The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, January 11, 1781, Image 2

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It is proposed to ! have A DANCE, To celebrate the E E N * s birth-night. All persons subscribing to the Aflembly, who wish to join on this occasion, are requeued to fend their names to Mr. Davis, Town- Clerk. ’ ‘ v - ‘•.* -j- ‘7 Vi .• . •’ • N. B. Tea, Coffee, &c. as usual at the Dancing Assembly. ■ ii i m- ii ■ ■ <■'*'■ 1 mumm Excellent port and - LISBON WINES, SOU CHONG and BOHEA TEAS, CHOCOLATE, a few SPEL LING-BOOKS, &c. to-be fold for Calh by I). ZUBLY jun. <T O BE SOLD , By DANIEL NUNES, At his House on the BAT, IRISH linens, checks, cambricks, lawns, bufF hreeches pieces, an aflbrtment of worked hose # womens calamanco (hoes, green knap and whitnies, Bath coating, keifies, flannels, druggets, dur<Mfs, ruffels, calamancoes, durants, corduroys, negfo doaths, Russia (heeting, Iriftj ditto, bed ticks, thread hose, tablecloths, dimities, Marseilles quilt ing, toweling, mode, an aflbrtment of calicoes, printed cambricks, India calicoes, Barcelona biack handkerchiefs, coloured ditto, an aflbrtment of all kinds of pocket handkerchiefs, tea, coffee, chequered lawns, plain ditto, pound-threads, ounce ditto, an aflbrtment of knives, an aflbrtment of penknives, (hoe buckles, chest locks, inkpowder, small tooth combs, large ditto with cases, chest and other hinges, razors, callers, black jacks, seine twine, ‘ /ifhing lines and hooks, whip and crollcut saws, cases of razors compleat, fpiceries, horse whips of different forts, walking canes, knives and forks, ribbons and ferrets, mustard, oznabrigs, scented hair powder, perfumery* horse brushes, tar and paint brulhes, _brafs candlesticks, japan’d ditto, mens neat (hoes, womens and mens bed gloves, pins and needles, glass ware, fnaffle bridles, hair brooms, whip lafbes and thongs, mens fine hats, boys ditto, leather caps, velvet ditto, ready made lined jackets, great coats, furtout ditto, black pepper, currants, melafles, brandy, rum, wine, with many other ar ticles too tedious to mention. gpS SE FOR SALE, > And may be entered upon Mg is s a next month, wmm The House jSSI At prefsnt occupied by Alex- anfter W.yHy r £(q*.— • . . ; . *5 . t • ALL persons indebted to the COPARTNER SHIP of MOORE & PANTON, Late of Savannah, Merchants, are hereby inform ed, that the bonds, notes, and books of account, belonging to that copartnerfhip, are lodged in the hands of Samuel Farley and Thomas Netberclifr, Efqrs. their attornies, who have directions to put the fame in suit, unless immediately fettled to their fatisfaftion. Wm. PANTON. Savannah, Bth Jan. 1781 * l ” t . . ; ■ - ‘ 1 ‘ ‘9 * ‘V * i ‘HE subscriber intending to depart this province shortly, desires that those who are indebted to him will make speedy payment, and that such as have any demands agamft him will fend them in * without delay. Doftor JOHN MAYER. Savannah, Jan. 9, 1781. As the COPARTNERSHIP of ■ Ross & M i Credie _ WILL expire by the firllday of March next, they request all those indebted to them to fettle by that time, as no longer indulgence will be given. ROSS and M'CREDIE. Savannah, 10th Jan. 1781. To be fold by the Subscriber , ABOUT 3CO or 400 v Bushel? best white Flint Corn, and 150 ditto Indian Peafe, at his Springfield Plantation on Skidaway ItLnd ; and at his Shaftelbury Plantation on Argyle Island, about (ix miles from town, 100,000 Cypress Shingles, and 2000 Feet Two Inch Cvprels Plank cut out four years ago for indigo vats. Enquire of Mr. Thomas Tallemach in Savannah, or . JAMES DEVEAUX. ■ -m m - - - 1 1 ———- —— I- ALL perforts having demands agairft the Fftate of Joseph Farley, Esq. deceased. are defied to feed them in to -'LEWIS JOHNSTON. • ‘ • . \ # *•; ’ * ~ -\ ______ * ■ . ‘-t \ . This h to give Notice, that ELIZABETH VEALL HAS opened A SCHOOL, at Mr. Matthew Roche’s, Taylor, for the purpofe.of teachv vate of Twenty Shillings per quarter, one half to be paid at entrance. tr ■ ’ . 4 MarJhaPs Sales. Wmm&mm&m m ■ i -—■■ TO BE.SOLD, . J. ...” . . ’ ’■ -o. . •’ ■; On Monday the SUI of February next, at the house in St. James’s Square where the Superior Courts were last holden, between the hours of ten o’clock n the forenoon and the after noon, the sale to begin at ten o’clock precisely, 1 ’ „ t ‘4* v ; ’’ A TRACT of Land in St. Paul’s parilh, coft taining qoo acres, more or less, bounded on . the south by Savannah river and lands of/Thomas Ried, Widow Frier, and Peter Torquened, on the tail by lands of Widow Frier, and on the weft by vacant lands, late the property of Francis Stringer. Also another Tradl of Land, in St. George’s parish, containing 10:0 acres, more or less, bounded on the north by Great Ogechee river, and vacant on all otherfies: Also another Tratt of Land, containing 2oco .atres, more or less, in St. John’s parilh, vacant 0:1 all fuies : And also another Trail of Land, containing acres, more or less, in St. Philip’s parish, bounded on all Tides by vacant land : Late the property of Thomas Lynn. Also another Trail of Land, containing 500 acres, more or less, situate in the parish of St. An drew, and commonly called the Brier Patch, bounded on the east by lands of Bird, on the north and weft by Sapelo Creek and lands of Robert Bail lie, Esq. and on the south-east by lands William M*lnto(h, late the property of William M‘lnto(h, and seized on execution. D. FRASER, A. P. M. Savannah, January 3, 1781. • V -yz.