The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, April 12, 1781, Image 2

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t>f todtfrroy f ft-t “n Lyuch’s €tfk. vhlch they eftacted, though oppof&i by a considerable bo dy of the enemy. On this oteJfion Captain Blacker and a Serjeant *£re wounded,’ but n-tt badly , ihe Reb&ls loss i thoufeht td be more confiderabTe. S :ne few days fi'nce Mr. Mariott of the Queen's Ran g-rs ma le *rs efe*oe from the Rebels, and brought in with h,n*,to Georgetown# 15 men ; this event is.the more for tunate, as he had been unjuftifiably feizcd’, in breach of a flag of truce, by Marion, under the pretext of retaliating the detention of PflPftell, who, having broke his parole, was b y mi doubt an objeil for capture, and as he is now fafely biged in out Pr-voft, it is fn be hoped he will c t jt ail y experience what the Laws of War in such cases award. This afternoon arrived a fleet from New- v ork, undef convoy of the Jupiter armed lYm, formerly the Farges In dianan. They left Sandy Hook 16 days ago, in company with a fleet having on board a large body ot fore's, under the. command ot Msjor General PHiLLtrs, which th> y parted with the 2tft of last month a few leagues to the northward of the Chefapeak; the wind being then favurr able, it is beyond a doubt that the fleet got in on the day following. ‘n.’ , Jpr\l 7. A letter from St. Augustine, date! April id, faysj ** A veflel arrived here three days ago from New Providence, by which we learn, that the /hip 1 onyn, (Japt. bound from this ter Liverpool, will's taken, after s very obfeinate and gallant defence, by a rebei pri vateer of 22 and carried into Cape Francois. Cap?. Waid and all his officers were wounded, of his men 7 Were kided and wounded. “ The fame veflel brought intelligent ji'hich had been received from Hispaniola immediately before /he left PlO - bv a cartel, that Admiral Rodney had taceu fi'- fail of Dutch men of war of the line, and a large outward bound fleet to which-they were convoy— i hat the number of Dutch veflels taken by our Weft India fleet, including those taken at St- Kuft .tius, exceeded yoo j and that .ar maments had been je.nt againlt ail the ocbei Dutcn let de ments in the Welt indies.” A FEW NEW TESTA MENTS and SP EL aferi&£MLß ‘< > (.VIC'S id Ire fold at tire Printing Office for Ca(h. . TH h Snle of.thc Kftate and, Effects of Robert R e, late of Augulla merchant, aSaclvertiTcd by fame* R e, one of the executors on tne 15th IV! irch 1 ft, is iieiehy forbid, and pot oft* riil fur ther orders from R BECCA RAR, Executrix’ Auguftu, 7th-April, 1781. Two Guineas Reward. STRAYED or Helen off the Common of Sa vannah on Sunday the ill inftanr, fHR EE HORSES belonging to the Qu irrermaller G me rai r s Department* viz. A Black Mare, with half ro ch mane and a (hort tail, about 15 hinds high, A Bay Mare, with a half roach mane and short tail, *l4 hards high, with fome white (addle spots on her back Anda.Black Horte, near 14. hands high, half roach mane and (hort tail, branded on the mounting (boulder D G R. Whoever brings them to the Qiftrtetniafter Oerteraf’s Depat wuent at Yamacraw fhuli have tne abovementiooed re ward. _ / “ wTn Te and, A QUANTITY of TAR and BARREL STAVES. PETER DEAN. April 12, 1781. ‘ln theCOUR7of t r *CE AbMLRAL'’r.GEORGIA. Tne Advocate General, on the elation of Samuel Wentworth; of the Lady Dunmore, a private sloop of? war, on behalf of, ‘ Agairjl Fifty hoglheadr of tobacco, forty three calks of indioo; eighty nine bundles of deer skins, and funqry other n'.cch?ndize, ftved from the wrecked (hip (Santa Eaz,. whereof one Joseph /: t) hr was hue M-dter. WHEREAS an information