The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, November 22, 1781, Image 2

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F6R SALE, at'a low Advance, Being a Consignment By the Georgia Packet, Capt. Haift, from London, PRINTED linens, cottons, and chintz; Mens white and brown thread hole, . Ditto fuperfine hats; also, Two Pairs new invented patent plftols with spring bayonets. ~T~ S. H. JENKINS. AMo for sale, a few hogffieads old Jamaica rum. r Nov. 19, 1781. IMPORTED, in the Georgia Packet, Capt. Haift, from London, and to be fold reasonably for Cash, Piodace, or Government Bills of Ex change, by CECIL & WOOD, At their Store on the Bay. A General Aflortment of European and East India Good;. Among ft which are : BLUE ant! white negro c o.h, dutfil blankets, fuperfine broadcloth, kerfeymeers, flinnels, Bath coating, ftrouds ; 3 7-Sths, and yard wide Irish linen ; dow* las, Iriih and Rufiia Iheeting, oznabrig., brown and white Ruilia drabi, ravenfJitck, Bengal stripe, huckaback, fi tefias, P vlcys‘, teanankcn-lng, diaper and dam .ilk table cloth;, hum hums, piliol and long lawns, cambricks, lawn and pocket handkerchiefs, nankeens, variety of printed lineos_ and cottons, chintz gown patterns, cranes, bom bizeen, calamancoes, dnrants, princes ftufr, linen and cotton checks, fu niture checks, cotton gowns, ftlk India ilripcs, be! bunts, bed tick, figured arid corded dimity, buff lr.ffT dimity, buff fatinet, white and brown jeans, fft’peJ hofiand3, c-rderoys; mens white leather, buck, beaver, and linen giuvea; mens silk gloves, womens tvhke leather and white and coloured linen gloves; mens and womens cotton, .thread, fill; ftackingi; holland and idi jpe. tape, Dutch twill, patent .silk lice;; nankeen, *Y ; frit jjlrfs, Dutch ket, black and white plain gauze, - u’.z<* * rich lace and thread gauze, gauze handkerchiefs, back ail white Barcelona handkerchiefs, and cravats, half ell and 3 4-tits black mode, white farce net,, black feathers, fans, Italian flo./eis, pi tin and figured ribbons, blond and thread'lace and edgings, black lace, black satin and co loured hats and bonnets trimmed, black silk cloak; trim-, xned with lace, fcarlef cloaks, calamanco coats, mens brown and black beaver hats, an afforfment of saddles ; whole, half hunting, and twig whips; surcingles, crun pes and ffirujj leithers, fnaflle and half cu'b bridles, mail piiions, fuddle bags, Collar heads with hemp reins, an . affartmejat prudery, fi&ing lines and hooks, guaflinty tfiot, blacking balls and brufnei; foldiersTcnt, toupee, and ivory combs; mahogany framed oval diefling glasses, fn-ve bottoms with rims, hair brooms and ferubbing hrn/he.s with handles, cotton and wool cards, paint bruiies, an afTbrtraent of writing paper, bill of lading and receipt ♦books, Spelling book; and Testaments, fiates anJ pencil*, Lies and laces, round rulers, and red ink, pounce, ivory folders, shining sand, dealing wax and wafers, ink powder, an aflortment of tin ware, fiH twine, foinuft and ihoe thread, Hambro’ lines, desp sea and log lines, hxir clniths lines, earthen ware and glass ; pewter ir.eafurcs, plates,’ arid spoons ; 4d. sd. 6J. Bd. iod. and zed. naUs; clout mils, laddlers and pump tacks, iron pots and fkil i- j, iron teakc'tles, ffyingpans, hatchets and axes, brass fca:es and weight*, Heel corn mills, coffee mills, hooks and hinges, chisels, leel Compasses; handsaw, whipsaw, ana enffeut saw files; brass furniture for defies, See. split ting wedges, fad iron*, rat traps, brass cocks, chapes and tongues, gimlet?, croifcut and pit saws, gridirons, great variety of locks ; oznabrig, linen, sotten, and duck ttow fera; oznabrig frock*, white and check shirts, striped linfey fettecs, duck and fuftian breeches, sweet oil in pint bottles, catfefr and muihrooms, linseed oil in jugs, Spanish brows, Inmpblack, red lead, glew, brimfione, muffard in bottles, fig and powder blue, oil turpentine, loaf sugar; hvfonygreen, and bohea tea ; raifin9 in jars, black pepper, Ipiccs, porter in barrels, brandy and gin in calks and cases; port, Lisbon, and Madeira wine, in bottles; vinegar in calks, split peafe, mens flrocs and boots, gilt and hair trunks, corks, oakum, candle moulds, a ten inch cable. F OR SALE, rj By David Zuhly jun. At bis Hore on the Bay* by the package, piece, or dozen, at firft colt and charges ONLY, Silk, cottoo, gauze, lawn, and printed hand kerchief* ; Silk ani thread hose, Th reads r 7 —, Kerfeymcers, , Hunter clothv Superfine and egodn, Bath coating*, j : - J iannels, J Scarlet cloaks, Fashionable buttons, Stripes, Venus, .. Buckram, ‘ Superfine Philadelphia Flour to he fold by JAMES WILSON, at'Smith Cla rendon $ in Broughton Street. RAN AWAY fiom the fubfenber, A NEGRO WENCH, named CUM BA, formerly the property of Ms Tondec, and well known in town. A reward of two guineas will be paid to nv pe/foc delivering her to DAVID MURDOCH. .