The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, August 09, 1781, Image 2

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iifti Arr.b regard to what manner they v- cic to b employed... “ ~7” • > U. Our accounts frohi Paris, which are dated the iSth inffent, fay, that Mortf. C. Deputy Paymufter Genera! I gs the forces, it deficient in his accounts more than £,00©,000 livjres, and is in private custody until he can answer far the default to the fatisfa&ionof the Mini Hers. The Spanilh frlte El Placfeo Januaiez, commanded hy Don Cevafco, of 38 guns, was loft off Cape Spartcl the 36th inst. and every foul periffied.- the 15th inst. 10 fail of tranJports from Kinfele, but lately from Charleftown, arrived at Cork. They arc tg load with provifious, and fail for America with the next convoy. May z%. When our fleet entered the Sfreights for the relief of Gibraltar there was the fineft fpeilacle that ever was beheld, the Moors lining one ffiore, the Spaniards the othef, and the people in the garrison expressing their joy lor the arrival of the long expeiled relief. On Friday Thomas Jones, Esq. killed the King’s hand at St. James's, on being appointed Receiver General of thcCyftoms, &c. in the Principality of Wales. Advhe is received from Brest, that Le Languedock man of war, of 90 guns, is so much damaged in the engagement /he had with th'e Nctnfuch that ihe is condemned as unfit for any farther fjpryicej that Ihe had 137 men killeJ and wounded in the engagement, and that the Captain and two other officers arc Alice dead of their wounds. May 29. “We hear that three battalions of the Guards, and 70 field pieces, are to be feat off to the Carolinas with all possible expedition. —i .■ On Friday Henry Spencer, Esq. drank to Mayor, paid his fine of 40c!. aniao marks into The office of the Chamberlain of London, to be excused serving the office of Sheriff for this city. May 30. On Saturday evening arrived at his house in Portland Place, from Madrid, Richard Cumberland, Esq. He travelled through France, having obtained a pailport of the French Ambaflador at the Spanilh Court. When he irrived at Paris he was detained nine days 5 in that time 4 Council was convened, but at length was fuftcred to de part. He has brought two Spanilh horses, of a capital and peculiar as-a prefect from his Cathohck to bis Bri tannick Majesty. William Henry; who Is now cruizing with Ad miral Digby, after having beep.twice t;* the relief of Gib raltar, hi, if ciisttrrpr forme, be made a Lieu - tenant, in which station he will continue three years be foie he i's advanced any higher. A letter from on board the’Prince George man of war mentions, that his Royal Highness the Prince had not ex perienced a Angle day’s illr.efs during the voyage, that he frequently went aloft, was alert upon every occasion, and bid fair to make a very expert fcaman. Five men of war failed from Portsmouth a few days ago, three more of 80 guns a day or two after, which were to be joined with two of 70 from Plymouth; the whole squadron b'ing commanded by Sir John Lockhart Ross j their detonation is not yet known. May Vi. The L'anilh merchantmen which were ex expedted at Brest by the 12th inst. have been detained in port by ordeH from Copenhagen, at the) instance of the Ingliffi Minister. ber of prisoners exchanged by cartel with France, since the commencement of the present war, is 44,000 and up wards. Yeftferday —— Lovelace, Esq. paid his fine into the Chamber for the office of Sheriff, for which he was nomi nated ; there remains only Thomas Cogan, Esq. of the lift, and he intends to sweat off. June 2. A merchant in the city has received the moll: interesting intelligence from Cadiz, that upon a survey of the Spanilh fleet no less than f6 fat!~of the line are unfit for any immediate service, amonglt which is the S. Trini dada, pierced for 120 guns. Extract of a Utttr from Kir fair, May 12. ** 1 take the present opportunity of informing you per tyeare , whom I met by accident going to Cork, that there ii arrived thfeinftant in our harbour a large Spanilh galle on, prize to the Sandwich privateer of London; Capt. Ro binson ; Ihe is called the N. S. La Moche de Todas los Santas, commanded by-Gen. Don Antonio Carajoy Co jones, of 700 tons burthen, from La Vera Cruz, but last from the Havana, to Cadiz, laden with dollars, cochineal, quick Giver, Jesuits bark, hides, tec. and supposed to be viorth 300,000!. She