The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, September 20, 1781, Image 2

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them, and who shall not make,a report thereof r m ig days, shall fee prosecuted criminally. i /\ RT . XVIII. The inhabitants who shall have with them any Engliflvfol diers or failed (hall be obliged to re port them in four day?,'Upon pain of a fine of ioo Joes, and thsfe who shall favour their elcape shall fee prosecuted .criminally. [ At Tobago, the 2d of June, 1781. Le Compte de Grasse, (Signed) Le Marquis (le Bouilli, George Fergusson. For what regards the ’ 1 troops. A copv conformable to the original, (Signed) Bouille. BY PERMISSION. At the small THEATRE,BROUGH TON STREET, For the BENEFIT of a PUBLICK CHARITY, On THURSDAY Evening next, being the 27th Instant,. will be presented, The TRAGEDY of JANE SHORE. to WHICH.WILD 3 £ 4M&P, Tfie MOCK DOCTOR. The Chara&eis. by Gentlemen ofthe Garriion. TICKETS to be had at the Pointing Office. Pit Seven Shillings. Gallery Five Shillings and Tenpence. > No Money, will be taken at the Door, nor \*m any one be admitted behind the Scenes on any co-n ----fideration whatever. The Doors to be open at Half pall Five, and the Curtain to rile preeucly a: Six o’Clocr. VIVANT REX ET REGINA. Savannah, Sept. 29, 1781. r To Te loL D, At the fubferiber’s house on the Bay, on Tuesday the ad of Oftober next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, Ja LOT of Land at Yamacraw, containing 2CO feet front on the main ftrect, 100 feet towards thinker, and the fame on, the weft com mon of tl|e town; is under a good fence. The conditions will be made known on the day of file. Also for private (ale, a very fall going.fix oar’d Canoe. D. ZUBLY jun. Finlay M‘Gillivray FjGS leave to inform his friends and the pub- in general, That he intends carrying on the Xii‘ or Bufincfe in all its branches, and for that Curroie has taken lodgings next door to the Hon. Martin Jolhe, Esq. Those gentlemen who are pleased to favour'him with their employ may de pend on being fervsd in the neatest manner, and on very reasonable terms. Savannah, Sept. 20, 1781. BROUGHT to the fubferiber the 17th instant, Tvyo HORSES arid A MARB,Tr~A- Bay Horse, branded on both shoulders C 3 ; a Grey Horse, branded with several ernfies; and a Bay Mare, branded on the near shoulder with an Indian biand. The owners may have them by proving their property ar.d applying tp * 6 A. HAWKINS. - —— - ■T— Council Chamber y 10 th Sept. 17 8r . WHEREAS several perfon* having claims on the pubiick, for provisions furnilhed at Augusta when that place was inverted by the ene my’ have made application for payment of the fame: And whereas there may be others in the fame fitaation who have not made application: in order therefore to obtain a complete account of what the province may be indebted on that cceaii* on, pubiick notice is hereby given, That all and every person having inch claims as aforelaid do forthwith give into this office a fair account of their refpedive demands, properly atteiled, with theivouchers necessary for proving the fame. Those who have already given in their claims and with ,to put them into more regular form, may have the (zn\€, by calling at this office. - ’• • , - - By Order of his Excellency the ~ Governor in Council, GEO. DXRBAGE, A. C. C. PURSUANT to an aft of the Gcnera] Afiem blv of this province, the Jullices for the la- ? rifh of Chnft Church are deftred to meet, at the Pubiick Office in Savannah, on Tuesday next toe 27th day of this instant month ot September, at ten,o’clock in the forenoon, to enquire into the fitnefs and qualification of took person or perjpns as shall or may apply for licenses. to retail spiritu ous liquors, keep taverns, punch houses, and sq forth, according to the true meaning and intention of this aft; and it is alio requiied, that all per sons having any applications to make do give their attendance at the fame time and place. Savannah, Sept. 19, 1781. ABSTRACT of tin A3, intttled, An Aft to amend an Aft for the better regulating Taverns, Punch Houses, and Retailers of fpiritdous Liquors, It is Knotted, That every person who fliall, after the firftday of Oftobcr next, obtain any license to keep a tavehi or punch house, or to retail any wine, beer, cyder, brandy, ruin, punch, or any other strong drink whatsoever, shall, for every such license, pay the several sums of money or rates following, that is to Cay, every person living in the town of Savannah, or within three mi’es there of, who shall obtain a license as aforefaid, shall, before he or she obtains such license, pay the Inm of ten pounds iterling for the fame; every person living in either of the towns of Sunbury, Ebenezer, or Augufla, who shall obtain A license as afore fed, shall writ pay the fun of seven pounds fierling for the fame; and every person living ~Jsqvc 1 63 £ miles from savannah, and without the limits of ’ the towns of Sunbury, Ebenezer, arid Augufla, who Stall obtain a license as aforefaid, (hull firik pay the sum of five pound; llejling far the fame. And whereas sundry person?, after having ob tained certificates from the Jullices of the Peace, , negkfted to take out their tk-iiv.'js-; cod noiy. foi. / O<X to retaw lpirimous. •uqenTe-, .