The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, May 24, 1781, Image 1
THE ROYAL GEORGIA GAZETTE. * . I* • _ “i .-f * V ‘ •■•’*’'•* - „ a , ‘ . . . .. . . ... . , * ybr granting to hfs. HTfijefy ctrtajn Duties upon all Goods, lVttns, and'Merchandize, ‘ibhatfoeA'tr, of the Growth or Pndu&fyrt of this Prov'utce , ’ ndhich may hi et __ ported from kynce, asthfCotur ibu t ion of Georgia totht general Charge of the B fit <Jh Km fire. - , Most Gracious Sovereign, jt'Wyour Majofty’s m ft dutiful and loyal 2* W 5K’ fabje&rffalthe Gammons of this yoiif province of Georgia, in Ge?nTaj T XT & Aflcmblv met, itnnrcfTGi with the . *C warmed fenfenf giaJtitude to your farfandmg ibodj’ oCyo>ir • forces’ h£rs, to relieve’tjiis cyiihtifY Jg yt\ AS.A\from the tyranny Wd’oppfeffKrn r.±‘- . ercifal during-a-wicked *1 ) unn itii*- rii rebellion again!! your Mujcftv, do desire to return: your Majesty our warmest thanks for re-cftaUlrftUng a civil,go ternmont, and far all other marks or* y our Majesty s royal favour to this province': And idbireatil Lq.*xpeiJifcjU aril just that this province, which has been or utefted and de fended from its fir ft fctllemenl by t h • mother countfy at a heavy expenet, (houldi contribute towards the general charge of thu.Britiih empire : We think bui-felve.s bound (though.greatly, impdverifhrd by the rebellion) to £mt.tri bute oaf iiiitfe for the fcrvice and- towards the gutu-ral charge of the fame- ; and, in order - inntaidly, chsarfutly, Leciy, an,)-nna-:iin'n.ufy, Rri su'.v ■:js o ta|,iye i'nd yiSS.Heil& “%jss ■ successors., the tfu after mentioned,; Srid* we. and • moft humbly b'cfeech your Majesty that it may be cnadred, • Andhi k Ertiicfedt'by his Excellency Six J a vses Wr ioh t, Baronet, Captain dSfifiersil.fin|-G .wer'nar in chief in .md aver tfasyour Majesty's province oh GrArgiafLy and with the confent o! the ‘Honoui-ablcithe Upper House and the Commons House of AlTeoibly, in, bly met, arid by the authority'of t';ie fimy, and after thfe fo’urfh day or fund qeWf eilfiiVng the paft’ng effhis aft, within throughout this province, a du'-y of two and one half per cent.'fhall be a id is by tins aft charged and laid ads, warns} oantd merch am iize, Awharfoever, of £hz .growth pradu.Tbftv of, this p: ovir. - yhich lhalhbe exp >. ted from* the fi ny, ’ on . the value thereof at time \j*hen (hlppe f, t‘! be paid by the ex porter or exporters thereofan ) if any doubt or ditV-tcri ihall Arise about the price or value of such goods'when ffsVp -sed, theTreafurer ihall nime'ifne or more irtdifier* it p:r pn or persons, and the exporter the fa n< number, wh'o ihall detemfinc rhy price thereof, aridif they cannot agrea, ♦he raid hbininated pc.fons, or the maj m part of them, ihall and may appoint one other?,pertem, by way of umpire, whois hereby authorized finally to determine fueh dilute. ~ Andy in order that by-.tkii a>‘t impoled nmv bfc duly and regularly collefted and pail. It it further Ena 1 - td y by the authority aftrefaid, That if any person or pe.r fons whitfoever (hall (hip or lade on board any flup or V. f fei, within any river, creek, pnt ; hr pirez, within ftii foriilft*tifiny any gnnjg, w:aii#s,:4r ‘mreh;Hr dizc, the growth or produftion of. this pro vince, before such perfin,r pvrf-.ns ihall have made an en t y thereof, if in Savannah in the TrraArrerj office, ,|mt if at Sunbury, or any other our port, then at tlie'Coilkt or’s or Comptroller's office there, and (hall Have obtained a permit for the .from one af the said officers,Aon pain dial all ftfcifc-gooJv, and nr nrhairHi:e,-fb-tiifagn’ Stfo*'’ ffnpped on b.Trd b. iW fpeh permit is obtained, ib-%11 be - -&M, oir nitibninion OT ojith made thereof % any white>r(on, any Ju'Tce of the Peace is’ hereby .vu fv empowered,'and requited, to iillic a warrant, under has bad and ibai, tofcarcli,. f,r f u Ji g'ioJs, wares, and merchantfus .and if any (hall be found ladbn.on b -ard any (hip orweffe! top'exportadioh, without aq entry find made, and (uch permit obtaine 1 as aforeteid, then, aud m such case, the pen (on executing the fcarch warrant Ihatl fe >?