The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, September 27, 1781, Image 2

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property to the owners of it, unless such owners with the enemy, and, in that case, to deliver it to the Brigadier General of the diflrid in which it fs, as they answer the contrary at their peril, for speedy and effedu-d punifliment shall be inflided on tfce offenders: And Ido direct all Justices of the Peace dil’gcntlv and Faithfully to execute their office, and to use all lawful mear.s that maybe iiecefTary for apprehending, securing, and bringing to justice, folk persons as are or may be accused of the abovemen tioned or any other criminal offence: I do moreover command all military officers of this flats to give such aid and affiflance t© the civil magistrates as they may require for that pur pole : And J do exhort all those who know, or have re don to believe, where any plundered property is con cealed or secreted, or by whom it is pcffeiTed, to make difeovery and give information touching the fame to the nearcll magiflrate, in order that proper fleps may be taken for the recovery thereof. Given under my hand and the great fcal, at the High Hills of Santee, the fifth day of August, 1781, and in the sixth year of the Independence of America. John Rutledge. By his Excellency's command, John Sandford Dart, pro Secretary. - Srpt. 13. The Rebel army having received considerable reinforcements, Grn. Greene has been induced to attempt an enterprise of a more hazard ous nature than his extreme wariness had before allow ed him; We ane infenmed-tbat JMSaitmDy morning he attacked pur army, under the command of Lieut. Col. Stewart, at the Eutaws. The onset was furious, and at firfl made (Ome impielTicn. After an obflinate confiid the career of the emrny was checked ; .their cavalry, led by Col. Waflung ton, who were the pnoft daring, being vigoroufiy charged by our infantry, were ?.X ondfe hemmed in, tihiF afforded. an opDortanityofonr mtillcty- b( ing |h# RTb^dafa^| .paifttlc :hgeherat rdll en'fuco. The field, flrewed with the killed and wounded.of the enemy, and two field pieces, were left to our vic torious troops. Col. Wafiiington is wounded and taken prisoner. Upwards of 200 of the Rebels were buried on the field of battle. A party of Rebel militia having approached the Foiks of Fdifto lately, with 2n intention, as was supposed, to cfl.ffihffi a poll to overawe that loyal cpur*try, Capt. Connaway, of the Orangeburg h militia, went in quell of and came up with them, on the 15th of lalt month, at the head of the Four Mile Branch, killed 18, and dispersed the reil, and took 25 horses, with a number of swords and p.l tok, Sec. 1 - : ■” r 15. The following is extraded from the log book of the cartel fehooner £aft Florida from Philadelphia : “ The 27th August failed from the Capes of the Delaware, saw a fleet in the offing, was brought to by the Monarch of 74 guns, and carried into the fleet, which confided of 23 fail, 14 of them line of battle ffiips. , They acquainted us they were bound for New York, arnTmade drift, enquiry af ter Admiral Graves, and if the French fleet was on the coast. We informed them that an American Blip had arrived in the Delaware with intelligence, that she had left the French fleet ten days before bound into tr.e Chefapeak Bay; and that the French enquired if they had any men on board the ship capable to ad as pilots. -—-——- “ September 1. Stood close into the Capes of Virginia, and there difeovered 23* fail of (hips, moil of which deemed to be large ; the wind being ]N. E. blowing frefh; occafioncd them not giving us chaie. W e supposed them to be the French fleet.*’ ■ ■ == --r This day died, in the 49th year of his age, Sir FgtrtSn Leigh, Bast, his Majefly's Attorney Ge neral for this province* S A V A N N A iri, September 27. ABOUT the firft of this month Cylcs Tillet, with a few Loyalists, fell in with a party of Rebels, be tween Bror.d and Savannah rivers, on the Ceded Lands, and killed eight of them, without any loss on his fide. And about the 10th Capt. Samuel Tillet, with five men, tlifarmed 16 Rebels at different places on the Ceded Lands; he a!fo attacked the Heard’s.Milb. killeh three. of them, drove the others irom their port,_an<Pbrought off 28 horses, and four negroes belonging to Loyalists, with Which he has f.nce arrived in Savannah. Lift Tuesday fe’nnight, as the brigartine Capt. Caldcleugh, of 6 three pounders, and having 12 men on board, was going from Sunbury in order to proceed on her voyage to Jamaica, (he >vas attacked by two Rebel