Newspaper Page Text
On THURSDAY EVENING next, being the
18th Instant, will be present tv B
C CAiL £D, ? 1 W.
Between the Play and Farce will
bespoken, A PROLOGUE, in
Character of a Country Boy.
The Characters by Gentlemen of the
The Doors wifi be open at Six o*Clock, and the
Performance will commence at Half pail Six.
Tickits to be had at the Printing Office at
the usual Prices.
Vivant Rex & Regina,
N. B. It Is required that the Ladies anu Gentle
men will not attend at the Doors before Six o’Clock,
as none will be admitted prior to that Period.
* LL persons indebted to the Primer of this
paper are requelled to fettle with him.
Those whose debts were contracted before the Re
bellion, and to whom repeated applications have
been made for payment, mull not think thcmfelves
hardly dealt with if after the fir ft of next month
their accounts are put in suit. He begs leave to
remind such as may have occafiou to fend him ad
vertisements for publication that they cannot
possibly be received without caih.
CAME to ray plantation, A NEGWTEL
LOW, whd fays his is 4ACIL and
that he belongs to Thomas Trott, a Frenchman,
who went wiui the Rebels after the reduction of
Charieftown. ROBERT REID.
William and James Carlan,
AT their Store N°, 3, TraJi Street, Charleftown,
are felling off
- Their Stock of Goods,
At a very low advance, and any person tiking the whole
shall have them much under the cost and charges of goods
lately imported. They are extremely well adapted for the
<fcafon, and consist of, White, Wue, and green plains j
white flannel, chequered fwanlkin for saddle cloths, Ihal
loons fcnd trimmings, Bath coatings, calamanco, durant,
tarrjmies, striped and brown camblct for negroes gowns, a
•.variety of ftlhionable and printed cottons, a few patterns.
Hot furniture cottons, pocket handerchief brown and dyed
Rufliadrab, 6 and 8-4UIS jaconet mu fun,’ black and white
Woud lace, India and Englilh pcffiao, plain and black
luteftriog, black and white modes for cloaks and lining?;
worded, thread, and cotton hose; cotton and Scots ounce
thread, brown 3nd coloured oanabrig thread, axes and locket
spades, whip and croflcut saws, ox cast boxes, drawing
knives, (hovels and tnngs, bellows, kitchen dogs, (pits
. and-fltewers, paints and oil; china cups and saucers, pint,
and 3 pint bowls;, .glass ware, bohea tea, ftarcb and
powder blue j a Ciffiplcatftt of (hop feales, with a large
beam and x iron jo lb, weight*, and a set finall weights,
*C, kc,
’ ’ ■’ . * . - ■ -* 4
/ * 4.
LIST of the Killed anJ JVautided in tbt Slips and VefftU
under the Command of Commodore JobnJlor.r, in an Ail ion
with a French Squadron commanded by Moms. deSuffrcm,
on the i6tb cf April, 1781, in Port Pray a Road in tbt
. IJland of Se. Jago,
TT} OMNEY. 7 seamen or petty officers wounded; 3
Iv ditto since dead of their wounds.
Monmouth. 1 seaman or petty officer, 5 foldier* or
marines, wounded. If„
fdero. a seamen or petty officers wounded.
Id*, t seaman or petty officer, 3 marines* killed; 4
seamen or petty officers, 1 soldier or marine, wounded j t
Jupiter. 1 seaman orpctty officer, 1 soldier or marine,
wounded. -
Jason. 1 seamen or petty officers killed ; 4 seamen or
petty officers, 3 foldier* or marines, wounded.
A&ive. None. -- ‘
Diana. 3 seamen or petty officers', % foldier* or marines,
wounded. .
Rattlesnake. None.
Infernal. Y seaman or petty officer killed; t seamen
or petty officers wounded t 4 feamen.oV peLty officers, 9
• . Terror., zwldiersor marmesTtiiled; 6 feartien.or..petty*
officers'wounded.. * -
San Carlos. 3 seamen or petty officers, 3 soldiers or
marines, wounded.
