Newspaper Page Text
■ i BASSETERRE, (Sc. July 13. *
I o; '4-s'♦ #N the *d July, after signing thecapltu
■ J lotion of Tobago, the foldierv, when
■ t 1 pi'lajring the town of Scarborough,
O 4. '# killed Mr* Alexander Durwood, in the
I , ou^e r * Alexander Steven ; they
■ iUlierncd no reason, hut that they fuf
■ sjff P c^ rd there was money in the house,
■ —which—he- would not —deliverj they
I Jjbfctd him in fc.? o.iicrcn-. places wi-f-h bayonets, and
■ tut him in the head in a moft /hacking manner; his
■ friends and the inhabit ints complained to the Marquis de
I Bouille, but they got no redress. There were burned by
ferderofthe Marquis, to frighten the inhabitants to fur*
■ render, three plantations on the ill and morniegof the zd
■of July ; and through every part of the country where ti e
■ troops marched they plundered every plantation, and what
■ they could nor carry off they destroyed. The houihoid
■ furniture of the inhabitants in the town of Scarborough
■Hisearned on hoard the Platon, a 74 yun ihip.
I July ~0. On Saturday la ft arrived here, his Majesty’s
■flip Triumph,, of 74 gonsy- Starr Douglafs,'Efq. Cora*
■sunder, with the home ward bound (hips,from Barbados
Idd St. Lucia. They inform- that the June picket’ hid
IgfEarrivedyit St. Lucia with-the intelligence- of she arji- ‘
■vaiof the long.- expeCuT fleet from Landau g Bmbadas**
■ended convoy of three -‘s-***
I We are Informed from geiod lOthArity, that ‘Cumt de
Idraife, with all theliifc of ba tie ships, feme frigates, and ‘
|a fleet of merchantmen, f in .11 Y7l 44 1, failed .from Port
■R,oya! tn Marti/uque the 2d mft. and after joined hy
■the ve/Tels from’ Grenada, etc. pmteeded for Cape Fran -
Iteis. four frigates ate all th* naval force'the enemy have
lleft in these Teas. It is laid that when they arrive at the
■Cape their 12 copper bottomed lm p3 will fail to join
■the French fquadren in America, th*e others to go home
■with their convoy. -
II B that Admiral Rodney has sent eight fail of the
■*&s a]d troops to retake dkab tg a,
H Admiral Hood is Antigua with bis squadron, ;
■ind is taking in months provtfions, so that we ex
|pea ke will ihoftlv fail to join Admiral Arbuthnot in A
I fwra BOSTON GAZETTE of June it.
■ Bejion, yur.e 11. Wednesday arrived here* the coalin
■tntal frigate Alliance, Capt. Eany, from L’Orient tn
Mrance. She left rhitVp-ut on the 29th of March, in com
|sny with the Mirquis de la Fayette, a ship of about 600
lons burthen, rnountb gl6 ei c ;i liV { -4 fix pourdcr;,
fed had 250 men, with ! u hing on account of the Con
fer®’ with wham Ihr s t- tunpany in a violent gale of
■tind, and (he has not (met ’ * -ry hcaud of. The day curer
■he Alliance fa ed a 1,1 ■ > was difeovered, which
■as, that th-- rr-• .... f<* : u } take the command
■ml carry her 1 \ ■ , : j„ ; i C drlnwi dominions;
Kapti Barry U-cure-i ts ;>v of the ringleaders, and after
■evtrely w ipping them, ru tl *in in/urons hand and feet,
fed order a tV- n't.. U- k , t m bmad atl water. On the
■’ * pr ‘! fc -'* *a two, viz. the
Wars, fitted cut at G , m n rfcing to twelves, z
fees, and 12 or 14 carronades, with 1 12 men ; the other
■it Minerva or logons and 5; men, from the'feme part:
■m 1I- u> lC ” t ie> i c -i )t;urc ii md manned, and Ordered for
Philadelphia; the for.pier was mmo dby the Alliance, and
■uuace arrived at thnrjnrr; and the latter by the Mar.
