The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, April 12, 1781, Image 1

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THE ROYAL GEORGIA GAZETTE. frrom the LONDON GAZETTE. ■ the Court at St. Jama's, the zxd of December, 1780, Present, Srhe KINO’* htaft Excellent Majfsty in Gouiioil ■ )50jOK')9C^ H f REA * h,s *?}<*/, hiv,ri s ,akcn \j£ into confuieration the many injurious WrJ* . proceedings of the States General of Be vxr the United Provinces, arid theiy f-ib f& J e .%> asset forth in his Royal M.a 1/-*# *f**SJ£ nilefto of the 20th of this December, and being deterno’tneJ to takc * uc b tneafures as a-c nccrT.iry if for vindicating the honour of his Sown, and for procuring reparation aul fatisfa<ftion, Wh Ljt'n pleased, by and with tire advice of his Privy Council, K the said 20th of this instant December, to order that ®neral repriWs be granted again')- the (hips, goods, and. Hbjedfts, of the States Gene-al of the United Provinces, ■ that as well his M ljtllv's. fleets an I fhij . as •!:” ill >- Her (hips and vcflels that ’hall be commiftimated by let‘c rs” or general rcprifals, or othenvifci-Jbjt his.Ma- Hfty’s Commiflioners for’executing the Office of Im I High Admiral of Great Britain, sh ill and may lawfully H--e U <Hip, vefleL, ,and .'vD, belonging or tfu-Tr (übfecVsT or <- Hiers inhabiting within ajiy of the territories of the afore- ’ Hid State! Gene'al, and firing the fame to judgment in any Hf the Courts of Admiralty within his Majesty’s domini ■rs B And \Vhereas many Ihips and merchandize belonging to Hie fubjedts of the m iy 4 be now remaining H the parts of Great Britain and Ireland, and other ports ■ his Majesty’s dominions, where they arrived before the Hid ordet for general reprisals agiinft the ihips, goods, and Hbjefts, of the States General of the United Provinces, Has granted, his Majesty, being determined to putfiic fucli of conduit, with refpeft to such (hips and cargoes, as Hall evince his Majesty’s firm purpofc to proceed in a mvn- Htr confopant to good faith, doth hereby declare his royal ■tenti jii to allow all (hips belonging to the fubjetls of the Hates General, now in any of his Majesty’s ports, to Je- Hrt with their cargoes, (except such part thereof as fhn.ll Hnfift of salted provilions of any kind, or of naval or war- He ftorcs) and to grant paifes for the laid ships and cVr- H ■> (except as before excepted} to pruteit them TSniSi Hpturc by any (hips of his Majesty, or his fubjcdL, in Heir return to fome port of the United Provinces. IRut whereas his M.ijeity is entitled to exipeft an ! c’- Sand the fume treatment from the States General of the FVovinces for the (hips and cargoes befongine to ■rof his Mijcfty’s fubjeft;, his Mojefty, by and with ■e ad vice of his Privy Coyncil, is pleafeJ ta order, anJ it hereby ordered, that all (hips an 1 merch iodize be lot ’in - ■ the States General of the United Pr,.i n ,r., ~r t ; i ir ■bjeds, nowin any port of his Majesty s dominions, Hull ■main and be detained, fecurc and unmoleftcd, within the ■me, until it (Rail appear that the States General of the j rovinccs are disposed and intend to proceed upon B e ra:nc ideas of "S°od faith, with refuel to the (hips and ■rgoes ot any of his Majesty s remaining in any belonging to the States General of the United Pn ■ices. S I'EPH. COTTRELL* ■r 4e Court at St. zyb of December , 17 To, P R E. S. E N TANARUS, ’ ■The kING’s Mod Ecc ilent Majesty in Council. ■TTHEREAS it has been represented to his JVlaje !v ■r Y th-at, under the authority of the aft paflTcd last fcf! ■a ol Pirlument, to protect poods and merchandize of ■e growth, produce, or manufaCtme, of die islands of ■rrni-da and t.h- Grenadine-, on board neutral vciTels ■>un Ito neutral port dating the present hostilities, and ■ v ' irtllc ot ti,c articles of capitulation for the ifl.tnds of ■• Vincent . and Dominica, many (hips and vcrtVls bclong ■g to the States General of the United Provinces have ■ en ’ and may be, cleared out with goods and merch a rr ■zc of the gmwth, produce, or nvanufadhire, of the fiid Bands and ifigned for fame neutral port, and may be now ■ tccedini, or (hall proceed, upon their refpeftive vny his Majady raking the fume into his Royal confide if tion, and being adnated at all times by motives of hu | ? e regard to the inters of individuals, and from a do -1f,., ° P TTV hC,r , ru ?'