hath been exETETt _ed, admitted and filed, in tins cause, in order to condemnritio-n, for the c.iufes therein al f.gucd, of the laid fi ty hag/Eead* of tobacco, for ty three calks of indi. o, eight-yrdne bundies of deer fk:q., and ce.tain other mcich ndize, part of the Cargo hived horn the wrecked flup Santa F*z, whereof one joleph Ofer was late Master: And Wheieas the dual monition hath been iffiied from this Court, and duly returned, and no claim hath bven made, or cause (hewn againll the laid con demnation : Thele are tiierelpre to fcivc notice, tn.c the judge of the Laid Court will, on Monday the day of this instant 4 piil* proceed, in tne usual manner, either to condemn or acquit the a forefaid several articles of merchandize, included in the information aforefaid, agreeable to tiie course of the Admiralty and the lawn or nations. . By th- Court, 1 > ■ ; ? JOHN MACKENZIE, Atfing Register. SuVaiinaii, 71b April, 17^1. An ACT tc appoint Commiftiohcvs in ench Pariftr “ throughout this Province ro take into their Caie and under their Management all deserted Pr©- pertv, idle and runaway'Slaves, found in their refpe&ive Panfhes; and for other Pu.pofes herein after mentiohed. YrfHERIi AS thtrt are at present many efi .Ns, ’ ‘ lutbreai and per final, <wi/l?in this province, belonging to persons in rebellion, the prefer <vatlo&pf -which m. ill be of pub lick utility, li'c there fore pray your moj} sacred Mtijejly that it may be en aftid, And be it enacted, by his Excellency Sir JAMES IVRIGHT, Baronet, Captain General and Go-vet nor tn.chief i ? and over this hit Majesty's pro-vince ts Gtor ic 7, bv and nvith the advice and content of the lie-our able (he Upper lionfe and the Coil toms bhue of Affcmbly of the )aid province, in G-neral Afftmhly nut, and by the authority of the fame, shat it fhait am may be lanoful to an l f.r the CoTtimiJJiotft'i b\ this act appointed to ajb, de maudp feizc, and take into their poffjfio/t, alt lands, houses, negroes, horjes, cattle , h r gs, Jheep. planta tion tc.oJj and utaifU, koufekUd furniture -and all other property or ejlate of ivbat kind or na’vre so ever, whether read or personal, which now it-, or hereafter , during the continuation of this afi, may He reputed to be the property of any pe fan or per/onj who now is, or hereafter mat be, in rebellion a gMnjl his Majefly, (and again ft whom there is ro action, or other civil process . depending in the Ge neral Court) returning into the Secretary's Office of this province a particular inventory of what they jhiil take u and r their charge, wthin one month u r ter doing thereof refpxflivtly ; and the f*,d pro petty to occupy, poffffs, u/'e, and employ, a>d tve produce thertof to fell and dijpofe of as the laid . Comm [fionets frailjudge tnoft beneficial to the own ers of tuch property, or those who may become enth t'd thereto : Provided niwoy wfl.bat no proiseity-what “nfpfnrymtTrve feizeaentrvyn, by an, or euver 0/ tbe.CoM/niffiQKers dfioretaid . except in the prtfence of a credible per (on, whole name and place of abode Jhall he written on the inventory hesein brfo/e di recled to be taken, and returned, together with the fame, into the Secretary's Office- And be it further sna£Ud, That the said Com m ffon'ers shall awl* to be p iblifi-ed in the Gazette of this province, for three fuccejfi vt weeks, noritei~ requiring all and evt/\ perfoti or perjons. having in his, her, tr thtir pop f ion, or under his . her, or At heir ca r e, or diretti'.n, any property whatever of or btlongivg to any per fan reputed to he in libtli.ou as a fort said, within the space of one month f/otn the aute of iucb notification, to render in