The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, June 14, 1781, Image 1

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THE ROYAL GEORGIA GAZETTE. . 1 .1.. . . ... * - - —•’ • ."*• • - . KINGSTON, (Jamaica) April tt* Saturday iaft his Majefly’j ihipa Fo 1} Wniona, ‘Diamond, Pelican, and Ja }*?JK nm, with tile Punch tender, re- JiZ 7* turned from a c'ruife, and conduced w M # into Port Royal a valuable French } ~t& ifW (hip, from Cape Francois for Bour . wxa/vs-'C/ Jf deaux, laden with indigo and sugar. !BL?R/R/KmJK A flag of truce from Port aa Prince, with the Captain, palicri gers, and men, belonging to his Majesty’s packet-boat Cornet, fome time ago taken by the mifehievous Mole, arrived this day at Port Royal. The inhabitants of Hif .panlola were very much out of humour with the Court of France fol* the little attention paid to the security of that valuable island, one fiigate and a tender being all the naval Force left for Its profettion. The Americans and French were mutually difeontented with each other, the former acceding the latter of deceiving them with pro miles of effe&ul iupport in >a war from which France was to derive fueb eflential commercial advantages, and giving them vary little affiffance ; the French declaring that the glory of their Graryl Monarch had never received so inde lible a itain as his alliance with such a set of rebeHiout bour geois had brought upon it.. A company of the 99U1 fegi fnrnt, commanded by Capt. M’Kay, from St. I.ucia for this island, had been taken and carricdjnto HifpanioJa. m*tm mm minique. 1 roops were la motion In moil part* of FHfpf niola ; their rendezvous was said to be n*ar Cape Tiberoon, where a camp was forming, and magazines colletting for a large army, designed for an expedition of importance. Wednesday the ship Rote, Capt. Scevrnfun, arrived at Old Harbour, with fiuves from Africa, in seven weeks. On Sunday afternoon, oft’ the east end of this island, the Rose was attacked by the Mole privateer, and an engage ment commenced, which continued until the Rofe's am munition was expended, when the Mole grappled aad boarded her ; Capt. Stevenson ehen armed a number of the slaves, brho,’ with cutlaffcs, handspikes, and hx.fe (hot with whitli they pelted the f renchmeii, after a (harpeon teft, cleared the ship of them, and ih a fliort tipie Mto* fieur thought proper to (heer off. The Captain and several of the Rose’s people were wounded, only one nun killedi but it is imagined the enemy’s loss wa* very conlidciablc* The Haves behaved with uncommon (pint, and enjoyed their victory with a peculiar degree of fadsfattion, which they exprefJed with loud huzzas wh,en the privateer made fail. ■ If r /: - The French are arprehenfive of a rupture with the Court of Vienna, on account of fome pretenfion* which ‘ the Emperor has to the Duthy of Lorraine,’ but which, during the life of his late mother the Empress Qiieen, he did not thihk proper to assert, in ecnftdcrutioo of the aver tion that Princef* had for war the latter part of her life • but being now under no further reilnint from motives of delicacy, he has diretted the Imperial Ambafiador to make 4 demand in form of the territories he claims; aud, to give a proper efficacy to the application, preparations u*rc making for forming a camp this fummet near Franckfort upon the Maine, to conff.t of 150,000 men. A ’ ° f iUri ' red tLis from the Spaniffi Mam. ahe accounts we formerly received, of a rebellion gipgtejfe-northerly provide- of Peru, are confirmed, with thrs addition, thiT fimllar commotions have broke out in the middle and fouthcru provinces of that emi, a Prince, lineally ifefeemted from the Incas, havinM- en fokmnly crowned King of Peru, that he is at the head of 20,000 men, and that ie mat large bodies of troops are 7n arms faf different parts of that country, led by men refo f-H* Spania yoW, to c . it the nfle of their lives, and every thing dear to them, their new lovereign on the throne