Newspaper Page Text
An ACT for ‘be tfhahlijhing and regulating Pdtrels, avd
for preventing any Per fen from pur chafing Pravifor.s *r
gny-otber Commodities from, cr filling fucb to any Slave,
uni est fucb Slant fhalf produce a Ticket from hi: or her
j Owner, Manager , s/ Employer. -r** 3 *
’ ▼TTHF.REAS it is absolutely neteffarv, for the security
W of his Majtffty’s fubjefts of this province, and for
prevent'©? rheumy d;inir*r and inconveniences that may
arise from thteftlnonierly and unlawful meetings of negroes
*nd other Raves within the fame, that patrols ffiould he
tftablilheß, under proper regulations, in such parts of the
province where the militia is formed and fettled : And
vclxreas it is a'.fo proper to prevent dealing ar.d trafficking
with flavcs : Wc therefoie ptay your moft lac re-1 M.ijeffy
that it may be cnafted T Ami it it Enabled, Jiy his Excel
lency James Wright , ffqpiie, Captain General ar.d
Governor in chief of hit M ijtffy's province, of Georgia,
by and with the advice in 1 eoqfeftt of thf* Honourable
Cotmcil and Commons H‘>d(c of Assembly of the laid p’ o
—vineeT in General Alt'*m 1• Iy mv, and y r!>c authority ot
the fame, That, immediately from and after the. palling
ter this aft, every captain orcamn.ahding officer of 2 com
pany, of foot militia throughout this province is hereby
authorized, empowered, a?d required, fcverjllv and re
fpcftivtely, to furiim >n together his inferior officers, it
i sw:ccn?ara>vkand .
nient.patrol dhifions as they Hull think mo t proper and
confident with the extent and titoation of their general
company dillrift, and fu. as.the riding ever any Inch patrol
division may trot ,e::cecd twelve miles in extent, vh’ch
fa’d fubtHvided division fever tily and refpeftiveiy ffiall
thenceforth he the patrol djvifi ms., ualcTsi the fame (haft
be thought ncceflary no le altered by the officers as afora
faid, and wherein the owners of fettled plantations, as
well as the other inhabitants of any such patrol division,
as well alarm men as others, of horffi and foot, between
the age of and sixty years, (hall be fubjeft to t; c
patrol duty of that and vision, and Hull, either by them
feives in pefton, or by others employed for that purpose,
,do their patrol duty regularly and fucccifively, according
to the true intent and meaning of this act ; and, in case
any captain or commanding officer (hall omit or fail to
fabdlvide and diffinguifh his company diffrift in manner
herein before enjoined, or afterwards at any muftcr dav, ‘
®r within five days after such mutter day, (hail neglect to
p .ck off the several .patrols as is herein after dtrefled,
that then every such captain or commanding officer Jo fail
mj (haU-refpec-tive 1 7 be fubjeft to and psyche penalty of
Hve pound; sterling, to he recovered by warrant of diftrefa
under the hand and (cal of any justice of the peace for the
parish w.iere such offence (hall he committed, and-file of
the offender's goods, and which sum (hell be paid to the
commifiioners of the rojft within fucb pari ft,’ „and 1 e by
them applied towards repairing the bridges a*ul caufewavs
within R and, that the owners of fettjel plantar
ttdftf, a??lahahitints within each company fin i .j-nny,
the better know to \yhat patrol division thev ( :vcralh’ be
long, the captains and commanding officers ~ aforefaid
ihall, within ten days after making out the lrki- cause
copies thereof figTCd by Mem to be affixed~at theMdrcV
and meeting houle doors, or other puhiick places/in their
several diffriftr, anfffiaU cause another copy thereof to He
entered in a boon by tec clerk ~t their company, that any
person concerned may f. csi time to time have rccourfe to
the fame.
