The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, April 25, 1782, Image 1
TUU-F S.DAV, Apjjit if, i’ h i; i; c I G E O |( G [ A SA \ ANN A} I : . Printed sr. JAMES’s, January 2c. * I I'S day the Baron de w* Kiitzleben had apri- :yp vote audience of his 3J?* 1 Majeftyj todelivtri **-*£#3Oo*.*f ijew 1 letter of dred-- *nce, giving him the charaT-j cf Miniflcr Plenipotentiary i?om Iris Serene Highpcfs the LauJorarvc of HefTe Caffel which he in troduced by the Right Hon, I Stormont. M** * * Ho* . v ?jrs>ccretanes of - Sreph(*ti'C'ottrdl, 4 ;BiE Afl]&ant M|lle thp Cere*- guilts \ ._. *.••> . • ‘’ ~*. L “- !f; -“"’ ------’ “i’ London, January 23. The fid-” iAving orders were given on tJie sth of November at Gibraltar : “ Gert. Boyd mod cor dially offers bis warmett aeknew iedgments toMajorVaughan, Cap*. Tuite, Licuts. Dacres, johnfotf, Morgan, and Waihen; to thdno'i commiflioned offi ers and fouiiers cf the grenadiers arfd light in:T.try company, for the h onnt xs ;x have done to his jp f .h ****•*?.- .jnent, ccnrfttft in tbjpfofoy glorious attempt to do dr 0 y nemy’s advanced batteries andcooG munications, which important kr yige was- so happily aV-d'che-:*-;tally executed. “ Hclikewifecon iratubtoj ujcm on the opportunity they hid f p't ih jog into St, Carlos battery, and he is convinced, from their spirited lijanner ofdgfig it, that, had there been ?o ‘ indead of 50 men to ue find it, tlic.ij conduct \voula have . been the fiuhe* %. “ fie defircs the favour of Major *, and Capt, Tuite to dittriv filch a manned as proper* five guineas to ,<ach companies; and be that pride and* plca r always bW"wy m0 ny to those genuine bravery, his humanity and A*AV‘i.on*lo the* -> THelpnftadVa wou, .the Wartooa his 4. By authentick accoknis are aSSjgcd, that Or. riankitn na l, 1 • irf tfemmthsf h#f • before the ; ©udinej* Af- treatgkl alhanqC. dfrance id and ibai ct-had been alterecn k *®dal?fsllsipf ?.nd figned* on &< p ?r \ () f f } c .hrenclv King, the liable of thh month; by wh(ft> it inlaid the Americans provided they are nf fitted by their allies to diipolTcis (great of her colonies a givc ro give uo Canada, Long Ifl :’r.d; .Maryl--', and 2v 0 i?h Caro lina, t’ clna ?T z ~ XVfxKT nkeiy ttf leave the rimeri.ans - :! ;CP cipe<f> of- becoming an ind - jJendent people. , l ;\ cifs Grot H.Gta*, £,,-„u ’ w 1 th c ra-uHacr Iruqps fron her re - belitou, % rcai*, ( ..f tite above ‘fTfriuman probability, a k ; ni 4 T i ,Ke to theirdiberries; for a hireling a >- my, once vidioriousf perej^vh(h; e people ffho invited* 1 bet* attittangc une-ouaj?He of de fendin ifcJUW ul 2nd beciin >^' lc dr matters; as did . our ani tt. * Suitons who, solicited te the an cient Britons to aditt th-jn -+*> - pcl’.in-g the invasions ofTinc uTia riyifripr ip a nd, Lends she ,r c:ame tp.protect. YcCi&?uiy a great number of the Nobility dined with L’ojd Corn-’ wailfs at. Lambeth h i ci> Lord Cornwalli% i-\ way to t■. a, whs complnnci’tf, ‘ ! y the M ivor and Corpnrati Va J .::rer wicii the freedom of tlntfchjjj a:id f'overjoyed were the peble- at his a rival tlgerc, he from tiie 1 Inn to the (JuilJ flail o ilmens (houlders, acccmpanied by anincred^pl^number of Mediators, uponjjfce crcca fion carv be’better co.nc6cd than tJefcnbecl. k . Jan. A letter frVpi Paris; dated January 11, after ntnrioning tfie capflire of St. Fiutt itft, “ This conqtaft will restored m is fi>% there;- but as the property* ahva belongs toJhole who arc in IJmt, it is prefiitncd thafeiir Mi piftrr #i*K,lULt ae^ui-, affairs of HoLul may being iioiVomfels cf of the UtJublic’k> both l<ie is m . a fnaleihg 4 private pcacr^|p# rij fo eugage ance offihfiye and dcfeijflpiivjj^^ SVR. O*Y A*lji • o 5 J'} Ia Mils loh ns ton, • *’ * * ’ appears’ Cos natural between tw % powers v ho.have the C i ers h-om Minorc.*/ of the Spani.h great contempt, as not being with judgment or ’psShtt x *• or. every prcfuinptioir-c its it appear, that itve-a] veflih Rot in with i'upph'es, and that they have had ereiy <Xj)caation iinding refoitrccs tor lime month,, tid more cifpnual belief could C* ■m-e iingfahj. ®\V lieft T.ortfX'ornwallis receieed V* of die. city of after liavrngjto, . Kc<(. tier ritxfflsry* r y, exprcffcd hfc Ihe following manner; *rmoft gratefully lecl the no or conferred upon me by the city of Exeter The.^yeicioai Kgl~of a toJkrve tffVm. ” iiße lo’erebLo wwnich the Brf tiih arms hive (bllainod in Ameri ca, and which has so unfortunatlly fallen on my heacf, impresses raft with ;heseepctt: concern, l am fupportetl by* a conlciaumetf? of having e&gfftcdlhc ytinott of tfty abilities to prevent itj I beg leave to to Mr. Recorder for the tfery. obliging manner in which he has been plcafed,to ccm munioftc to me the resolution of the Chamber.^ They writc,from Qncbcck that the navigation of the Upper Lakes had tumtd out very advantageous latt futrtmgr, several remtte Indian tribes living rerftoVcd themfclves •-rPS3ftt| with Jm§E3fl \ dels. A liter of flipofed to r gtihs ami 6 & Jbkon a large IXitch %>p, bound from Cvsw£m AV Aratterdfam, -and carried her in® iie Coffee,’ cotton, *nd ptherJVcijffdii com imodium. igjL } . . * 2ixtra% of } ktt#*Jrh* K £ruJjilst 7 ■r t Jan* fc ■ji ■ 4t They write froifeAAnfweS that, on the i3A aft.•* corps-<$ Dtilth troops ihr barfl?