of their anceft ors. 1 wu Baffiererre, (St. Chnfopbcr') slfiril W,k^ )tt thority to assure our readers that tie iebcl privateer Hm ter, which ba, b.a so tatfal i„ these j, ‘ rfngth Come to her moorings in the Carenave of <tr I U: *b. fell in v/h hi. Ihip .h. Fo“ of ,i L “ c ir • convoy to the Cork fleet, who gave her chafe * n ArJL-* up .0 her, (h= did not chaofota (land ,irF o^lTf hauM nown h, r coiour,. The Ifoliter, lit. no lf, than 75 prizes during her cruize/ She is fuDDofra p be the fwifreft failing velfel that eVcr fiiled from Am e • bu , t i hc ** a ftSW fri * ate conftrutted on the late AJm.ral Ferrer’s plan, and under her topsoils will outrun r ‘t **** ding .n heel, •V lhey K CJn Th . e Hootcr Spending on her heels 1* brought to bed of a mistake. k l ¥ ay , The troo P* intended by Mr. Wayne to move with him loutherly, coniifting 0 f i cfs tha( . > m.rch until they *SSS *%’ pad in hard money; the former has been take., in r f t,:: r c y by f Maj ", ly ' S “r iat to the la ! ter, the Congress can only pav in paper dollars ar f A, PfclllTv 01l b r ’s Whkh ,at * ° f ch Bc they fell.a# TatrS Cur! - P iccecdln i the proccffion with t|,j ,hat y icc “mll Arhuthnot has ?i , fl lo ’r in ts} ot,on * ,n the Royal Navv, viz *te.n.l Afflodt, EiV'fb bo c ratol *,y of Rear Admiral, on occasion that gentleman hoift <dhK broad pendant, and Uft Saturday - rr 1.. .1 f ioin ViK Adndrtl f„j ‘ A tl,l> ?' ‘>in off Stator lit. i- i D r , - j Cllmm 'n3 to tie command of his Majefty’, ill Canfcda te, late the rebel Confederacy: Cart • THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1781. [N 0 . rio.] Cant.’ Cummlagl. Capt. John Craves to the command of the Bedford of 74 guns, vice Commoddre ‘ Affleck. Capt. Stirling t the command of the Savage, vice Capt. John Grave*, Capt. Ruflel to the Hussar, late the Pro tejdor*. Copt, George to the command of the Vulture. And Lieut. Janiei Duncin to be Captain of the Avengerj vice Cap(. George. Cbar/efawn, June z. We have thfe h?PP**t*f* to con gratulate our reader* on the fade arrival of a large fleet from Cork, with S powerful reinforcement for the Raya! Army. They came to anchor this forenoon off our bar. Mr. Greene, we are well assured, lately took occasion td announce in General Orders to his army, that the fleet abovementioned had been captured by the French. PUB LICK OFFICE. r° lIOW , ln * Al^raa of 4n A * regulating the , A 7. and d * n a,,d Common of Savannah, passed the loth day of July y rySo, is publi/hed for the hiformatidn of all pclfonsooncerned the.cin, that due obedience may be had lick wdfW^ 1 * *°f the pu)>- ers for putting this att ni execution, for and during so ‘at % CI.K .nd Scavenger, w ,th s uc h allow,r.ce 5, tUU be P&5E* h ‘ hC tM the niajor miHEntJ! ® an<J u** U laWfu,to ,nd the said Com miliiotwrs, or any three or more of them* yearly and everv i'ranift :’“ er if 0C “ r,0 “ to “ k '. >/ mc n t.,:' P o„ai7.:r:,"r : ; z:r- ftiall irbaEir Kia c * P r ‘on or perfous who do or I T UP /’ or enjoy, any lot, ground, house, warehouse, buiUina, tenement or tenTy*. * lny 7r re ’ “ r P'“'. ilhm‘ the aforesaid, Eweelbergh, to th-Tlu ‘^. a ’ T a 7“r,wroFi n -y of the hamlets or foms’ orZT peteot sum or lums of money as the said Commissioners, or any three I," I*'''"’ 1 *'''"’ ft *l l in ‘ h ' ir d'fcretioo judge necessary ;°k . a,Js ‘he expense of carrying this aft ShTtSH” V”” 1 7 ?,*? 1 “ f f al “ W f-h B ,a.e anl alien nent, the lame Jail he levied and recovered in man ntr herein after diretttd. 1 f mnn * or J fuid > t}ie said Scavenger is hereby diratted and vSffre r ef tO ) S ° fai4 town a "cl infpett the fe ,v-m l3n f‘ f< J uar therein, at leaff once in Poffeffur k s an 4 ? e ‘ Ve ?