The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, October 11, 1781, Image 4

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MarfhaVs Sales. On Monday the 15 th of Oftobcr next, will be 1 fpld to the highelt bidder, for cash, at the Mar (hai’i Of&ce in Bull Street, the sale to begin at ten O’clock precisely, M‘Goun and others 7 A TRACT or Parcel ▼. V £\ of Land, in the William Gibbons jun. 3 parilh of Chriil Church, containing by estimation 500 acres, be the fame more or less, joining lands belonging to the cftate of William Gibbons the elder. Benjamin Stiles 7 A House and v. > Lot in the town Richard Donnovan Murray. 3 ofSavannah,con taining by estima tion 60 feet in front amd 90 feet in depth, known by the N O . 7, in Broughton Street, at present occupied by Mrs. Shand, and opposite the house lately occupied by Mrs. Haven. Samuel Douglass and anothe r \ A Lot or Parcel v, jof Land, in the town John Houftoun. /of Savannah, con- Same mining by estimation v. feet square, more Same. lox less, joins a let of theHonoarable J ohn Graham, Esq. and James Chapman. Also a Trafl of Land, in three lots, in the parilh of that is 50 acre’ each, more or less, iituated in the township of Vernonburgh, known by the Num bers 2,3, and 4, contiguous to and join each o ther, and Join lands of Thomas Fraser, to the weft •ri lot N 0 .7, granted to David Tub.ear, and lots of David Johnston, to the north on lot of Jacob Nungezer, together with’ the dwelling houfe*,’ buddings,. hereditaments, rights, - and ‘"lappuftenanCes, refpifeoi vefy• fee fongi ng. LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. Savannah, Sept. 13, 1781. On Monday the 15th of O&ober next, will be fold, at .the Marshal’s Office in Bull Street, to the highest bidder, for cash, the sale to begin, precisely at 10 o’clock, a PLANTATION or Parcel of Land, in two ,£ \ trafls, in the parilh of Christ Church, on Savannah river, containing 650 acres, be the fame more or less, called Rae’s Hall, adjoining easterly on lands belonging to Brew ton’s estate, werterly on a creek and lands late Isaac Young’s, and northerly on Savannah river. Also a small liland in the river Savannah, opposite Rae’s Hall, in the parilh of Christ Church, containing tv estimation *4O acres, be the fame more or lefc And also a Parcel of Land on Hutchinson’s liland, in the parilh of Christ Church, containing by estimation 300 acres, be the fame more or less, being the wertermoft jmrt offaid illand, bounded northwardly by Savan nah back river, fouthwardly by Savannah river, 2md eaftwardly by lands late Miles Brewton’s. The property of Robert Rae, defrifee of Jane So merville, who was heiress at law of John Rae, de ceased, and fold under execution by LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. Savannah, Sept. 13, 1781. On Saturday the 20th day of October next, will be fold, at the Marlhal’s Office, the highest bidder, for calh, the sale jb begin precisely at 11 o'clock, ATR ‘ : CT or Parcel of Land, in the parilh of Christ Church, containing by estimation 506 acres, be the fame more or less, on the llle of Hope. Also a Tra£t or Parcel of Land, contain ing 400 acres, be the fame more Os less, lying within three miles of Savannah, in parilh afore” laid, and late the property of John Milledge. And also another Traft or Parcel of Land, containing 250 acres, be the lame more or less, joining lands of Noble Wimberly J ones and the Estate of Francis Henry Harris, deceased, in the parilh of Christ Church aforefaid. Together with all the dwelling houses, buildings, rights, members, and appurte nances, thereto belonging. The whole the pro perty of Noble Jones, deceased, and fold under execution by LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. * Savannah, Sept. 20, 1781. On Saturday the 27th day of Oftcber next, will be fold, at the Marshal’s Office in Bull Street, to the highest bidder, for calh, in gold and sil ver at the current exchange, the sale to begin at ten p’clock precisely, William Pox and Cos. 5 A TR ACT of Land, v.* > r\ in the parilh of St. JJenjarain Andrei. 3 John, containing by esti mation 200 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Richard Baker, and commonly called Mrs. Brad well’s. And also another Trad, in the parilh of St. John, containing by estimation 200 acres, more or less, situated at a place called the Desalt, and near lands of Mrs. Bilney and the late joleph An drew deceased. William Fox and Cos.) A Traft of Land, in the v. V parilh of St. And revv, con- Lewis Mutteair. 