* upon, tike, and remov'ev’ thc'fiid goods, wires, and , ani i e . so unUwfully hrden oa board such (hio or ™-AP-famff awl - f ! l OTi l\J*£ merckandizr, to be forthwith foid tnd ten day* no tice being fir ft given of• fuels file,’ pro luce thereof, after dedufting the.exqienc'ffs of the tenure and sale, ‘Ei.ul be divided, paid, and applied, .oflUiChird-Ipart'-th.-itof to J 1 , “ f ®‘ raer cr and the remaining.two thirds fold mall be to thc Publlck TreafuVjer to’go in ajd qf ■the general taxes here. ‘ ‘ ‘ t And bt \t further Kna&ed\ That, until payment o. the duty, J or fecuritfgivr n forVhe piyment ot the fame, to the Treasurer province tur the time brnrg, ot to such perfoq-qs hr mny appoin t .to ErctiVe7he iirnc, within sixty days/ the Maftcr.or Commander of any Imp or veflH, having any'goods, waics, or merchandize, on board, (hall not have, or be entitled to have, a ijlear *ncc ® r from the Cuftora-Houfe, until thp said ‘ 8 or f“fficient feciirity is given fvtf tlie'fame, 12 th !. Treater as afcrcfaid, and die pf the . rcaiurer, dr dther Officer receiving such duties, hr tak ing such bounty, is fuft produced at the Cuitom- House, f0 t i c P :,rt the fame with his (hipor vijftc.l} andhi iafe any per on or persons (hall (hip or iaile on hoard for exportation ny goods, wares. r fnurchandfze, whatsoever, fulyeft to the dut >*’ ‘bipniftd by this aft 7 , and (hall negleft or refufe to evy e fecuiity f, pay, the said duty, whereby the .. * °? bonrd-of whifti tht said goods are'(hipped (hall be ntnacred, prevented, cr delayed, in proceeding on hr °y*CG then, and in even’ ficli case, the Captain, of per on commanding such v*%t,.fhal! beat Uherty, and is i*. X aiit ‘ lori ied arnleipitveie.i fa tell and dispose of, at. ic ‘ v ’ site jays p.jhiick JOtlce being firft given nU KSDAV, may 4, iff - ’ ‘ - t % t , , /. ~ in writing of .(yich sale, ia'fonie puhlick place,in thetown of Savannah or Sunbury fieareft to which such (hip or veftei may have taken in her lading from, so much of the said dutiable gooJs, wares, and merchandize, as (hall he fuffi cient viot only to pay the faia : duty hereby tmpofeJ, but . \ demurrage ajf thirty IhiHings. lawful money of Great Britain ada\ for every day of such detention, if the (hip or •veiTel he of the burthen of fifty tons or under, *nd fitty (liilliugs like money a day if the (hip er vessel He of any burthen between fifty tons and one hundred tuns, and fix pound* like money a d.iy if of any burthen above the bur then of one hundred tnni. And. be it further Enabled, by the authority aforefaid, Thar if Shy Maftcr or Commander of any faip or veflel (hall take, or fufldr to ’be tJken or laden on board his (hip °f |V.cfr f, for exportati in, any goods, wares, or merchan dize, the growth or pro lufti m of this province, without a permit (>r ihe fame as aforefaid, er, having any filch goodsi wares, or merchandize, on board, (hill remove his sud ilii b or veflel, with design to depart this province w ith the fdd faip or veflel Hefafe such Master or Cbm'nanJer has obtahwj-a'regular clearance or permit from thc-Trea furer, Go! f-ftor, or Comptroller, as the case mu/ he, to d? part ;he ten -with such ftiip or veflel, then, and in ei t i . r ofthe fa.d'cafes,’ the said Master or Commander fliU (arlcit a i j pay the sum of one hundred pounds like money, . tube laud for and recovered irr the General Court erf this - prftfSWoh/or wager onavy/xiorfnore tha l nnc imparlance, (hall be*gtanted. And he It K'nested, That the Puhlick TJVearfurer for the tjne being (!iv!l, uheneaer lliereunto required by any Commons Houfa of z\ill-mbly of this pi ovince, render on pa.ii an aefount of the (urns of money by him received: by v;i tint of tfm aft. , /• it l.naftej, ’*!'lt it all fuins of money received by tie Publick 1 reafurer, on account of duties hnppfcd by this aft, ‘hall once in every year be paid over to and re* m.tred by .the Governor or Comrtfartdfer lae ‘dhlef for trie bci,)g to the Lord High Treasurer, or the Lords Com p 1 s I r cuinry in i fa ! T'’ \ ro other charge, expence, or deduftion, t >r the tebub’c <tf recei\ing, paying, and remitting to * Great Lritatn, as aforefaid, than two and one half per ce., turn on the air.or.nt if m >nies arising from t!ic said dutv, aad ftaM bj applw.l tor the fen-ice and towards the gcncnl chirp- nf 1 1, c Krti h e.min, in such manner as his Mv -£% h's Km an i fucctffurs, and the