■us de la Fayette, and is supp fed went to France, as
■= y wcie leparated in the above g de. On the 2d of May
■he A fiance fa.. in....w::n 0 Lig sod a fa-vy, part of the
■ri.tol fleet bound from Li:o;tica fur London, the fbrmw
fekffwith 230 hogEeads :.f iiigar, and the latter with yco,
■ .ot wn*m taey captured and,ordered for ggjg| g m
■n! v a flef t ofo'c fa Id, convoyed by ten fiil
■I. Air* 16 ’ 01 vvniva fleet the above two were a part, but
■ e Alliance did not think i', prudent to meddle with them,
■a the 7th of May, in a tlumder storm, the Alliance hid
■rmain topmast split in two by the lightning, from the
■; t 0 inaft, and a numberof nic.. knock-J
■ and fome bn t. On the 21 :t the Vdiame fe.i 1,,
■'•a twsfloops of v.r, viz. the Alahnta*. c mmmdnj
m Upt. Edward,, m uhawv r .r Admiral Edward., and
■• irepaTey, commanded by Capt. Smith, whowiskil-
the engagement j they bore down upon the Alliance,
fekn t <mart ? :i S u d emcn t -of war taiee hours they
J'jbftruck. In th- the Alliance had rive killed,
I; **” 1.5 if Os Wifi, -ffd Tm-•’lwT; T\ or ‘
I? ! S Wn ß a the wounded, (having received a ball
lus /boulder) but is in a fair wap of recovery.
■. to of the Captain the Atalanta
fe:* 1 - ,U £ ,r } t S won v.ded, artlongfl the lat
■ boaH t) fl T leUt r iaiU ’ had'his right arm (hot off;
■ board the I repaffey there were fix kilted, and, 22 one
■ar/v'J' ourivicd ’ a nurtll, cr of which died
|tJ H 4 V ‘ ng ? l:urnhcr -°t pri. loners .on board thought
fed w l*. fend . thc Tre ™ a cartel to Newfouiui
■2 h^" h,C r h i'J dld About 220 pnfoner.-, -firft throw
■ore’ ,!??! in ’cJ>v:;d, and taking away her militarv
li'utenanr Ts Ca R tai ) the Atalanta, m,d fir ft *”
fte Tr’A /r°’ ‘ il^ J . ! C -’ >J '’ v ’ ** boftages for,the of
■ieur l 9;t: c f /lcd on board the Alliance were ■
■ ot t! 0 n '-- ,) : ocs, M.. John Putin r
Pofrh and ' M,> DavrJ ]:iC - vir > fouof Vol. David Brewer,
iT, n * ,° n K !' ar I the Affi.saC3Tsm paCbugers,
■• >Vn -J and, U>i iot Capt. John Bradford, of this
aT G en/fi: of- fVrtfm.vuth/ an,t;A",|-Tfr~”
fey. W 0 u as a volunteer ip the American
.rr. “■-*** • ‘ efal s/*“ iC t sud sb: ‘j rtpajjey of ;q.
< Saturday last the Alliance’s prize brig arrived here fife.
Since our last the Thorn, Cant. Tucker, returned into
Si cm, after a (hort cruise of ten days, to land his prifon
ets, having taken threejirizes, viz. a sloop from St. Eu
ftatir bound for Halifax, a letter of marque brig of 14
guns, bound fpom AntiguH for laden with rum
and molasses, and her retaken prize, being the snow takeh
by the Alliance abovemeiltioned, with 300 *og(heads of
fugir, alt ot.wviich arc fafe aytlyed In port.
~r ,X or eight pmo# bolides the abovcmc.riioned have .c
----nved at eastern ports since our ‘aft.
Friday last the Captfl. Ad imfon and Ingraham arrivad
heic in four weeks from Suriinafn; they bring accounts of
tlic place being aim oft impregnable, having had 5000 men
COnftantly employed in fortifying it ever since they heard
tje fate of St. Euftitia.
