The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, September 13, 1781, Image 4

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Wt* Riturn of the tilled anil wounded, in the tnetrtb through North Carolina, in the various allions preceding the battle cf Guildford. • • • c’ Brigade of guard*. l Lieutenant Colonel* 7 ra "* file, killed; 6 feijeants, S 7 rank and file, wounded. a<jd foot. 1 rank and file killed; X Lieutenant, 8 rank and file, wounded. 33d foot, a rank and file killed; x Captain, 10 rank and file* wounded. British Legion. Ink and file killed ; 1 ferjeant, 4 rank and file, wounded. Tottl. 1 Lieutenant Colonel, i t rank and file, killed; I Captain, 1 Lieutenant, 7 ferjeant*, 79 rank and file, wounded. Officers names killed artd wounded. Brigade of guards. Lieut. Col. HaM killed, 13d regiment. Lieut. Chapman wounded. 33d ditto. Capt. Ingram wounded. J. DESPARD, Dep. Adj. General. Return of the killed, wounded, agd miffing, of the troops under the command of Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis , in ti e aSion at Guildford, March 15, 1781. Royal artillery. I Lieutenant, 1 rank and file, killed; 4 rank and file wouaded. Brigade of guards, 1 Lieutenant Colonel, 8 ferjeants, it rank and file, killed ; z Brigadier Generals, 6 Captains, X Eiifign, x Staff Officer, z ferjeants, a drummers, 143 rank and file, wounded; 22 Tank and file miffing. 23d foot. 1 Lieutenant, 12 rank and file, kilted; I Captain, 1 ferjeant, 53 rank and file, wounded. 33d foot. 1 Entign, 1 ferjeant, 9 rank and file, killed ; i Lieutenant Colonel, 2 Lieutfcpants, 3 Ensigns, 1 Staff Officer, 1 feijeant, 55 rank and file, wounded. 71st foot. 1 Ensign, 1 ferjeant, 11 rank and file, kil* led; 4 feijeants, 46 rank and file, wounded. Rrgiment of Bose. 3 ferjeants, 7 rank and file, kil led; 2 Captains, 2 Lieutenants, 1 Ensign, 6 ferjeants, 3 drummers, 53 rank and file, wounded.; x ferjeant, 2 rank and file, miffing. 1 : Yagers. 4 rank and file killed; 3 rank and file wound ed ; 1 rank and file miffing. British Legion. 3 rank and file killed ; 1 Lieutenant Colonel, x ferjeant, 12 rank and file, wounded. Total. 1’ Lieutenant Colonel, 2 L’cutenaKts, 2 En signs, 13~ferjcants, J 75 rank and file, killed; 2.Brigadier Generals*. * Lieutenant Colonels, 9 Captains, 4 Lieuten ants, 5I Ensigns, 2 7 5 ■ 5 drum- * mers, 369 rank and file, wounded; 1 ferjeant; 25 rank . and file, miffing. ’ -Officers Namet killed and wounded. , Royal artillery. Lieut. O’Hara killed.” Brigade of guards. Hon. Lieut. Col. StuSrt killed ; Brigadier Generals O’Hara and Howard, and Capt. Swan <on, wounded; Capts. Schurz, Maynard, and Goodrlcke, wounded, and since dead; Capts. Lord Dunglafs and Mait land, Ensign Stuart, and Colquheun, wounded. 23d foot. Second Lieutenant Robinson killed; Capt. Peter wounded. 33 ! foot, Fnfign Talbot killed; Lieut. Col. Webster, (since dead) Lieut. Salvin, Wynyard, Ensigns Kcllyj Gore, and Hughes, and Adjutant Fox, wounded. 71st foot. Lnfign Grant killed. Regiment of R ife- Capts. Wilmouficy, (since dead) Eichenbrodt, Lieuts. Schwener and Gaife, Ensign de Trot, (since dead) wounded. Bricilh Legion. Lieut* Col. Tarleton wounded. J. DESPARD, Dep, AJj. General. Wilmington, April 17, 1781. Return of ordnance , ammunition, and arms, taken at the battle of Guildford, March it,, 1781. Brass ordnance, mounted on travelling carriages, with limbers and boxes complete : 4 fix poundrrs. Shot, round, fixed with powder, 160 fix pounders. Case fixed with ditto, 50 fix pounders. 