The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, December 20, 1781, Image 2

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f 100 .e Mid#!eburg, Cupt. Van G66hlp whUh vast amc also from China, jif guns, nootons. There were alfo -two large Hookers, which 1 could nut tffhWnlentty b>int awa; l Hint ururoid hating any mwics of .barbarity towards a fettlemcut where our want;, had beco ‘ff often relieved, I would not permit them to be burnt of dett toyed. MarjhaPs Sales. ’ ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • On Saturday the 22d December next, will be fold, to the highett bidder, for calh, at the Marshal’s Office ia Johnson’s Square, the sale to begin precisely at 11 o’clock, A LOT or Parcel of Land* fjtur.te in St. James’s Squaie, Heathcote Ward, near the Government House, containing by estimation 6# feet in font, and 90 feet in depth, be the fame moie or lc(y'being the moiety of the lot known by the letter P, together with all the buildings thereon, the property of Levi Shcftali. Also a Lot or Parcel of Land, N 0 . 1, in Broughton Street,lately occupied by Mrs. Fiances Kobe, together with the dvvellinghoufe and all the improvements thereon, at prsfent in the occupation ©f Smith Clarendon, the property of Raymond Demere. A Lot of Land in .the town of Savannah, con taining 60 feet in front and gTYeet in deoth, to gether with the dvvellinghoufe and all the improve meats thereon, lying near the Church, the pro perty of rlie lace Cape George Anderson, ‘l'he whole seized under execution by -LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar, Savannah, Nov. 22, 1.781. • / j ■ ‘• On Monday the 31st December instant, will he fold, at the MarihaPs Johnson's Square, ” to the highest bidder, for caih, the sale to begin ■S precisely at. 11 o’clock, > . / A NEGRO Man, a tolerable - good carpenter; and a Wench, named jen ny ; the property of Thomas Morris feiz ‘d u.-.cLr execution bv ‘ LEWIS JQHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar. JUST imported, and now opening lor sale; on the raoft reafonab’e term*:, by • JOHN TELFAIR , In the house of J imes Herriot, Kfq. on the Bav, Tf3 Roadcloths of difFeient I 1 prices,* with suitable trimmings; Cos rting, proper for overal ls and great coats ; Blue and drab coloured plains, - Irish linens of varioo* prices, Russia and Irish sheeting and dowlas, Oznabrigi, Check miffij ’ Chintz, calicoes, and cam brick ; Bed tick. Cloaks aiid cardinals of all colours, Bohea and fine green tea, Single and double refined loaf sugar, Sheet lead, Powder and (hot; GEORGIA, AT. T THE Honourable Ahth nn y < Stoiis, Esquire, Chief’ J *tflice A. Stokxs.. tut- his Majesty’s Province of Georgii, J. In America, in pursuance of an adl of the GeneralAffcaiuly of the said-province, iatitled, **■ An * ( Adi for the Relief of such of his Majesty’s loyal Subjects * i 43 have any real or personal Property in the Province of 4 ‘ Georgia, and whole Title Deeds, Bonds, Notes, Spe ** cialties, and other Evidences, Vouchers, and Wrrt “ Lags, Lave been either loft, destroyed, or carried off, “ during tiie Time herein aftermentioned,” DO CER TIFY, That Roger Kelfall, of the pari/h of Saint John, in the province aforefaid, Esquire, one of the qualified executors of the laft-wili and testament of John Forbes, late of the, Acme pari(b and province, Esquire, deceased, and Donald Eraser, formerly of the fame pariih and pm. ” vince, Gentleman, at present of Savannah, in the said provincr, Esquire, have ret'pe&ively made depofitrons be fore me, touching the right and interest, claim and de mand, £ he said Roger Kelfall, as ono of the executors a fojefaid, liath against the purchafersof the peifonal estate of the said Jphn Forbes, deceased, at a poblick sale made thereof, on or about the latter end df the month fi May, one thousand seven hundred and feventy-five, stating, that the