-' nn ® b >’ ;ln y flir P'izc, doth hereby Mm’ ‘ hcadvtcc n *'" h Privy Council, that WnhZ . h S n 8 tiic States Genera! of the Mnited Provinces, winch (hfll be employed i n carrvirg °J n ' > growth, pmdul e, or m mul iCfturr, of either J the /tv d ,J } :l ” ds or Grenad the Grenadines, St. IS s’ s 7 n '?’ ih - h dlr,n r. the fptce of four ■ neur/l mT tC . hcrc "'’ br CohT.dered TANARUS„ all rrfpeCK ■omin. Y?-’ !T S t 0 the Smcnt Tnd f C ‘ thc hli Cellion of Par and £ capitulation above rc ■Wf hh-M *T< bC A:! ,able - t obe et *' nc ' i °‘ r hiulcftcd by Klettr* aje f y S ih 'V ° f war * ° r mcrch; ‘” f ftips hav- Id would LTe f K UC S ' nCrA rc P rifals otherwise than fifty’s Rl l\f C ’ n e a T , ’ C, ‘ dent t 0 thc publication of his Ins her °‘ ** 2 ? th *'* inlhmjjDc lliilsipwnft iL * °? ler fo *‘ Siting generapfe |fßeralof the Unitcdiro^nce* 1 . 11 ' 1 üb j ec * 4 °* I STEPH. COTTRELL* THURSDAY, APRIL ii, , 7 8n LONDON, December 2R.... THIS morning forne dispatches were received from Sir Joseph Yorke, bv which we arc informed, that lie would riot set oft for England until the middle of February next. Yesterday upon ’Change ihe principal Dutch merchants were unintmoufly of opinion that the rupture between aridTfbTiand would be over before the commence ment of the new year. When the daft letters came over the French Ambaftiador at the Hague was obliged to keep his Houle for fear of attacks from the inccnfed populate I his week the Dutch merchants had leveral private meetings refpe&ing the present dispute, and are ufmg their endeavours to fettle matters amicably. On 1 hurfday an order wassent oft express from the Admiralty to Admiral Evans, cotnmapding in the D -wns, for him to detach all*the (hi,A he coiild spare, as a flying squadron to cruize ae-aiuftthe Dutch, which l’quadron we are informed weighed anchor and failed yesterday morning at daylight. •• ■’ - . A number of Dutch ▼ -fTi'ls have been ftopt at the Nore by Vi: e Admiral !lnidam, in confrqucnce of the manifefto publifncd in Thurfid ay's Gizette. c 1 his week u-j wards, of 4.l?letters 6f mjrque-were granted the Admiralty, arid a great number mare are making OUt. Z ’ * ‘ ‘ . . fliips, all ot which are- flooded f-om going down. . Extract of a letter from Pfy mcv:b Doth, Dec. 17. “ Last nignt pasted hy to t/jci eaftword, the grand fleet under Admiral D.irby. The Capt. jarvis, put into Cawfahd Bdy; the rest ar- proceeding to Spit lie id, By her we learn, that ou- ft- t was in ficHt of the French fleet on the 28th of November, confifting-of 17 fail of the line and 10c me chao'rnm,. standing to the N. E. Our fleet was ‘nle-'v. ird, and rh ift-d, hut b¥TnR about four o’- clock in the evening they loon Just fig hi cf them. They fiw them a feennd time on th- 30th, arid much in the fame fituitibn, ■flrrmvhichTirev’ have not! heard of them. R -th titfies the vrnd vas unfavorable, anil being evening toey c-mld not V"ep fight of them. r |*hsy were then letwcen U -oc .Firiiftcnc md Ul’unt, in the entrance of the Channel.” Wv hive adsi-j f-om PLis, th it manv|>f the Ihips un dm yommir! of M I’E.ftaing van; gl scry bad con diD -n, wiin thc AtfpitcTiH came from httfi, in lit. 4.0 N. > ~” r> ; b-me with M. Cuichen fio-n -he Weft, an 1 that in general they were scry poorly nu-infi. J The following (h-ps, bemg part of Vice \dmird Dar bys fqiia.irori, arc come tu inch or it Sri. Helen’s : Bri tannia, Prince Gamge, ViClory, rD,eijn, Duke, For midabb;, Marlboro Edgar, Fortitude, Bellona, In flexible, Dublin, Defence, (Jaurtge.ntxJ Emerald SfrigVte, Lig a tiling h c hip, Nap; Thc'reniainder ‘of the fleet patTval company an the iqt-h irilK ui/dcr orders to pro ce.