2 ammunition waggons, 1300 Rand of arms distributed among the mi litia, and destroyed in the field. J. MACLEOD, Lieutenant, and Commanding Officer of Artillery. _ *• £xtraSl of a letttr from Earl iCornwallis to Lord George Germain, dated Wilmington, April 18, 1781. “I* MARCHED from Guildford on the morning 1 of the 18th of March, and next day arrived at Jell's Mill, where I gave the troops two days rest, and procured a small supply of provisions. From thence 1 proceeded slowly towards Ci offeree!?, at tending to the convenience of subsistence, and the movement of our wounded. On my way I iflued the inclofed proclamation, and took every other means in my power to reconcile enemies, and to encourage our friends to join us. F/om all my information I intended to have Baited at Croflcreek as a proper place to refrefh and refit the troops; and I was much disappointed, On my arrival there, to find it totally impofiible. Provisions were scarce, not four days forage within 30 miles, and to us the navigation of the Cape Fear River to Wilmington impracticable, for the distance by water is upwards of 100 miles. Under these circumftanccs 1 was obliged to continue my march to this place, in the neighbourhood of which 2 arrived on the 7th inst. I have been busy since my arrival in disposing of our sick and wounded, and in procuring the ne cessary supplies, to put the troops in a proper Rate to take the field. , Capt. Schutz died a few days after the aflion, • we expe&ed; but I am sorry to inform your Lordship, tnat, notwitbftanding the flattering ap pearances, and the afiurances of the Surgeons, Col. Webster,. (whose loss is severely felt by me and the whole army) Capt. Maynard of the guards, Capt. Wilmoufky and. Ensign de Trot of the regi ment of Bose , arc since dead. Craig, who took possession of this place w the latter ehd of January, has conduced himfelf tvith great zeal and capacity, having, with a very i small force, not only secured the pofl from all in foltsr but made himfel/ yefpeil;SjMc in this part of Ih* country by fcvsrif fncctfiful excursions. I (hall not trouble yocr Lqidfhip on the lu. j.,3. of South Carolina, having dire&ed Lord Rawdon, who commands on the fionfeis, and Lieut. Col. Balfour, Commandant of Charleftown, to tike every opportunity of communicating to your Lord ship, as well as to the Commander in chief, the ftste of affairs in that province; ns they are both officers of capacity and great merit 1 trull that their conduct will have given Lth tuition Bt CHARLES Earl CORNWALLIS, Lieutenant GtneraJ of bis Majejly's Forces, ife. f£c. tfc. A PRO C L A M A TI O N. WHEREAS, by the bltffingof Almighty God, his Majesty’s arms have been crowned with signal fuccefi, by the complete victory obtained over the Rebel forces on the 13th instant, 1 have thought proper to ifi'uc this my proclamation, to call upon ail loyal fubje&s to itand forth and take an adtive part in restoring goododer and government: And whereas it has been reprefehted to me, that many persons in this province, who have taken a (bare in this unnatural rebellion, but having experienced the opp;effion and injustice of the Rebel govern ment, and having seen the errors intowhich they have been deluded by falfhoods and misrepresenta tions, are sincerely desirous cf returning to their duty and allegiance, I do hereby notify and promise to all such per for,*, (murderers exce.'ted) that if they w ill furiender thcmfelvcs, with their arms and ammunition, at bead qua r tera, or to the officer commanding in the and flrict contiguous to their rc fpective places o* residence, on or before the 20th day of April next, thev will be permitted to return to their homes, upon giving a military parole, and shall be. protected in their pcifons and properties from qJl.fort of violence from the Britilh troops, >. and will be reftorrd, as soon as pqffiblc,- to all the of Jegtl and constitutional government- Given under my hand, at head quarters, tbit 18th, day of March, A D. 1781, and in the 2ifl year of his Majelly's reign. (Signed) CORNWALLIS. Extract of a letter from Lieut . Col. Balfour tt Lord Getrge • Germain, anted Char left onvn, May 1, 1781. Mr Lord, BY Lord Cornwallis’* difpitebes, which are herewith tfanfmitted, your Lordship will be informed* that, after the a£lion at Guildford, Gen. Greene being obliged to retreat’from before the King’s army, turned his vie .vs to a atcis this province, ai