Since I hurfday last have arrived in this port from
-France, a 50 gun ship, 2 frigates, and 12 or 14 transports
with troops to join the army of our ally at Newport.
■ * b<t. Lucia, (Gres Ifiet) May 3, 17S1.
f hao tjre honour of addreffihg your Excellency, under
vh ijd.uit. by the Cyclops, with adetailof the operations’
part of h:s At ajefty’s fleet ujideY ray - cottimand fropn,
v th.e 1 7t h to that, dj'.v iackifive. 7
V cy fly yi.elSyfph- cn: ter, and in cor-!‘eyoerree ‘thereof I ‘
• imn.ediate y from this hi'-Hour, with the Ihips
. lindci my tnmoiamlj J to windward of iklardnique, in order
to .i.LCrctJt the announced reins ircemer t of the enemy.
On th it .'Lition 1 cp.itinupd will the wJjo.te of my diyi
fion, extended \. anti S. which occupied the extent of the
windward coast of the il and, .\;id efi;e£lually prevented any
t ninj; get'ing iVi fipm t.e eastward, until the 27th, when
ir.ding th? fleet hort of wafer, l was .under a necessity of
detaching the Ajax, iLliiqucux, Monarch, and Alfred,
to St. Lucia fora fupplv. • * -r—
----. Ot jock A.. M. on the rticfnirrg of the 30th, the
’ J - r! ’Av. :• .* s. i-h , after, whalrifllifum ftarii%id
Jo th? e iftwqrd of-he fleet cn faaLn, were obfervti mak
ing the night figuals for the approach of the enemy.
Jt was immediately repeated by ill the
non, and the night ignil foi farming the’line of battle
alica,., on the larboard tack, hi icr topfailsy-at three cables
length,, for thf better intercepting any oFthe enemy’s
uct wno attempt patting us under .f.tvour of the
mght, was made by the Barflcur, confirmed by and
repi -d by tic Cyciopsj the Triton and Sylph being di •
luV a d 3t t^ie / ame co P-oft themielvea on the rianks of
-the licet to_gbih_nc the enemy's m .tions.Tn:~Thf3 pnfitidrt
ms Majesty s ft*et lay until morniaj, which hanpened to
be so very hazy as to prevent cur feeing any cf toe enemy’s
(nips, or even the extremes of our own line, which induced
me to contract the extent by (ignrals. At li minutes past
fix tue fog fuv*deiity uj> t when tc mv
wedifcevercd ounclvcs nearly furr.ounded by 22 fail* oUhc
hne,_of which three were three deckers, carrying flags at
the iore, ■ main, and m'izan. ... J
this cnmatfTTuation the fleSrr ot'£ivijrgl?TM.iief
- ty’s fleet furmbu-nted all other coiiridentiorvs. ’ J'h- j,g„ a i
being made fighting our way through the enemy’s de
file was cheerfully and undauntedly obrveJ ever; com
mander-ift the fleet, they judicierufty cnifeavoured
toonpoie. At, io minutes after fev-u the (hie, wear, all in
acftion, and I could perceive, Vfrith exulting utisfatftic,,, _
that, although every one had at least double her force to
combat with, the fuperionty of tne Britilh fire, the in
trepidity and steadiness of his Majesty’s officers* fnoported
byv the- na|Te bfavery :iJ -ddfcipnne bT theißtif
a bulwark invincible to the enemy, although pear
twice their force. ‘ ~-
3 minutes after eight the ftirps out es ac
tion, and Continued lUcring a steady course for this har-‘
bqur with-no more thah ordinary fail ; The enemy, 111-
created, ( may veiftare to affirm as iil as wc) fhswed no
dilpofition to pursue, and aa I thought your receiving this
1 n te li i
his Maj Ity’s Dr vice, i or acred the RuiTe! by private sig
nal (as (he appeared to have lustered theleaft'in her maftj
and rigging) to-proceed for’Stitia, where I doubt
not (lie is fafeiy arrived. The remainder of my division,
including the watering flips, jnU here, #n J repairing
tlicir damages, in order to be ready to accompViy your Ex- -
cellency to a more cqciai T
_ T ~Q.k> ac2.Cii. QJ-liiis..oi:ca.urrt-i-tKt-fo-'ednfidf r.ihle .aa micht “
haveflieen expefted from so unequal a coitteft, but the ft re
ot Capt. Liiibane, of the Alcidc, who was unfortunately
killed by a cannon ihu. early Inpthejaudit, is much to oe
lament; J. ‘
> Thc conduct of the officers and seamen of.his M.nelly’s
fleet on tins occafi'on beggar defeription ; the
the.aildycs clear 01 fcii ixiperipr a fleet carries with itjeon
viction, which my culugium could add no luftre to, and I
flatter my lei I will merit his M jefty’s approbation.
