The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, August 30, 1781, Supplement to the Royal Georgia Gazette, Image 6

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” ■ i In bndi vidtti Moiety c f idoi. At7s cf L>n J , in TTitf pa lift A Str George, on ‘he Widow Flyer's Branch, rur -Tel tail's Mills- Aha projeny ©F William JJeJfch*- deceased, and f? ze 1 an execution. • LEWIS JOHWSXOr-i jua. Pro. Mar. Savafcnfch,* Augult , 1781. To be Fold to the higheft'bidder, for cafb, in the following citifes, under attachment from his Majelty's General Court of the province of Georgia, an Monday the 10th day of feptem fcer next, the faie to begin piecifely at 10 o’- clock in tiie forenoon, and end at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, and to be continued from day to . day, between the fame hours, until■ the vvnole is disposed of, ■ • * • The undermentioned Property, viz. William Fox.and Cos. v,-Lewis Mu tear Same v. fame. A trail of land, in the parilh of St. An drew, containing by eliiimtkm .poo acres, be the fime more or leß, joining or near lauds of I homas Quartcrman. • Safne v. Robert Sr.lfcns. A trafl: of land, in the parish of St John, containing by efliination acres, near Newport ferry, joining lands of Thomas Young. A'lo uuctJkr tiacl, in the parilh of St Pmiip, containing by dluaation acres, which is on or near Canouchie river. Same v: Thomas Bacon. A trail of land, in the parilh of St. containing by eilimation acres, near lands of Jonathan Bacon, and joins lands of John Bacon. Same v. Edward Way. A trail of land, in the parilh of St. John, containing by eilimation 500. .acres, be the fame mofe or less, joining lands of • John Jones. Same v. William Graves fen. A lot of land, with a (lore, hpufe tjiereon, £§ Newport Landings containing 60 feet in front and 90 depth, more or dels. 1 \ h Same v,-Elijah Lewis. A trail of land, in the parilh of St Andrew, containing by eilimation acre?, which lies on the” Mortar fwampi and also other trails in St- David's parilh. Same v. John Mitchell. A trail of land, in tfie parilh of St. John, containing by eilimation acres, near and on which the defendant formerly resided, and is near or ad ....... joins lands of James Dunwoody and Johah Bacon. Same v Joseph ‘M’Cowen. A tiatl of land, in the parilh of St. John, containing by eilimation 200 acres, be the fame mote or lels, which lies rear lands of John Winn on North Newport, and joins lands of Benjamin Stead. Same v. William Graves fen. and William Graves jun. A lot of land, in the parish of St. John, on Newport Landing, with a ilore houie thereon, containing 60 feet front on the road, and 90 feet depth. Same v. Benjamin Andrew. A tradlofland, in the parilh cf M. John, containing 200 acres, be the fame mote or less, commonly called Mrs. BradwetPs. Alfo..“another tTadt of land, in the parßh of St. John, con tain ing b ynelt imatidii acres, be the fame move or lels, situate at a place called the Defart, near lands of Mrs. Bilney and the late Joseph Andrew deceased. Same v. William Way. A trafl of land'on Midway fvvamp, in the parilh of St. John, con taining :>v gftimatioß acres, situate near the broad road and nigh lands of Lyi-m Hail. Same v. Joseph Lewis. A trad of land, in the parilh of St. David, containing by ellimatjon - acres. Also another* trad of land, in the parilh of J>t. Andrew, containing by eilimation acres. Together with all the dwelling houses, build jngS| hereditaments, rights, members, and appur tenances, to (he premises abovementioned refpec fivdy belonging. LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. Savannah, Augult 9, 1781. On Saturday the Bth of September next, will be fold to the higheit bidder, for