The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, August 16, 1781, Image 2

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in dhancery , ‘Province of Georgia. Charles Younge and \Vife, v vFsr the purpose of and others, by their next) establishing the Last Friend, [ Will and Testament Againfl 1 of Joseph Butler, late Shepi Buflcr; Thomas Chiw of the ParilhofChrilt ■ trim, and Mary his Wife,! Church, in this Pro late Mary Spencer, and\ vince, Esquire, de others. ‘ / ceased., Sc c. At isis Excellency the Chancellor's Iloufc , on IVed _ . nejday the I c \th of Augufl, 17 Sl. ON reading the proceedings had in this cause on Saturday the 28th day of April last, and the,affidavit made of the due publication thereof in the Georgia Gazette for three calendar months successively, purfuan t to the dire&ions of an abt of the General AlTembly of this province in such case lately made and provided, and no person appearirg or ibewing any lawful objeftion to the contrary, Jiis Excellency the Chancellor, at the inflance of the complainants Counsel, was this day pleased to adjudge and order, that the complainants bill of complaint in this cause filed, so far as regards the said Shem Butler, Thomas Chifolm, and his Wife JVlrti v, (formerly the Wife of Thomas Spencer) IRt aid it and aid be taken pro coufejfo ; and that, cn Friday the 24th day of Augufl instant, he would proceed to make such decree thereupon as fhali be jutt and equitable, unlefi thev the (aid Shem But ler, Thomas Chifolm, and his Wife Mary, or fome or one of them, (hall, on or before that day, Ihew unto this Court good cause to the contrary ; and that pubhek notice hereof be given in the next Gazette, pursuant to the directions of the said adt of the General Affetnbly of the province aforefaid, By Order, ol his Excellency the Chancellor, , GEO. DTR3 AGF, R. C. C. v T O B E li~~E P ” Inquire on the premises. • * - 11 - -*'— rnmmnkm “ ■ ■mi m 1 1 —l’ \T7’Hereis soldiers come irom town, fume by. y* water and others by land, to my plantation, armed, kill and ddlroy my flock, and the day before yefferday killed two barrows, and do other damage, thde are therefore*-.offering a reward of 20 dollars 4o any person who will prove the per petrators Os the fadf, so as they may be convicted flrall rereive the said reward ; and it is to be hoped their officers will put a flop to such evil doings. LACHLAN M’GILLIVRAY. 15th August, 1 781. W*m ■ -i ■ -■ 1 THE creditors of Adam Her.derfon, late of the parish of St. Paul, in the province of Geor gia, Merchant, deceased, are desired to meet, at the house of John Henderson in Savannah, on Saturday the Bth day of September next, at 1 2 o’clock prec.fely, in order that a Hate of the affairs of the Lid Adam Henderson mnv be laid before them by WILLIAMS RUTHERS, 7 A , , JOHN HENDERSON, 5 m Savannah, Augufl 15, 1781. • * , MarfloaPs Sales. a———a— mm ■■■■■■ ■ C Satu day th*> sth ioftant, will bes Id, at the Marfhal’ Offi e in Bull Street, to the higjieft biddtr, for c-sh, the sale to begin pieciftly at 11 o'clock, A MULATTO Woman, named Fanny, and her Child, the property cf Samuel Stiik, and fold under aitaeh t f, t. A Negro Wench, named Phillis, the property of Job*- M’Lean, and Fixed on execution. .. A f , Trree Negro Mer , named Jack, Briftof, beg J ck, th property of J hn Eppir.ger, deceased, Tftd seized orrexe utinn by —— LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar r Savannah, August 16, 1781. £>d Satmday the 151 b September next, will be fold, at the M-rfhai’s Office in Bull Street, to the highest bi. der, for cash, the sale to begin at 11 - o'clock precifely,_^ i)iugl At, fu. TRAC'T of Land, in the V. parrfh of St. Pu l , con- Kear, futviVor. Jtaining by estimation 100 fc ref,“be the fame mt>e or for merly Jfie pro- _ I'eny of Fei n, adjoir ingLois of John, Jami-- {oa. Also 500 acr*s cl land, in the parish of St. Andrew, formerly the property of Charles Kent./ Also another t a& of land, in the parifir of St. Piii lip, containing Soo acres, more or lef, late ifie property cf Srepbeo Drayton, formerly cf Samuel JMillei and Ti<cma GolJfmith. Together with all the dwdlit g h uses, buildings, rights* m embers, fiird ap* urttnances, thereto belonging. Samuel Doitglafs A traft of land at Tl u" 1 - v. bait, in thepatiih of Cnrilt O'Brien and Wade.