The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, May 23, 1782, Image 1

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    TIHtRSDAY,: Ma* 2 3)
SAVANNA!}: Printed
From the Aktigu a
PHIGOOOOK J N .the 41 ft instant the
jfcji fc-g ‘whole French fleet made
*\ P’ S-* u aPPetran<{c.©ft'Mont
■!£ Tt-rrat i and on “.Friday
k and trorning that detach meat
•. thereof which is com-,
foarided by le Compte de Barras was
close In with the town, when a flag of
truce was sent with a letter from the
Compte, ftquiring a furreoder of the
island, and accompanied bv a draft of
articles of capitulation. As any oppo
fitioii to so a force was not
to be thought of an immediate fuiren
dfr tssiif l |hst,
Lift of officers killed and wounded at the
siege of Brim fine Hill in St. Cbriffo
Killed, Lietsts. Wilson and Clerk,
Quartermaster Shungar, ift battalion
Royals. Lieut. Wefterna and Surgeon
Boyce, 15th.
Wounded. Brigadier .General Fra
zer, Capt. Wallace, Capt.Buckeridge,
and Lieut. Pemberton, ill battalion
Return of the French and British forces at
the reduction of Demarara> January
30, 1782.
—’ French forces!
Ships names. Guns. Commander'.’.
L’Jphigene 32 Compte K. rtamt
L’Aimable 32 Cheval. Sufmnet
Le Rofli>nol 24 Cheval. Kfrfaint
Le David 24 M. Dombidau
* *<• A'l. rr n 11. de la Beau me
LeChaifedufTe i8 p |euV;njl
Le Caesar “ 6 M. Gerard
Guns 136 1280 seamen.
Reg. Due dt Lauzan 35°
Ditto Fori iuo
-From Cayenne 120
Marines 120
690 land forces,
i British force to oppose them.
Ships names. Guns. Commanders.
Oror.oque 21 W. Tabourdin
Bcrbu Ja 17 F. Pendar
Sylph 18 J. Giacme .
Stormont 14 J. Douglas Brisbane
Henry 6 Lieut. Rotherly
Rodney 14 Capt. Pap*l.
90 guns.-—376 seamen.
No land foices.
This armament failed from Roch Fort
the Bth of October, 1781, with a con
voy to Cayenne, and arrived there the
Bth of December. Off Cape Finifterre
they loft an armed victualler of 18 nine
1 pounders, with provisions for the squa
dron for seven months; off Cayenne;
on the Constable Rocks, they also loft
t brig of the fame force wjth th c Lse,
• The articles of capitulation have not
yet reached us. The officers deemed
ptsifoners of war, and seamen at liberty
10 ft: rvc t * - “.'h. • -i-’ ;
7*W/&St.Luci aGaZette, March} 1.
St. Martinique March 7.
Friday morning filled from our
road, a small American squadron,
confuting of four (hips and three brigs;
they stood to the northward, but w
nrc ignorant of their detonation. The
Holker, which came in t u water, failed
again immediately with them.
March 21. The American brig
i Holker came into our road on Friday
last, with an Englifli brig, which (he
took off Tortola. The litric American
squadron which fh* failed with, having
appeared off that ifland,found that ab
pefftlFthe vef&fs r?W were”
in that port had had the good fortune
to escape, and take reFuse under the
Fort of the Daniffi iflandor St. John.
In the morning of the 19th the
• grand fleet made their appearance off
our road, under the of the
Cmronnc of 80 guns, eftnminded by
M. de Methon ; the Magnifique of 74,
bv M. de Macarty; the Dauphin Royal
of 70, by M. de SennevHle, two Fri
gates and a sloop of war *. they left
B*eft the 13th of FebaTV. This
rtwct, consisting of 60 failure greatest
part of loaded on *hc v King’s ic
tovint, could not get to an anchor, ei
ther in our roul or at Fort Royal, ’till
the 20th. We know not at present
the exadt number of” troops that are ar
rived. A confi iyrable number of trans
ports, bound to the East Indies, fepa
rnud fr<mv them in a certain latitude,
•■having for ihrirlconvjy four fail of the
KINGSTON, (Jamaica) March 16.
his Majesty’s packet
boat the Swaiio v, Capt. Green,
with the mails from in
28 days, anchored in the harbour. On
the 24th ult. Capt. Green took a French
” snow, from Bourdeaux to St. Domingo.