calh, at the tyax fhal’s Office in Bull Street, the sale to begin pre tifely at n o’clock^ A LOT of Land at Yhmacraw, with a dvvelF ling-houfe thereon, containing by eilimation 60 feet in front and 90 in depth, be the lame more or less, joining on a lot of Samuel Elbert to the weltward, and to the ealt a lot at present occupied by Mr. Aaron Vardie, and commonly called the Waggon Yard, the property of Joseph Wood, and on execution by LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. Savannah, Augull iy3i. Or. Saturday the 1 5 S'pieur.ber will b; fold, at the M rffmV Olfice in Bull Street, to the hizhrft bind.r, for rafli, the Lie to begin at it ,I, p T * clock iJ ec.i ), Doug all, lu.vivi. ,1 A LRAGT rs Lind, in the >( v> >parilh ot St. Puu , cor,- Keu , furvivo . itaming by ettimatkii Soo Jtc-'ec, brytri fnxrLm t c or left, formerly tbe p* ri fe,,y i . Fs , adjohiug lands of John Jainte <eo* Also 500 ac< swf laud, io Ihe pari Hi of Sf. A-drew, foMncHy tin piopwty c? Charles K.en. * Alfa ;tr.itha uatt of land, in theqpauih es St. Phi tip, corifainin* too ncr;*, more of Us, Ij*® tH property if Srephen Drayton, Formerly if Syuuel Miller and Tin mas Goldfinith. Tegevhir vritU ail the dwellirg- lu-ules, luildiogt, 1 igHt** m.mberf# and ef,'thereto Samuel Dvugiali 1 A trr.£l of lanuit TnU - t, inthei aiilhol Cut .it O'Brien and Wade. J Church, contari ir g by eiti rnaticn 500 acre-, mote or Ufi,boUodd or* ihe rmi tb • call by the river, anJ on all uthcr lidca ty cf Col. Muihyne, together with ail the dwelling houfes, buildings, rights, mercbets, and arpurtei.- ancef, thereto btluoging, the propeity of O’Biien. The whole feiz*d on x“eu*ionfv . LEWIS JOHNS roil jun. Prc. Mar. Siyannah, 16 h Augult, 17^1. GEORGIA, (T. T THE AkthonV i Stokes, Efuuire, Chief'Juftice’ A. Stokes. of his M~.jefty’s Province of Georji-i. in America, iirparfuance of un a& of the General Afle.r.bly of the faiJ province, entitled, i( An 4t Ad for the Relief of such of his Majesty’s loyal Sub tl jeds as have any real or personal Property iff the Pro (t viuce of Georgia, and whole Titles, Deeds, Bonds, “ Notes, Specialties, and other ‘ Evidences, “Vouchers, and Writings, have been either 1011, destroyed, or car <c ried off', during the" Time herein aftermen tinned,” DO CERTIFYf That John Foulis, of Savannah, Merchant, hath made -deposition bcfoie rne, touching his bond;>, notes, and a wafle-book for the year 1775. l cnt hy him to-the J Hand of, |i.majca, in the Welt Indies, and hath not icceived the fame : 1 hat an exhet state of all the sums of money due to the faiJ John Fouiis upon the said bonds, ii')„es, and order;', haa teen taken before a Notaiy Publick in the said lfland of famalca, is now fded in the Protho jaitary’s Office, annexe) to the petition an'tf affidavit._Sif_ the said John Fouiis, ‘whicli deposition and date of the bonds, ndtes, and orders, remain in the Prothotiotary's Office open ta tht? inlpefliou of all peifons whatsoever j and, unless good cause is ftewn on oath to the contrary, within four calendar months after the publication of .this notice In the Georgia GtiSXmYA declate, cate under my han-d, fublcrkre r tmder the fauie ffands’ un'eanttoverted. ’ ‘ Given under my hand*, at Savannah, in the pro vince ofo:eia:d, the thirtieth day ofJune, la the year of our Lord fevenhun diei and eighty-one, and ij> tic tweaty-filft year of his Majeffy’s t eign. G EORG LA, IT. 9 T THE Honourable Aktho NY qL Stokes, Efquue, Chief Juffice A. Stokes. of his Mvjefty’s Province of Georgia, j in America, in pursuance of an a6t of the General Aflembly of the said province, intitled, ii An n Ail so. the Relief-of iud of his Mvjeff y‘s h.yal Suh>U.