The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, May 24, 1781, Image 2

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* As to tat fitlflahef of their real friends, If they have net deeresfed in j:bey have a nd else ; their late PrefideiH in the T*wir and their fcerftt* laid open, thd na*hbn knows now what to ihinkof the Minority and Opposition..; the French and Dutch koofc* what to think of American valour and pwb f Hck faith and credit; and all the pqwers of delusion, Hot even joint endeavours of Opposition and Rebellion, kfcep up the Prench and Gongrefs cause any longer. Such I think was the Rate of profit and lofir to Gongrefs the jft of January l?? 6, and the fame day i?Si. To their profit may be added, that they since became poflefiors of Boston by a voluntary unobftrufted evacuati on, that they have fixed their independency assure as fate, entered Into an alliance with France, and a treaty with Amsterdam, and have also fecurcd the neighbourhood of the French by their being for fome time in pofieflion of Rhode Island ; all which advantages and profits I leave to Americans to celebrate and to rm. • _ HELVETIUS. -V-- # *s’ ♦ ♦ ♦ Opening for Sale, At Crookjhanks & Speirs’s, A LARGE Aflbrttfient of European and Eaff India GOODS, Tunable to the feafdn ; where Lumber or Produce will be taken in pay ment. Jamaica Spirits and Muicovado Sugars by the hogshead or barrel. At Publick Auction, Will be fold, on Saturday next, 26th inffant, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, on the Publick Wharf- for the Benefit of the Underwriters, or Concerns, viz. THE SHIP RETRIEVE, with her guns, ffores, lower mails, and Handing rigging, as (he now lies funk at Five Fathom Hole, three -ntt cs below Savannah; also such of her Hares and ’ (pars as were laved, witli’ her long boat* and’ yawl lying at said wharf. ,D. DUNCAN, L. V. M. Savannah, 23d May, 1781. * ■ / . . v ‘ . ‘ . STOLEN from the back piazza of the fubferib er’s house, TWO SADDLES with Hriped houfings,and anew doable bitted plaited BRIDLE; one of the saddles has*rings behind for a port manteau. A guinea reward will be given to any person delivering them to JOHN GRAHAM. — mm — mmtm SEPTEMBER lafi; a Negro Fellow, called DAVE, went off from the fubferiber, had on then a brown hunting Ihirt, an old wool hat, old leather breeches; he is pock-pitted, out mouthed, buck-teethed, (peaks bad Englilh, branded on the breaff A W t has holes in his ears. Whoever brings Mm to the fubferiber, Irilh Settlement in Georgia, - Hull receive three guineas. May 18, rfSr. William Ronaldson. TAKEN UP by one of Capt, Boedicker’s servants, a Bay MARK, about 13 J hands high, branded on the off thigh W hH- abput 7 years old, has IoH her left eye, the near fetterlock -white. Whoever owns the said mare may have her, on paying charges, and applying at the Cap tain's quarters. ™ rr ’~ a -—— - - t 1 GEOR G I A.—ln the General Court. Inglis, Jenkins, and Gibbons,] again H J. In Debt . ’ Jacob Cronberger. j “ITXHEREAS the record at large of thejudg ▼ ▼ meat obtained in this cause is IoH or mislaid, and there no evidence thereof but by thedoequet of judgments now in the hands of the Prothonotary ~ for the year 1774, and an entry in the Provolfc IWarfliars book the fame year, I do hereby give notice, that I (hall, on Friday the iff day of June .next, between the'hours of 11 and 12 in the fore noon, apply to his Honour the Chief Justice, at Chambers, for leave to sue out a Writ of Execu tion, for the sum of 5561. ss. Bd. with cofls of iuit, 26;!. 6s. 4d. part thereof, for balance of principal and intereff to the said iff day of June, with coffs Os suit, being unfatisfied, on the foun dation of the doequet and entry aforefaid, in pur fiiance of the regulations in such cases lately made by the said General Court, unless the defendant in this cause, or his attorney or attornies, or any othsr person or persons concerned in the premises, (hall, at the time abovementioned, ffiew cause to the con trary. ~ . - THOMAS GIBBONS, Plaintiffs Attorney. ~ May 23, 1781. TO BE LE T 9 7 A HOUSE, with a large garden lot, at Ya: macraw, well furniffied with every kind of vegetables. Apply to the printer. Savannah, May 24, *7Bl. WHcrcns the Provost Mar/baJ of the Qf Georgia, by virtpe of a Writ of At tachment to him directed in the ftveral causes un dermentioned, did attach the lands and tenement?, goods and chattels, monies, debW, and books of account, of the several defendants in