is certainly the richest prize taken this war; Ihe fought three glades, and had fix men killed and nine wounded } the privateer had one man killed and j 8 wounded, among the latter is the firft Lieutenant.” Vtrfaliles, May 23. His Majesty having agreed to the difmiffion of M. Neckar, Dire&nr General off the Fin ances, the King has charged M. Soly de Ficury, Coun fellor of State, with the detailof that department, in or der to give account thereof to his Majesty. WHereas the Provo# Marshal of the province of Georgia, by virtue of a Writ of Attachment to him dire&ed in the several causes undermentioned, did attach the lands and tenements, goods and chattels* mo nies, debts, and books of account, of the several defend ants in the said causes, who arc absent from and without the limits of the said province,’ at the snit of the several plaintiffs • And whereat the said plaintiffs have refpeftive- Jy, agreeable to the directions of the Attachment Aft, filed a declaration in the General Court again# the several defendants in each of the following causes, viz*,,.. Robert Farquhar v. John Adam Treutlen $ Mary Magdalen Gignilliatv. James Gignilliat; Executrix and Executors of Peter Lavien v. Bard and Thompson; and have obtained In .each of the said cause? a rule to the following effett, r yi*> • Ordered, That the defendant and defendants in the said several actions do appear and plead within a year and a day, 7 , otherwise judgment will p'afs again# them by default. By the Court, Joh6 Simpson, P. Sc C. C. 25th July, Notice is therefore hereby given. That judgment will he entered, agreeable to the aforefaid rule or order, again# every of the said defendants who do not appear and plead conformable thereto. ::... ... Gibsons, Plaintiffs Attorney. V The MILITIA LAW may be had at the fiimidg Office, price is. ?d. v . r ft . - iil. ‘ ‘ ‘ ■ WHeteiS thcTrnvi-u> Mat lliill nr viiice of Geer ■ gia, by virtue of a Writ of Attachment to him di rected, did attach the fends, tenements, goods, chattels, monies, debts, and books of account, of Abraham Dc roche, who is absent from and wirhoyt the limits of the said province, at the furit of John Hangfulei : And whereas faid john Hanglider hath, agieeablc to f|he directions wf the Attachment ACt r filed his declaration in the Ge neral Court again ft the said Abraham and hath obtained the following rule : . 4 Hangt\dcr Ordered, That the defendant do appear and vcifus I plead within a vfcsr and a day, otherwise Da oibe. [judgment by default. f By the Court, 1 JoHps Si Mr son, P. So C. C. J 26th July, 1781. Notice is therefore hereby given, That, unless the said Abraham Derochc do appear and pleid agreeable to the a forefaid rule or order, judgment will be entered against him accordingly. FARLEY, Plaintiff’s Attorney. Just imported, And for Sale by the Subfcribcr, HIGH Proof Jamaica Rum, l.Mufcov*do and Clayed Sugar, Frefli Irish Role Butter in kegs, Tallow in firkins, Soap in finall boxe% Paints gtound in oil, London Porter in barrels, Florence Oil and Scots Snuff. S. 11. JENKINS’. Savannah, 50th July, 1781. A generous, Pme will be given for Tar and White Oak Heading. ■ r r - ’ *’ - >■■■’ ■■IV ■ IP,*: - -- Marjhars Sales. ‘ On Friday the 10th of August next, at the. house fti Bull-Street where the MaiihaFs Office is at present kept, the sale to begin precifeJy at 11 - o’clock, y PLANTATION, in two trafls of land, in /v. the, parish of Ohrid Church, containing by ellirnation io~o acres, be the lame more or less, which lies in the diftridt of Little s%echec, and adjoins lands of Benedick Bourouin, George De legall, and Edward Delegall, on the north branch, of Little Ogecnee River, together with all the dwelling-houses, buildings, hereditaments, rights, members, and appurtenances, thereto belonging, the property of Stephen Dean, deceased, and seized on execution by. LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. Savannah, July 12, 1781. To be fold to the highest bidder, for caffi,ln the following causes, under attachment from his Majesty’s General Court of the province of Georgia, on Monday the 27th dav of August next, the sale to begin precisely at 10 o’clock In the forenoon, and end at 1 o’clock in the af ternoon, and to be continued from day to day, between the fame hours, until the whole is disposed of, The undermentioned Property, viz. Kelfail and Another, survivors, v. Samuel Stevens. A trail or parcel of land, in