-JChurch, containing by efti tna ion 500 acres, more or UL,bounded on the nurtw fott by the rive*, and on all other files by lauds of Col. MuiLyr.e, togtther with alt the d*elii -g. hcufe -, bu ldi r gs, light*, members, and a nett, ttiffelo belonging, the propeity of Wdiiam O'B-iVn. : ——t —— The whole on *x*eurHn hr LEWIS JOHNSTQN jur. P f ;. Mar. Savannah, 26. h gull, xySi, D A V ID ,M ’ C R ED I E HAS iernov(d to the (lore bn the Bay lately occupied by Messrs. Owens, Thomson, and Cos. where lie has for sale, on the moil reasonable terms, the following Articles, viz'; Superfine broadcloths, Coarse woollens, Blue and red duffils, Iriih linens, .1 Diaper tablecloths, diaper, Marseilles quilting, Corded and India dimity. White and dyed jeans, Corduroys and thicklets, Printed linens, Calicoes and chintzes, Womens flays, *■ Womens chip hats, Womens calamanco and lea ther lhoes, Youths and childrens shoes; Pound and ounce thread af sorted, from N c . 4 to 20; Mens silk hose, Mens white and brown thread ditto, Mens and womens gloves, Plain and fpot.ed lawns, —Cam bricks and rdhg"lawhs, Biack Barcelona handker chiefs, 1 Flowered lawn ditto, . 1 Muslin ditto, Ph iin and book mufiir, J and apron wide check, Frown holbnd, Brown Rufiia drab, ——— l White ditto, Mens fine and coarse hats, ( Check shirts, Yrowfers and jackets, . Sha/k'pns and lagathies, TOMORROW Morning, n? Ten o’C!o r k, at. - ‘-mrc v He Four INDIGO ruiif a few Calks, choice TOBACCO^ 0, ZUBLY jun. L. V. M. ?- 16th Auguil, 1781. z LL perfort s havirg demands agninll theEHate 4 ‘. the Hon. Read, Esq. deceased, are requelled to deliver them in, properly attested, to the lubferibers; and those indebted to said estate are requu’tud tt. make immediate payment t£> Rebecca Read, Executrix.’ Geo. Houstol n . Executor. RAN AIVAY from the Plantation of the said deceased , THREE NEGROES, viz. Cupid, a carpenter, a very likely young fellow, with filed teeth. Frank, a very artful young fel low, country born, remaikably thick lipped. And July. A luiuble rewatd will be given to any per son who will deliver them, or either of them, at the Hid plantation, or to the gaoler in Savannah. All makers of vefills and others are cautioned a gainst carrying away the Lid negroes; if detedfod . in so iniquitous a praGice they m3y depend on be ing proEcufed with the utnrofl fi*verity of the 1 iw. riN away fioui viic laOicnbei at Uteat U |\. gechec, fuppoled to go to Savannah, A Negro Wench, named Cumba, about 4 feet 6 inches high and 25 years of age, of a black complexion, and speaks broken Enghfn ; she carried her child, a girl about 3 years old, with her* Three dollars reward will be paid on her being delivered in Savannah to Richard shoemaker, or at Ogechee to Absalom Obret. WHereas the Piovoil Marlhal of the province of Georgia, bgzvirtneo&a Writsof Attach- to hirp 41 rented in the several causes under mentioned, did attach the lands ana tenements, good* and chattels monies, debts, and books of account, of the several defendants in the said cause?, who are absent from and vvith'ou%the limits of the said province, at the suit of the several plaintiffs: And whereas the laid plaintiffs hive refpetftively,, agreeable to the directions of the Attachment Act, filed a declaration in the Gene ral Court against the several defendants id each of -the following causes. viz. - 1 Samuel Hunt Jenkins and William Gibbons,” Jurvivors, v. Alexander Reid ; William Fox and Cos. v. John M'Leatt { William Knox, Esq. v. Mattbeiv Griffin ; J ojhua Pearce v. O’ Pry eh and Wade ; “ and have obtained in each of the said caufcs a rule to the following effedt, viz. Ordered, That the defendant,and defendantsjn the laid several adtions do appear arid plead within a year and a day, otherwise judgment will pass a gainll him or them by default, Bv the Court, v John Simpson, P. & C. C. Augufl 9, 1781. Notice is therefore hereby given, That judg ment will he entered, agreeable to the aforefaid rule or order, againll every of the said defendants who do not appear and piead conformable thereto, . GIBBONS, Plaintiffs Attorney. White and browVi buckram, Black princes ftufl, Hj-ack velveret, Calamancoes and durants, JVletFmets add burlins, Cotton counterpanes, Plain and diaper tapes, Whitechapel needles, • Pins atl'orted, Fishing lines and hooks, Seine twine and fhae thread, lakpowder; Brass, iton, and tin candle flicks-; Alibi ted tin, queen’s, and glass ware j Rice hooks, Stock locks, Hinges, Padlocks, Hair brooms, Scrubbing brushes, Shoe djtto, Firmers, Chilels. Socket ditto, Claw hammers, Coopers adzes, Howels, sd. 6d. icd. and zod nails, Handfuws, Augers, Gunpowder and shot, r Bar lead, Coffee, Hyfon tea, Port wine, 2cc. &c. ~ “ IHLfit-. the Piovofl of tbe pre A. -V ■* * of Georgia, by virtue of a Writ of AiuchT inent to .