- l to Plvmmth, except 1 /hip of thd line and two fri ptes, which were detached to pmift the homeward bound Quebeck convoy, the m.‘fti*r of Jhe F.jterprizc ori vateet having acqu ii utedtH ; Admiral/of his having seen t-ie-n in lat. 4?, GjJ'uig in very gn ijcdr.lcc. Pnvatc-drfp-atc’ie.s-ire Pamj-which con tun an acco ,g| A y ,Vl. de la Tou/he Trcvillc has em barked on board TDe men of war a/id tranfrWts at Br-ft’ 9800 men, and.,o- me 1 are exposed from St. Mafoes, Jjthnt the .TTITIiI mmilkr of troops for the Weft India ser vice is 120 0.. ■ /; The Council of Wdt hyid at Vcrfailles December tft have come to a n-folurion „f Ending iScootfoops to the vVtft, exclu.ivt* of those under M. dc Trcvillc I hi- embarkation will,retain!, t rkcjflace about the latter end ot January. ST . JOHN'*. (*NIIGUA) J.lMupry T T Jl Cdhcerir that, wc jrow proceed to re at °l r C t oilid '‘ rhr of his Excellency :anr Matthew Burt, retain General and Governor in vu c sot t.rt.e il:.m;n happened early this morn *£ -'Der an illiieK <>( only f'. U r days. l _ February 3. On Saturday iperning last the remains of h,s kite Excellency William Matthew Burt, Efa. were convey cd from ti e Coui thoufe to St. John’s Church, J unns s fort, artillery, and King’s floating battery Sand . nreu minute guns during the proceflinn. Tince Friends, Capt. Johan , ne, VV otft, from Aiafterdam. to St. Euftacius, deeftly and richly laden, is fei.t into this port by his Majesty’s Ihip Surpnze, the Hornet letter of marque*} and others. T he following are ex traOs ptVlctccr from Amsterdam,, signed c.ent n, and addrcfTed to Meflicyrs Tho mas \VutL,cr ami Jarnej Smith at St. Euftatius, under date sth “J h<t c '! ,^ ] D' r r°rt of ti-efc is to intimate von of the account* arrived here from London, that the Brififlt feenf to have determined riot to encreafe their enemies. ,The crying bad cpnduel of Admiral Rodney, it is said is r. ftbemed abominable in the Par’iament; and thofef Minif who, it was reported, had a Jl,are therein, declare openly- tii .t they have given ho iaftrudisns of that kind. -Six or eight fail of our men of war are already put to sea fiom the K-xelbound to the Weft Indies, and wc doubt not be fuccecdcd by fome more soon.” The ihips now in lading here are eight in humber va, laulus Kcldcn. Jokaaacs rfc Wpifli Jan Buys, jan “A. _ • Drewes, Martin de Vries, Barend Stof ken, Corners Pe ter?. and Jan van Nieuwborel.” Fri. 21. By a veflel arrived from Cork, just as this paper was going to press, we are informed that 48 Dutch merchantmen andAWo frigates were feired in Cork harbour before Ihe failed. ‘A Feb. 24. On Sunday last was received into Sir George Rodney s trap at St., a small French fchoonerin \ 9 A Vr !l 0m C - PC Frinco 'D on board of which were found Tome very important difpatches-direfted, it is said, for Monsieur le Compte d’Estaing, the intercepting of which, we learn, has given infinite fatisfaftion to our gallant and vigilant Admiral. Feb. a3. By private letters from London to fome gen tlemen here, brought by the packet arrived fome time ago at Barbados, we hear a large 54 gun Dutch man of war i, taken and carried into the Downs, and that all the ports in Great Britain and Ireland are filling with Dutch mer chantmen with Incredible rapidity# C ( St - Chri M ,her ) February 5. Ten Dutch fail of the line and a number of troops .re moment y ex peefted at