1 h.v.e the honour to be, See. SAMUEL HOOD .
To Adm\r<tl sir George Brydgcs Kidney.
Nmv York, May 30. Last Monday arrived the ship
3 1 inmi'b, Capt. Lindar, a privateer ot 20 fix pounders,
Trh/n a I'liccefsful trip to tne Weft Indies, where thefpoiis
EulUtia proved b nenciai to him. Oil t/ie 25th
inll, he took the brig Ajax, John Ilarr nufter, from St,
Ci ix to Philadelphia, with dry goods, rum, fait, &c.
The faie urnred-the brig-Schuvlkill, CNpt. Vh.r.jj
(formcHy taken from the Britilh, and called the arm .and
Jing Hope) of J 4 guns; Ihe was taken by 011 cof his Ma
je'fty’s fh'pS oft” Delaware, luom on board this veiled we
hav.e been favoured with f>me newfpjpers datfed in March;
tlH> ;si Uyiid .itftJ prakci;, ‘
with the March mail,- and said to be Beund for UiC Weft
When the fleet of Admiral Arbuthnot lately appeared
0 hode Island the French troops who bad been embarked
on oard their fleet were all landed ; and by fome of the
oma Uj 3 company, efenped from prison, we arc informed
Cre-’t sickness and mortality prevails among their seamen ;
Marines arc called to perform the sailors duty, as from a
M k |d t 0 1)6 buried at a time. Bad humour
ton ftUl subsists between them and the Rebels. Mons. de
Barras, a Rear Admiral, of France, having arrived at Bof
t°n in fix weeks, on board the frigate Le Concorde, the
command of the French squadron is surrendered to him bv
Mons. D’Aftouchei. The French fleet consists of five line
of battle flups and four frigates.
4. The Rebel privateer sloop George* Chaplain;
malter, of 10 guns and 35 men, was taken off* the Hook
last week by the letter of marque ship Theresa, Capt.
stout, inward bounif from Jamaica.
Mr. Abraham Clarke, of Elizabeth Town, New fcrl
ley, who.has served in Coqgrefs for fome time past, we
hear has refigned.his feat theie, and fays-there k nothiae
.more rtquifite to be done at that board.
The Pennfyjvania Packet
following .paragraph; <( By a gentleman who left York*
-of the Pennsylvania tine were (hot at tbit placelan
day last for mutiny. Six had been conderaued, and two of
• them par.dtmed by Gen. Wayn?;”
■J unt 11 f • Y . efterda y a of transports, and about 14
prizes loaded with tobacco, arrived here from Virginia,
Wednesday arrived one of his Majefly’s (hips mdaftor S
1 p rom ot. Euftatius ; they failed from that place about
rive weeks ago, and ciuifed fnme time oft’ the island of
LVleada, where they captured the Rebel l?Uer of marqu
enu* an-... William, aifo 3 brig; they were
V. Ua *,,s|“ Fe boUnJf ® r Boston, with rum, sugar, &c. The
nip William r.nd. the brig vyere ordered to Pt. Euftatius,
and the-Venus is brought in here. When the King’s
ship laded there were 150 fail of prises i n Euftatius Road.