11. And, 3i all persons, as well women os men, who
are or may he owners of fettled plantations in rny r . iv l(h
cr diftnft, ought in juffice to Contribute to the service
and fecunty of Juch uni* or diftrift, t-c it tber sere Enact
ed, by at he .mthori ty ifardaid, That the rqg.en orcom-
CltA COir \* R > of miiim (halt in
•? r R l ri,iC out >nd keep from time to time a fpe
ual patrol lift for every Aibdividcd and diftinft patroldi-
- —
,^ r i!l^ ttkd rhTlt^’' ,r ” Wichln fßcT^fiEej'TrwrTT - ’
.Women as men, an-.a.i well alarm men as oftier ~ : *s alf.
the names of all tli^ male white i.ntnb'tents ; Provided
that every perfion having leverni plantations f aled in ftifs”
LTb n r e /‘ a -Sr b v £a^9& tn to do patrol duty
in thofc divihons where such plantations lie other than i„
th^rhe Whl ft h H ’ ° r , kC VfiuHy-refidej- Provided also,
whl bv cr * a,ld tmph yers of all white male servants ‘
tb h eva^h h 'H a^ a, A^ lE I ' and trtdo,UtrolJlt y’ Aall >
ft.e a e hereby direfted andl obliged to furniffa such servants
IhA h u fs a i ndfurnit " c fjr foch service, and that under
‘like m lll ty 0t °‘V e r ° und ’ be covered and applied in
ike manrer as the on captains or commanding
officers in this aft bctorc mentioned,’ ( *
• all U Enabled, by the authsilty nforefaid, That
. 11 erfons, made or female,* whofc names (hall be cnliite 1
JUblc tr. perform ,1 K
turn* r ! f P cftlVC * v^ons fuccellixely, and iu.
ir’ offiS mwft . ei ' Jay the or command-’
ou°t of rs tbe everal co.npamya of loot militia (hail,,
every F amd ill made Out as dWcfaid, prick off’ the
worn” 7 noi ten persons, well
uCoTnV’ m - Cn ’ ifnfu^ tJß t>anr'owners of and residing
fJ?e 0 R e aUO,: ” a ‘ 3li rf-***™*™* by them*
° ‘ l ' li C!n and provided for that purpose,
Wmlfir d °- arti P er / o,m lhe r^' 1
-suing buffer day
■Vavt T officer* as at,nrft ■ i ,i-
th ‘ r. 1 f'"* ar, d ft'fy are hereby dhefted to > hbo.e
’ (i ’ ;n!l; '’ rri ‘‘ :s ‘-t down in thepattoiiiffkj
,WJ ; t0 L ” -t-jns K'&lHr, that they niay be cn-
a.n*d to meet and affemblc with the better conveniency
i*nd expedition j Provided always, thag it (hall and may be
lawtu: for any person or persons liable to do and perform patrol duty preferibed by this aft, and who iriay not
choorc to do duty in person, to employ a fufficient person
te CO) psrform, and undertake such duty on his, her, er
tee.r behalf, when t’ncir names ihall be pricked off as i’r
firefaid ; Provided aljl^X h:.t if any person or perfrtr.s, so
fable arid pricked off as aforefaid, whether man or woman,
(except woman hath noc fix working Haves) ihall
no , cither by themselves, or by a fufficient person on his,
tr, or “heir behalr, as aforefaid, ho and perforin such, cr (hall retufc to Jo and perform the fame, then,
and ,n every such case, th© captain or commanding officer
xl* Com Pa ns! fC )t militia to which fuchpCifonfo nc
g*t ir.g or refufing.ftaU belong, upon the report of the
person appointed to command such patrol, (hall, and he is
hCrehy empowered to Pgrce with any fufficient person, at
a certain price not exceeding ten lhillings fferling/rr night,
to 0 -duty for him or her so neg 1 efting or refufing, until
hr or ihe ihall aftually procure feme other white person,
between the age of sixteen and sixty years, to do patrol
*£r a T 131 or “* r fl nd the rate or price so agreed upon
by (uch captain or commanding officer as aforefaid (hall be
.p id H , the fcifon whole turn of dutv Ihall be so perforn^cd
fcc*fct>#hg wAm pmt
ter service j and in case any perfim or'perfons lhatl fail to
)f lJ tnfy.luC;b other psrfon so appointed for hi n, her,
ort iem, so nefglifting, the price agreed upon by the said
captain or commandinj officer as aforefaid, upon demand
tnereol, then, and in every finch case, it (hall and maybe
f m to and for the foid captain nt conrmanding officer.
’' ', 7 such person to levy the lame on the goods
and chattels belonging tc the perlon so failing, by warrant
ct uiffrels lor that purpose, direfted to anv ferjeant of his
cnmpaoy, or any conftnble of the pariffi in which such
Compaoy Hrfil be effablfihed, which ferjeant or conffable
>■! be obliged,- and he i hereby fully au.horizcd and em
powered to execute the lame, and (hall be allowed for ex
ecuting the warrant the Ham of one milling and twopence
per mile for every mide he Hull travel, to be computed
(corn the dwelling house of the said conffable or ferjeant
so the dwelling house of the defaulter.
