Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, November Jg§L 2 9’ 178 f * 144]
On SATURDAY next, being the ift of Decem
ber, wi i be prefenta],
The Characters by Gentlemen of the
Tick its to be had at the Printing OfHce at
the usual Price.
The Dcors to be open at Five o'Clock, and the
Curtain to rife precisely a Quarter before Six.
Savannah, the 2*tb of ‘November, 1781/;
To be disposed of on ea(y Terms,
One Hundred and Ninety
Pounds of the lawful current Money of this Pro
vince, which is. a tender inlaw in all cases what
ever. Inquire of the printer.
THE Members of the St. Andrew’s Club are
desired to meet, at the house cf William
Clark* on tiie 30th instant, being St. Andrew's
Day, at -it o’clock in the forenoon, where
Gentlemen who aredefirous of becoming Members
cf that Society will be admitted.
Dinner wilf be on the table at $ o’clock in the
Affrmbly Room. It is hoped that, nocwitbitand
ing the shortness of the notice, all the Members in
©r near the town will not fail to attend.
At the fubferiber’s Vendue Store, TOMORROW,
at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, will be fold
Confiding of about 300 volume?, agreeable to the
V catalogue in the futferiber's hands.
Also, Twenty Pieces Striped LiufieS.
For private Sale, A full trimmed fih*er Deed
Scarlet Coat and Waistcoat, which, if not
disposed of, will, on Tuesday next, beexpofed to
publick sale. D. ZUCLY i , n
29th Nov. 1781. J
RAN away the 26th Inftanr, the following
NEGROES, viz. Paris, Venus lhis wife,
and three children, named Elsey, Luna, and James!
? Paris has an impediment in his fpcech j his wife
a likely sensible wench, about 25 years old, for!
m'eriy belonged to Mrs. Murray, Any person dc.
bvenng Laid negroes to the fubferiber Ihall receive
ten dollars if they return home of their own ac
cord they will be forgiven. —;..
39th Nov. 1 7 8i. JN, HENDERSON.
CORN for Sale.
FOUR Hundred Bushels of Corn to be fold, and
delivered at a landing seven miles from Sa
o s
A Gold Watch,
Makers name Thomas Chappel, London, N °.
~°> 7 * A reward of three guineas will be paid on
of , t f( > WILLIAM WYfLY.
LL perlonb indented to the gUaje of A m aham
dccMf^ CVVIS '/e rt 7 Mtrc , Kar l tlatc of Savannah,
xi and ill V ll c - tc> im mediate payment}
l ftatf a re P der n L iaVmg J demands laid
re “ d " in Pro
- PLATT, Pxfcittor.
A RULE of his Majejly s General
Court % made the 2%tb Day of
V November 9 1781.
WHEREAS, bv a rule of this Court, made
the i6rhday of February, reciting,
that, by a former rule of H ; s Court, it was or
dered. that the Provost Marftial, or his Deputy,
give publick notice in writing, to be affixed
on the Vendue-Houfe, at lealt thirty days before
the sale of any lands and tenements to be fold by
virtue of any execution of this Court, and wlifcrc
negroes, or other goods, chattels, ar.d personal
cilate, fliould befeized and levied upon, that then
he Ihonld give ten days notice of the fa'e thereof,
at the phee (if sale, and at fome publick place in
the parish in which such estate should be, and also
at the Vendue.Houfe in Savannah; rearing alio,
that, by another rule of tli's Court, made the 4th
day of December, in the year of our Lord 178 c,
it was ordered, that from thenceforth, ail lands,
tenements, and (l ives, seized under execution or
attachment, (hould be fold at the south door of the
.—Vendue'Houfe in the town'of Savannah, between
the hours of ten $f the clock in the forenoon, and
of the clock in the afternoon, -and not .other
ali the -partied, “or .their Council, :
•- should, by fome agreement in writing, by them to
be signed, diieft otherwise 1 and, in refpeft iof b
ther personal estate, except slaves, and which, on
account of d’.ftance or bulk, could not be brought
to the Vendue House without great expence and
inconvenience, it was ordered, that the fame should
be fold on the premises where seized, in the pre
fcnce of two white merfons at least, besides the
Mat ftnl and his deputies, and the Coroner and hit
deputies; reciting also, that the Vendue-Houfe in
Savannah -{which was, for many years before the
rebellion, the place for holding sales by the Pro
vost Marflial) was then in polfeftion of the military,’
for the pu-pofe of accommodating the main guard,
and that the fame was moreover in such a ruioout
state that Marlhal’s Tales could not be holden there,
until it was evacuated by the military and put in a
proper Hate of reriir; it was therefore ordered,
that com thenceforth publick notice, in writing,
of all real and pr. fonal ellates levied upon, should
b ? dark pat the weft ddor of the Church in Sa
v inr.ah, and also advertised in the publick Gazette
and that all Lies by the Provost Marsha!,. under
the authority of this Court, or by the Coroner
where the Marfiml was incompetent to aft, on ac
count of tonfanguinity, intoreft, Or otherwise,
fliou.d be holden and made, at the times refpec
lively d:reded by the said recited rules of Court
anti the Attachment Ad, at that room in the house
in Saint Jama’s Square where the Superior Courts
were then holden, and not clfewhere, until the •
said Court HiO'ild order the contrary t
AND WHEREAS Lewis Johnllon jun. Esq
the prefcnt Provost Marflial, hath prepared a’n
office Johnfrm’s Square,’ in Savannah, the
bending formerly belonging to Francit Henry
Harris, deceased, it is therefore ordered, that from
henceforth publick notice, in writing, of al| real
and personal estate. levied upon, (hall be (luck uo
at the weft dpor of the Church of Savannah, ,„d
afo advert,fed ,n the publick Gaaetfe; and that
al sale. by the Provoil Marffi and, under the autho
r. ty this Court, or bjr-the Coroner, where the
Marlhal is incompetent to afl, on account of.eor!
