The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, May 10, 1781, Image 1

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THE ROYAL GEORGIA GAZETTE. Tout let JiabletTfe font pat en Enf.r, et tout let faux ne font put dans Its petites maifons. Palin. W ad H E numerous murders and robberies lately committed by a set of defper -7* _Jft An ate outlaws are matter of the mod ep serious consideration, and call upon every pofflble exertion of honest men h|'W to contribute to the publick by government, and the rooting out of murderers* villains, aiid rebels. It n a real disgrace tp human nature, and will Ramp lasting infamy upon the present generation of tliofe who Call themselves Americans, that such numbers, and a jnong them feme men formerly of feme rank and. notice, should engage in such abominable proceedings; that men who petition for the King’s protection one day fiiould a gain take up arms the next, and with molt infamous trea chery come among thofc as friends, who, not fufpcCting the duplicity of their conduit, fall an easy prey to their perfidy, rebellion, and treafen. Some that join them again mav poffihlv plead that they did it from mere fofee, and this plea with fonfte, and ‘in Tome mealure,. miv be True, though juftiC? and found po .. it huf .feU.ini All. ; aßPPtrc&iwpJesd , they wefe tn ore-afraid- efr&h&iftebpf $4 than of Govcrnmfnr, and the only remedy has is to make them more afraid of Government’ than of Rebels ; this plea therefore, nnle s in very clear cases, ftould never be allowed to be mule, as it is felf-evident, whether it be true or faife, it will always be pernicious if promifeuoufly admitted. That we may avoid and guard, againd our enemies we ought to know them ; it might therefore be.offervice if the names and defcriptVon of the moft noted plunderers, and of such as have broke their oath, parole, nr allegi ance, wtre from time to time publilhed in the Gazette ; and as prisoners up® parole arc open enemies, and, hav ing liberty and sccefs to all companies, may frequently tsar what r!icy ought not, or vv-Jiat lhyal fubjefr* would oot with to fay before enemies that behave with ftme de cency, pub Hiking frorrwtime to time their flames and abode could do them no dillervice, and migju prevent much uu tafinefs and mifehief. It would be very ufeful for neighbourhoods to agree op en private signals, as form a, one or more plunderers are seen. In Swifleriind, if a wolf or bead of prey appears, the place is immediately alatmed, tin; chafe is begun upon the track, and docs not cease but with the death of tbe creature, and the consequence is that such a chafe dot* not take place above once in an age; trie fame method ■sight be fuccelsfully used against highwaymen and plua defers “amongst us. In England and other countries, if at any time the number of highwaymen and robbers encreafes to an un common degiee, a reward with a pardon to an accomplice is ufuallv offered and given to any by whom such pells of fuciety are taken and brought to justice; and this fre quently answers a good purp .fr,. nor can a man be accufcd of ungenerous motives who endeavours to rid his country of a puttick and peflilential nuifancr, even though he should accept of a well deferred reward for so doing. The principles and practices of such mifercants, who cannot be anfimfiWe that their power to do mifohief, like that of their Father the Devil, is very limited, and who have no thing but and despair to Hipport them, is a.full proof Os the tiutli of the French proverb, “ All devils are not eonfreed to Hell, nor are all fool* or, madmen lodged m •w 6 ®* A PLANTER. ji Caution to hone ft Travtllcn. AS It may be itnpolTible in the niglit to ditlioguilh fiienJ from foe, and travellers on thc'r lawful bul nefs trona such a* may hr nnt n* w.