-CnrderQyu...... ;V, - j Ribbons, Sewing silk, Gloves and ir.its, Pins, Black satin, Baft’ quilting. Princes fluff, Stuff shoes, Ruflia drab, kAfforted glass ware, T ablecloths, Window glass, Morea gown pattatns, Satinets, Ribdelieur. JUST imported, ant] now SjimhtgTorfa.le, on the mo ft realonAll^ts^lfi^‘B7 JOHN TELFJIR, In the Itnufe of Jnmes Herrior, tfq chi the Bay, BRoadcloths of diffeient prices, with suitable trimmings; Coating, proper for overalls and grea't coats; Blue and drab coloured plains, Iri/h linens of various prices, Ruflia and Irish faceting and dowlas, Oznabrigs, Check Hurts; Chintz, calicoes, and cam brick ; Bed tick, Cloaks and cardinals of all colours, Bohea and fine green tea, Single and double refined , loaf sugar, Sheet lead, Powder and faot j RAN away from the fubferibers Inst week, A Negro Fellow, named Syke, had on drah coloured corderoy long trowfers. One guinea reward will he given on delivery of hirr. to OWENS, THOMSON, and CO. WHereas we are well affine and, and have goon evidence, that many persons in this pro vince (whole names we do not think proper to men tion) have, or lately had, in their poflelfion, con_ fiderable quantities of ruin, and other effects, which were lately call affionj from the Wreck of the ffiip Port-Morant, belonging to us. thi* therefore to give notice to all inch persons as nave, or may hereafter hav-e, any of the said rum, or other ef af;er thi fiowce, restore the fame, or give notice * to us, or one of us, so that the fame may be feht for, they will beprofecuted with the utnioft rigour; and the ’aw in such cases (on conviction) fines the -offender in treble the value off the cffcCts detained. On the contrary, tiiofe who return the fame,’ or give iuc'a notice as aforefaid, will be entitled to the lalvage allowed by law, which will be paid them iiTimediaiely on receipt of such rum or effedls as they llull so rernrn. ONBm, Vnd DANIEL SiLSBY. Savannah, 20th Nqv/ 1781. and :: N. B. Any ptrrfori or person; giving information to us, drone of ul where any more of rum 01 effects are icereted, Hull itceivc one third of the va ! ue recovered. . Marffimtj Hales. On Monday the 3d December next, will be fold, at the Marltial’s Office in Johnson’s Squire, to the liighdi Lidder, for caffi, the fa!e to begin precilciy at 10 o'clock, * qr HE following Negro Slaves viz. Tom, I Frank, Jupiter, Mafah, Simon, Tonev, Will, Sappo, Jamie, Galway, Guiney Tom, Nello, SJem, Charles, Swarffey, Young Frank, men flakes; all’o Quatheb'n, Juba, Doll, Belinda; Penda, Mary x Bella, Carra, Tilla, Sue, Fanny, Betty and her three children, Sarah, Jupi ter, and Young Sarah ; the property of Robert Rae, Jamc.’ Bae, Samuel Elbert, and Joseph Ha berlham, who have an iptcreft of four fifths in the said llaves under the laft-wiil and testament of Jane Somcrviilc, dccca 1 ctL....AlftF Woman, named Suei the-property of John Martin* The whole seized urider execution by LEV/1S JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. Savannah, 22d Nov. 1781, * _ On Saturday the z*d Dccchiber next, will be fold, to the highest biddci, for caffi, at the MarffialT- Office in Johnlon’s Square, the fide to begin prtcifely at n o’clock, A LOT or Parcel of Land, situate in St. James’s Square, Heathcote Ward, near the Government House, conuining by eftimatioii 60 feet inffont,r ont, and 90 feet in depth, be the fame more or left, being the eaftsrmoft moiety of the lot known by the letter P, together with-all the buildings thereon, the property of Leyi Sheftall. Also a Lot or Parcel of Land-, N 0 . 