‘.rcced, did attach a Mulatto Wf man S!:)v", n-untd Fanny, and her Chi id, th<jf property Snniucl Stitk, who is abfirnt from and’- without lin|-iC* of the said province, at the suit of Catharine Go don and Jane Goicfon; A ti <F whereas the fitiTGatha+b.c Gordtm ar.d Jcaie Gor don have, agretaUc co the dr colons of the At*’ tachu.ent AG, filed the it declaration m the Gene. rl Court a-gan,ft the laid b. niuei Stirk, and havtf cbtkined the following rule: ~ • Catuatine Gordon \ Ordered, That the defend er at. I anc 00 appear and plead within’ againlt [ a. year ar.d a day, otherwile Samuel Stirk. judgment by default. By the CcaiT, John Simpson, l\ Sc C. C. t,th Augirft* 1781. Notice is there’ore hereby given, That, unleft tl;e laid Samuel Stiik do appear and plead agree able to the aforefaid rule or otder, judgment v/di be entered againll him accordingly. Wm. Jones, Plaintiffs Attorney. t.-’r r “ “ * r m 1 1 r |- A KEN UP on the Ebenczcr road yefierday 1 aiicr .icon, about four miles from tow n, by C.-pc Campbell of Gen. JDelancey’s Brigade at and Lieut. \\ ifliani Charleton of the Royal Artiliery; a Datk Brown IIORSF, about \1 hands high, branded on the mounting fiioulder (N G), on tfce counting buttock (L), cn the off/houida / C \ , VMC / and on the off bcttcck"(R D) with a diamond a . top. Tire owner may have him again from the fooleriler, by proving his property and paying the expence of this ndvci tifemcnt. * VVm . C H-y rL. k c og, Lieut. Royal A rt. • Savannah, Augufl iJj, 1781. - SAVA N- N A If, Augyft t A I AST Monday James anj johi StmpS 4 Elirs. t roll thcr feats as Members of his Maicly* Honourable Council for this province. * ■*rbe fo!lnC'b%'testerteat wrote fy a Jpif Mar. tii CFartefc r _ - torvn juji before b’ that himftlf : 1 Dr a b • , . ‘—• J * ■ IJNTKEA j you'll pay feme legate! to the lad request of one who was unworthy to be called your friend! la , my present J.:!raCt:on ot mind it is impofliblc to enter into a of a I the u.;cJ*o:ii ol my ruin. Flax, damn# flay, was rbermcf,-hr which having toft ah my owi money, (having onsefbeen a considerable I ven tured part ot my m aster’s to endeavour to re sain it which having loft, 1 ventured- all and (loft all.’ i could eulily fuppart myfclf under every attack of yotaty and wretJ.edrejs, but to lead a life of infamy is mofe than I can bear. In a few moments I will be in eternity—the die is cast and lam happy or referable forever. Whatever trsav be my lot in a future state, certain I am there is no Uell Wkt 1 have, experienced in niv mind within theie few dm I beg you will fee my corpfc buried in.fome place. My clothes you’ll be fa good as wear j ever/ thing that belong# to me I bequeath to you.—Farcweii--'a long farewell. Charleftown, 27th June, 1781. Ckarlejlnvn, July 2.3. On Wedntfday arrived here the schooner Sally, laden with corn, peafe, &c. recaptured * hc Rc,j el galh under Anthony, off Winvaw bar, on Monday last, by the privateer schooner Teegy, Capt. M son, belonging to this port. Soorr after he chafed * ft -on aftiore near the fame place, where she was bilged, from vvhich-he piocured a final! quantity of indigo aa;| fomc other a v ticles - 1 he transports having op hoard Lord Charles Crevilie Montagu’s regiment arrived at St. Cifrilloplrer's .on th jth instant. •yy HERE AS the Piovofl- Mat fhaj cf the provinci •>m lo hinr direaed in the several tiur.ed, did attach the lands and tcntmeijls, good* and chattel#, monies, debtr, and bo. ks of account* ot the several Defendants in the laid causes, wh ar a dent from and without the limits of the said pro vince, at the suit of (he several Plaintiffs: AMO Vi, HE It RAS the laid Plaintiff* have iclptdltvely, agreeable to the dife&ions of the Attachment Aft* fiifd a declaration wi the Geneial Court aguinlt the several Defendants in ea h of the following caulesi Jenkinsand Gibbons, v. William J.e Contra TftaryrßwHorh-v- fioble Wtmbmly J-ontrs I— _ Henry Ferguson v. Benjamin Matthews j John Faults v. Edward Tel/air, Executor of Jobs “7 Somerville j John Foulis v. William Candler ; John Foulis v. A Urdecai S heft all j Willi by fucker v. John Whitaker j and hr ve obtained in each of the 1 .Id c a tiles 1 rule tJ the follow., g effect, v t. Ordered, That the Defendant and Defendant* i* the said several aftioos ilo appear and plead withis a year and a day, otherwiie j jclgncent wilLi-al* ** gvintt him of them by default. ** .By the Ccn* t, JOHN SIMPoON, P, Sc C. C, April 25, 1781. NO flCt u therefore hereby given, That itide- Burnt wriH he entered agrreall* to the afurelaid W* or order aga eli every of the said Defendin'# not appear and plead conformable thereto. GIB HOMS, Attorney fur Piaiaf^f*