March 23. Saturday last arrived here
the Cork fleet', under the protection of
his Majesty’s ship Invincible, Capt.
Saxton, and Martin sloop.
The (hip HeClor, Cox, from Lon
don for Nevis, came down with the
them. Capt. Cox, on difeovering the
Fre.nch colours displayed there, bore
away, and on his passage down captured
’ a larg£ (hip from Bourdeaux, laden
with wine and flour, which he has con
ducted into this harbour.
A ffoop, prize to the Invincible,
from Sj. Vincent’s, also arrived on Sa
turday. % ,
■turc, Cop
>l, and hit
m a cruise,
he Advcn
rbados that
I, 29 days
red at that
he icth of
178*. (N*. 16.. J
February; and the matter said that the
London fleet was Cos follow him the
next day, under amffcort of eight (hipt
of the line.
April 6. Monday the schooner E
clipse, Hill, and , Fdroes, eight
days from the island of St. Thomas,
arrived Royal. “Letters by
these vcffcls announce the failing of the
outward bound East and Weft India
fleers from Portfmoutk, under a strong
convoy, which had Bren dilperfed, a
few days after they left the land, by a
violent tempest. Capt. Hill fays, that
advice had been received at St. Tho
mas’s, before he failed, of the loss of
fou?l>f the fleet, vi£ tfillfiip
Capt. Izat, to windward of Antigua,
which was blown up in difeharging her
stern chafes at a vcffel which Capt. u
at conceived to be an enemy ; the Au
rora, Venus, and London, from Brif.
tol, off Barbuda; Capt. Izat and his
people, only excepting two or three,
unfortunately perUhed by the explode
on; all the officers and crews of the
others got fafe on shore, but the veflcls
and cargoes are entirely loft,
A flag of truce lately anived at An
tigua from St. Kitts brought advice of
the failing of Count Dillofffrom thence
with two 50 gun ships and two frigates
on a secret expedition; that the French
were indefatigable in their efforts to
render Brimstone Hill impregnable, by
enlarging and llrengthenirg the forti
fications at that very important post,
and that they had already in the mod
(hameful and wanton manner violated
the specious capitulation granted to the
unfortunate inhabitants of St. Kitts.
Tur fday his M sloop Childers,
Capt. M‘Kay, with two prizes, enter
ed this harbour; one of the prizes it
an American brig, called the Lady
Green, mounting 14 four pounders,
fitted out of New London; she had a
severe cOnteft with the Childers for
upwards of an Jtopr, and had many of
her crew killed and wounded; the o
ther is a Spaniard, in ballad. Capt.
M‘Kay gallantly cut-these two prizes
out of Cumberland harbour, where
there was no traces of an encampment.
On Thursday, a brig, prize to the
Hercules privateer*, the ship Tartar,
Austen, from Africa; and his Majes
ty’s (hip Southampton, Affleck, Esq.
from convoying the Grantham packet
through the Windward Passage; an
chored at Port Royal: And yellerday
the lhip Rumbold, Molineux, from
Africa; and his Majesty’s fchponer En
deavour, Ferkins, Esq. fronii a cruise,
with a brig and schooner her prizes.
On Saturday 4aft, in the Windward
Passage, Capt. Molineux was warmly
attacked by a French privateer of 24
guns, and full of men, which he beat
off after an hour's gallant defence,
with the loss Os three men killed re .
I See the fottrtb Page. J