book of particulars of the said sale, and all the bonds dUken from the ipurchafers, three only excepted, have been, / during the rebellion in this province, and before the fir ft day of j arujjeary, Btifc’fhoufand seven bundled and eigh ty, either lolt, milUid, or carried oft, and refpcdling •which sales the said Roger K.elfall hath only the said three bonds, and a book stating the, purchasers names, and the sums refpedlively to the amount of which they purchased at tijc said sale j which book is annexed to the said depor tions, rvpdtbe whole ate filed in the Prothonotary’s Office open to the infpeflion of all persons whatfoeverj and, unief? good cause is (hewn on oath to the contrary, within four calendar months after the publication of this notice in.the Georgia Gazette, I ftiali declare, by certificate un der my hand, fubferibed under such depolitions, that the fianat Hand uncontrovertcd. Ciyen under my hand, at Savannah, in the province afurefaid, the tvfrentfy-firft day of November, ini the year of <>ot Lord one thou sand seven hundred and eighty-one, and in the twenty-fccond year of hij Msjcfty’i reign. Saddles, gi-rth-, lorcinqle?, cruppers, ftirop leathers, and Lddlecloths ; •Paper, blank Wiks, fealtng Miax,., wafers, and ink powder ; Ch in 1, glass, earthen, tin, and japaned ware ; Ship and house carpenters, coopers and Ihoemak: rs tools 5 Wirrp, crosscut, hand, and keyhole saws and files; Drawing knives, Locks and hinges of ill kind3, Broad and narrow axes and hoes, •?. - Shovels -and tongs, Excellent powder of bark in bottles, Cinnamon and mace. WILLIAM CLARKE PRESENTS his Complimeitt3 to his and the gentlemen of the town of Savannah in general, informs them he has opened n Tavern in the house belonging to Mr. Thomas F’lyming, near Mrs. Tondee’s. He in the bed af fortinent pf liquors of any in this country, and is determined to fell as reasonable as possible, for ready money only. Those gentlemen who choose to honour him with thtir company may “depend upon the bed attendance. Private families may be fupphed with the bell Madeira,- Fort wine, and porter, by the dozen ; draught portei, Jamaica rum, and loaf sugar. Savannah, 29th Nov. 1781. GEORGIA, PC. By his Excellency Sir JAMES W R i GHT, Baronet, Captain- General and Governor in Chief in and over his Majelly’s Province of Georgia, Chancellor, Vice-Admiral, and Ordinary of the fame, A PROCLAMATION/ WHEREAS it is suggested to me, that the Rebels procure from the town of Savannah confichrable fuppiies tfait, ammunition, rfnd ebathing,; which rest . tiers it abfoluteiy neceflVy that every possible means fhonid vent, -av £*x-at- may- ber their fuppiies: AND \VHI!REAS the Commons House of As sembly, now fitting, by their address to me of the third instant, do request that I will adopt ail such measures, tor the prevention of carrying fait and other goods out of town, as shall appear to fne moft effectual, assuring me that they would moft cheerfully concur in such steps as I might fee’ expedient ta pursue ; WHEREFORE 1 have thought fit, by and with the advice and con lent of hi 0 Majesty’s Honor able Gouhcil of this* province, toiftbe this iny prod ami tL oji,AL.ittly.cautiob'mg and and IJo .furj.i t W caution*, all ‘ and ■ perfoti an'd pirrfbns whnmioever ftcttf trading with afiy Rebel or enemy, <fr affording him any fuppiies whatsoever, an pain of beingp re fecund to the utmost rigor, of the law. And, the better to prevent 'any such fuppiies being obtained, I do hereby ordeT and direct, notify and make public, that no goods, ware*, ammunition, or other effects whatfd • ever, shall from henceforth be fuffered or permitted to he carried or transported by land out of the town of Savannah, • without a permit, particularly fpecifying all such articles as are intended to be carried out, fiift obtained from one of the persons herein after named; nor by