Newspaper Page Text
CAPITULATION of the Ijland of To
lego, between the Cample de Graffe,
commanding the Naval Forces cf his
Moft Cbtiftian Maje Tty, and the Mar
ques de B cur lie , Captain General of the
French Windward ljlands in America,
cn The one Phrt: And the Honourable
Ge rge Ferguffen, hfau. re, commanding
in Chief the Ijland cf ‘l obago. and the
Honourable Mrj- r ht .nhipe, Common
der in Chief of the Forces of his Bri
tannic!: Majtffy , on the other Part.
Governor, field offi
&j£ ‘ officers cf the’.
T $ troops, and loldiers of
fslo&J* • and s Tobago, fliall
march out or the re
doubts and forts with the honours of
war, and (hall afterwards lay down
their arms, except the officers.
Art. 11. The officers and troops
shall afterwards be lent to France,
(except such of the officers as the-
French General shall allow to remain
in the Windward Islands of America
on parole *) the wives and children ot
the troops (hall follow the fame defli
nanon v
Art. 111. The inhabitants of the
iilar.d shall preserve their civil govem
ment, their laws, cuftams*, and ordi
nances. Justice fhal! be admin ifbsretl
by the fame persons now in office until
Xfie peace, so as they behave well.
The ‘Court cf Cbancey fhal! beheld
by the Members of the C undl, and
in the fame manner eflabiifhed by the
laws, customs, and ordinances, in
which the laid iHand shall be preserved ,
until the peace ; but appeals from the
said Court shall be made to his Moft
Chriflian Majesty’s Council.
Art. IV. The inhabitants in gene
ral of the said island, and the minifter£
of religion, shall be preferred in the
pofTefTion of their estates and in the
enjoyment of all they puffds of what
nature fbever, in their! privileges,
rights, honours, and th-y
shall have the free exerciie of their re
ligion, and the mini tiers the enjoy
ment of their curacies.
The free neg roes and mu lattoes shall _
be maintained in their liberty, but no
Have shall in future be manumitted
Without the permission of the Governor
General, agreeable to the custom esta
blished in the French colonies.
Art. V. ‘lhe inhabitants shall not
pay to his Moft Chriflian Majesty any
other duties than thole they paid to -
his Britannick Majesty..
oft in ift ration of
Hilaries of the mini tiers
of religion, and other ordinary ex
pert ces, (hall be paid by the cal any.
The produce which export-
ed from the colony shall pay at the
Customhouse the fame duties which
are paid in the French colonies.
The fame rule shall take place as to
the duties of importation. They shall
enjoy all the privileges of trade granted
to the fubjecls of his Moft Chriflian
Majesty in the Windward Islands of
Art. VI. The inhabitants shall not
pay the contribution of 1200 Joes ex
acted and admitted by the preliminary
capitulation*, but the colony fliail be
charged with rebuilding the-houses
which have been burnt during the
siege, as far as the 1200 Joes, in such
manner that the inhabitants to whom
not contribute more
than their proportion to the reconftruc- •
lion thereof. -
Art. VII. The tffc&s, and parti
cularly the slaves, which may have
been taken during the siege, belonging
to the inhabitants cf the colony, and
which can be recovered, shall be re
flored, The slaves who may have been
carried on board the Ihips of the French
fleet shall be landed and delivered to,
the Provofl Mai fhal.
N. B. There shall not be compre
hended amongst the frffirfts to be re
flored. the vessels which have been ta
ken before or after the surrender of the
island, nor the produce and merchan
dize which were on board of them.
Art. VIII. The (hips, vessels, and
droggers, belonging to the inhabitants
of the island, shall remain ,their pro
perty**, but the Englilh vessels from
Europe, or any of the Eriglifh islands,
shall be faithfully delivered up to the
French Governor.
Art. IX. The absent inhabitants,
even those who are in the service of his
Britannick Majesty, shall be maintain
ed in the possession enjoyment of
their estates, which may be managed
by their attornies.
Art. X. The inhabitants, as in the
French islands, shall be obliged to lodge
the troops, in indispensable
llau ces only *, the troops being gener
ally lodged at the expence of the King,
Art. XI. They shall be obliged to
fvirnifti working negroes for the. works -
of the fortifications, and others rela
tive to the King’s service, to nS % num
ber of 400 ; and the laid negroes fliall
be fed at the expence of the King dur
ing the time they shall be employed in
the laid works.
Art XII. The inhabitants shall take
the oath of fidelity to his’ Moft Chris
tian Majesty, before the French Go
vernor of the island of Tobago, within
two days, upon pain of being deprived
of the enjoyment of their estates.
But the inhabitants, particularly the
widows, who cannot <Jo it in the tinis
limited, by reason of sickness, abfcnce;
or other obstacle, shall have a further
time, which shall be notified to them-
Art. XIII. The inhabitants shall
observe a drift neutrality, and shall
not be forced to take up arms againil
his Britannick Majesty, or against any
other power, consequently they shall
bring to head quarters all their arms;
which shall be deposited in the King’s
magazines, excepting such as the
Justices of the Peace shall think necef*
fary on each plantation to secure good
order amongst the nfcgroe*; but the
Justices of the Peace shall personally
anfwcr for any bad use which may be
made of them against the tenor of the
. p r cfent espitu 1 aliagg turefthey shall de
liver to the French General, within
‘the time which shall be preferibed to
them, assigned accounts of the arms
which have been left with the inhabit
ants of their parishes. .
Art. XIV. The inhabitants of the
island who are not attached by the na
ture of their appointments to the ser
vice of his Britannick Majesty shall not
be deemed prisoners of war.
Art. XV. The merchant vessels
from England, or from any other flat*
whatever, belonging to the inhabitants
or merchants of this island of Tobago,
shall be received into the ports of the
said colony, during the space of fix
months, without being fubjeft tocon
fifeation, and fhal! be deemed the pro
perty of the said inhabitants and mer
chants; reserving to the French,Go
vernor the right to judge of the pro
perty of the said vessels beyond the said
term, in conftderation of the distant
place from whence they (hall have been
dispatched: But the inhabitants or
merchants shall be boi*nd, within two
months, to make a report to the GoF
ledtor of the veflcß which may or are
expelled to beaddreffed to them, cither
singly or in partnership.
f Art, XVI. The inhabi tarns in ge
neral may freely difpole of their estates
personal and real in the enjoyment of
which they are maintained, and conse
quently fell or alienate them in such
manner as they shall judge moft con
They may in like manner difpole of
their revenues, and fend their children’
to England or el fe where for their edu
cation, and bring them back. v
Art. XVII. All the artillery and
ordnance (lores, all arms in general/*
powder, provisions, and effefts what
soever, buildings, moveables, and im
moveables, belonging to the King ot
England, (hall be delivered to the
General of the troops of his Moft
Chriflian Majesty. Statesof them shall
be drawn out, and the delivery made
as soon as poflible. Persons who shall
detain tljg (aid (lores, or any pare of
[N ° . 134.]