gallics, fchoonir .rigged, at ten.o’clock in the foretiodn; the larged, commanded by John Braddock, mounted two carriage guns and a number of swivels, had upwards of 50 men, is about 60 feet long,-and rows with 26 oars ; tire ether a'.fo mounted fome f\yveis; they kept abouGher till two in the afternoon, and were prepared for boarding, but th: bride fire from the brigantine then obliged then; to 3 fhcer off. During, the engagement she Dunmore ran .them Analh ffaiy- afcajfl 5 ftiebeiicived aa* damage, but it’s imagined the largest galley loft fome of •her nmn, as several holes were perceived in her fails, and the grape (hot was fecn to light on each fide of her. Thi brigantine,- after -getting abeut 60-leagues out to sea, sprang a leak, which oljiiged her to pus back, and (hr .ar rived at Tybec on Wcdr.cfday evening the 19th jut. with fix feet vntCi in herfeij. Th. &£ m with her antagonists, but a few (hot fined at them imme diately compelled them to bear away. The Dumr.orc 3 leak being (iopt, (he is again ready to proceed on her vos- a L ,e ’ \ u k Marsikp.] Capt. Roworth, o\tlre King’s Rangers, Miss Ninby Deveaux, daughter Dcveaux, Life, of Beaufort, South Carolina. x, GEORGIA. By his Excellency Sir JAMES WRIGHT, Baronet, Captain-. General and Governor in Chief in and over his Mnjtfty’s Province of Georgia, Chancellor, Vice-Admiral, and Ordinary of the fame, A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the exigency ‘of thp publick affairs in this province require the aid and afiiftanceof the Legislature, I have therefore, by and with tl|e advice and confirm of his Majefly’s Honourable Council, and pursu ant to the powers veiled in me, thought fit to iifuc this my proclamation, requiring the Members of the Commons Houie of Afiembly to meet in Ceneral AfTembly,.at Savan nah, on Tuesday thp second day of October next ensuing, then ta,fit for the di(patch of publick business; ard the find Afilmbly is hereby required accordingly. Given und*r my hand, and the great seal of- the pro vince of Georgia, at Savannah, this 26th day of Sep tember, in the year of our Lord 1781, and in the 21 ft year of his Majeftv’s reign. TA. WRIGHT. “By Ill's Excellency's Command!” Gr o. D v kr BA.c,E,*Dep, Sec. GOO SAVE THE KING. FOU ND, * •’ A BU NCH OF KEYS. The ownet may have them by _■ applying to the •TC ”*V r —— *■: vm r- * Wanted iniriiediabely, - ” /% PERSON who unde.Rands making TAR. -Any verfon applying to the fubferiber on the Bay Will iiu-ec with good encouragement. JAMES HERRIOIY Savannah, Sept. 27, 1,751. To be Let , and may be Entered the of next Month, A Commodious House in RrougHron C treet Inquire of ELIZABETH ANDERSON. ’ fc AKbN UP on the Ogechee road last Sun ■ 1 day, A SORREL with a bridle on, about 1.3 hands high, branded on the near thigh X_LL Whoever ow f m fa id horse inly have him by applying to BENJAMIN ANSLEY. Savar.hah, Sept. 2j, 1781. W Flt/eas, bv an adl of Affcmbly, palled Hie 2d day of August last, entitled, “ An Aft - ” for farther amending an A <sl foi constituting and dividing the several Diftri&s and Divisions of this’ I'ro‘vilice into Farifhes, and for cllabbthing of reli gious Worfliip therein according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Chhrctt of England ; and rdfo for empowering the Church-wardens and Veil ry-men of the refpeilive Ear idles to Rates ft*r the Repatf of .the Churches, the Relief ol the Poor, and other parochial Services ; and for enlarging the Publick Burying Ground at Savannah, and induing the fitmc it is EnatitJ, T’hat it shall and nmy be lawful to and for the Rfc rtbForofficiating Clergyman, CijUicii-wardene, and Yeitr) inch, of the pan lb of Chriil Church, or the majority of them; to raise such a sum and sums of tfie paihh, notice thereof iXcliiU fiidt /given in the Gazette, as shall be requisite and ne ceffitry for all or any of theFeryices in the laid aft mentioned, provided Eke fame Hull not yearly, or in any one year, exceed the lum of one hundred and twenty pounds lawful money of Great Britain, by an equal tax, to be afTeffed, collected, and le vied; in the maimer and agreeable to thedire&ions of the before recited ad. - _ . __ ‘/’••'•‘dN'tjticrfriiereby givcir;*Tfartlie'ChurcH war-"’ dens and Vcflry-men for the parifh’ of Christ Chujch, by virtue of the aforefaid adt, have order -ed that the followfing sums (to be paid in gold fiiver at the prelcnt current rates) lhall be levied and afTeifed on she inhabitants of the said parish, to wit: # The sum of Fourpence upon every Have, Four pence upon every 100 acres of land ; Seven Shil lings and Sixpence on every improved lot within the town of Savannah, Ewenffeurgh, Truitets- Gardens, and YnmacraW, and on the hamlets thereunto belonging ; Two Sliillingson .every lot vvil/rin tire limits aiSffmcP; Fourpence upon every idol, value of flock of goods on hand fur falc. By Consent of the Veltry, S. H. JENKINS, ‘ 1 Church• JO SI AH TATTNALt, j warden. ‘MarjhaPs Sales. “On Monday the 15th of Oitooer next Wl i fold to the high ell bidder, fur cuffi, at the fhal’s Office in Bull Street, the faie to b * at ten o’clock preciiely, . ‘ e S !