the pariffi of St. John, contain ing by eltimation 500 acres, be thefftms more or less, ad joining fends of Samuel Saltus and Peter Winn. ’ The fame v, Edward Way. A trail or parcel of land, in the pariffi of St. John, containing by estimation 500 acres, be the fame more or less, adjoining lands of John Jones. . A .. V The fame v. Thomas Quarterman. A traff or parcel of land, in the pariffi of St. John, containing by rffima tion 500 acres, be the fame more or less, .adjoining lands of Jonathan Cochran. ; -7 The finrerv. Peter Winn. A trait or parcel of fend, in the pariffi of St. John, contain!:.g by cfttMaEtoirjOO atfesy be the fame more or less lands of John Winn the elder. The fame v. William Graves fen. A trail or parcel of land, in theyariffi of St. John, containing by estimation 500 acres-, be the fame more or less, adjoining lands of Johdstcvvart. The lams v. William Quartcrman. A plantation or trail offend, in the pariffi ot St. John, containing by ef timatiem 500 acres, be ‘the fam more or less, adjoinihg lands of John Stbwart on the cast. The fame ▼. Nathan Tavlor. A trail or parcel offend, in the pariffi of St. John, containing by estimation 500 acres, be the fame more or less, adjoining land* of— The fame v. William Baker jun. A trail or. parcel of fend, in the pariffi of St. John, containing by estimation 300 acres, be the fame more or less, near the Meeting {-houfe, adjoining lands of, t The fame v. Samuel Saltu3i Kelfail and anpthcr v. the fame. A trail or parcel offend, in the pariffi of St. John, containing by estimation 500 acres, be the lame more or less, adjoining lands of Samuel Burnley’s estate. The lame v<? Josiah Bacon. The fame, iorvivor, v. the fame. Several trails'or parcels of lanJ, in the parifi: .of St. John, containing together by.eftimation 500 acres, be the fame more orlefs, adjoining land’s of James Dun woody ad John Stevens. The fame v. JoJin Elliott. The fame v. th?>ftme, Se veral frails offend, in the pariffi of St. John, containing ; together by estimation 1000 iftres, be the tajitr n|(<r4_oi lets, adjoining lands of Thomas Elliott, and William Qartermanv ? —— “ The farhe v. Samuel KtUaff aiul anotWr v. fame. Same v. fame. A trail or pllPel of land, ii\ the pariffi of St. John, containing by estimation 100 acres, be the lame more or less, adjoining fends ot John Edwards, The fame, fur,lvor ,v, John Miuhell* KtUail and otlierS fame* Kelfail and another v. the f, mc *t ycral trails of land, in the pauiih of St. fohn, tonta’ -1 together by eftiniition 1000 acres,, be tht fame lefe, adjoining fends of John Stacey. X. ‘I he fame v. pavfe ano Patteifon. A trail or p aTtc i f land, in the parlih-of St. Philip, containing by SCO acres, be the fame’ mere or less, adjoining uiufZ William Maxwell, Ic - \ v The fame v. Thomas Shephctd. A trad or fend, in the pariffi *f St. containing by 2co acres, be che fame more or left, adjoining la n d t °* John Winn the younger. Tb fame V. Way jun. A trail or parcel s fend, in the pariffi of St. John, containing by eftimatia. 509 acres, be the fame more or less, adjoining fena, -Ngthan Taylor, fete Screven’s. °* Kelfail and others v. Nathaniel Saxton. A traft parcel of lar.d7 in the. pariffi of St. John, containimfe estimation 200 actes, be the fame more or less, nears^ bury, adjoining fends of . Kelfail and another, survivors, v. Joseph Way. fall and another v* lame. A traitor parcel of land, fe pariffi of St. John, containing by estimation 500 acres, w the feme more or less, adjoining lands of John foiies. ’ ** Kelt all and another, survivors, v. James Stewart, ka fell, survivor, v. the fame. Kelfail and others * v . tIJ feme. A trail or parcel offend, in the parifli of St. fefe containing by estimation acres, be the feme lets, adjoiuing fend? of Lyman Hall, and lying on tk Midway road. The feme v. Thomas Elliott. KrJfell and anoffit, survivors, v.the fame. A trail or parcel offend, i n & pariffi of St. John, containing by estimation 500 the feme more or kfe, adjoining lands of Tames Screw, and Parmcnas Way. - ** ‘1 he lame v. Williarp Cravesjun. Kelf-.1l and znoiba v. the feme. A trail or parcel of fend, in the thrift * St. John, containing by estimation 500 acres, be thtfe,* more or left, adjoining lands of William Baker. Same, survivors, v. Robert Quarterman. Kclfillyj others v. fame. A trait $r parcel of fend, in thc pariftjr St. John, containing by estimation 500 acfes,-be the Oia more or left, adjoining lands of— .. i , The/arms v. Thomas Morris. A trail or parcel /tfW ip the pariffi of St. John,’containing by eftimattona* acre- v feme more .or. pg W* Fiffiqr anhCo. 