° t,Ce % ? thc owner poHulbr, of any and every lot, or his, her, or their attoi, the laid Aieecs, (quais, or irftall appear any rubbish, dirt, gihes, stable litter, dung, In i or 11 n > adjoining to Jr th* extent of such lot, immediately to remove one™ y thC fa ? C “ P ,,ce or P lj£ es as the Commiffi -7; M^ a °y threeof them, /hall from time to ti mc order foto T' 1 a*** h f or their neglcttor refufal >o to do, wthin four days after notice so given, the said fud * ncglea to the -C*mmrriione4 appointedby th,s att, or any three of them, and the per lon or persona so nealettingor ftiall forfeit and rum not exceeding ten (hillings ftcrling; and the said Gommtnioflers, or any three of them, arc hereby emuow rt “ .. hire and eiupW uZIfSZ] buries, and other irtenfils, to rensove the fame, the exf pence whereof to bo paid by the person or person, so „e. getting or refufing, and the said expence, together with the penalty as atorefafd, /hall be levied and recovered bv warrant oi distress and file of the offender’s goods, undeV tfcioflhSS thC or any 1 hat if any person or persons whatsoever (hall throw or ay, or negligently perniit bis servant or Have to throw or lay, any *ubbuh, din, alhes, fttble litter, dung, dead a nimal, or any other offenfive thing, in any of the squares, nreets; or lanes, within the said town of Savannah, Ew enlbutgh, Trustees Gardens, and Yamacraw, or any of the hamlets to the said town belonging, before or adjoin ing the extent of the lot or lots belonging to any other person, or any of the publick lots, such person or persons so offending &41, upon information and coovittion there of before any three of the said Commissioners, forfeit and pay for every such offence ten /hillings Reding, to be re covered as herein direttc& and (hall moreover be (übiett to the several paint and penalties by this att before inffitted, 131 Ca :l. C * amc not removed within four days after such convtttion; and b case, any person or peifons who ihall remove any such rubbi/h, dirt, a/hes, ftabk litter, dung, dead animal, or other offtnftNe thing, aod Hull not lay the fame,in .such place or places at the Commissioners, oi- any three of them, (hall from time to time order and dirett, such perfo/v Pci sons (half be deemed offenders .gainft th % *’ * liable, to tjie fame fines and penalties as it the fame had never been removed. . That all owners, foffcflbis, wleffces, of any lot or lots m any ftreet, or lane, within the said towir, oa which any necessary-house or privy now is, or hereafter 1 may be eretted, (hall, within, twelve weeks after tiiepaf fing of this att, or after notice to him or them given, fink the fame at lead file teet below the furfce of such lot, un der the penally of a sum not exceeding eight pounds (ter- Jmg, and the like penalty for every three months be (halt therciftcr neglett or omit to fink the fame, to be recover ed and applied as In and by this *tt dlretted ; and the 4- forefaid Scavenger is hereby diretted and empowered to give such notice where the fame may b Aecemry, and to rnlora* thc Commissioners of every defaulter igfmft thi* J^ at <r f*r P er£bn or Persons (hall kill, or cause to be KiUed or (lairij any neat cattle, ffieep, or swine, within the limits of the said tpwn and common of Sqyannih, o ther than for the use of his or her own family, /hall tor every such offence forfeit and pay a sum uot cx~ ceedmg tight jW.unds llcrling, to be levied by diftreft and sale of the offender’s goods .1, herein diretted. I bat, from and after the passing of rMs att, it /hall not be lawful for any person or persons to keep any hogs Or goats in the said town of Savannah, unless the fame bd confined Within the fenui of thfe oWefs thereof: and all or goats that stall at any tlm<; be found ftrayin r or *any of the streets, (quarts, or lanes, of b? pnfelKk nui/Snces, acd may be takbn away by any perion or peifons Whatfoever* fier/hall any person killmg pr carrying away afy such gaats or hog/be iiabfe to afiy suit or attion upon account thereof. ! T r at ,, lf af,y P erson ot persons, after thi pafling of thia att, (full run or gallop any horfc, mare, or geljiirf, within any part of the town of Savannah, the person or perfontf o Oilendmg. (hall foffeTt add pay for every such