The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, May 30, 1782, Image 1

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    THURSDAY, Mat 3c,
*. ST. JAMES’s February 9.
Xing has been pJeaf
k# ed to grant to the
S ‘T S Right Hon. George
n-g Germain, t (comm6nly
called Lord George
Germain, and to the
heirs rtnle of his body lawfully begot
ten, the dignities of Baron and Vifeount
of the kingdom of Great Britain, by
the names,, Biles, and titles, of Bardn
Bolebrooke in the county of Suffer,
and Viscount S.ickville of Drayton in
th,cotioty of Northampton.
Fib. 11. His Majrfty having been
pleased to appoint the Right Hon.
Welbore Ellis to be one of his Majes
ty’s principal Sec recaries of -State, he:
mind, sworn one of his M ijefty’s prin
cipal Secretaries of State accordingly.
Wbitebdlly February 23. The King
has been pleased to Lieut.
Gen. Sir Guy Carle ton, Knight.of the
Bath, to be General and Commander
in chief of his Majefty*# forces within
the Colonies in North America lying
upon the Atlintick Ocean, in the room
of Sir Henry Clinton, Knight of the
Bath. ‘
r omw, tvisTcn-z, -;na.
ExtraF of l f f e } ti Commodore John
ft one ta Af* dated onboard
35 the Dh'*> **'Spltkead, February 28*
m ‘have the honour to acquaint you
0 f ny arrival at Spithrad in his Majef
-1 s frigate Diana, after a passage of
eight days from Lisbon.
* “We have brought Lirut. Reid, of
the Romney, who commanded the
Danbaarkeyt prize, taken in Saldanha
Bay, together with Mr. Virgin, a Swe
dish officer (midlhipmuivand volunteer
in the Jupiter) who was kkewife saved
from the laid prize, together with John
Doitman, John .Balfour, Philip Hodge,
George Lufignie, Thomas Roe, AVil
ium Richardibn, William Boyer, and
David. Kell. They report that the
Danbaarkcyt,Tftcr losing all her marts
on the 28 th of January, near the Chan
nel, had the pumps choaked on the
29th i that (be gradually filled with
water to the upper deck, and was on
the point of finking on the 30th, at
dark, when they left her, in a fmal)
boat, during a hard gale of wind ; that
the crew had prepared a raft, and ta
ken every precaution with coolncfs and
a&ive intrepidity, but from all circum
stances I can entertain little hopes that
so many worthy men would survive.
“ The small boat Was forced to keep
right before |he wind; which then
blew from N. N. E. Next morning at
ten o'clock, after running about 80
miles to the fouchward, the weather
become and they were fa-,
ken up by ft Swedilh brig, bound to
Leghorn, who was prevailed upon, by
• prcmiitm given by fttbill, to run off
the bar of Lisbon, and to fend them
‘’ • .
into the Tagus by a filhing boat, where
we all endeavoured to communicate
such comfort* a* so great misfortunes,
and such manly perfevertace, hare a
right to command.**
London , February’ 9. On the 6th
inst. failed from Portsmouth for the
East Indies, the following Slips, vt2.
the Gibraltar, of 80 guns, Commodore
Bickerton, Capt- Hickes* Cumber
land, 74,'Capt. Allen-, Defence, 74,
NewnhamSceptre, 64, Gravest A
frica, 64, M‘Dowell Indexible, 64,
Chrtwynd*, and Juno, 32, Montague.
Feb. 14 On the 26th uft. a French
man of war of 44 guns and 500 men,
in a Violent gale of wind, foundered off
St. Vallery,cry,pecin:pedfhdk
“ThTabovcrfrigate was coramanded by
the Captain of the Due d*Artois,, lately
taken by Capt. Macbridc of<he Bien
faifant. 1 ,
Feb. 27. “The following!! the Peti
tion prefer)ted on Monday lalt by the
Sheriff* of the City of Loadon to the
Houle of Commons.