the said causes, vyho are ahfent from and without the limits of the said province, at the suit of the several plaint • iffs 1 And whereas the said plaintiffs hare\refpec tively, agreeable to the diretf ions of Ae Attach ment Adi, filed their declarations in the General Court against the jfcveral defendants in each of the following causes, v : z. 7ubly, t xecutor of.. IValdbnrgtr, v Joftph Clay ; Zubly v. David Kt all T ... ‘ r MoJes Nunei v. John Haberjh am ; Hannah Gibbons, Executrix of Jofcth Gibbons , V. Joseph Gibbons ; 7he fame v. Pfil iam Gibbons ; The Executor of H r atfon v. Jonathan Bryan ; and have obtained in each of the said causes a rule to the following effect, viz. , hat the defendant and defendants in the said several actions do appear apd plead within a year and a day, otherwise judgment will pass a~ gaintt him or them by default. By the Court, *’ . John Simpson, P. Sc C. C May 8, 1781. Notice is therefore hereby given, That judg ment will be entered, agreeable to the aforefaid rule or order, against every of the fafti defendants who do not appear and plead confo'triable thereto. FARLEY, Plaintiffs Attorney. CHARLES TOW N, May 7. GENERAL ORDERS. Head Quarters, Camden, April 25, 1781. LORD Rawdon hppes the troops Will be con vinced that he has the molt livdyjgjife <rfg their manly and intrepid behaviour in’fhe Weff fougb'ta£lion of yejterday. • He feels moft warmly how. much he Is indebted to the conduft and gallantry of Lieut. Cbi. Camp bell; Majors Campbell, Frazer, and Coffin ; Capts. St. Ledger, Kane, and Robertson ; commanding the corps and detachment-; and Lieut. Laye, ccm manding the royal artillery. Every other officer in the field fulfilled the separate duty of his flation with such zeal and courage that it is impoffibJe to particularize further, and Lord R.nvdon mast re quest them to accept his grateful thanks and ad drefsto the whole. He has however such personal obligations to Majer of Brigade Doyle, and to Lieuts. Rankin and Stark, a&ing as Aids de for the great afliftance they rendered him, that he mull add this publick testimony of his gratitude and their merit. To the honour of the troop?, from the firft ap pearance of the Rebels before Camden not a man, either loldier or militia, deserted from us, although in the course of three days after the engagement upwards of 70 of the Rebels came in to Lord Raw don, among!! which were many of Waffiington’s dragoons, with jbeJ* horses and accoutrements. M-y 9. On Monday his Majelty’s frigate Or pheus, Capt. John Colpoys arrived off our bar, with two prizes, which he lent in here. The prizes are the schooner Polly and Alice, from Havana for North Carolina, with sugar, fruit, Sec. and the brfgantifte Delight, laden with tobaefco, bound from Ocracoek for Old France. Accounts are received by the Orpheus, who was lately in the CheLpeak, that Capt, Bolton, of the letter of marque Ihip Cochran, who left this port five weeks ago, bound fbr Virginia, the day after he failed, fell in with a Rebel privateer of 18 guns, whom, after a smart engagement’ he obliged to ftieer off; two or three days after he fell in with - Rebel privateer, a brigantine of 16 guns and 89 men, whom he engaged, took, and car ried with him into Virginia. The Cochran mount ed 18 guns, carronades, and bad about 30 men, several of whom were wounded in the 12ft but none of them dangerously. GARRISON ORDERS, 7 th May . 1781. The Commandant begs Lieut. Mackay, and the Officers who, with him, so long maintained the post at White’s Bluff against a greatly superior force of the enemy, will accept his Thanks for their gallant refiftancc ; and though in the end, from the uncommon difficulties they had to contend with, the fort was compelled to surrender on hon ourable terms, he ffiall ever confider their condutt on the occifioo as an example to all Officers in the like fituafton. Order of the Commandant, • . C. FRASER, Town Major. May 10. By an Officer lately arrived from Camden we are favoured with further particulars of the signal defeat of the Rebel army, commanded by Gen. Greene, on the 25th ult. Lord Rawdon having received information, by adeferter from Greene** camp, early in the morn ing of chs 25th of last mpnth, that a part of the Rebel army, with fijftnr‘sihilk**, Had be*n detach ed to Lynch** Creek for give for his troops to hold fhcrofetves in readinefe? marqh at half paffnine A- M. to attack the ‘ hi their camp at HobklrkT Hill, near two ZT from Camden. Nothing