Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, Makcii ‘
SAVANNAM, March 21.
LAST Monday enme u* here
three mort jktefters From
Gen. Wayntv’s c*rnp at Ebenezer,
where \ve learn that a .detachment
of Continental cavalry and sortie
militia still continue,, who arc in
great want of premiums and forage.
It seems the Rebels have taken
con fide rable pains to propagate a
report in their camps,that we com
pel their deserters to inlift in our
service, and thaf their liorfes are
taken from them, notwithstanding
the well known fadt that they have
fold them for very high p/ices ter
whom tfifcvLpleafrH, and after db
"faming 1 ccHTfi
cate gs their hating cotftc into the
British lines for protection, and
being recommended for afliftance,
and not to be prefled into his Ma~
jelly’s service by sea or land, they
have been furniShed with provisions
and a pafiage, and had permilTtoh
to retire with their money to ar.y
part of his Majesty’s dominions, or
go wherever they thought proper,
—-HoW’diUcrcnt is their situation
governmenr, frohi
that arbitraryone they lately groan
ed under; expoftii to every Ipecies
of hardship and danger, without
pay, the common comforts of life,
or even the fc.lf-convidtion of being
a just cause, which is
the loldifes support through all
Last Tuesday morning died here,
Mrs. Jane Hatcher.
A Reward of ‘Twenty Guineas.
e'V"* H E fubfetiber's etllar, opponte Christ
X Church, has Ren thrice b;ol:e open, a
quanta/ of bottled Madeira -.vine and porter, boxes
of fosfo, and other aiticlts, flu e from tftence. —
The above reward is offered to any pniou who
Wki give such information as Hull bring tiie
THIEVES to punishment.
Savannah, 20th March, 1:8a.
A Guinea Reward.
RAN away from the fubferiber in the month
of November laft,*tiie following Negroes,
viz. Abram, a ltout well made fellow, ofa yellow
complexion, about 35 years of age, near 4 feet
high, and is hipihot January, zY years of age,
about 5 feet 8 inches high, Very much marked
with the smallpox. July, am u lice lad, 19*) can
of age, about 5 feet .7 arches h gh, and bus lorg
buffiy hair. Tyrali, a black wenen, 2: \ cirs u”
age, about < ftLct 6 inches high, marked with the
fmillpox in’her face, and havferb irkable Hit (vet;
flic carried away a small girl, named Amelia, 7
years of age, and finer her elopement fn?
.a young child.—VYtfoever will apprehend and tie.
liver them to the fubftr'ber in Sai’amiih, or*he-
Warden of the \Vorkhoufe, (ball rtceive a guinea
reward for each of the grown negroes,
XN. B. All perfpns are forwariyi ft u .n liar hour f
irtg any of the above negroes.
’ >. .. v.-! ... : *
P, t? >• ’ ’
) ...rarasysipf 1 vTt'LV ‘
A o the fubferiber is row preparing his field* f >r
plmting, therefore a'l peifons who have
horses, cattle, hogs, or fherp his plantation
on Hutchinfo.i’sfnand, arc dtfired to remove them
immediately, as he cannot ps-rm-.t tVeni to remain
any longer. J A M LS MUSSM AN .
• Savannah, March 20, 1782.
T O B~E S O t D, “
Tomorrow, the 1 2d inrtant, tt ten o’clock in thf -
forenoon, at the fubfenber’s Aeftion Room on
the Bay,
/jl V'ARIEL Y of elegant chintz patterns,
printed calroes-and other goods, rose
butter in firkin:-, mufcuVtdo faiar foip ‘
in boae:, fome household furnuiife, *r,d a set of
cooper’s tools. \
Likewifc at 12 o’cfoHc,
Avery h indy Negro Girl, aboot 1 2 years of
age, a tolerable, good fwniftreb, used to attend
children and wait is the honfe, *t*d is grrsd rro-
Terty. JD, DUNCAN, L. V. M. -
Savannah, March it, 1782 - -V
—*— j. ♦ - ■ ±i_x
T - - - - - -, r 4 : ,
OnMonday the Bd'of April next, will be fold, at
the MaifUl’, Office, for ca&, to the i.igi.eft
bidder, the fait to begin precifch at 11 o’clock,
A RiCT of Land, cmrtaktifig about 500
acres, in the fariihof Chrii* ’ Jiurcli, bound
ed on the vr :i by hnus of Wilujfc Fox frn. on
the r alt Dv 1; nd, of the la'e and
on .11 otiicr f.uer by vacant land a'tie time of the furvev thereof, The above piam.:t•mi is
ten nuleS fr. m Savannah, and hash good duelling,
hotife; bam, rcachire, and rra-o house-, thticon,
uitti oth,r neccE.r) buildtigs *orfp.antaticn rioo
auei sue ut.der goixl fence and aod haVt the
cor.vyuir tier of b?.\ k water. * qulij.
/>,. a.:, a icy va.daoie Tiiaet tfif ,and 10 fne.
of St. Davtu, co-,taining 200 acres, fit for
rice, kc V‘ .
Ewrwlfir 200 Acres of Land on St Mary’s ri
ver, : 1 j~ii,ir.g on all Tides lands of Jerni) n-VY. .ght,
‘I 1,. tvWr the- pmprty of Gvofge Pox, and
ft“?vd under rx-cu.i >n by
LK*'v I , JOHNS! ON jun. Pro. Mar.
Savannah, March 7, i/82;
n AN a
4JI lx a Miriatto Bay. ::b)ut five
_ h Jjii, squat made,
freckled, ard Truer of a fallen
tuna ncylfrrdTaTr a tis tie fun-
ST burn', tlte property of Lieut. Col.
jy, JrgST,[ K, from fer. Carr of
Mwidi>.kk'Ull I :LSouih Caro'ma, weirs either a
green fhoit coat or a lone purple
one, and if slovenly in his appear,irce. V/hoe ter
app*ehends the Lid negro, and delivers him to the
lubfertber, (hallttceive t in puineas reward.