‘To the Honourable the Common of Great
Britain in Parliament ajjembled. ,
The humble Petition o ffl'r Lord May
or, aQcf/yotnmons, of
tile* c:trjT tJbrfendcnt; flf*Comifiou
, Council assembled,
Sbewctb, _
... “ THAT your petitioners, in the
present ft-teof publick affairs, moved
by every sentiment that can impress the
human mind with regard to the com
mon welfare of this kingdom and its
dependencies, are impelled to implore
this Honourable House to interpose in
such manner as to their wisdom /hall
seem moft effcfiual for preventing the
continuance of the unfortunate war
with America.*’
The Arethufa frigate, Capt. Richard
Pearson, is arrived in Yarmouth Roads
from a cruize, and has brought in with
her three privateers, one of which
mounts 26 guns.
A correipondcnt assures us, that
yesterday advice was received from
Madrid, by the way of Holland, that
there had been an infurrcAion in that
city, which got to such a head that the
King and all the royal family were ob
liged to retire in the night fome miles
into the country ; but four of the ring
leaders being taken and put to death
put an end to the riots and disorders,
and the royal family arc returned to
the palace again, but the French Am.
TafTador is obliged to have a guard , of
protect him from the infufci
of the populace. T-
Mitrcb 2. Yesterday the Member*
of the House of Common*, attended
by their Speaker, watted on his Majesty
at St. James’s, to present their Ad
dress, “*Maft humbly representing to
his Majesty, that the farther prosecution
of offenfive war on the continent of
North America, for the purpofc of re
ducing the revolted colonics to obedi*
** -1 /
17I*. (N. 176. J
ence by force, will be the mean* of
weakening the efforts of this country
again ft their European enemies 1 that
it must tend, under the present cir
cumstances, dangerously to increase the
mutual enmity so fatal to the intereft*
both of Great Britain and America,
and, by preventing an happy reconci
liation with that country, frulbace the
earnest desire moft graciously expressed ’
by his Majesty to restore the bfeffinga
of publick tranquillity.”
The following is his Majefty'* moft
fracious Aniwer to the Address of the
louse of Common* delivered the ift
** Gentlemen of the House of Commons %
- There are to my
heirt than the case, ‘happihefs,- and
prosperity of my people.
“ You may be allured that, in pur
suance of your advice, I (hall take such
meafurc* as (hall appear to toe to be
moft conducive to the restoration of.
harmony between Great Britain
the revolted colonies, ioeflentialtothe
prosperity of both j and that ray efforts
Hull be direded in the moft effectual
manner against our Eti<; mo enemies,
till such a peace can brUkained at
(hall consist with the mcere&]Snd per*
manent welfare of my kingoojfc”
Besides the add refs of the Vf&c of
Commons the following were
fenced to his Majesty on the fametub-
The Address, Remonstrance,
Petition of the County of Middlefei
prelented by John Wilkes and Geo%J
Byng, Etbrs.
Ditto of Surry, by Admiral Kcppcl
and Sir Joseph Mawbey, Bart,
Ditto of London, by the Right Horn
the Lord Mayor.
Ditto of Westminster, by the Haft),
Charles James Fox.
Ditto of Southwark, by N. Polhilf,
Esq. and Sir Richard Hotham, Bart,
- Gen. Burgoyne, Mr. Fox, Mr. She
ridan, Mr. Wilkes, and almost every
conspicuous character jn.Oppofition,
attended the Speaker yesterday at St-
There were upwards of 200 carriages
in the train which attended the Speaker.
An arftazing concourse of people aL
femWcd yesterday in Parliament-street,
Pall Mall, icc. to fee the House of
Commons go up to St. James** with
their address to the Throne. The
number of carriages wfckh attended
the Speaker was by far greater than on
any former address for many year* past.
March 5. A private\|ctter from
Paris fays,’ that etprefies have for a
fortnight past been almost: daily arriv
ing for Dr. Franklin from England,
which makes the Ministry there lufpeft
that fomethingof imporunce is carry
ing on which, may prove detrimental
to the interest of Frances however they
had just received advice from their cor
respondents in London of fome endea*