The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, March 22, 1781, Image 2

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TTTHEREAS the fommdni Hoafe of A flu xmy VV hath appointed Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Telfair, Mri Pafterfon, Mr. Baillie, ftbd Mr. Hall, to be a Committee to ascertain the re gular depreciation of Paper Currency, commonly called Rebel or Coog-efs Money, which circulated In this province in time of the rebelliqn, and the Committee’ ate empowered to fend for persons, papers, and record#: And whereas the forming a true, exad, and extensive Table, for the purpose aforefaid, may be of the utmolV importance to publick justice, as well as to the interell of indi viduals. and it is necefftry to obtain every infor mation whicn Can elucidate so interefling a matter! THEREFORE ALL PERSOSS who either feought~or fold lands, negroes, goods, or any o* ther property, in this province, or any gold or fiiver coin or bullion, for the paper currency afore mentioned, in time of the rebellion, are recjuelled to transmit to the fubferiber, within two months from the date hereof, the terms of every such pur tiule.or fule. HUNT JENKINS, Chairman of the Committee. S. vannah, 20th. of March, 1781. - -- - -i if ••""*■■■ ■■ 1 1 AI L persons are hereby once more forbid tref pafiingupon any lands belonging, to the Rev. Dr. J. J. Zubly, on the Newington Road of tlle where, efpeciaily by fetching away firewood, as there is a white person appointed to prevent -the fame. Any who off nd may depend being prosecuted. D. ZLBLY }un,- ALL persons having any demands against the Eilate of Adrian Loyer, tie ceafed, are desired to give in their accounts, pro ■pe ly atrefted, to the fubferibers; and those any wise indebted to the laid eilate are required to j -1 mmedtste: .11©.. iifi Tued for without dillintilion's . Cur 1 eTf vw Loye,*, Executrix. David Montaigut, ) Execu- William Ross, j tors. Savannah* 22d March, 1781. <&> “OAN AWAY from the fubferi- jP? Xx. ber on Monday the 1 9th inst. A Negro Fellow, named Bob, of the Guinea country, speaks Eng lift), 25 years of age, about 5 feet • tit high, black fmootn face, and llour, Jr had on when he went away a fcar lllii>Y*JiifW ll 'li ler broadcloth coat, white facing, ;■ and white buttons marked 71, white Ihirt, and blue overalls. Whoever takes him up, and deliver* him to me in Savannah, (had have eight dollars reward. Thqs. Mills. March 22, 1781. ” TO BE SOLD, On Saturday the 31st of March inst. at the house in St J tmes’s Square where the Superior Courts were last holdeu, between the hours, of ten o’clock in the forenoon and one in the afternoon, the sale to begin at ten o’clock precisely, A N EGRO Fellow, named Tom, late the pro perty of Francis Stringer, and seized on ex ecu'ion. p. FRASER.. A P M A Genteel Phaeton to be fold.—Enquire of (he printer. 4w T> AN AWAY from thefehooner a Fanny, lying in the river St. John, Eall Florida, a Negro Man* Shandy, the property of Mr. Wade'Stubbs, formerly be loeged to Mr. Archibald Lundie ; > yj.CJiJiiA he’ s remarkably stout, about five f eet f e^en i nc }j e g high, of a very yellow complexion, and has a bulhy head of hair resembling a mulatto’s. A reward of five guineas will be given on delivering the fubferiber in Savannah. Wm. GRINDROD. Who has for sale, a few Calks of Ramsey and Marshall’s Fort Wine in bottles. ’ ” T O BF. SOLD, On Saturday th*’ 7th of April, 1781, at the (hop of Joseph Farley, at ten o'clock in the fore noon, ~ j* A LL the Tools and Mahogany, with a Horse A- A. and sundry other Effects, belonging to John Farley, deceaied. Ali persons who have any de mands again it the Estate of the said John Farley are desired to fend in their accounts properly atteft ed,’ and those indebted the eto to make speedy payment. Accounts against the copartnerlhip of jofepl} and John Farley are also desired to be feat in* Saßah Faixeyv Executrix, Joseph Fa* lb y, Execfctor* , ■■■ . OrOL EN from the fubferiber at Briercrcek the 9th inst. A Brovin Bay Mare, branded on the'near ■ (houldef S N, and on the near but* net back and grey hairs under her mane and down her off (boulder, is a natural pacer; also a Grey Horse, branded on the near (boulder f, a natural trotter. VVhoever tikes up said holes and delivers them to mo, and apprehends the thieves and brings them to jullice, (hall receive five guineas reward, WILLIAM TODD. CAME to my plantation about a week ago, s Negro Wench whh a young child, (he fays flic belongs to Freeman Parmenter, who lived on HiJtouhead in South Carolina. The owner ony have her by applying to P. BOX. March 20, 1781. &*qk#**** xl mwtmwxx CHARttJTOWN, March to. By a (loop Wpich arrived last Thurfilay in dayj from • Bermuda intelligence is received that a brf*, with a very valuable cargo, priae to the Sir George Collier and Arbuthnot privateers, belonging to Mefirs. Goodrich, was carried in on the it it of last month. A cartel vctTcl from Virginia, which arrived here th© fame day, on her palfage fnoke vmh the Hoop Hibernia, belonging to the fame gentlemen; lhe had taken a brij and a schooner from Baltimore with floor, and sent them to New-York; arid had tlien two other prizes with her. ‘ March 13. Major Fraier, with a detachment of the South Carolina Royalists, few days fincc, fell in with Sumpter, on his retreat northward, killed ten, ani— wounded about fifty, without.,any coftfidcrable loss on his . fide ; which advantage, we harn, was gained by the good id fpiritjpd condufl of that ofiicer and corps. By this rctrogade movement of Sumpter’s it would feent : had abandoned his aflbeiate Marion, and the few who ‘dw his'forlorn hopes, to their destiny. March 14. So total a defection from the rebel govern, ent has taken place in Noith Carolina that great mim rs are continually repairing from ajj quarters of that pmw nee to the royal array, which we are aflured was lately ined by 700 men, in one body* under Col. Field., March 16. Last evening was married, Major Carden, the Prince of Wales’s American regiment, to Miss . r ragg, daughter of William Wragg, fcfy. late ©f this ovince. SAVANNA H, March 22. 