3 mining by estimation 400 acres, be the fame more or less, joining or near lands of Thomas Quarterman. William Fox and Cos. A Tra6t of Land on v. j'Bulltown Swamp, in‘the William Lfe Conte. ‘ I parilh of St. Andrew, con- Johnson, Survivor, r taining by estimation 3000 y. .1 acres, more or less, join- Same. J ing lands of Simon Mun ro, Roger Keifall, and John Jones: Also another Trad), in the parilh of St. Philip, containing by estimation 500 acres, more or less, lying near Cauouchie, and joins lands of James Butler. William Fox and Cos. 7 A Tratt of Land,'in v > the parilh of St. John, Francis Brown. 3 containing by estimation acres, be the fame more or less, near or adjoining to lands of Peter Sallens deceased and Thomas Young. Simon Paterson and another 1 Several Tradls of V. i Land, in the parilh Samuel Weft. J of St - Andresv, con taining together by estimation 1000 acres, more or leL, joining lands of Simon Munro and William Le Conte. Ann Cuthbert and others J A Tradl of Land, v. *> ip Christ Church pa- Mary Dawson, Executrix. ) rifh. containing by • estimation 240 acre?, more or less, joining lands 6f Willtam Jones on the south, land? of James Read on the fouth-wcil, and M rs. Rulftl on the weft. Administrators of Belcher J , A Tradl of Land, v. V in the parilh of , William Bla'ir. J containing by estima tion Igo acres, be the fame more*ar less, situate four miles fiom the firouth or Briercieefc/ and joins Tafids of John Conners. The whole'of the above fold under attachment. A Tradl or Parcel ol Land, in the parilh of St. Andrew, containing bv estimation 500. acres, be the fame more or less, bounded on the east by lands of Simon Munro, fclq. and on the weft by lards of Samuel Weft, the property of Charles Weft deceased, and fold.under execution by LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. Savannah, Sept, zy, 1781. On Monday the 15th inst. will be fold, to the highest bidder, for calh, a. the Marlhal s Office, in Bull Street, the sale to begin precisely at 10 o’clock, A NEGRO Wench, named Tyra, the pro perty of John M’Lean, fold under execution. A Negro Man, named Quash, the property of Jofuh Powell, fold under execution. LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. Savannah, Oift. 4, 1781. On Tuesday the 6th of November next, will be fold, at the Marlhal’s Office in Bull Street, to the highest b’dder, for cash, the fide to begin pre cifeJy at ten o’clock, A PLANTAT ION or Parcel of Land, in the parilh of St. John, containing’ by estimation 1200 acres, more or less, formerly the property of Joftah Powell, adjoining lands late of Burt ley, and lands of the late John Screven, together with thedwelhng houses, buildings, hereditaments, rights, members, and appurtenances, thereto re fpeiiively belonging, the property of John Kean, and fold under execution by LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. Savannah, Q&. 4, 1781, /. , T3 AN away from South Ca rolina near four years ago, jKftSS IF and went to Savannah, the fol jflX lowing Negroes, the pr perty of the late Cjapt. Richard Pen ®MM ~al darvis, all country born fcnfible slaves : Lymus, a black well l^ 1 T>ade fellow, between 40 ad . 0 y Cars 0 f age : Bkn, lon to Lytnus, refembtes hiss much, and rs about 21 years uhl * Abram, about 23 years of age, of a yellow complexion, /hort and well set, fejammers a little: Peter, a black, fellow, aged about 23 years, very likely and well made : Billy, also very likely, of the fame age ml complexion, but lighter make, is a good waiting-man : Dick, (fomc times goes by the name of SA I lor ) of a yellow complexion, ftammeri a little, is about 23 Y ears old: Isaac, a muftec fellow, about 35 years of age, works a little at ihe car . penter trade, is about 5 feet 7 inches high, and fpcaks good English : Betty, wife to Isaac, a Aim black wench, about 5 feet 8 inches high, and 18 years old, with three “children, viz. Kate, about 13 years of age, and of a yellow complexion j Daniel, of a yellow complexion, aged about 12 years j a boy, of a yellow complexion, a bout 6 years old ; Ihe has had another child fincc her elope ment: Dembo, about 5 feet 10inches high, of a bl.ick complexion, limps when he walks, has a rogwifh counten ance, is supposed to be harboured in St. AuguftirK others are harboured in Georgia, moft of them in the town of Savannah. A guinea reward will be given tor each of the above negroes delivered to the Keeper of the Workhouse in Savannah, besides reasonable charges. MARGARET PENDARYIS^ GEORGIA, fl. T THE lionodrablc Antnbv* ~ /X Stokes, Efquirc, Chief juftij A. Stokes, sos his Mljefty’s Province of GeorgU * 3in America, in pursuance of an aft she General AHembly of the said province, intitled, I Aft for the Relief of such of Majedy’s loyal Subjeft| as have any real or personal Property in the Provinces t( Georgia, and whose Title Deeds, Bonds, Notes, spe. “. cialtics, and other Evidences, Vouchers, and Wri^ “ ings, have been either loft, destroyed, or carried off ” during the Time herein aftermentioned,” DO TIFY, That John Murray, of the parilh of