&t prevent, therefore, such abuses itffutufe, be it Eh- ft atted, That every person applying to the Jufticcs * of-the Peace for a certificate Hull, before the fame is iigned by the firfl Justice, lodge the money for such license with the said firft Just ice, which money is hereby diredled to be forthwith paid to the Pub lick Treasurer for the time being. A FTER the breaking out of the Rebellion n this province, the fubferiber could wot, wtfU impunity, refufe the receiving Rebel money in payment of many very large debts due to him fore that time, as close imprifoonrent, fines, and corfifcation, was the threatened confeque*te of such refufal. The severity of all these penalties he had too often felt to riflt the repetition of them for what the then ruling powers called CoKtttm*ci. When he was ordered to depart the Stott? under fen'tence of fufferihg on a gibbet if ever he return ed, and his whole cflate ccnfifcated, because he would net abjure his revered Sovereign, he was under an absolute necessity of paying his debts be fore his departure, and he did it with the Repel mGt.ey he was so compelled to receive, which was to appealance very willingly accepted ; lent a fur p!us, and fold property, (which he kv.ew would be loft if it w;is left behind him, and which he would not with if he was d.Terentiy circundlanced) to people who had done what lie refufed to do, (upon notes payable to Josiah 1 att nall, Esq and himfelf, in oheand two years, free of i-.tercll) whose motives and intentions in the loan and purchase, from persons under their Hifa - biiities, he leaves the impartial reader to determine. When he returned from exile he could not eol left more than one third of his personal estate, ana that pittance was greatly dimimfhed by the siege of Savannah, which followed soon after, and m obliged him to desire payment of fome wealthy obligees who had agaiif become good fubjefts; but he was answered with the Depreciation, as favourite a word a ; Inimical was formerly. We then referred the matter to arbitration, and the arbitrator on the other„fideL_Jwho was himfelf a conformift, and who had paid a bond for another person of 5001. due many years before the Rebel lion, to jofiah Tattnall, Esq. with Rebel money, and not the lcaft allowance made for the difference) proposed the payment of one dollar for 36, which prevented the decision in that way. This overcame his dislike to law. A suit was then commenced for that note and another, and with 1 egret it is told he has been led a flow and, very cxj>enfive riggle from one Court ko another for more than a twelvemonth pall for the firft, and for the second he had a verdift for one half the sum, though both of them were payable in the old current money, which bad not role then, nor depieeiated since. When the firft trial will be h nifhed none but a necromancer can foretell. He did receive a small sum of Rebel money from the Hon. Anthony Stokes, Esq. very willingly before his departure, and as he has never hinted the lead dislike to it since his name is of no conse quence, as he would rather give the like sum 111 gold than be hampered with an arbitration : He has therefore fbmo thought? to request the figuers of . . ./ -———— ——— all notes for nidlicy lent, or property Told, dur} n the Rebellion.'to.demand them gratis, if it no; be thought by ill natured men a display Q c condemned by them as seeking money that he ha no right to Y> im unjufiJ'nits and’avaricious motives A medium presents itfelf, (for he will not accent a thirtieth part) to give up those notes upon con dition that tiid ftgners will not prolccute him f O J Rebel money lent them of no real value, or p ro> perty fold which was intended by fome of* their Q Wa subsequent lutrrages for corififcntion ; nor does he believe arbitrator whose judgments are free to aft, will award any material difference, efpecialiv for trifting fum*:, in the value of Ipecie and that of the old current money, for which gold and Elver has been received by many pe >ple, without dan ger (as he conceives) of the kail discount for de. predation. JOHN MULLRYNfi. Bonaventure,'Sept. 17, 1.781. Charles Francis Cheealie? INTENDS to open his Fencing . and Dancing School on Mon* day the firft of October. Fencing Half a Joe Entrance and Half a Joe * per Month; Dancing One Guinea Ditto and Three Dollars per Month. • He also could accommodate young Ladies .for Boarding. ~ —<f AN AWAY ’about three weeks ago, a tall film Slave, named Hommady,’ of a quite ft v inGift4he ; p'rop^tVC of tfie Hun. a.A I* harboured among the kidiai s. I do hereby offer a reward of five guineas tu any person whatever who will deliver the fdid feliowoo me in Savannah, and if any person heieafter be found harbouring the said fHlow they may defend or: being prosecuted with the utmost rigour ol the law by “ JAMES HERRiOT. Savannah, Sept. 2 - p, 1781. 1 • i 1 r>iM MMMBfcrfiHifiifwT* i h.arasii WTHS mSammmmg A Negro Wench, who can wafll and iron well, and is otherwise handy , about a house, to be hired by-the month. Inquire of the printer. • — A Five Acre Lot of Land, situated about a mile and an half from town; to be rented. Inquire of the prime*. STRAYED or stolen lat night out of a yard in town, r i&Ssy Two Horses; one a (mall roan, about hands high, branded 4 : on the mouming shoulder his gaits not known ; the other a small grey, about 12* hands high, branded RF in two places. Whoever delivers the said hflrfcs to me in Savannah, or to Mr. George Fox on Little OgechecjE lhall leceivea reward of three dollars for THOM AS GIBBONS jun. s Sales. On Monday the 24th instant will be fold to the highell bidder, for cash, at the Marffiat’s Office in Bull Street, the sale to begin precisely 2tt 10 o’clock, Of N E Negro Man, the property of Josiah Powell. 1 Three Negroes, the property of Nathan Tay- I° r - . iv ft_. ; Three Negroes, the. property of Nathaniel Saxton. A NggTfl TnTdwrfianied Peter, the property of John Lamar. Aifo iix Negroes, named Boson, Andrew, Nanny, Jenny, Mary,--and Nanny ghild, thf piojierty of Nathan Brounfou. Seized on execution by LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. On Monday the 24th infti-nt will be fold, at the Mafffial’s Offi :e in Bull Street, to the highed . bidder, for caff), 4n gold and iilver at the cur* rent exchange, the file to begin piecifely at ten o'clock, N F.GRQ Man, named Trim, the property j/\ of Jame3 Habeifliam.. * \ A Negro Man, named Peter, the property or Peter Bard- . t——-so-j Fourteen Negroes, named Sampson, Hampflnrc# Primus, Mingo, Old Paul, PrinfcT, Dick, Mipiba, L--4 -v-r T*“ ?