a true,/ juf , and fu l account lltreof, to the Com/niffiQver or Ccmmijfiaeets Jor tit parijb m which Such property mav be —fir A r d be it FnaHed, 7 hat where a person hath in his or her poffeffton any such property, and Jhall neg-est or nfuje to dtliver up the fame, agreeable to the tenor of fueh notice, then, and in juch case, it Jhall and may be lawful to and for any of the ComoijJimcrs he rein named,, or hereafter to be ap pointed. to commit every Jiu I person so neglecting or refnfng to render cm account, and deliver over such property as afore laid, (save and except all fnch per lons as jhall w.'thho and any fu h property by tbe order or authority of an\ Court of jjefiee, or a Judge t ’ertof) to common gao’ of Savannah, there to remain, without bail or mainpri~e, until he or jhe jhall l ave rend''id such account, and delivered, or aufed to be delivered over such pro perty as afjrduid. And be it further Enafted, by the authority a forefaid, That tbe-Comm’ ffioners f all, whenever thereunto required by the Governor and Council for the time being, render in a t>ue. juf, and (epa>ate account, of all property so feizcd or taken poffejffion of as as aforefaid in their re fpeftive pat i/Joes, and o f the falesMt-d di/petal of the pr.biu-oe thereof j and, on Puffing such account, Jetty over the n,tt proceeds thereof after deducting atl juf and ne es fary charges and expences, into the hands of the Puhhck 1 reajurer of this province, who, after deducting his CQirrniffions, is hereby required to pay over any such money under the di ection and to the order of any Court of jullice in which there is pro cess depending again ft the owners of such monies ; and the said. C nmmifjioners Jhull aljo, when re quired by the Governor and Council for the lime being, deliver over to the claimant all property tak&n into thtir p off?ffi on-, where the claim appears to the Governor ia Council to be just a net / eajonable . And bo it’further Enacted, by the authority a ferejuid, That, for the- purpose of carrying this afi \ into execution\ the following perjons are hereby ap pointed Cnmvtiffuners jor the jeveral parijhes herein after’ mem toned, that is to /ay I'For the pa> ■Jh of Lbty'ft Church, George Bailtie, David ontaigut, and deter Dean, Ejquites, and M'it Ham Lyford ; for the parijb of Saint Philip, James Butler and Joseph Fox, E;quires , and Benjamin Stills ; for the pari/h ‘of Saint Join, Simon PaterfonAddoger A si/a 11, and 7 imon Monro, F.J quires ifar the puriffb of Saint Matthew, Thomas rhyming, John Gold wire, and Nathaniel Pslhill, Esquires; for the fatifi of Saint George, John Thomas, sash$ ash ■ Montgomerie, aiid David Tuff'H, Ej quirts ; f ‘*■ parijb of bin ft Paul, Janus Gricrfon, Ft'Lean, and 1 horn as Haters, Esquire's, feph MaddoA, Planter ; for the parijhes c f $ !I Andrew Sai i James, Saint Patrick , Saint Saint Thomas, and Saint David, Poderidt Af? t'jh, James Spald’u?, Charles M‘ Dona let ‘f Cm Downie, anl David Delegall, Ejquh es. And be it Enacted, by the authority afocft'M That the Commijf opens ( ppointed. /w .the aforefaidand each of them , Jhall be inti; , ■ their trouble aAft ig from the r rejpefiii t trunjjm tions, pur chafes, reaipn, payments, and diipo/als or sales, the sum of ten pounds J cent, and no mere, on all nett joins by them inn the hands of the reufner, who ;s directed to allow them /ueb comnh.fji us in aciouM And K- it , united, by the a- ■ : • -.