5.. ’Alio %r.other trail or parcel -the pariffi of St. John, containing by estimation .300 iL be the feme.more or fefs, joining fends of fordon’s effire! And also trail or parcel of land, In the St. Andrew, contain mg by estimation- SCO acre., be th feme more or le<>, adjoining lands of . And alibi town lot in SunLury. • Kelfail, survivor, v.’ Nathan Broiwifon. A craft parcel offend, in the pariffi of St. John, containing byd timation 500 acres, be the feme more or less, lying m North Newport Bridge, and joining fends of -and anotlier, survivors, v! Hepworth Cirtr, A trail or parcel of fend, in the pariffi of St. John, c<* taining by estimation 500 acre?, be the feme more or lei, artjoining lands of the eftaie of Samuel S"ry. The fame v:"WhHiarft Rrowif. A trait or parcel of hr/, in the paiiffi of Sl. Jo* n, containing by estimation ;oj acres, be the feme more or less, lying near a place ciUd the Defart, and adjoining lands of .. Kelfail and others v. Samuel Miller. Several tra£M fend, containing together by estimation 1000 acres, betb fame more or left, in the pariffi of St. Philip. Alio m thcr trail or parcel of land, containing by estimation 501 acres, be the fame more or less, on Bnlltown swamp, ii the pariffi of St. Andrew. Aifo another trail orparedet land, containing by estimation 150 acres, be Ae fi® more or less, in the pariffi of St. John, known byth name of Burtley’s*: Aifo another trail or parcel of lid containing by estimation 500 acres, be the fame more t lels, in the pari ill of St. John, on OlwaJd’s I wamp. Al 4 tw'o town lots in the of Sunbuty, known by th Numbers and , each containing freotai depth. Storr and Ried v. James Haberffiam. Graham and nother v. the feme. John Farley v. the fame. Admisi ftrator Houftoun v. the feme. A lot.of land tn the tovi of Savannah, containing. 60 feet in front and 180 feeti* depth, more or fels, whereon the defendant formerly• sided. Also another lot in the said town, containing!! feet in front and 90 feet in depth, formerly the propertj of Farley, deceafci, fronting tire east common. Ant also a plantation or parcel oflaßd, in the pariffi of Chrit Church, containing by estimation 1 50.0 acres, be thefeaie more or less, which is commonly called Silk Hope, as. adjoins fends of Joseph Habefffiam and Francis Harri*. Storr and Ivied v. William Baker. A traff or parcel* land, im4he pariffi of St. John, containing by eftimafia 500 a;res4 he the feme more or less, which lies on tin northern branch ot Midway river, and near lands ofjoni ‘•Bateer.”’ .• , ■ 1 . Cowper and Tclfiirs v. John Winn fen. A traft* parcel of land, in the pariffi of St. John, containing if estimation 500 acres, be the lame more or less, adjoiniq lands of Osgood near Midway Meetinghouse. -Spal ling and another v. Feter Nephew. A trift ti parcel of land, in the pariffi of St. Andrew, contiinisj by estimation 500 acres, be the feme more or less, joiciif South Newport bridge. Thomas Netherdift v. William Leconte. Exeeut* Houftoun v. feme. A plantation in several tradlsoflud on Bulltown fvvamp, in the parish of St. .Andrew, coo* taining by estimation 30CC aoes, be the fame moreorkk joining lands of Simon Munro, Weft, Roger Kd* lall, and John Jones. Also another plantation or p*r‘ of fend, near Canouchie river, in the pariffi of St. containing by estimation 500 acres, be the fame more and less, adjoining lands of ; j William Telfair and others v. William Hoferndorff. A. plantation or t:a£t of land, in the pariffi of St. Matthe*r containing by estimation 400 acres, be the fame more** less, about three miles south of the tavern fete Ducket* M’Goun ami others v. David Hugutnen. A plantation or trad offend, in the par: ibt of’ St. PhiFp, c’ontiiofe(4 estimation qro avre-;, be the feme more or less, on whid> the defendant formeife resided. ‘1 he tame v. Cfiifoim and W ife. A lot or parcel of h® at Yamacraw, war the town cf Savannah, in the of Chnfc Eh’: roily-’tontartiing by eftimafmn fqoftre, be-the mine more>or which.adjoins Dr -Zubly* .fei. --i:,.... - .7.1f 1 y Storr and F.ied-v. Daniel Suliivant. A trail oT*S*. in the paiiffi of St. Andrew, containing by estimation F* ■QCI C be the fani jmorc or less, And adjoins fends id phen Williams yard Thomas SullivdnJx