| ritftjiM, gJt c.irc and caution is recommended to hanclimeft-jaot t. ex j* nccJh idy to danger ,i* may in fome cases he neceffarv to fire without previous hailing ; and ts eve / flep vv.h be taken to waylay, secure, and extirpate ail’ -.plunderers and persons engaged in bad pra&iccs, this ,'iinc is given that no Innoccut perron may come to an accident. r r’HE proclamation issued by Sir Henry Clinton, giving # l°nger time to submit, and hopes of reception, proven indeed the humanity and lenity of Government, but it is to be feered will by thofc whom it concerns be c mftiucrj rather as u llcenfe to continue so much longer in rebellion. Hopes of impunity have always been the great support of the wicked, mid it is really to be lamented that so many x>f our fellow creatures, and former friends and neighbours, instead of fccuring their peace, falcty, and remain, of pro- a* Should be actuated by folly, presumption, tage, and despair, to spread misery wheiever they go. In the very'nature of things they mud at lull feel that miferyr or which themfelvcs are the authors, and in the utmoll excels of therr prcfuinp'bn a moment’s ennfideration would tonviuce them tiiat “ tire triumph of th j wicked is Ihort.” ; TL O N D O N, ‘ Janasry tfi. HE no,oco dollars found on board the Dutch F.alb Indiaman taken by of his Majedy’s fliips and brought into the Downs were lent up bv land carriage in two W W"*> nnd fafjely lodged in the Bank yeilerdry morning. 1 ‘ .J’ J [ at her extraordinary thit the. ruin of the -\ptuigeft JSrfty was cflfvled in fcv'ehhtjurjj the THURSDAY, MAY 10, 17814 Frencn landed at two m the morning, and before nine e very man was killed, taken prisoner, or put topflight, Extraft of a Utter (received by express yesterday afternoon) from Capt. Fergufor., if tbe Hottentot privateer , to one of the tnbnert. “ I have the honour to acquaint you, that on the Bth infl. being about rj leagues W. S. W. off U/hanc, at se ven A. M. saw three fail upon my lee beam, upon which I orJereff my /hip to be cleared, and got every thing ready for a£lion, and bore ddwn upon them. At half pall ten they hoisted Dutch colours ; I fired a gun and brought them •to; spoke to them ; they proved 10 be Dutchmen from Holland to Cadiz with mails, yards, cables, &c. for the life of large (hips, consigned to the King of Spain. The lead of them is tons burthen, and all rarely laden. Am put into Torbay with my prizes, waiting your further orders for what port I .'hall fend them for condemnation and file, which I am in hopes will produce us 40,000 b at lead ” fun 30. When the Boron Rultecourt frnnmontd the Cadle of. ferfey he lent w -rd'to Capt/Mulcafter, that, unleft he indant'y surrendered, lie would hang up the Lieu tenant Governor, an 1 put to the fvvord the wife and child ■°f .¥.' ie -Captain, jyhom he had tak.en iu the town; the cn 1U 4~.1re 5. ta.. liawAouw-h? dvip.-UuL.fws, t tq-his King, an l tils love to his country, made every private consideration vaifi/h, and*he was determined at all events to defend the cadle to the lad drop of his blood. Tbe bumble ADD R ESS of the Right Honourable tbe Lords Spiritual and Temporal. in Parliament ajj'uubled. D:e J .vis, 2- 0 Januarii, 1781. ’** Aloft gracious Sovereign , il WE your M ijefty’s mod dutiful ar.d loyal fubjr-Ts, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Parliament affom bled, beg leave to return vour M*j?lty our humble thanks for your mod g acious mess ige, and fur having been plcafcd to communicate to this Houle your Majeity’s publick <Je c!ar.:oii, setting forth tac causes and motive* w*hich Lave Ptdiged your Majedy so direO letter* of m*rq-ut* andgene- • ral pepi'tfai* to be issued ugairft the States General of the Unite! Provinces, and their fubje£te. e observe, with much concern and just indignation, that the governing part of a nation, whom ti*cT.ticw of ommon inter’(l, and the fi rhos mutual engagements, ffiould have made a fii’jen- friend, has-err.ployed the mod • hpfliie and