water, without a like permit, and uiftcfs the boat or other vefiei taking on boarJ the fame (hi a 11 repair far that purpofc to the Public Wharf, aiul receive her la ling from thence, under the direildion and infpc&ion of Mr. Anthony Montell, Har bour- Master, appointed for that purpofr, unless where the commodity'is bulky and a special license is obtained for taking in the fame elfewhcre, ami in such case the said boat or vefiei is to repair to the said Public Wharf, to be there examined and searched by the said Anthony Mon trll. And, in case any goods* wares, merchandize, fait, ammunition, or other effefts, Hiatt be attempted to be transported or carried away, but under the regulations hercinrbdtne contained, all such effedis are hereby direfled to bs detained,~arul the per fan and perf ms concerned in attempting to trnnfport or cairy away the fame shall and may be apprehended and carried before one of his Majef. tv’s Justice,! of the Peace, and punirtvH as the law directs, ns being persons diljafffilcd to bis Majesty’s government, it being certain none other will make such unwarrantable attempts. And 1 do.futthtr notify, that LieutenantCo- commanding his Majesty’s troths here, Martin Jolfie, John Simpson, and Samuel Farley; Esquires, air the only persons having authority to grant such per mits and licenses, and for carrying these regulations rnto due eff'ett; I do therefore hereby require and command the aid and assistance of all his Majesty’s liege fubjeils wnatfoever. In tedimony whereof I have hereunto set my h.JH.A, andcau Icdtlie grcat seal of the provides of Georgia to be likewise affixed, this 6th day of December, in the year of tmr Lord 17bt* and in the Z2d year of his Majes ty’s reign. : ” JA. WRIOHT. By his Excellency's Command, ~■■ • —— Geo. D’krbace, Dep. Sec. GOD SAVE 7 HE KING. FOR S A 1 h” By James Belcher, At his (lore on the Bay, A few Barrels Superfine 1 Philadelphia Flour.. RAN a way about two months ago, A NEGRO MAN, named TIM, formerly the property of Mr. Andrew Stark, decealed, is knock-knee’d. Four Dollars Reward will be paid on delivery of him to SAMUEL BEECROFT. Savannah, Dec. 13, 1781. ’ r , •’ ._„i. --. if • “* 1 RAN away the 26th inftant,_the following NEGROES, viz. Paris, his wife, and three children, named Llfey, Luna, and James. Paris has an impediment in his speech ; his wife, a likely fcnfible wench, about 25 years old, for merly belonged to Mrs. Murray. Any peifon de livering said negroes to the fubferiber flnll receive ten dollars; if the;/ return home of their own ac cord they will be forgiven. *■ 29th Noy. 1781. ; JNf; HENDERSON. AfleiTment in Olirifl Cfiurch Pu - lilh, 1781. NOTICE is hereby givettl That the Church. wardens and Vestrymen for thd parish 0 f Chrlit Church, by virtue of an adt of Aftenißk pnfl'ed the 2d day of Augull J-.ft, and recited in the Georgia Gazette of the 27th day of September Lft aud in tire Gazette* of the two following week**' v have ok ocd t hat the ibl funif'(to'‘Be” p a jj in gold and filvcr a.t the present current rates) fli jj be Icvied-and aflefied on the inhabitant* of the Lift j>ar ffi, to wit: ‘Fhe fuin of Fourpence upon evety Have, Fourr pcnce upon every i-o© acres'of land ; Seven ShfL bugs and Sixpence on every improved lot withitf the town of Savurmali, Lwenfburgh, Truftee# Ciardens, and Yanmoaw, and on the hamlet thereunto belonging; Two Shillings on every lot unimproved within the limits&forefaid j Fourpence upon every 1001. value cf stock of goods on hand for’ sale.. • All persons concerned are hereby desired to make their returns without delay to Samuel* Hunt Jen kins, who will attend at his house to-receive the fame, on Tutiday and Saturday mornings, from until 10 o'clock. 