Savannah, Feb. t-l, 1782.
VYIMTFn fLL. November 2-.
Exfraa es a later from Sir Ut>) CUnton to the
F7%lt lion. Lord George Geitnain, out of hit
Mojefly'i Principal tea eta, its of State, dated
On Board tie London, of Chef apeak, Oliober 19,
1 - Br, /.y Gaft. Mt/eomG, ts hit Majeftyt Ship
the Act tilefnjttre, nr bo u>t ted in T'owti late on
Saturday hi (It last. “*—~
Agreeable to the which i
had the lionour to give your Lordmip in
my lull il.fpit.h, the fleet under ibe command of
Rvir Admiral Graves failed from Sandy fb.ok on
the 16: h loflani, and arrived off Cape Charles the
2 nh, tvhen we had the mortdication po hear that
Lord Cornwalii! hi<fpropofed torms of capitulation
to the enemy o-.tbe ifth. 0 7 hh mteihgence was
brought us by the pilot of the Charon, and feme
Other peltbus who came off from tiie shore, and
Hid they had .odd* theiir efespe/om York On the
and It., i nj>t heard any firing there fiuce the
day before. The’ Nymph Ligate qlfo arriving ne*t 2
■\'Y AW. York brouglrrtne a lerttfr from bis
i.eraihip, datyd'.ae i-jth, the tenor^
21,1782. my. sfo.-j
R O Y A I.
of which gives me the moft lilartning apprehenfioi s
of its truth, then we have I ten pit mg , $
the Capes .with variable a*d htuLpulr- of u „and to
the prelcnt hour, with out fvmg able to proiuie
nny further information, except from ftioiuen u
in a canoe, whofc report exadly tJDnefpunds
with tht former.
Comparing, therefore, the intelligence given by
thole people, and several others since come in, with
the purport of Lord Cornwallis’s letter, a copy of
which I have the honour to indofe for your Lord*
flnp’s information, we cannot entertain the lead
doubt of hrs Lo.dihip’s hiving capitulated, and
tliat we are unfortunately too l .te to relieve him 1
‘Vt'hiclrbring The onfy oo;<a of the expedition, the
A-roWJrli _ determined upon reluming with las
nett to Sandy Hook.
I beg leave to mention to your Lordlhip, thaf
the army is under the greardt obligation* to the
Admuak, the Captains, and the officer* of the
Ring * Imps, for the chcaifulncf* with which they
Xubixaued to many and great iaconvenicnccs for
our accommodation on this service. .
btt Excellency Sir Henry Clinton, dated York
Town, l irginia, OH. it.
,I' AST evening the enemy carried my two ad
vanced redoubt* on the left by florm, and during -
the mght have included them in their fecoud paraL
Id, which they are at pident busy in perfefling,
” My situation now becomes very critical. \V*
dare not ffiew a gun to il.eir old batteries, and I
expett their new ones will be open tomorrow mor
..Mifg*ience has ft,twn that our frdhcarihen
uoik: do ret icf.ft their powerful artillery, so that
we fliallfoon be expofi and to an jffiult in ruined
works, 111 a-bad pofitian, and with weakened
irSf “” . ‘ Hj. f ■
! he faftty of the place is therefore so precari
ous that l cannot recommend that the fleet aa*d
army fhou.’d run g eat nljjue in endeavouring to
lave us, J have the honour to be, with great
rdpeit, Hr. Sec. LORN WALLIS.
flit Excellency Sir Henry Clinton, K. B.
Admjmitt Office, NovembeV 27. .
CAP t. Mclcombe, of his Majcfly's (loop the
Rattlefna! c, arrived at this office late on Sunday
night fivm North America, with dispatches front
Rear Admiral Graves to Mr. Stephens, of which
the following is an extraft :
London, at Sea, OSober 29, 1781.
In my Hfl lettcr, bv the Lively, Capt. Manly,
J d'diffd you to acquaint my -Lord* Commiffwnt-s
of iheTdmirahy of my having parted the bar of
New Yoik with the British fleet, with 7000 of the
army embarked, to go to the relief of Earl Corn
wallis at York in the Chtfapeak.
ihe fleet accordingly failed the moment the
troops were put on board, and proceeded the fame
day {the 19th) for the Chefapeak.
The 24th we received intelligencrfrotn a black
man, who was pilot of his Maje Sly’s ship Charon,
a white man who belonged to the Quartern!after
General * department, and another black man, who
had made their efcipe together from York* that
Lord Cornwallis had capitulated on the 18th inst.
Ihe day before the fleet failed from Sandy Hook.
The 26th one of our boats brought eft’ fome
people, from the ikore near Cape Charles, who
gave the fame report of the capitulation.
The 2tth his Majesty’s ship La Nymphe joined
us from New-York, and brought dispatches from
Lord Cornwallis, dated the 15th, 3 copy of which
is iaejofed, and leaves little room to question the
truth of the other intelligence. The three people
being Hill on board and iqueftioned again, and
known for wbaithey reported themselves robe by
several perfoni, helped still to corroborate ; I
therefore determined to detach the Rattlesnake for
to give the earliest information to their
I<ol dillips,that Government may be prepared to
receive the paifteiilm. “ “ r ;- ...
1 (hould have bees happy to have tried every
possible means to effeft a relief, could We have ar
rived in time ; that profpeft being at an end, I
determined to leave this ftatioa and return to New*
: N. B. The copy of Lord Cornwallis's letter,
above referred te, ia the fame as that piloted in
the foregoing dHpatcfcea front Sir Heary CRnton ,