-* as have any real or.perfonal-Property in the Province of Georgia, and whole Title Ddcris, Bonds, Notes, Spe “ cialties, and ocher Evidences, Vuuci.ers, and Writ if Ings, have been either loss, destroyed, or carried off', during the Time herein afteimentioned,” DO CER- 1 - TIFY, That John Murray, of the parilh of ChrLt Church, in the province afarefaid, Esquire, hath made a deposition before me, touching the right, title, and inte rest, of him the faiJ Joh:j Murray, of, in, and to, a cer tain tra£t or parcel of land, containing by estimation one hundred acres, lying on the River Savannah, in the parilh cf Christ: Church, in the said province, calkd the Hermi tage, bounded north-westerly by lands late of James Hume, Eluuirs, fouth-eaftwardiy by land allotted for the Glebe, and northwardly by Savannah river, together with all the irnuroveman.% right,, ioer.ibers,’ an3” appurtenances, thereunto belonging, dahwed h;. the said John Murray by virtue of an J under a certain deed of conveyance made a'ndT executed to him fome time the beginning of the year one thousand feveii hunored and fercn-y :fix, by the then Acting provost Mar ft A of this province, in consequence of a sale made,thereof,'under an ex cation, grounded on a jucgir.tht übtAned in the General Court ‘if die said prtr vine*/ aguinflTthe Eftaie of one Dav'd Mur.ayV Elquire, deceased, which ihi 1 tide d-ed was loigeT in the Secreta ry’s or Regillerk Office of the fid province to be recorded, - and afterwards, with divers other records belonging to the said office, was loft, carried off, or destroyed : Which pofitiou krs forth, as far has the nature of cifcumltaoccs will admit, the particulars” cf the Laid John Murray's title, the nature of the premises, and the place where .si tuate, and now remains in the Prothono'iary’s Office open to the infpeflion of all persons whatfocyer j and, good cause is strewn orr oath to the contrary, within four calendar months after the publication of tiffs notice in the Georgia Gazette, 1 ft all declare, by cemncate unaer my hand, fubferibed under such deposition, that the-fame Hands uncontrovcrted. Given under my hand, at Savannah, in the proyinoe aforelaid, the twentieth day of Au gust, in the year of our Lord onethoufand fc ■ j yen hundred and eighty-one, and in the tvven ty-ffrft year of his MajcTtyhs reign. /.k LL persons having demands againil thcEftate £\ of ihe Hon. Jaihes Read,£fq ; deceased, are requelled to deliver tliein in, properly attelled, to the fabferibers ; and thole indebted to laid eilate are requelled to make immediate payment to Kedecca Read, Executrix. Geo. Houn, Executor. RJN AIVAY from the Plantation of the said ft dectafed* THREE NEGROES, viz. Cupid, a carpenter, a very likely young fellow, with filed teeth. Frank, a very artful young low, country thick lipped, And July. A luitable reward will be given to any per foil who will deliver them, or either of them, at the said plantation, or to the gaoler in Savannah. All mailers of vWTels and others arc Cautioned a gainll carrying-away the Lid negroes; 5l deteiled in so iniquitous a praflice they may depend on be ing profec-uted wtiit the utmoUfcveiity of the law. r-T I G H T flo R si’ /V LL aclive young men, fit for Light Hoiftk men, and willing tafervc iiis M jcity Ki„j GEORGE, for the fp<n.e of two year ~ or durinl the prelent rebellion, have now a fair and honour able opportunity of revengin'g tliemlelves on thd authors of the many cruelties and ironid muideri coimnitted on fhejf relu.tions, fiiends, and fellow fu! jedls ; of teitify iog their ‘loyalty to the bell 6f Kings, arid maniteiling tireir abhorrence and avei. fion to tlus unnatural and unprovoked.lebellion by applying to Lieut,. Col. George Campbell