pernicious means to annoy an ancient ally, by leJeuing with your Majedy’s revolted fubjetts, and fur rt nifiiioj, condant and ehudluai aids to your iiiYctcrate enc m'es. ‘ . • “ W acknowledge, with the high -d fatisfadHon and warmed fearime its of-g-at.itado, your’s’ in endeavouring to bring the States Geneiai back to thole principles whic 1 they liave tlelertcu, and in the reluctance you hive ftiewn co proceed to hollile mealures againd a ffate connected with this country by tl.e dolclt ties of mu tual inrered. Your Majcdy s -gliat mf/deration and for bearance drohgly aggravate their conduct, which made the piefent rupture indilncnfably nccc'iury. We beg leave to ailtirc your Mujeily, that we shall, wi.h the warm ft Jnd mod Jutilul zcul, give every fnpport ■tm,thofe’vigorous meafvre* w,.kh your Maj.tly ha* deters mined to purl'ue. Wc are fen!.!->■.• they aic founded in ju.Lcc artTwifdoiii, and are fech cs the honour of your Mujedy's crown and the eii'cutial iuteteds of the iutioa requite.” His Majesty's “ loft Crations ANSWER* -4 rr ** My Lords , v “ I TIIANK. you for this very dutiful and affectionate tddrefs. “ 1 have the full est reliance on your support; and I tr id th'.t the Vigorous exertions I a;n determined to make will, under the Providence of Gad, defeat the designs of i late and honourall^pbace^’’^ 0 ‘The Patfley fiisjtcer of Edinburgh has had the good so; cane to tail in with a prize, which Hie captured and car ried in th* 03d inlt. She is not only a Dutch veflel, but laden with warlike naval stores for Cadiz. She was bound • sot that port from Peterftmrgh, is 500 tons burthen, very valuable, and when *hc Truck hauled down the Dutch co lour,, Jatt. 31. Advice from Aberdeen, that the Rofc in June letter of marque, and the Harpooner privu tee*, have taken and brought In there three large Dutch lh: ? s bounds cm Norway to France, laden with mails j (mC A French letter of marque, commanded by M. de Cha lonols, hownd from Rotterdam to Havre de Grace, is ta* ken by the Admiral Hawke privaicer, and carried into Penrs n. The Juno privateer, Capt. Ford, has taken ,upon the coast of France, and sent into Dover, three Dutch lhips, with military llorcs, &c. from Amsterdam to Toulon. Capt- Harley, of the Lizard privateer, has taken and sent into To, bay twi very large Dutch fhips* called the Elizabeth *nd Minerva, with stores, from Port i’Orient for Brest. . a P c * of the Lively privatrtr, has brought into 1 he Downs a large Dutch /hip from St. Martin in the Weft liidie* for Hamburgh. Feb. X. _pfl_ihe iQih r-r.t into Milord-, by * the Sufanuah letter of marque and a (loop of war, two Duteh /hips, laden with stores, bound from Amsterdam to St. Euftatia. Feb. 3. The Juditha Catharlna, Walding, from Oe not to Amsterdam, is taken by the Job CRtter, Cart. - button, and earned into Falmouth, - * . The Antelope privateer, Capt. Walpole, has carried into Fowey, a large Dutch /hip, loaded with wine, bran dy, and warlike stores, bound from Bdurdeauxio St. Eu ’ +'A/ . - - Ftf>- *• The French finahees begin to be in so deranfr ed a state that we are assured Ncckar is obliged to borrow fovea millions fterhng this ye*r at nini percent, befide* permitting a very large or rear to run unpaid till another year. The kft political injundtioa of the late Empress Queen of Hungry to her son the Emperor, duriftg her illneft, it laid to have been the cultivation of an alliance with the Engli/h in preference to every other power: a people, fay* /he, to whom our family are all so much obliged, aadwko are the moft steady in their friend/hip of any narion on tH globe. J h J rt ar s J he mdft authentick vouchers how in the poffc/Tion df fome refpeftable personages, front which it appears that the alliance now forming between the Courts ot London and Vienna will be a more beneficial one than any we have enjoyed finte the commencement of the pre terit