Last . uefday morning (he took, off. he Capes of Dela
ware, the Rebel letter of marque ship Unchain, Smith,
? afte nuPi' e l C^t!? T J * £UnS ’ butmo ri nte tl only 11, bound
from Philadelphia for St. Croix and the Grenades, with a
cargo of- flour and lumber ; she is arrived here. The
Chatham foiled from the Delaware about noon the day be
fore (he was taken, in company with two Trips and a brig,
bound tor the Havana, having fimila - cargoes’ ->n board. Ic
is hoped that they will not be able to elude the vigilance
r fhurfij y died Samuel Cornell, Efu. one of
his Majesty s Council for the province of North Carolina,
and Os the fir ft eminence in fortune of that country, a
gentleman ever diftmgui/hed by his loyalty, probitv and
urbanity ; ttn Ibfi ufhim U nlsrely mg.mi b f’vriy
extensive circle or friends, and irreparably felt by five me ft
. amiable young ladies, his truly urfdi<£f e d daughters.
♦( 1 ] o , V lJ * J ;- - VIS fe ij? of his Majesty's shi m
the Rebel frigate General Waihington, L. Walka
in after, mounting 18 fix and 4 three pounders; flic had
J/5 J ,e Si on J b Tt < Wa - buUt at BaJtimcre i fitted out a:
Rhode Island, had cruized fix weeks without taking any
Er:t,fli ve 1 Tefy gTcept a’ Tnow Dom Glasgow, bound Tot
tins po. t, which was retaken by one of oar cruifeis.
, A 4ctdchttiept of Col. 3>c jefagee* have lately
had u re-encounter wth the Rebels.on the confines of this
province and Conr.caicur, in wlfich they killed 2, an-1
—^.° k 10 two Qfwboni wert slightly wounded.
TU taptnred Rebels were brought here on Thursday and
> 18. About five o’clock last Tucfday morning a
fleet ot near 80 fail failed from Sandy HSok for Great
Britain and Ireland under a very strong convoy.
The Fr anch frigate the Hermione, with all her convoy,
is fate arrived at Rhode Island from Philadelphia ; and vve
hear 9 yeflcls out of u from the Havana are got into Phi*
■ ladelphia. -
The Htnrlorte we Jiear is again failed for'Phi ladelphia
from Rhode Island with another csrgo of flenr.
_ jTnc 23. The (aft advices to the Congrcfs from Europ
inform, that METjohn Jay Tad left Madrid, the SnanU
_srds (on account of the revolt of their own provincesj'hav -
ing refufed to recelvcHiim as an Am&alTador, or to lend the
Rebel pai/y any tfioney. ‘
’ “Fr?nce- affs ffe.tkT'A linguage’that” fills the Congrcfs”
wiui uifinay. It is in Jubilance as follows: “ Europe
will have peace, and we must submit to leave GreaFßiri
tain w® manage bet own colonies. All we can do for you is
to while away the fumirytx, by retarding the negotiations,
and fending you ajittlc hard njancy-*-five millions of livres.
V/e (hall not order away our troops till the Fall, and we
recommend it to you to exert youriielves to make the moft:
of the prfefent campaign*”
The report in the Northern Counties refpeaing Fore
Stanvvix is, that it was given up bv treachery; the vvholci
country is in fearful apprchenGon of the Indians, and ade
feent from Canada. The people are flying from the weft
-to>the east ride of the river. As low as Kingftou, alias
F.fopus, tnofe that tarry fortify thfeir houses, and draw
ditches around them. The cry of the multitude is for
peace and the ancient union.
’ Ycfterday arrised the schooner Polly, Capt.
laden vvith flour, prize to the eriz<r General AimoLlj (he
as tea fail bound fWm FhilHlelf hia lor tke ll.+vai>a,
The General. Arnold alfotook a of the
abovementioned fleet. y 7
CbarkJ} ,v'n, Augtfi 4. Excellency Go
veruor Chc'Her,-oF Weft with his fuhe, failed
t'v C/taLßpuitt ii: carteHrm Uxo* Cape.
[N° . ,31.]