| i M‘Goun and others 7 A TRACTTUu [ t\ Os Land, ;„7 William Gibbons jun. J paiifii of Christ containing by effing 50c acres, be the fame more or less, joining I j belonging to the efiate oi William elder. ‘ the Benjamin Stiles 1 A Honf e an(l v. Lot in the to Richard Donnovan Murray. Jof Savannah con 1 tainingby eftim,’ tion 60 feet in front and 90 feet in depth,’ know by the N 0 . 7, in Broughton Street, at p re f tr ! occupied by Mrs. ShancJ, and opposite the house lately occupied by Mrs. Haven. Samuel Douglass and anothe-\ A Dot or P aret | v /of Lar.d, in the town John Houfloun. /of Savannah, Con . Same /tabling by effimatiej v. ho feet more Same. ) >r less, joins a lot of the Hon curable Joha Graham, £fq. and Jifnes Chapman. Alffi a Tract of Land, in tlnee lo‘s, in the pnrj;h c j Chrlfl Church, containing by tllimation 1 ‘SO acres that 50 acre- each, imi e~o’ less, situated in e * township of Vernonburgh, known by the Num. bers 2, and 4, co tgiunu to ai djo n each 0 , and join lands of Thomas Frafcr,* to the en lot N o y 7, granted to David Tubear, ar.d lots’ of Jolmftpn, to she north on lot of JacqU Nungezer, together, with the dwelling houfej * Savannah; Sept. 13, 1781. i . * ’ “ “ ~ - • IIH ■ > ‘ I IIM ‘ On Monday the 15th of. Oftober next, will be fold, at the Marshal’s Office in Bull Street, to the highest bidder, for cash, the sale to begin precifcly at 10 o’clock, A, PLAN RATION or Parcel of Land, in two . trails, in the parish of Chrifl Church, on Savannah river, conmining 6qoaeres, be the fame more or less, called Rae’s Hall, adjoining eailerly on lands belonging to Crewton’s eflare, wefierlyos a creek and lands late lUac Young’s, and nortiicrly on Savannah river. Alio a small Iflund in the river Savannah, opposite Rue’s Hall, in the paiifh of Chi ill Church, containing by eilimation 40 acres, be the fume more or leL. Ai.J alio a Parcel of Land on Hutcninfon’s Iflmd, in the pnrilh of Chriil Church, containing by eilimation 3 o acres, be the fame more or Id-, being the welicrmoft part of laid illand, bounded northwardly by Savao* nah back river, foutlnvardly by Savannah river, and eallwaudty by lands late Brfwton’s, The property of Robert Rae, devifee of Jane So merville, who was heiress at taw of John Rae, de ceased, and fold under execution by ■ - LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. Savannah, Sept. 13, 1781. On Monday the firfl of October next, will be fold, at the Marfhui’s Office, to the higlufll bidder, forcalh, the sale to begin precisely at ten o’clock, TEN Negro Slaves, named Jeffrey, August, Scipio, Fanny, Lady, Gritta and her three children, 2nd Kate, the property of Noble Jones, Esq. deceafed,* and fold under execution. A Negro Woman, named Kate, the property of Joseph Bell, deceased, fold under attachment.’ And a Negro Boy, named Charles, the property of Daniel Wolecon, and fold under attachment. And on the fame day will be fold, at the house of Mr. James Habeffham at Little Ogeche£j The following Furniture, viz. One large maho gany dining table, a mahogany delk and’ book case, two mahogany bedlleads, one clock case, a mahogany counpng-houfe desk, a set painted (helves, two mahogany half cherts of drawers, a spinet, four ports of a.nwhegany bedUead, and -a ciiuj’s crib, bp,fig the property of the said James Haberfliam, and fold under execution. LE WIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. Savannah, Sept. 20, 1781. On Saturday the 20th day of Odlober next, will be fold, at the Marshal’s Office, to the highest bidder, for calk, the sale to begin preciiely at 1 1 o’clock, . ‘ A TRAC Por Parcel of Land, in the paitflvof • , Chriil Church, containing by eilimation 590 acres, be the fame more or Id's, on the Me of Idope. Alio a TiraA or,Parrel of Land, contuir h'g 400 acres, be the fame mor? or less, lying within three mi’-* j of Savannah, in the parish aforc A said, and late the property of John Mjifedge. A# alio another Trad or Parcel of Land, containing 250 acres, be the fame more or less, joining lands oflsobig Wimberly Jones and the Eita;e of fr juic.