Pondicheny. 4 soldiers or marines killed; 1 seaman
or petty officer, 9 soldiers dr marines, wounded; 1 soldier
or marine since dead of his wounds.
Royal Charlotte. 1 soldier or marine killed; 1 seaman
Or petty officer; 3 soldiers or marines, wounded.—
Porpoise. None.
Resolution. Ditto.
Manilla. Ditto,
Elizabeth bomb tender. Ditto.
ElTex. z soldiers or marines killed ; 1 seaman or petty
officer; 6 soldiers or marines, wounded.
Lord North. None.
Queen. 1 fc/man or petty officer, 2 foldier* op marines,
killed ; 6 fuamen ur petty officers, 4 foldier* or marines,
wounded, !
Chapman. None.
Latham. ‘X soldiers or marines killed; 1 seaman or
petty- officer, 6 foldieis or marines; wounded.
Mailings. 1 or petty officer killed; 1 seaman or
petty officer wounded.
Southampton. None.//
Utterly. 1 seaman or petty officer killed; 6 seamen or
petty officers, 2 soldiers or marines, wounded.
Valentine. 4 seamen or petty officers wounded.
Afla. 3 ditto wounded.
HirtthinbrOok. 7 seamen or petty officersYcilled; 7
ditto wounded ; 7 ditto taken prisoners.
Locko. a soldiers or marines killed ; 5 seamen or petty
officers, a soldiers of marines, wounded.
Fortitude. * seamen or petty officers, a soldiers or
marines, killed ; 7 seamen or petty officers, 14 foidiers or
marines, wounded; 3 ditto since dead of their wounds.
Content. I soldier or marine wounded.
Sykes, Elizabeth, Admiral Keppel,-Jupiter, ’ Prudence;
Union, Edward, Nancy, Three Sifters, Eagle, Mirtlc
Total. 16 seamen or petty officers killed; 77 ditto
wounded ; 4 ditto since dead of their wounds * 11 ditto
taken prisoners. *
20 soldiers or marines killed ;83 ditto wounded; 4 ditto
since dead of their wdunds ; 9 ditto taken prisoners.
Officers Idled. George Keith, firft Lieutenant of the
Jafrn. Capt-Crawford, of the tooth regiment, on board
the Ofterly East Indiaman. Lieute M'Donald, of ditto,
cn board ditto. Lieut. Griffin, of the 98th regiment or!
board the Pondicherry armed transport. Lieut. Morris,
of ditto, in a boat coming from the fhoic. Henry Roach*
Master of the Porpoise arnied transport. The Sureeon of
/the Ofterly East India (hip.
officers wounded. Lieut. Donald Campbell of the Ter
ror bomb veflel. Lieat. Hind of the 98th regiment. Er
iign Scott of ditto, on board the Fortitude East Indiimari.r
Prisoner. Capt. Henry D’Efterre Darby, Commander
of his Majesty's firclhip Infernal, taken prisoner by the
m ... .
Copy of a Letter from Earl CorHwdfTis to the Mev.
Dia* Six, Wilmington, 23d April, 1781;
IT give* me great concern to undertake a talk, which U
not only a bitter renewal of my own grief, but mull be
a violent shock to an affeflionate parent.
You have for yourfupport the aflilUncc of religion; good
sense, and ah experience of the uncertainty of all human
happiness. You have sot your fatlsfadlion, that your foh
fell nobly in the cause of his country; honoured and la
mented by all his fellow soldiers ; that he led a life of ho
nour and virtue, which mull fccure to him eVertaftinr r
happiness. When the keen sensibility of the passions be
gins a little to subside these confideration* will give vou
real comfort. _ * ,
That the Almighty may give you fortitude to bear this
0t l *V!? e * arne,t wilh of companion in
and mod faithful ferrant,
WILMINGTON, (North Carolina) Sept, ltj
ON Saturday the Bth inst. an expre(> arrived
here from Col. Fanning and Col, M'Ncill,
of the Loyal Militia, with an account, ghat on
Saturday the Ift inst. they marched with aoo mat
to attack a body of Rebels,- to the ahioontof
commanded by Col. Wade and three other Colo
nels, lying at Bettis’s Bridge on Drowning Creek.