Christ Church, in the province aforefaid, Esquire, hath nude a deposition before me, touching the right, title, and inte reft,.of him the said John Murray, of, in, and to, ace,, tain traft or parcel of land, containing by estimation one hundred acres, lying on the River Savannah, in the parity of Christ Church, in the said province, called the Hcrmj. tage, boundeduorth-wefterly by lands late of James Hume Esquire, fouth-eaftwardly by land allotted for the Gleb/ and northwardly by Savannah river, together with all the improvemtints, rights, members, and appurtenan$ f thereunto belonging, claimed by the said John Murray by virtue of and under a certain deed of conveyance made aqd executed to him fome time about the beginning of-the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six, by the then JLfting Provost Marlhal of this province, in confequepce •fa sale made thereof, under an execution, grounded on a judgment obtained in the General Court of the said pro. vince against the Estate of one David Murray, Esquire deceased, which said title deed was lodged in the Secreta ry's or Register’s Office of the said province to be recorded and afterwards, with divers other records belonging to the said office, was loft, carried oft/ or destroyed : Which de position sets forth, as far as the nature of circumftance* will admit, the particulars of the said John Murray's title, the nature of the pirmifes, and the-place where ft. tuatc, and now remains in the Prothonotary’s Office open tn tire infpeOion of all perfbns wharfoevef; aid, good cause is Ihewn on oath to the contrary, within fn r ‘ calendar months after the publication of this notice in the Georgia Gazette, I shall declare, by'certificate under my hand, fubferibed under such depofitioh, that the famt Bands uncontroverted. Civen. under my hand, at Savannah, in .the province aforefaid, the twentieth day of Au gull, in the year of our Lord fit ; - ven ** bfTis Mjijefty's reign. L 1 GH T h'o R S eT’ ALL a6live young men, fit for HoHfe. ’ men, and willing to serve hit Majesty King GEORGE, for the of two years, or during the present rebellion, have now a fair and honour able opportunity of revenging theml'clves on the authors of the many cruel’.ies and bon id mu'deri committed on their relations, friends, and fellow fubjefts; of teftifying their loyalty to the bell of Kings, and inaftifeiling their abhorrence and aver sion to this unnatural and unprovoked lebettlou; by applying to Lieut. Col. George Campbell, commanding the King's own American Regiment, now quartered in this tovvo, who has power to raise a body of light horse, to be attached to and serve conllantly with the End regiment. Each loyal and smart young recruit (hail receive five guineas bounty, and a crown to drink hh Majesty’s health, be provided with free quarters, a good horse, pay, cloathing, arms, accoutrements and every other lequifite, fit for a light dragoon, such as a cap and helmet, a brace of good piitols before him, a keen edged sword by his fide, and good boots and spurs. Thus equipped as a Gentleman Dragoon, he must carry sure and certain vidloiy, acquire honour to himfelf, and render service to his Sovereign and injured Country. Savannah, sth June, 1781. ‘I . -.i GOD SAVE TH EKING. N. B. Any person who brings a recruit ika.ll re ceive a reward of fvalf a guinea. Such fervideable, active, able, and young dragoon horses, as are ts be fold, will be purchased, and a generous price given, by applying at the Colonel’s quarters, the yellow house uear the well gate. GEORGE CAMPBELL, Lt. Col. and Commanding mmm mmmmmmmmmmrn mwm n ■ ■ -no - - - - ■ —” Wanted immediately, A PERSON who underllands making TAR. Any person applying to the fubferiber 08 the Bay. will meet with good encouragement. JAMES HERRIOT, Savannah, Sept. 27, 1781. STOLEN out of the fubfcritxr’s boat lying in Savannah River, A Black Leather Pocket-Book, with sundry nottb and accounts, viz. Robert Bennett’s note of 50b for half afehooner; Thomas Coley's two notes foi 27 guineas and 25 gallons rum ; William Cane’s note for 51. 17s. 6d. ami a note of John Dunn’s for 51. Also a Pair af plain Knee Buckles, a Pair of oval caft\carved Shoe Ruckles, a Mariner’s Biafs Compass, two White Shirts, five Pairs Stockings, a Silk Waistcoat Pattern, a Bag of Woman’s and Boy’s Apparel, with sundry other things- If any of the abovet articles {houM be offered to any person it is requeued they may be ftopt, and on notice thereof being iven to Mr. David Murdoch a fuitahle reward will be paid. JOHN NEWCOME. RAN AWAY from the Subfcribers* A VER Y likely NEGRO FELLOW, named Isaac, a cooper by trade, he has loft a piece of his left ear. Five guineas reward will be given for apprehending him* OWENS, THOMSON, and CO- Savannah-;- Q£t, 2, v jyßl Tinted by JAMES JOHNSTON-