1, in Broughton Street, lately occupied by Mrs. Frances Robe, togeth?f with the dwellinghoufe and all the improvements thereon, at present in the occupation of Smith Clarendon, the property of Raymond D-*mcre. A Lot of Land in the town of Savannah, con taining 60 feet in front and qo f*.et in depth, to gether with the dwellinghoufe and all the improve ments thereon, lying near the Church, the pro perty of the late Capt. George Anderson. ‘1 .Y: whole seized under execution by LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. Savannah, Nov. lit 17S1 * SaJdlc;, ffirths, emprers, ftirup leathers, ana laddlecloths; Paper, blank wax, wafers, ani Ink pow Jer; . China, glass, earthen, tin, and japaued ware ; Ship and house carpenters, coopers and Ihoemakcrs tools; Whip, crofleut, hand, keyhole laws and files ; Drawing knives, Locks and hinges of all kinds, Broad and narrow axes arid hoes, Shovels and tongs, v Excellent powder of bark in bottles. THE 9 ALE of the I-Iou;e and Wharf Lots belonging to the Lihte of James Read fa, is put ofFuntil Fuclday the ißih December next To be fold at Publick Vendue, On Monday the 3d of December next, A NEGRO GIRL, named JENNY, d le propetty of John Caid of Savannah, seized on execution. - A. HAWKINS, Coolbble 22dNov. 178 U JOHN KEOWIN, IlattoT* CARRIES on his business in Savannah, near the Magazine. Those who may be jaleafol to employ him may depend on having their work done in the neatest manner. He has feathers us all forts , cockades, and roses, to dispose of. N. B. Silks, ribbons, cloth, Ac,, dyed black. SI RAYED or ftolcn out of a rice near Savannah, A BRIGHT BAY HORSE, bout 1 2 hands high and 7 years old, with a ct:: tail and mane, branded on the left Cioulder 69.-, Whoever takes up and delivers said horse to Dn K.RUPP of the Htflians fhaii receive TWO GUINEAS Reward. GEORGIA.——-In the Court of Ordi nary. By his Excellency Sir Jaue* W right, Baronet, Captaia ft I v rGe neral, G ovefnor, and Com \. * / m?ndei in chief,of his Majcf v ‘ tj’s Province of Georgia, Chancellor, Vice Admiral, jmd J A. WRIGHT. of the fame. Mereas administration of all and fmgular the * goods and chattels, rights and credits, within the said province, of Adam Hendcrffin, late of the ml ii i . the month of September, in the year of our Lord, one th.oufand seven hundred and Lventy-five, to William Strut Hers and John Henderson, both of the pariffi of Christ Church, in the said province, Efquircs ;'And whereas the said William Strutherj and John Ilendeifon have this day humbly repre sented to me, by petition, that they have received a considerable sum of money due the Estate of their intestate, which they have paid to and among the creditors of said Estate, but The said William St rut hers and John Hard erfonV bad Ikte of health not permit them to temain in this province to colle£l in the outllanding debts due the Estate, to enable them to difeharge the debts against the E state, and are desirous to render an account of their said adminillratioß, anddcliver up all the books of account, vouchers, and tffadls, belonging to the said Estate, and to pass and audit the account of their adminilti ation on the said Estate, and to be immediately thereafter difeharged and dismissed therelroiri, and fnm all matters and things depen dent tiicreupon : These are therefore to eiie and admoniffi uil and fmgular “he kindred and creditors of the said deceafcd, and all and every other person or persons in anyvvife intcreiled, to appear before me in the said Court, on the twentieth day of De cember next ensuing, at twelve o’clock in the fore noop, to fee the account of the administration a forefaid produced, received, adjuiled, palled, and audited, to make their obje&ions, if tftey have any, thereto, and to Ihew cause, if they can, why the laid William Scruthers and John Henderfoh ffiould not be immediately thereafter difeharged and diimiffed from the administration aforelaid, and from their bond or bonds, and all other matter* and things dependent thereupon. ”• Given under my band seal in Savan nah, on T'uefday the twentieth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one, and in the tweiity'-fccond year of hLMa jdly’s reign. > / ‘ By his Excellency’s Command, Geo. D erbaoe, Dep. Reg. FOR SAL E, GOOD Jamaica Spirit by the hogs head or h jgfheads, Madeira Wine, < Port, Sherry, L;fbun. “ - * JAMES HERRIOT. No person need cotne for any of the above wanting that thing called CASH. LFT lat the lubiCribei' ir bavannan tile Ktii inst. A Sorrel Mare, about 14. hands and an half high, with a blaz< d* face, her back marked with Lddle spots; also a Bay Horse, about 13 lu-.nds and an hall high, with a bkz.c face, the brands not plain. The owners, paying expeaces. u;a\ have them, by applying to JAMBS HA YES:” .o’ • J ‘ • • .