commanding the King’s own American Regiment, now quartered in this town, who has power to raise a body of light horse, to be attached id and serve Conilantly with tiie said regiment. Each loyal and fmatt young recruit fnall receive hve guineas bounty, and a crown to drink his M a jelly’s healtL be provided with ftee quarteis, a good horse, pays, cloathing, arms, accoutrements, and every other requisite, fit for a light dragoon, such as a cup and helmet, a brace of good piltois before him, a keen edged sword by his fide, and good boo:s ui.d spurs. Thus equipped as a Gentleman Dragoon, he mult carry sure and certain vidlory, acquue ironour to hirnfelf, and render service to his Severcign end. injured Country. Savannah, sth June, J>Bi. GO D SaVE t he king. N. B. Any person who brings a rcciuit, lhall re. eci\ e a reward of half a ouinea. Such ierviceable. ailive, able, and young dragoon horles, as are to be* fold, will be purchased, and a genefoas pi ice given, by applying at the CcloneTs quarters,, the yellow house near the w-elt gate, . ‘ GEORGE CAMPBELL. J - It. Col. and Commanding, igk ■'” my bo ufeibcut-irrmi?'- niglft ago, a Negro Lad, about 16 years old, Ipeahs Lit and tolerable good Englilh, fays his name is P'oly. ■fSA dore, and that, he came from South jjlttjr Carolina, but cannot or will not tell kfl his mailer’s name The owner mull to CHARLES FRESH. Augult 17, l;8l, WHereas Marfh ‘l of the province of Georgia, by virtue ol Wri 1 ? of Attach* ment to him uireded. did attach a Mulatto Wo man Slave, named Fanny, and her Child, the piopcrty of Samuel Stirk, who is absent from and without the limits of the said piovmce,- at the suit of Catharine Comon and Jure Gordon: And whereas the said Cathaiine Guidon and Jane Gor don have, agre* ablf to the dueßins oi the At tachment Act, filed their dtcLratioh in the Gene ral Court agamit the laid Samuel Stirk, and hat# obtained the following rule : ••• Catharine Gordon Ordered , That the defend & al. ant do appear and plead within agi.mll a year and a day, otherwise SamiieJ Stiri* Judgment by defaolt. , By the Court, John S;mpson, F. Sc Q. C. j 9th August, 1781. Notice is therefoie hereby given,- That, unless the laid Samuel Stirk do appear and plead agree able to the afoiefaid rule or order, judgment will be en--icd agamil him accordingly. I Wji, Jones, PiaintiiL> Attorney. WHcrcas the Piovofi Marlhal of the province [ of by vitttie o£a_Writ of Attach ment to him di/eded in the several caufex under- did attach the lands and tenements, goods and chattel?, monies, debts, and books of account, of the several defendants in the laid causes, who are absent from and without tfje limits of the said piovince, at the fait of the several piaintifFs: ‘And whereas the said plaintifß hive refpeßrvely, agreeable to the diredlions of the Attachment Act, filed a declaration in the Gene ral Court againil the several defendants m each of the following causes, viz. Samuel Hunt Jenkins and William fur*vi t vort t v. Alexander Reid ; l Villi am Fox and Cos. v. John FV Lean 1 iVilliam Knox, Esq. v. ff. atthenx Crijfia i Jojhua Pearce v. O'Brien and ‘lVude ; and have obtained in each of the Lid causes a rule to the following efPeH, viz. t , Ordered\ That the’defendant and defendants iff the laid leveral adliona do appear and plead within a year and a day, othenwifo judgmeni wall pab a * gainlt him dr them by default. By the Court, ‘ John Simpson, P. & C. €• ’ August 9, 1781. , . Notice is tnejeloic l.cieby given, i hat . ment will lie entered, agreeable to the rule or otder, againil every of the said deiend.ui' 5 who do not appear and plead conformable theTf^'.. GIBBONS, Plaintiffs Attorney . J’rintca by JAMES J'JHESTON.