IV And he it further E nabled, by the authority aforefaid,
a hat the feveraa c-apcains and commanding officers of the
(ewrnl forapinies bfionginj to the t >wn of Savannah (hall
mak-e out a general patrol lift from their refpeftive
Elfl-l'fr the hrrfc and Alarm men, as also wo-
N C 'i ‘ t:eF V tS n— klC ‘‘ xc - c r teii -) within their diviliwn,
ar.d fhfil prick off from such fill tbc name? often persons
to Fcwf.rm prtrol duty in the said tmv. of Savannah, and
as far as the outer line cf the g rde„ lots of the said town
coth extend, v hich duty Ihall be done and performed by
toe ft.u parr.-., r fpcftively every night in rotation, the
levmvd jrotrms i c meet and the duty to be begun at nine
<■ ft re e > r.mjed until day-h.firt, and they (hall
.mu artmuucm e.npowcrrd to rafc- a:I Haves whatever
wmch they (hail find within the laid town, or within the
hrrms aforefaid, after the hour 0 1 nine o'clock at night,
have not a ticket or letter, or other token, to Hrcw
the.realonablenefs l their being out, or who have not a
white,ni ia company an account of h,s or therr
biifind, and such patrol may correft every such Have or
n u es, belonging to. any person residing within the town of
Savannah, or within the limits aforefaid, by whipping
with a (Witch, whip, or cowlkin, not exceeding twenty
la.hesy- but it the (lave or Haves fb takten up, and liable
to P ll n i (hmen tas at ore fa hi, Hull belong to any plantation
or fettiemtent bemg without the limits aforefaid, such
firm- or (laves (hall be, by the patrol wti (hall take him,
fe r VR* to tiie warden or keeper of the
wor.c - hc-me as Haws; P raided always, that no
thtng m tiny aft contained (hall xtend, or be construed to
oxtend, to fubjeft the commander in chief for the time
merits, of his Maj&ffy't honourable
ami their clerk or officers, or of the commons
‘‘terribly, or their clerk or officers, the rublick
trc.ifurer, Me j -wder receiver, the commig'ary general,
nor an j idyes u| the general court, or miniffers of the
gnfreh cuiWhoule officers, or other officers commiffion
c. by virtue of has f, gn manual, the field officers
ot the several regiments of foot militia in aftual commission,
nr the pi fs or terry men i„ any part of this province, to
erve upon any patrol du t/ in any diffiift whatever,anv thins
herein before conta.ped to the contrary notwithstanding!
V. And he ir junker En*thd, by the authority afore
fnd, 1 hat the captain or commanding officer of every
company have power in theif several diffrifts from
tmr. to tune to one good and difcrcct yerfm from
among thc.perfom so pricked offi to do patrol duty as ™
ffircG.d to be their commander, as soon as their names
;W be so pricked offias aforefaid, and if such person, bc
.ing .egtil r.y appointed to command the patrol as aforefaid
ti e U f and ,, t 0 a r- pt fu t — and > or after
thereof ffiall refvfe or ncglcft to do his dutv as preferihed
by this aft luch pxrlon founding fha.l for every
; •f'PZf t exceeding one r Z dj ,f
/ u g by a majOnty .of the comm/lfiorirj officers of
tb c .mpany out of which such patrol! be rrkkcToff levied m berth cases by diffreft and fate tef the ofiend
,h'-f T V’ r 3 Warra,,t -° r ,h?t vtder the band
” . J ; commanding offi.f rof lhfh comoarv to “
“T ’ V? rOS*
t-uv ocr . aaJ i% ' l ‘ommaSaoxofc
>> pJtrol may have better to keep them in
*j ty ‘°; r t‘a me^i r, -i d '* r - 2 :h r r <! V fuin °r
y> t Ad.l Sml may be Uviu. H such pit*.