Parliament of Great Britain, fa ill ftTreft, ‘And he it Erirfd, That if any aftinn or suit faall b SdgMftflP&rf again ft <uv .jierfon. or ..pexfims, ibr am thing umoin pu faance of this aft, such aftion or fait faall be and c(>;nni 1 within fjxr Calrndir months next comrnict and not afterwards; and the Je- Tenaant oi defendants in such aftion or suit may plead the 1 g. neral And give this aftand the facial matter m e s i irnce at any trial to be had thereupon, in I if the Slaint ift or-plainlift’s fatll become nonfait, or difcontißue fucli a tioy or foit, or if upon demurrer judgment fli.iil be given ny viuft t-hc pl iintift’or plaintiffs, the defendant or defend a na -hill recover treble costs, and have the Time remedy * ,r -Bicb co is in any other defendin't or deieuJauts hath or have- far co fa in any other cases b Lnv. sty Older if the Commons lieu-i - fAjTemlty, j a ml. F;AJbfc£y Speahm* By Order f ihe Upper Iloufe f Ajfemhly, _ foil n Gr a h am, Prcjuicnt. Council Cos imher, the hth of March, 17S1, Ay/, r;ted tc, JA.-WRfGHT. : t number jk* ; Stuhlt’amfatiuntbr opes aftibi curta fapptUex. Ju*eaL A Wft hai a'fgVt to he ought to Jinje, ’hlllinZ \ MONO children, ’tis no tmtotrfmon fhmg in erf out fdL Who found Hi or who loft ? I found; and their little losses and findings ufuaily turn to th? the ■ real owner. In tlie prefect war or Ameflcg children of tae iirialleft fizc vnyy be sensible that they lose, and if from prialiphe, or at laaft n poiTibility thofc that have found, or arc the cjufe of losses, might be induced to reftc-c, the demand upon them would be very just: and reaf muble. (hie mans loss is laid to be another man’s gain, and this fn'iximis fa'pp 6fed to hold good in,war as w-ell as in other concerns of life.’ From this general rule the jrefant Amq yjean war I dofibt prefen-ts an exception. It mav be a fiib jeft of curious enquiry who, but I apprehend it will be more ( h( to prove that any one, (unless gaining expe rience) lias been a gainer in this contcft! I meau to date the profits and Joflcs ot the belligerent parties, G,fagt lira - Congrjfs, France, Spain, and the States of Holland, in lome fucceflive papers, and if I cannot recover any of ray readers to farious thoughts, m-y loss will not be so great as thgirs, nor my folly equal that of any party who curry onwar without even the of gain, and finder the dairy feelings of the moft distressing lofl’es. I would •begin with America, date their frtuation ps it was January i, 1776, and cjofe the account with the year 1780. I (hall point out the different articles, they that are more at fail -reniuj',fain .them,4p and ttrike balance. In January 1776 Ipdenendeniy declared, and were cbttfiJirrd by America in general as a fat of men met tqgftHee in body to, prefarve the rights of the Rr.tilh couftituflon fs America, jrnd to use every means to bring aJbut a rfcoacifiltiOTi.R-ith GrcSl Britain-'let us fiow t♦> .fl -|s S .• • ■ -* .* - v. e-.JI;, e J. ‘ view what Were their profpefts and means to obtain that purpofa. .... ,j : ‘• i. T hey roigh* then be (aid to be pnffefTed ot iqbrovln es, and while they fought nothing or pretended nothing but juilice, they had a majority with them in every pro vince. They were in possession of the greatest part of Ca nada, laid fi’ge to the very capital, of which the boldncf* or Qtft. Affiord (new iri the Britilh fcrvice) was vfrry near making a conquest. I hey had a ftiong party in Nova s 9ot\a, and nojnconlidcrable one in Weft Florida. ; V *1 heir ARMY before Boston, by a report of one of t.ieir Committees, conhfted then of men, that with Schuyler about Ticonderoga to about 7000, besides the troops raised or raising at that time in every nrovinct except Georgia. , , , 3. T hey opened a pubiick Txiasur t ; their iflues oh that day perhaps might be five millions of dollar s, a sum at half of which a Marylander (Chace) cried out iri Con* gre.s, “ }y e are ruined, wt are undone I*‘. but their blHi p<4fled generally, and gold and silver .in small quantities might be purchated at par or a small advance. Tr^” 4. They began to have a Fleet ar ftei, o n Take Ctiatftplaili| and FoxtiJ-ic ATXONs ar mail ports which fcney thought Important. 