1 JOSIAH TATTNALL, 7 Church- S. H. JENKINS, /wardens. Savannah, 29th Nov. 1/81. . ... ... ....... . - TtlTferefl* the Frovoft Marshal of the proVTuce f v of Georgia, by v irtue of a Writ of Attach merit to him directed, did attach a Mulatto Wo- 1 man Slave, named Fanny, and her Child, the property of Samuel Stirk, who is absent from and, without the limits of the Lid province, at the suit of Catharine Gordon aid Jane Gordon: And whereas the said Cathatiiu: Gordon and Jane Gut r dQn h,ive % -affrecable to the. rk/* &■* } p n:nent Adi, fijtd then declaration rrr the Gci.c ----* raf Court a garni l the laid Samuel .Stirk, and have obtained the fallowing rule : Hdthmhe G6rto*\ Ordered, Thaf the defend. O al. j ant do appear and plead within agamfl U year and a day, otherwii Samuel Stirk . Judgment by default. By the Court, John- Simpson, P. Sc C. C. 9th August, 1781. Notice is therefore hereby given,, That,’ unless -the said Samuel Stirk do appear and plead agree able to the aforefaid lule or order, judgment will be entered againlt him accoidingJy. Wm. Jones, Plaintiffs Attorney. ANECDOTE of MON KIES. THE ftewarft of a n 3 blc Lord’s efhte in the had coinmifiKftird, among other things, a peasant who was going up to London, (with the deffgn ehiefiv to fee the fine folks there) to carry to his Lady a of peaches. This Lady Lved in the environa of Grosvenor Square, hud the peafairt, by the written direftions on the baileet, was helped to find her house without xnuch diffi culty. Having told hi errand at the door to the porter he was ffijrtly after delncd to step up flairs with his ba/ket rh fl U rl* ° n lan “ in S P la he was accoflcd br T^. c nunk,es. Two of them of the male sex were “ richly drefied in blue and gold, bad bag wigs, ruffles, and L au Y u‘“f The female, was diftin gu 1 shed by her brocade petticoat, crimson silk mantua, two or three pur, thick (et together, of long laced ruffles, x .k C kL ‘° U L orna with brill&nt fiones, % FfinVK ‘ l lCr .a tete highly 4niibed-by t F ench hifear, and 1 c;,p m the modern taste, with a gaudy aflorement of rtbboft, grinned and cringed to the countryman, laying hqld the fame his bas ket, he .et it dowu to them,. at,d. n ot knowing what ani- pr not diftmgui'fhing them immediately from the human fpecres, he took off his hat to thin with r ftfk P k' tCnC jr C WaSn ? aftcrof > ind m ‘ ,df them fever al : The monkies during hia obeisances had ‘ Vo f k t °/ ir > unpacking and r;fl>ng the br/ket. Somt sf the peaches they had eaten, and othe they threw . th V^ Ct r afttr b ' ting th ° m; f n that when they had played their farce fa the full they ail three fc.m> prred down ftwrs. Ihe Lady wolfing wl-nt ihould dc tain the peasant difpatchci her waiting Woman to haflen his coming. When he had-prefetfted his baiket, What’s t lj,f l , at r ter hc J fai , d thc Lad y * n a pafkr n; every'thing quite difeompofed, the Caches bruised and mangled, and the basket scarce half full ; fare the fellow for his impu dence deserves to be put in die flocks’ < Waunds, Ma dam, >■id>r the the bi/lut was brlmming full, ana not a finger Lid upon a peach, till the two young Cjcnt.cnten your Tons, and Miss your daughter, had met me ort tho flairs, and left it in the condition vou fee it.* I he Lady then rccollading the monkies, ‘ Ah ! said she r I can t be angry; it is a Lick of the dear creatures, Jac.k r ar S ot 5 but foi the footman, who should have conduced you up flairs, I will difeharge him this mo- A Receipt to cure the Ague and Fever, 3° Caini of inakc-root, 40 grains of fait of wormwood, half an ounce of the befl powder of Je- Gits bark, half a pint or red Port wine), put them all in*° a bottle with the wine* and /hake them well together* To be taken in four equal! quantities, the firft aird l.ifl thing moyning and evening, when the fit is pertcdly over. Make it into eight equal doses for a child, remembering always to shake the bottle. Continue taking the above, medicine now and then after the ague and fever are quite t© pfveijt its returning again. f