St. Euftatius, so that it is probable they will fail Into Admiral Rodney*s hands. ’ ■ W His Majesty’s /hip the Terrible, James Ferguson, Fflu Commander, with four Dufch Ihips, prizes, richly palled by this road on their way to St..Euftattus. * le^Hiv nS 5° ‘ ri ? rl , captured her, and sent her heri yesterday , also a privateer ot 12 fix pounders and 90 men . taken by the Hornet privateer. * * I eb. 7. E - traff of a letter from a Gentleman in St. Euf „ dated Feb. 6, 17S1. J , TnJ ‘ St * Hufftatius is eaptured by Sir George Brydges Rodney you cannot be ignorant of, but the mode of tak ing 1 with to inform you of, it being truly laughable, bit f n f, ay - a ‘; rgC , flcet of . mcn of seen from this, who by their f,goals were immediately concluded to be French, an 1 on Saturday morning early appeared to be standing for St. Kitts. Then it was the Comick Goddess f.-ated her v JX< bt u™ n K n T ts , of the Dutch Frt - nch Yamcies, who offered to lay two to one that St. Kit's would be taken before night, and a few hours after, on fvemg the flectreturmng, fome of them d-dared they faw* lenH rt” y,nß ° n H , ri HIIL But wait c vent. tne fleet came .with its former delusive fienals flv lug, oa which the Dutch Commodore prepared to falaU & Fre ’" ;h A4mM S congratulation on “ But now the feene changes, the fleet drop, anchor. ‘* tak r cn ofr > b > d!,wn “ i ' h Ui. and 4 w,th St. George ; furamons is immediately lent to the Governor to surrender, he reqnefts f hour,’ to confide.-, M ‘ bUt ln the eooo troops are landed! Melpomene ptefidß. Oh I for a Hogarth to uke oft their chop-fa.leu countenances. The limited hour g.anted is expired, when it is thought prudent to hide the three_ft r ,pe S ,n a comer, and let the Engli lh eulTgn display 1 felt in full fplendour. The number of veflHs taken in the road is find to amount to near 200, on board of which (txtUilive of Abe immense value of the ve/Tels and their caasoes) a very valuable acquisition is made to the Crown y^ C w n S-f, Car 20 °l Britifl * American fcamen. - Wc ft,U wear the apnc -.ranee of Dutchmen, by wh rn-ans we are hourly prefenred with an addition to the cunqueft from errher the French, Dutch, or American- Rep -rt frythere is a fleet of Dutch men of wr, conltftmg. us ten furl of the line, Ac. daiK-expefted, ti irrter-cept which there rs an equal force of Britilh to wind! W3 d .’ but ’ fl,oa ¥ th f> escape that, they wiU meet with a welcome reception herts 4^4 :’ 3 Feb. 27. We are aflTured that there are at this tin*/. a bout 80 Dutch vcfl'els, moft of them full of valuable goods, at Demarara ; a number of flout privateers are gone 1 to bid them welcome to the Weft Indies, and for the pur! gg of thcm wi “ •• j - b - H S r f r< i V P n J r | morning last three vefTeh 0- rerfet oft Sandy Point, in a sudden squall, viz. A brig dß,wned a . r< ,na ’ WUb rkc ’ fu ind man A tender To the fleet at from thence to Old Ro.d forwner.'the ctewkkenTpbJ XT M A fehooner, not known, supposed to be loft, as Ihe was not fecn fter the squall was * ,ne wa * March V Wc hear the TANARUS ur privateer Ihip Cant Manning, was yesterday tuning up with a Dutch Guin xnarr hurine on board 180 Haves Cbarlcjhnun, (South Carolina) March 26. Saturday . Ke tine burg, wife of Mr.. Kcnnebu rg of the l ? dl ’ u r,V ' np m(d , with M the f\m p B tomi of the hydiophobia— Her case was something furprifi RR a, more than fix months had elapsed since (he was bit and e been used ert The communication between his Lord lh ip’s army aui Wilm.ngton ,row opened, and the plundering append. 1 ’ ° f tbi - P-vince dis. ZZ S A flan Jr.* 8 days since destroyed by V&tach! the re! i hlS a J eFt F * Forc aderfLieut. Col. Doyle: of our part. 7 k ’ Cd a " d * 5 taktn witt out any’lofs oa Lieut. Col. Doyle then feat the light cottpany of tka [N 0 . hi.]