3 Y an express arrived from Pensacola oh Satur- J day iait we learn that no reinforcement had :en sent from Jamaiea to that place, as mentioned our paper of the Bth instant. xtrah of a lelttr from Pensacola, dated Teh. 17. “We have nothing new Itirring this way, only e accounts of Galvez’s fleet being caff away in e Bay of Campcachy, viz. five (hips of the line and all his transports > they failed fiom the Havana e 16th October, with about 6000 troops, besides ■ . aluttoes and negroe*, to take JPenfacola.” On Tuesday lalt arrived here, the sloop Two Iters, Cape. Smith, in 23 days from \ Virginia, which province (he had carried tfg rebel priloner* nn Bermuda. Capt. Smith saw the French 64 n (hip and two frigates (formerly mentioned) mg in Hampton Road when he came away, but igines they failed hom thence the day he lef( it. Di id. J At his h'jufie near Augusta, Major - ndrcWlVloore, of the militia. •V “ 11 1 1 ■ * ——-©r-A ,* Advtrtifcmcntt left out this nvtek iv{/J hr hi* fertedt n §ttr next. and hu country marks down her face. Renah, afl I young wench, has abrilk walk and lively c,irriasrß- Rose, a Aim wench, of a yellow complexion, Grand I ed on her breall S. Butcher, a young boot 18 yeari of age, has a very flat nose and verofl black complexion. Prince, a hoy of about /iff years old, yellow complexion, straight made, a JI Os a lively carriage. Monmouth, 6'r he .may himfelf Moufa, of the fame nge, complexioh, aix jl carriage, as Prince, except that'he has loft theuf t ß of one thumb. They art all of the Guinea comj.B try. The fellow and boys are very good rider;.l propably they may have been carried to St. Auo u tine or somewhere to the southward. Also ran away on the 26th of Odlobcr hist f a l Aim Negro Man, named September, perhaps hdl may call himfelf Jack, about feet 6 inches high I 3; years of age, and branded on his bread S, hall 101 l the firll joint of the third finger of one of Kj. Hi hands. | Three guineas reward, and all reasonable char. j§ ges, will be paid to any person on delivering any of the firft fix to me at my plantation l or ore guhl nea for either of them delivered to the Savannah or Beaufort; and for September, o t| Jack, two guineas, on delivering him to me, or| one guinea on being delivered to the gaoler at si-i vannah or Beaufort. All persons are forbid hanl bouriog or carrying them off, as any who offend ia|| - either case may depend upon being prosecuted ton the Prcvoff.Marlhal of VV province of Georgia, by virtue of i| writ of attachment to him direded in the feverjl | caufirs undermen iored, did attach the lands I •nd Unetnents, goods and chstteli, monie*, I debts, and books of account, of the (feverilE defendant! in the said cau'es, who are abieotl from and without the limits of the said pro.l vince, at the suit of the several p'aTntiffj j Ab 4 || whereas the said plaintiffs have refpeftivtljr,|| agr;eahle to the dire&ions of the Attachment 1 ACI, fil'd a declaration <n Gereral Courtlj againlt the several defendants in each of thiH fallowing cause , vit. Sir James Wright, Bart, n/trfut Levi Sheftall}! John Wcreaif| MuUryee, Hlq; netrfus Lachlan M i lnto(h ; and have obtained in each of the (aid caufei 11 rule 10 the following effect, vie. Or diked, That the defendant and defend ants in the (aid several adions do appear and | pi ad withia a year and a day, otherwise judg- I ment will pass against him* her, or them, by I default. By the Court, May 24, 1780. Jo hw Simpson, P. St C. CV | Notici is therefore hereby given* That 1 judgment will be entered* agieeable to the t* I fmrefod tule rr order, againil every of the (aid I defendants who do not appear and plead con* I formable thereto. RoiCftTsoir, Plaintiffs Attorney it I the said several cause:. ■ I" ■ 1 ''ii,. 1■ m I WHEREAS the Provost Marlhal of the province of Georgia, by virtue of • Writ of Attachmeht to him direded in the several cauf t undermentioned* did attach the lands and tenements, goods and ihattehs* mo nies, debts, and books of account, of theTe voral defendants in the faidxeufes, who ar#- absent from and without the limits of the said province, at the suit of the several plaintiffs; And whereas the said plaintiffs have refpec* lively, agreeable to the diredions of the At* tachment Ad, filed at declare ion in the Gc neral Court against the several defendants in each k>f the following caufei, viz. Maxwell & Uxor Inrfut John M'Ciuer ; George Basil Spencer, lndtrfce* versus Jamet Haberfham ; Philip Moore vtrfus Lachlan M'intoffi ; The Executors of Watfcn versus Executors of Gwinnett; and havd obtained* in each of the said caufe*, a rule to the following effed, viz. Ordered, That the defendant and defend* ants in the said several adions do appear and jslead within a iyear and a day, otherwise judgment will pass against him, her* or them# bf default. By the Cou't, JOHN SIMPSON, P. Sc C. C. July 31* 1780.