The a a ion began at 11 o'clock A. M. and lasted
With (mart firing a considerable time, when tho
Rebels retreated in dßorder, and were pnrfiied til!
two o’clock in the afternoon. They left about to
killed and wounded on the spot, besides a
number wounded in the pursuit. The Loyalifif
had not a man killed, and but three or four wound
ed, and took 52 prisoners and ioo horses, besides
arms and ammunition; 28 of the prisoners were
sent to this town, the rest were paroled.
‘■ ■ * .
. CHARUISIOWN, Sfptfmbfct'l3. ,
1 % C-ane CreeSc,: r: of the Seneca, a little before Ninety-Six Was
evacuated, made an irruption about the beginning of
last month into the country betwixt the Enorce and
Saluda rivers, killed eight noted Rebels, and col
letted 60 of the loyal inhabitants, who availed
them (elves of that opportunity to get rid of the
Blejpt/gt of Independence, which have been hitely
forced upon them by their new mailers; and retir
cV^?.^'anc determined to join the loya!
inhabitants there in harrafling the Rebels, until
they are enabled by the co-operation of the King’s
troops to live peaceably at home as Britilh fubjetts.
When the tapture of the large and valuable
Frfcnch Ihip Marquis La Fayette was announced ac
Philadelphia the vifeges of the congreffianal finan
ciers were greatly lengthened I—they were not a
Ir.tle chopifalleh.
Sept. 22. When Gen. Pickeiis colledUd the
militia of hit diftritt, about a month ago, to ioiii
Gen Greene, he called only upon such of the in
habitants as were known to be friends to the Britilh
government, and were supposed to have made a
temporary fubmifflon to save their properties. A
it is well known that in attjon the firft line Os Gen.
Greene’s army is always composed of militia, the
tendency of this measure is obvious, (thd nrav fttVe
to convince Arch unfortunate Loyalist, as have sub
nutted to their government of the nature of those
buffings their new rulers have in store for them
About a fortnight ago Cape. Butler of the iriiii
tia made an excursion over Santee to Puddine
Swamp, one of the heads of B’ack River, * where
the opprelled inhabitants immediately rofc barms
and prepared to embody themselves under him s
but a negro belonging to one of the Loyalift* hav
ing given Gen. Greene notice of their intentions,
he sent a strong party among them so suddenly that
it prevented their making a junttion. Capt. Ruder
was therefore obliged to retrfcat with such of t ht
inhabitant* a* wfcre embodied, being about 30 in
number, and having crossed Santee at Murray’*
ferry got fafie to our post at Moock’s Corner.
By the latest advices from the back country we
learn, that Gen. Gitenc's array is in thit greatest
diltrefs for want of fait; that thfey fearcLveiy
houfc for that article, and When they find aay fcave
Only a single handful for the use of a family.
Sept. 25. Capt. Jephtha Williams of the militia
made *n inroad lately from the Fork* of tdifi o
into the enem> ’* country; beyond Ninety-Six. and
having received intelligence that a considerable
party of Rebel militia were embodied and patmlin*
oft Turkey Creek; a branch of Savannah river
blwt Nintry Six and Augufh, became
them on the hth inst; killed and wounded toi. and
dispersed the rest. He afterwards returned in fkfetO
without the loss a man,
Ex/r*t3 of a letter froth mtinhigtoH, North Cmro
linm, dated the in ft meet.
•* FrOm the appearance Os affairs; and the late
defeat of Greene’s army, added to the teal and
fpint of the people in this province, we are induced
to think that wedhall have peace and trade soon
rtftored, and the Britilh government fftabliflied
among us. We mull inform yOu of foase pleating
intelligence received from the Country a few days
ago, which may be depended on, as it has been
confirmed by different expreftes: A body of oar
[NO, 137.]