5. The bulk 0/ the Bntiffi nat.i fii was t if not fory at - least not ag-puff them ; it was a ebnteft between them the Mmifter, and not h thsni and the nation, jfib * Tell ers’ rclpf ftcdTlicn firinnefs while it was attended with prudence an.l moderation. L-t us now take a view of thdrfituatlon, mcaqs, hops, XnJ profpeft.9,. J-anunr)’ 1, 1781. rbat Tfa atfCah-ada was loft to them, and cveh un approachable ; at Penobfcot and in Nova Scotia they were (ailed and had no ninre fboSng, . Rhode lflrnJ, New York, and the moft valuable and important part of That province, fell after Waftington’s diteat, without the Icaft (hew of resistance, the King's’ aims penetrate! above the highlands, and forced their way over the lake. I he Jerfics and Philadelphia were entirely everrun, thfi ’ Cong refs frequently obliged to quit their feat, and it was not owing to them nor their troops that conuuefts wer* as easily abandoned as they had been made. I he Dele ware Counties wdre, and always are, at the mercy of the King’s forces, and not defetteiblc, nor ever \ Were defended ; Newcastle and Wilmington made no re finance. The fleet and army went up Chefapeok Bay unoppofei and several expeditions into the very heart of VirginiJ li i't (hew Virginia can no more make an efieftual oppotition than of the previncM7^"“ :r^ .. Georgia was overrun and conquered in a few hours, and if Line Americans had not been able to outrun troops they could n >t fight, or been fa fie led to be purfacd with the [ l,ne vig ur they were attacked, the war in that part mufa have heeitaft an end the week in which the parties came t* firft blows. In South Carolina a handful of men passed and repaff.d tiie province, frightened Gharleftown into the offer of neutrality, and did them infinite damage almost unopposed; the invincible Fort Moultrie {when a ferjout expedition had taken place) Could not (top the progress 6f theßrifrU* fleet far a moment; Gharleftown and the American* *riy fall, and the re mote ft part of the country were fahdurd j-lfllil (la 1 v iloiffii*''’' ’ ‘ r ” ‘ What little they had in Weft Florida soon was lofi, and their Col. Willing catr ied off’a Britift prifioner. Thus stood their landed account within these refpeftjvc date?; let us next turn to their Armt, and here it may well be doubted-whether since the battles oeLToon Ifiapd and Brandywine their whole farce ever amounted W ° f ha r d * January T 7 76. T® fappofi^tnclr killed, difahled, pnfonxM, dead, See. to- be *0,090, it but a very nioderete^cocnputaflon ; and in gec®r! it ruy be obfarviJ that all UwfiF-accounts before a baffle maip-c ----their number very large, and exceeding fqaall after f|i bmof it. Tho number, doifiilng, food, pavment, mi difeipline, of their present army, is heft learnt from the letters of their own Generals and the revolt of the Pennsylvania and Jer sey lice, and the humbling treaty Congress were obliged to make-with the former 15 the fufieft proof of the authenticity of these let ters; tJ&Tc that believe thepa authentick will desire nori thev information, and no evidence will prevail with tfcofe who are determined not to believe., t 7 In their Tb and puhlick credit the alteration is become more tmdeniabk and viffale; 1 utter'd of five mil lioqs, as in 1776, t hey had iflued oo by ,781; their old enuinons ca'led in under the faandalous depreciation of 40 for orc, the depreciation of the new emiflions (til) gieat er, publick ciedit irrecoverably fitnk of course, and so des perate the case, tiiot the loans oriome millions of dollars it attainable, Wou!<Fnly fervifto fink paper fall low er, and raile goods and difficulties still higher, though ic would enable those who have brought every calamity upon yuhew to secure a retreat for thcml’elves, and compleat the nun and diltreffes of their wretched dupes and followers. As to the American navy at sea, on the lakes, the fatter has been entirely taken or destroyed, the farmer al rnttfc totally annihilated, and at Penobfcot, Vicemia, and and in the Weft, Indies, received fach Wows M. ‘J? ,s impoflible they itould ever facorer. * \ The fortifications at Ticonderoga Pank,whTc)t were deemed impregnable, proved 01 hetwife, and therfis not a place now in their hands to elfall Fort Moifftrie, Gharleftown-, Ftftt othcr pUcts takfin Lom them, * [N 0 . 117. J