century. - r The Fly privateer of Liverpool, Capt. Blagden, has ta ken a large bug from St. Euftatia to Amsterdam, and Tent ‘T. *-4- . ... * be. Vraw taken by tha Ramflcr privateer of Gtcrrtfey, and sent into .that port. ‘ - ’ l ‘t ttr f rom Jan. 31. , ic^e Slendver, Feebright, from Cadiz; to Amsterdam, loaded with fait, kc* is taken and brought in here by the Sir Jofoph Yorke privateer of The Car far and Greyhound privateers oF Bfiftol have ta.cen and sent into Plymouth I’Amazon, of 14 £4 poun ders and 47 men, bound from Rhodes to Brest. The Car far had two men killed and three wounded. 1 he St. Florentine, Capt. L’Armdncon; a Freach pri • vateer, is taken by the Swiftfum privateer, after an ea gaj-emeMt of half an hour> and carried into Guernsey. Onithe 4‘th I nil. two Dutch galliots were font into Ply mouth by the Llndfay privateer of Glasgow; they am both deeply laden with mails, yards, &c. from Ainfterdam. and were part of a fleet of 16 fail which failed from thi Te/.el the of January for Bfeft. r. F { h ; }°‘ the Tari of Lincoln took leave f his Majcfty at the levee, and tomorrow his Lord/hip i* etpettca to set off for Portsmouth in order to embark for bcw-V oi k. A large Dutch /hip; laden with wine, brandy, and other goods, bound trdm Bourdeaux to St. Euftatiiis, is takeft by the Alderney privateer and carried into Waterford. T Extr *n of * lttr front VerfuiUesy Jan. TO . I am tit is moment acquainted that the Ruffian Minif tcr has declared to die Ministry, that he has received ad vice from his Court, that his Royal Mifcrefs has opened a private mediation with England and Holland, and was in hopes to accomplifli her intentions qf speedily bringi, lir . auout a happy reconciliation between those powciS ” x eb. ti. Died, off the 13th of January, in Lily, i„ a very advanced age, the Counted Dowager of Offer* by W lmie death a jointure of ia,oool. per annum devolves to the LtH ol Ortord; her Ldy/Rip by her Own deilre was to he buried in Italy.—On Friday last, after a few hours ill neft, Lady Ranfelagh |,by hr death ah estate pf 3 cool, pe annum devolves on Lionel Felton Harvey, Esq. who mir ned heron y daughter, Mils ElviU, by her firft hufoand, Sir Tann Elvvll, Bart. i ITM ‘’* ■ The Rodney, Haift, from Charlelown, last from Ire land, s irnved at PcrtfmtJuth. i he gentlemen, merchants, and traded, of the city f Cork, have fubfonbed the sum of 6?8i.6d. for the relief ol the unhappy fuff'erers in the Weft ihdia illands. p ic which to the Dukedom of Kent, Earl Cornwallis aftd Wfcmmt I own/hend to the dignity of MaHpiifles; and Lords Edge cumhe, Onflow, Willoughby and Rivers, w the dignity of Vifcouiits. , o j ExtraH of a fetter from Plymouth, set. io. ** . am , g *° t j lc Vr ® w Helena, and Margaretta Stihdet. from Malaga for Oftend, with wine ahd fruit, which r^Lime^ck t^t Sparrow privateer belonging /a T W Pri . of 8o gunS, is jnft turned out of dock, and the Mdnarca, which received so much dam- a j? c ii* diniwl frtnriff ft rili n b compieat repair. _ Exittoatf a letter from Plymouth, hb. Since my last arrived a Freach privateer of 14 gun* and 120 men, Belonging to Dunkirk; taken by the Stag privateer bebnging to Glasgow; also two fm.ll Dutch prizes from Amsterdam to Brest, taken by feme of his Majesty’s cruizerS.” The M. S. St. Tortola de Tmpano, Capt. Mazant,- Span.lh transport o t 500 tons, laden with flares; Ac. front Bilßoa for Cadiz, is taken by the Tyger letter of ®niue, and carried into SriHy. Fortfmoutb , Feb. 14. Arrived the Meers Dutch fnovr; from Smyrna and Barcelona, with cotton, wool, &t. pn*e to the Achilles privateer, . Office, December 12. FaOMOTtOKSI’ 2d reg, dragoon guards. George Nelfoff, Lieufonant i Chambers, Comer. ’ id reg. dragoons. Joseph Fortefcoe, Cornet. 3d reg. dragoon*. William Wade, Comet. - 6th ieg. dragoons. Henry Wilson, Lieutenant. 7th teg, diaprons, WilliamOlbofn,Captiin Lieutetf^ • ■