fangumity, inteteft, or otherwise, (hall be holden
and made, at the times above refpeftively direfted
by the above recited rules of Court, and the At
tachment Afl at the said office of the laid Lew ,
Johnftpn jun. herein particularly deferibed, and not
clfewhere, until ihis Court Hull order the contrary
And a copy of the. rule i, hereby direfted ,o be
inserted in the publick Gazette forthwith, and to
be continued three weeks fuertffively, that allfuit
ors anJ others may have notice thereof.
leh'js Johnston
A Child’s Silver Shoe Buckle.
Warmer will bring it to the printer fliall be re
wartym, ‘ . °.
—2— . / :
A lew Barrels New Rice to
MarjhaPs Sale.
On Saturday the Bst of December, will be foM #
at the Mnfhal s OSce in Johnson’s Square, to
tht highest bidder, for cash, the sale to begin
pretifely at 10 o’clock,
TWO Negro Men, n*med Will and Sharpef,
the property of Thomas Morris j also a
Parcel of Cattle in the polTeftan of James But Ice
jun. in the parilh of St. Philip; the whole seized
under execution by
Savannah, Non 29, 1781.
Assessment in Christ Church Pa
rish, 1781. G
NOTICE is hereby given, That the Church*
wardens and Vestrymen for th parish of
Christ Church, by virtue of an aft of Assembly,
•passed tbe 2d day of August last, and recited in the
Georgia Gazette of the 27th day of September Jail,
and in the Gazettes of the two following weela
have ordered that the following fumt (to be paid
in gold and silver at the present current rates) shall
nhe levied and aftclFed on the inhabitant* df the said
parifti, to wit: ’ ’
The funv of Foorpence upon every Have, Four
pence upon pvery lOf acre* of land j Seven ShiL
lings and Sixpence on every improved lot with in
the town of Savannah, Ewenlburgh, Trustees
Gardens, and Yamacraw, and on the hamlets
thereunto bclongingi Two 6h<l ings on every Idt
unimproved within the limits aforefaidj Fourience
upon every tool, value of stock of goods on hand
for f*le.
All per font concerned are hereby desired to make
their returns without delay to Samuel Hunt Jen
kins, who will attend at his house to receive tbe
fame, on Tuesday and Saturday morning* from 8
until 1 o o’clock,’ —
b.H JENKINS, J wardens.
Saramiah, 29th Nov. 1781.
W A N~T eIdT
A WOMAN as a fcrvant to attend a Lady and
feme Children upon a passage to England.
For inlormation apply to the printer.
A fine Toned harpsi-
CLOCK, with an alarm, to be
fold cheap, on board the Georgia
Packet, at Mr. Douglafs’s Wharf.
’ L O N, D
e I'DMIRAI.TV.OmcE, Augoft ,8,
c %°{ ‘ Cass. C..f.r , Ccmm.nd,r ,/ bi, Maje.
T y° u he pteafed to inform thy Lords Com*-
J. roillioners of the Admiralty, that on-th/ixth instant
being intortned of a French cutter privateer having fan£
tvvo Hoops oft Wicklow Head* I sent Mr. Lewi*
VickeiI*, 1 *, fecon'd Lieutenant of the Stag, in the tf n(w
with orders to in search of h„, 8 Lieut.
lort, her Commander, being at that time in Dublin **
and as no. time was to be loft, { judged it to be a
Jeceflary step. On the 16th he fell in with her off Bard
fey lfland; Ihe proved to be the Chardon French p‘va-
I'i’ °J fix Pounders, and i s o men, Commanded bv
s„y foueh/f 10 lT,fl i man ’ w . hom hc c g*Sd and he mi cl
ally fought for one hour and ten minutes; beina thew
df Jl wounded by a mufijuet ball in the thigh, and all officers of the cutter being either killed or wound**
was obliged to fubmlt? thd Hope having only fojj
pounden and 55 men on board, fix of whom were killed
and 16 wounded. I faded from Dublin with a rich laden
linen brig for Bristol, and left her in fafety off Lundy I?!
snd on Friday evening the 17th. On my return
a ternoon I difeovered the Chardon with the Hope, and*
andh a r d S ke ° th - 3t mornh, fx ° m Olalgow to Water
ford, with tobacco, nee, Sec. I gave chl£ pon whic^
hutkeeD*n*vfh * nd n, s ht . cy T5 on loft fight- of them,
hut keeping the fame course after the privateer saw bevT
where*! *W PUr< " UCj ber tb the Lan ‘ r * End
1 toak t I r• h ‘ *H er “, and feeing a Aip, which
1 took to be a frigate, purfumg the fame vessel, and feeing
in* S/£ the floo P comlri | towards me, I left off chaf
, h Dl p te 7 * nd soon a^er retook the (loop and sent
her to Plymouth. 1 then gave chafe to the Hape with the
Viper in company, on the evening of the i*th, which
hauled her wind to avoid us, and all that night being light
airs, we were enabled to fee her the next morning, an*
( See tbe fourth Page. J