the more vulnerable point, fn the abfrnce of Lord Cornwallis. ’ With this idea on the 19th ultimo he came before Camden, having with Him near xeoo continentals and fe vers! corps of militia ; Lord Rawdon having charge of that pofi, axd about Bco British and Provincial troops to fuflain it. For fome days Gen. Greene kept varying his portion, waiting, as i supposed, to be reinforced by the corps un der Brigadier Marion and Col. Lee, which were on their way, being ordered to join him. judging it neceflary to strike a blow before this jun&ion could take pla£t, and learning that Gen. Greene had de tached to bring up his baggage and provisions, Lord Raw don, with the moft marked decision, on the morning of the 25th, marched with the greater part of his force to meet nhn, and abemt ten ©’clock attacked the Rebels in their camp at Hobkirk’s, with that spirit, which prevail ing over fuoerior numbers, and an obfidnate refinance, compelled them to give way, and the pursuit was continu el for three miles. To accident only they were indebted for laving their guns, which being drawn into a hollow, out of the road, were overlooked by our troops in theflufli of vidtory and pursuit, so that their cavalry, in which they greatly exceeded us, had an opportunity of taking them off. My Lord Rawdon ftate* the loss of the enemy, on this occasion, as upwards of 100 ptifoners, and 400 kil - led and wounded, his own not exceeding 100, in which is included 1 officer killed, and 11 wounded. After this defeat Gen, Greene retired to Rugcley’s Mills, (i2 miles from Camden) in order to call in his troops and receive the reinforcements; but as Lieut. Col. Watson, of the guards, who had been for fome time de tached by Lord Rawdon, with a corps of 500 men, to cover the eastern frontiers of the province, is directed by join his Lordlhip, lam in hopes he will be able fpcedily to accomplish this. ——-h-i to thefeveral letters which Lord Rawdon has been so good to transmit me that 1 am indebted for the detail 1 have now the honour to present your Lordship, and which I trtrff his Lordship wjll hereafter conclude in the moll fatisfafltoVy manner. & m :* >f( # an ail of the General Afterfibly, passed ihe day us Atiguft in IK we the fubferibers were appointedCommiffioners ro inquire after, enter upon, take charge and pofT-flion of, and hold and detain, all the Ellate reel and perso nal of Noble Jones, Esq. dectafed, for the fatif- and payment of a debt due by the said de ceased to the Publick of this province, Notice is hereby given to all persons who know of or hold poflfeflion of any part of the eflate of the said de ceased, that they immediately deliver over unto us, or make known where the property of the said deceased may be found. All persons withholding any part of the property after this notice, or com inittmg any wake upoa (he lands or the ffcCt-afcd, may depend upon being prosecuted agreeable io law. —~ LEWIS JOHNSTON, - : “BASIL COWFKR, . Savannah, August ) S. H. JENKINS, to, <7s(. ] GEORG ft BAILtIR, FETER DEAN. —A. • ‘ - CEORCIA, O'. )T THi HonouriUc .( i tv *• s ch*if j ufK ’ A- £tocxs. for his Majesty's ihovince of Gtorj.;? J in America, in pursuance of an aft )• the General Aifembiy of the said province, fntitled, 4 ACI far the Relief of such of his Majesty’s “ 4S have any real or perform! Propci ty in the Provia; s ! Georgia, and whole Title Deeds, Bonds, Notes, “ ciakies, an.J other Evidences, Vouchers, aad W>j t * “ iugs, have been cither loft* dtfrroyed, or carrjed o jf “ during the Time herein aftermenticned,” DO CEp’ TIFY, That John Murray, of the pariflj of Cli'jfj Church, in the province afore Aid, ETquire, hath ma/ deposition before ir.e, touching the right, title, a;vii ut? ‘ rest, of him the said John Murray, -of, in, and to, j Ct .’ tain U*3t or parcel Os land, containing by eftimatidn hundred acres, lying on the River Eavaimah, in the p ir jk of Christ Church, in the said-province, called the Hc rtl ; tage, bounded north-westerly by lands late of James Hum*’ Esquire, fouth-eaftvvardly by land allotted for the and northwardly by Savannah river, together with a improvemfc-nts, rights, members, and appurtenance thereunto belonging, claimed by the said John virtue of and under a certain deed of convey executed to him fome time about the beginning of one thousand seven hundred and fevemy-fix, by the Ailing Provost Marflral of this province, in confequttio cf a falc made thereof, under an execution, grounded a judgment obtained in the General Court rfPthe said pro, vince against the Lfiate of one David Murray, Efqui t{ ’ deceased, which said title deed was loJged in the Secrtti! ry's or Register’s Office of the said province tv be recorded and afterwards, with divers other retards belonging to the said office, was loft, carried oft', or destroyed ; Whichd,. position sets forth, as far as the nature of circurailiacj, will admit, the particulars of the said John MorrM title, the nature of the piemifes, and the place wheres, tuate, and now remains in the Prothonotary’s Officeopq to the infpedion of all persons whatsoever; and, good caufc is (hewn on oath to the contrary, within jj*. calendar months after the publication of this notice Georgia Gazctt#, I (hall declare, by-certificate undtti* lurid, fubferibed under such deptrfition, that the tL llands uncontroverted. Given under my hand, at Savannah, in th province aforefaid, t!rc twentieth day of Ai. - yiift. isar the of our Lord one,thoufand[t. ■ - v£'a&)fc*dyifd'anil ty-firft year of his Majesty’s reign. L I GH T H □ R S? ALL atlive young men r fit for Light Horse men, and willing to serve his Majesty Kin; GEORGE, for thefpace of two years, or during the present rebellion, have now a fair and honour able opportunity of revenging themfclves on till authors of the many cruelties and horrid murden committed on their relations, friends,*, and fellow fubje&s; of tdlifying their loyalty to beft ol Kings, and manifelling their abhorrence fion to this unnatural and unprovoked rebellion; by applying to Lieut.- Col. George Camffeelt, commanding the King’s own American Regiratit now quartered in this town, who has power t laife a body of light horse, to be attached to an serve conflahtty with The said regiment. Each lon and smart young recruit shall receive five guinea bounty, and a crown to diink his Majcily’s healtk, be provided with free quarters, a good horse, par, c'.oathirg, arras, accoutrements and evety ctcc requisite, fit for a fight dragoon, such as a capanf helmet, a brace of good piitoh befote him, akw edged sword by his fide, and good boots and fpon. Thus equipped as a Gentleman Dragoon, he mol carry sure and certain victory, acquire hor.oar® himfelf, and render service to his bovereignu injured Country, Savannah, sth June, 1781. GOD SAVE THE KING. ■N. B. Any person who bTmgs a-recruit fhallit ceive a reward of half a guinea. Such fcrviceaik adlive, able, and young dragoon horses, as area L-e fold, W® be. purchafcd, and a generous pi* given, by applying at the Colonel’s quarters, 8 yellow house near the well gate. GEORGE CAMPBELL Lt. Col. and Commandirj ’T O BE S O xTv On Wednesday the 17th Oflober next, at thepli* ration of Nathaniel Polhill, Esq. near corn I “HE Eflate of Henry Cuvier, Esq. deccaH X confifling of a few Head of Horses, Onk Ho use ho id Furniture, &c. The conditions be made known on the day of fak. „ All persons having demands against thecW are defiied to fend in their accounts, tested, and those indebted to make immediate p)‘ meat to DOROTHY CUYLER, Ado* Notice is hereby given, THAT the fubferiber was compelled, byl# 1 imprisoned otherwise ill treated, Wt? a note of hand to John Ncvtll,* of St. Philip s ! 8 rilh, for 100 guineas, or. the value of 20 hra j cattle, payable tfie~2 sth November re'xt, note, so unjustly obtained, the fubferiber imned not to pay, unleis compelled thereto b'y > DAVID GAINS Savannah, Sept. 4, 1781. PrintedJAMES JOHNSTON*