trol commander, and they are hereby direftej, rmpower
”! < l uircd * ° n an y default, or miffichaviour or ne
gleft of duty, of any patrol-man, to infiift 3 fine upon
him rtot exceeding the sum of ten /hillings (hurling, f or Vh e
use ot the patrols refpeftivcly in which such ncgleft, de
• r m '^c h ? V °-* r L flia! - i be commlt trd, to be levied
b) didrefs and sale ot the offender’s goods, by virtue of i
difffift 4 °y h -*i pU !5r fC ? rcaed t 0 the eonftablc of the
fe?i ° f fUCh COm P in y un <ier the hand and
fell of the captain or commander of the comoanv (mm
which such patrol where such neglod, default, or miffi™
hav.our, may happen or be committed, ffiall be pricked off
which cnnftrtl’ nr rcrjcantliu 11 Be obliged .nd are he£
severalty authorized and empowered to execute the
2 Sfi 8 frf’ ““’r s thi
one ffiuling, Sn d mileage as is herein before direfted and ’
every conffable or ftijeant refufir.g and ncglefting toVcrve
such warrant d.rcfted to him (hall be liable to a fine not
exceeding the sum of forty (hillings ffeding
Vs. And, -that tire laid pitroTs may be- the bettter ~
to suppress any rnii ch.evous designs of negroes and othrr
J7 a nd u n l S thK u t; ™ e 0f father Enl
affed, by the authority aforefaid j That eycrv>{ r f 0 „ pri fk*
ed off, or app anted or Unde, taking as a proxy for any^r
person liable t serve in the said patrol, in purfuanfe of or
a > v,rtu i : .,s{
always m. readipeft, and carry with him on his piTtrol fet
fuitabh for g r i BUn ° r P ’‘A 1° ° rd,r ’ * hh eartr dgea
suitable for such gun or p.ffol, and one good cutlaffi. J n .
der the penalty of a sum-not exceeding ten (hiJlinir* fm 1
7"’ *7 Ml arms or a*m u ,i,; l)n J , t flh time, ,b 4
placi-s as they (hail be appomted by their acfpeaive tom.
manta, ft, M m , several divif,„„, ( whof.nrie”
(hall oil all eccaGorts be tefpeSively obedient dnrina theif
time of service, on pim of incurring a Hne no” excLdio^
and C ft y i 155 ’ t9 - bC lcr ' ed by warrant n<kr th , ha J
and seal of the captain or commanding officer of the com
pany from which such patrol ffiall be pricked off a i he”!
in before mentioned. ** n rc
faJ 1 T\f^M- furt^u E w n ' rd * b >’ th? aulhority aforcT
f .and, That eveft patrol (hall go to and examine the fevent
plantations in their divifiorts at such times a thev in rH %
diferetion Ihall fee fit, one „l 3 |, t in ftmttTn t S, ,and
may and {ball take up all Haves which they ILall feebitV
net the tenets cleared amend of,heir owners
on. who have not a ticket or letter, or other token m
iew the reafonablenefc of their abfencc, or who hate’not
, om - vv h*tt_ perfon in Company to give an accounr nf K'*
f4h Have 1 or fl bUrmC | r5 ’ tht P ‘ itro, raay eve ' r 7
such Have or Haves by whipping with a ftvitch, whin J r
cowlkm, not exceeding twenty lassies j Provided that if
any patroftmahrnot having fufficient cause, and
bufe arty Have, peaceably and quictlv being n hi, mafferit
Plantation, or tound anywhere out of the fame having l
lawful or other token as is her fin before lirrft-T
% ™ryf uch ofFencs forfeit p’y^he
Id Have bciag maim
ed, disabled, or killed, Hull be fubieft r g .
nalties infiifted for feth oftncea bv .b! n
for o<rc„fiv( wcap^AndVmt S'at^
W S ?p2
any fugitive Have o, (laves cnd’eavo t 'in“! ‘wold'tftm bv
hiding or running into, or ffiall hear of such BeffiThar^
boured in any duxlling-hodfe of a whit- ne-ffin R 8 h
roander ffiall a(k leave of rhe owner of t,ieom
,"<mi'ne° r SS 7““ ?IZ then
( ** k i
m § rt=.So,ity
th? a J^ nde<! wthia
aSd"th *f‘ rillt m^ C of {mh fufpision
IX C ; rUficd t 0 the GO mander of such patrol! *
trol and, “ rMI m ß ny may arise by pa
trols and! inking too much liquor before or during the Aim©
. d n ty> “ ltfUrtbtr
drunk d U r t ffi e ** be
us- ci . a :' le tIITi C ot his service on the patrol, ffiall
be fa ijeft to the penalty of a sum not Vtc-eding 2’n ffiil- •
1,a 4 t 0 bc lcc °vered by Durant from anv iaHi,e o frK,
K*tT-f ? fc * de kbeieof, thofa'me to be appliw
£N 0 . 109.]