could exceed the iiT manifefted by the whole gawfon on,thefe or Ll being made known ; every arrangement wiVmsSL but part of the cavalry being then foragihv nr? vented the of the trpops at the hour pointed. A (ufficient body of men being referred to til* charge of the works r our army- ten o clock, takiig a circuitous rout throueh woods, -and always avoiding the publick road At five minutes part , 1 the Rebel picket fired on ligat company of the Volunteers of Ireland, who formed the advanced party. Io an inftantthe whole ‘ verc d r j v en in, and carried ro their afton iffied brethren in camp the firft intelligence of om army s approach. Ihe Rebel? had been without provisions the two preeeeding days. Their party had returned from Lynch’s Oeek that mornm/ and a number of them were then bufiiy employS m cooking. In their hurry and furprize they to their arms, moft without their coats, and a cor. fiderable body had formed when Lord Rawdoa came up; they gave our troops a very heavy fir* of rnufquetry and grape ffiot, but could notchwfc Irar° l r ar ° C | Ur * re was i m mediately returned the Rebels were charged and driven from their ad! vantageous situation. in 1 - minutes the rout general. Several attempts were made by Greer* I to rally his dismayed tattered compnnioniK,but the I keenness of the pursuers rendered them totally i#. I cffedual. The pursuit ,>yas continued toSandil Lreek, fix miles from the field of battle. P 1 i! V C . our ravc troops on killed, woutdrd, and miffing, amounted to ntl more than 15.1*.many of them wounded ly. The Ids of the Rebels was far more eonfidtr.l 270 were killed on the field, -and 170 made I ajl df the m Continental Many deferJ ers from the Rebels since bring accounts of theil having 246 wounded men in their hospitals, whom! they carried off during the aftion. Fhe Rebel* finding their cannon in great danger I of falling into our hand?, as the only cxpedientl left to save them, took them off she carriages, anil pm theni into waggons, which were diove off earlil in the action ; 700 Hand of arms, with the greatcll part of their blankets, coats, kettles, provifionfcl and a number of waggons, were taken, £ bout the beginning of the aftion Col. Wafll ington, with fome troops ofhorfe, not in the M| doubting but that Greene would prove viflorioinl puftied round the flank of our army towards Cw I den, with a view to cut off our men in their iv I treat, by which means he fell in with fotue wound-1 ed officers that were left in our rear. He only took I time togive them verbal paroles, and then retreated I with great precipitation, carrying off with him I five surgeons that were left to dress their wounili, I When our inf'rmant left Camden, .which wul on the 2d inst. the scattered remain* of Greeoe'il army lay about 25 miles diftanr, bat (bey wtrekl much reduced by* deter!ion since she glorious afiirl of the 25th that his whole force did not amdustl to more than 600 men. The militia had ahsoftl gone off tp theirrefpedtive homes, tired and cbi’l grined no doubt at the bad fiiccefs of their last effort to obtain an ample gratifreatioir Os tiwil ftrongefl passions, revenge and plunder. * ’ Tbe gallantry and good condydl difplayedbrl Lord Rawdon on this occasion are spoken of inthl highest terms by the whole army, and particulaijl entitle him to the grateful acknowledgments of cl very loyal inhabitant in this province. VV^. are -happy to a flu re our readers that hisl Lord imp i6 in ported! health, and enjoys the highdll pleasure in the confidence of the brave troop* jitl commands, who are fvpplied in affluence with. c-| very Qffittrs Killed and Wounded. I Zzi* , , Volunteer* of Ireland. I Wounded. Major Campbell, Volunteers of IreJ Jand ; Capt. Robinson, Loyal American regimcntll Cipt. Dawkins, South Carolina regiment; Capt | Harrison, South Carolina Rangers; * Lieut laftJ Royal Artillery; * Lieut. M‘Cieroth, 63d regij ment; * Lieut, Mcffat and * Lrcat, Black, Vo I lunteers of Ireland; * Lieut. Wightraan, King's! American regiment; • Ensign Lloyd, 6id rrgJ ment; Ensign Brereton, Volunteers of Ireland. I Prisoner. Lieut. Macgregor, New York Vo*l lunteers. 1 Tlu Officers marked thus * were paroled by ’ J enemf s dragoons as they lay wounded in ourrepr. I Head Quarters, Camden, ZUh April, ijiu I Morning Orders. The troops will march at nine o’clock to attatkl tl e enemy in their camp. It is proposed to the enemy’s left flank. The following to be the O der of Batfte; fit ‘ f -'I 8* 1 0