third and lallly, His Egress out of the world; And ftrll, Man’s Ingress into the world—] s nakedF and bare ; Secondly, His Progress thrO’ the worlds,* trouble and care; * Third and lastly, Hi? Egress out of die world—is r no body knows where. -To conclude: • . 1 . ~ V ‘'• cio well h?re, we (ball be well there: I can tell ye no more, if l f : Uc i a whoi, | i's 1 S a f N. 98. ]