- y aforefsilm That if any Com mifloner or Cos - viiffto tiers ha ; V appointed, or to be appointed, /ball here “f die decline, tnglcd, or refufe to all, or Jhall I future rtffif v* up bis or their appiStntmtdM other or oib-rt ttra l be appointed m hit or tpM room by the Governor and Council fitr the tim kl ing: Provided always, and it is Toe re by dicletJm That nothing in this aft contained {hill be /,■ Jfrued to exten lto any real or per,o/>al properly M this pro v:ncc bt to •!> in 7to an\ prrfon, eitoer o> abfe/it, apai aft wham any a ft: or or Suit •uifojß fot-ver, by attar- /;i:nt or otherwije, 01 ary fed judgment or o’he.’ p> ocejs, is depending in Ll l \ Court m this province, any Doing in this aft c; ( B tamed to the contrary thereof in anyvr.fe OstuinM j landing ; ard in case an\ p r oc /< who ‘Joe*ie> here fi,er be jued ‘.nt agaiu ft ary fn on vho b* she owner of ah, real und i- > fnal e.ltate ik /lands of the. Comyts {foster s,■ or any d> finer of Ts. :,f fit j ftcdyd havie so the oraer ana ehreftidn Churl ofjuftics out of whichj uch proefs may ifweJM the fame manner as if this aft had never ban mail.. f nd be it 1 /, acted, ft hat all the property b/iotM ing to Rtbi’s an A Infected peifons, v.hich <u| Jeiztd on its the parijhes of Saint Paul and Saji George, in eon It quern t cf the incursion made by M R be Is under one Ciarje in the mouth of SepttmhM L/t, and which profit! t\ hath been detained wM Juice, on aaou- 1 of the and .inqutney, cr fuppoJtlsM linqueney, ts thi owners thereof, Jhall be deinirM over to the Cornm:ffljncrs for the said two hM mmtiuned pai foes, and the perjons -who Jei<rAM detain, and mb property, and a ifo alt who and ajjiftfd therein, are hereby indemnified all a firms and p ; o'ecutions that it ay be commiaU on account the: top, 0> of unx ether aft or matter, foß tr cpptifng ai.d .Uf.p, effing the jma r toeiiton of ana bii folio tr s. | And be it further Enailed, hy the authori n| fort said, That if any aft ion or jha it be or commenced agairft any per fin or per lons for aiH matter tyr thing in purjuance of this aft, finfl and in such case, the aft ion or Juit.Jfrail be i'ttiil or com rat need vithm Jix months next after //Viß committed, and not afterwards -, and the defining or defendants in such aftion or Juit to be brought and may yi. ad the general ijfue, and give thsjM and tb*-gen'ii mu iter in evidence, at’ my * be had Ter, upon-, and if the plaintiff 01 f all become uorhutcd cr di/continue ha. her, fg f'eir a fit on or a tions, suit or / ut f s, or u{on ‘ZArd'® or demurrer jud rn at jhall be giv.n a am.Jl rfl plaintiff or plaintiffs, the defendant cr dj\ r.v&'B jh ‘aU and may recover double 10/ls,- and have /<><■ remedy for the fame as any and fevdant cr deftnlwl hath or have in other cases of- law - ono be it fui tlur Enabled, by the authontp I forefaid, and hat this aft /ball be and continue //■ force and ejfcft for and during the space of fo® y ars, from au-1 after the pf/iug thereof, andfm /hence to the end of the next jejjijns of the GVfffo® Ajfertifrlv, and no torger, 5 -* B) Order ot list kurrmons House of AfTembly.B SAML, FARLtr, Speakfll By Older of the Upper Mode of Affrnibiv, B LEWIS JOHNS lOm Council Chamber, 9th Aptil, I^Bl, Alien tel to, JA.trRIGHT, v On Tucfllay next, at nine o'cbck in the morning I Will be fold bs Auction, I Otn the Puhlick Wharf, B PART of the Cargo of the Schooner Polly, of a quantity of lignumvitae, clayed sugar, and yi l ® also the lifting, anchors, and cables } wife said fehooner as flic\lies flrauded at ‘l’v'hec. D. DUNCAN, JfoVjß WANTED, An OVERSEER, who underlHnd® bulincfsp to refiJc on aaiver fw.imp plar.tat'O n, B Apply ta .• X NATHANIEL HAt® Who has a Quantity of Hand-picked Indigo Seed veh® he will dispose of cheap for calk, delivered at his ph !lt ß tion.. Morton Hall, nth Afr'l t —--—B v BLANK FORMS of Aj7r]rtTMti tikm ut thi Printiftg Offict,