offence a sum not exceeding ten (hilling, fferling, to be recovered b* the Commissioners, or Justice or Justices, as other fines y t is att inflicted or diretted; or if any negro or other (lave .hall be guilty of the like offence', he ftiall receive, by Pt - f *l™* or any tbeee of them, of any Justice: of the Peace, not exceeding thirty-nine ladies on the bare back, which puniffiment (hall be carried intn execution by anv Cohflabfe of the pariffi of Christ Church r s e for That eveiy poffcffot of |ny house, or part of a honfe, in the town of or hamlets thereunto belonging, a J f. wce P> or cause to be swept, dvery chimney in his pofleflion, at leaff once in every month, on pain of for feiting for every such neglett he sum of ten (hilling to be levied and recovered by diftrtfs and sale of the offtnd er s goods, by warrant under the han-s and fcal* of the said Commissioners, or any three or more of them, or by warrant under tfio hand and- ftal Os any Justice oT the Peace for the said of Christ Church ; and in case any m, K y i n> - hC fa ‘ d | t i OWQ * Savannah, or hamlets thelK Uirto belonging, (hall take fire, then, and in every such in (lance, it (hall without farther inquiry be adjudgeJ that such chimney took fire for want of being fwi, anefthe per on possessing the house, or part of the house, Ii which such chimney is, (hall for every such offence forfeit live! u fterlmg money, to be levied and recovered iff manner lass abovementidned. - lhat all penaltiel and forfeitures by this att incurred# SttiSr"ff?Ti'*?''T^vlr s - hwco£ ** ptrtkvlvfy%-* retted, (hall be levied byffittrefs and sale of the offender’s goods and chattels, (together with the cuffs of the fom ’ >n / nd °t h es proceedings) by warrant un der thc hands and seals of the said Commissioners, any three qr more ot them, or thc hand and Teal, or hands and seals, of one or more Justice or Indices of the Peace for the said pariffi of Christ Church,- whkh warrant they are hereby refpettivcly empowered and required t Brant * in of one or more ncTs or witness upon oath, (which oath the said Com missioners, or either of them, or any Justice of th Fe tc for the laid pariffi ot Christ Church, is and are hereby em powered and required r© adnSmlfter) Mod the penalties and forte! lures, when recovered, after rcnderiug (it any be) when demanded, to the party or patties whose goods and chattels Ihall be so diffrained and ( t h e charges ©f such diftrefc and sale being firtl Jcdufted) (hail be paid to the said Commissioners, or any three or more of mall be applied for and towards the purpofe* of this att> n such manner as the -monies ariling from thc rates apd aflelirnents herein before-mentioned is diretted to be applied ; and in cast fufficieat diffreft cannot be found, and such penaiCW* uti forfeitures (hall not be paid, it /hail and may fee lawful for the fiid Commissioners, eranv t ret! or more of . them, or for any JOffice or fnftfces of thjj t *) e p.rhh or Christ Church, and he or they i* and are hereby authorised and required, by warrant under* ffis and their hand and seal, or hands and leafs, to commit such offender or offenders to the common gaol of Savan nah, for any term not exceeding on€ calendar month, or until such penalties or forfeitures (hall be paida and in aH preceding* whatsoever relating to thi execution of this ?1 T y I f ß . ab,tant ?f ald P*n/h of Cin ift Church stall be admitted to give evidence, notwithftandinr such mhabiuntw charged in arty rate or afleffment made by AnG? £**** ‘PwidcJ always, and be it further en affed, l hat nonerfen or perfi.ns ihall b- fubjett or liable tet the payment of anv of, the peqaltiea or foiftitures inffitted virtG ' : of this aQ tor any offence, or ©(fences agtjnft thi* att, unless information (haH be given of such offence of offences witnia three months next after the offence i-m|v ofoopt penalties in su:a hv *"iia act Uu flitted for of the rate* r,no * m i*l by this *t\ diretted to b&made-. • .■ k