—-—• — ’ ‘• ‘ “ •. 7 i ’ .. V.. -■ ‘ ••• ‘ - ‘ Com:per and 7 elf airs Edward Telfair, fames Ross, f Attachment. and others. J PURSUANT to an order from his Majesty’s Superior Courts, in this cause made, I (hall, on Wednesday the 31st instant, proceed to the Sale of the following Negroes, to wit, Abraham, Titus, Abe), Cuffy, Statira, Diana. Juba, and Scipio; and also fix or seven Head of Cattle, belonging to the Estate of Ediyard 7’elfair, as it is said; at the house in St. James’s Square where the Superior Courts were last holden, be -1 * tween the hours of ten o’clock in the forenoon and one in the afternoon, the sale to begin at ten o’clock precisely. D..FRASER, A. P. M. . Savannah, Jan. io, 1781. * ’ / FOUGHT to my D few days ago, by a fellow ii.rnud; Maf.lnas, (rorivlj XT****% Jcdin Mrrei’i plantation Pewlies A ILi k Brown Stray■ HORSE,with a fwiuhcd tail I and long mane, about 13 aud an h .ls bauds high, 1 is not branded, -has ‘ avtry (niaT'xv'S-.te in bill falce. The owner may have him again, by proy. 3 ing his property, and pay ing the vxpence of thk M aUveaifenieiiC, W it. CHARLETON, >1 Laeut Roy*l Art. ’m Savannah, Jan. to, LONDON, O!iober 5.^ T HF. new Parliament will meet the lift foil, s when his Majesty will, by a moffage, re. commend it to them to proceed to the choice of a Speaker. The next day his VJajefty will go to the House, and open the (efiions with a moft gr*. cious fpe^ch. OH 4. A letter from Versailles fays, “ Tho’ | the Court have lent powerful naval and military af. | filtances to Congrcf*, yet neither Dr. Franklin, or any agent from America, have been able to get a Angle louis d’or in hard cafli. Depend upon if ‘ that every conquest made by the arms of France in Britifti America mult be ceded to our Monarch.” ~ On. 6. The two (hips of the lir.e jull ready for ‘ launching at Plymouth dock yard are the Casfar of N 74, and the Anson of 64 guns; the Meduiaof jlj is also in great fprwardnefs. On. 16. Capt. Hood, lately appointed a flag officer, is appointed to a command on the American station, in consequence of which Rear Admiral/’ Hood will go with four (hips of the line immedi ■ —-■ \ Yesterday the Earl ofCarlifle was at Qoftrt, andi. kifled his Majesty’s hand, on being appointed Lieutenant of Ireland. The fame day William Edeji, Esq. kifled his Majesty’s hand, on being appointed principal Se cretary to his Lord(hip. On. 19. The following (hip 6 are to be part of Admiral Sir Samuel Hood’s squadron for the Weft Indies, the Barfleur, Princess, Prince William, Panther, Monarch, Belliquex, and thiee frigates. Extran of a letter from Portfnsouth, OnJi^. “ This morning arri ih four wseeks from New-York, his Majefty’sftore (hip the Seahorse, Capt. Elliotr. Ihe ieft New-York the 4th ult. in company w ith the Renown of 50 guns, the Pacifick armed ship, and near zoo fail of mer* chantmcn, the greatest part of which are pu’ into Cork, and many havepaflfed by, with the Renown, for the Downs.” i The States General are said to have received dispatches from their Plenipotentiaries at Peters-1 burgh, in which they fay among the rest, that the Empress of Russia has intimated that (he cannot a gree to the proposals of their High Mightiness and to guarantee thlfr pdfleffions in both the Indies, &C.l adding, that (he did not fee of w hat use her gua rantee could be to the republick, This refufall will r.ot hasten the conclusion of the treaty of arm ed neutrality, and will probably form an import ant part of the deliberations of the States at their next meeting. NEW-YORIC, November 18. 33 ON Tuesday last arrived in town the lady and son of Brigadier General Arnold. Marltrandt for Boston, was sent in here last week by his Mdjefty’s fliip the America ; (he is loaded , with china, tea, Sec. &c. The, brig Fly, Capt. Hamilton, from London, was taken off Cffarleftown bar by a rebel privateer ] called the Adventure, but was afterwards retaken by his Majesty’s (hip Huflar, Capt. Pool, and feat in here. . His Majesty’s (hips the Boreas and Greyhound, the 2d of Odober, carried into Antigua a ship of 20 guns, and a brig, both loaded with, tobacco and lumber. * blov. 27. We are told that the French troo|* now at Rhode Island pay the inhabitants only one third in hard money, and two thirds in Congreft paper, for every article they receive from them for the ufet of the troops and Teamen.’ ‘ * The Fjying Fish privateer arrived here yesterday morning, in company with the A£live and Trim mer. They have taken three prizes loaded with tobacco j part of whichcargocs are already arrived. * Prizes sent in since our lajl. The rebel privateer bug Adventure, of 16 guns, sent in by his Majesty’s (hip America.—Saturday morning last the privateer brig Delight, Capt. Stout, returned flora a cruifc; She brought in