Newspaper Page Text
vouri in agitation to bring about a rc
cunotajlotvWith D{.
Franklin had been lent for to Court,
but .h ?* tap’ captious to make any
difeoverfes, and therefore two'perfoni ,
of dfftinSion Wefc set out to go by the
wajr #f Often J o Lorufyn, to nuke
what dlicoverics they can.
The Admiral Barrington, Paflfiriore,
which is arrived from Charleftown, on
ber pairipe captured the’ brig'Friend,
Ctpc/Foßef, iron Sarlnam to Boston.
The Britanniav Capt. Bail, is fafe
arrived at Milford Havfertf and’ the
Tartar* Coeteii at Falmouth, from
Sdiith Clrolina.
Extra# of a Utter from Lord Charles
* Fitzgerald. Commander of bit Majefifs
JhipyLe Prudente , ‘'to’ Mr. Stephens
* dated at fta. Feb. 19, 1782.
. tr THe:f6th of thts month we took
the Eagle French ft^elh ip, bound io
ihe.Eaft Ind&t, Uden with naval and
military, itotes *, the mailer of her Tn*
forms me that he failed the 11th inst
from Brest, in company with Monficur
de Gyichefl.** • J •
March 6 . , Yesterday orders were
lent over to Ireland for none 0/ the
troops which wt£ ‘draughted off for
the ttanfpdtts but to remain until fur
ther orders. ,u ’
bait week from a Wta? regrrne nts o f
•Guards, m orilft'ffßftSeTent to Ameri
ca, are the barracks.
•r # *Th between
the Porte, mod of
the poW!iif)l9B\*hpc are expe&rd to
• be P general continental 1
it is fad, has al
refhftlH<?liie<jrh*rfelf m favour of the
that the terMs for a
* Hce which the Americans have etn
(e>,#*diyfr. Laurens to agree ro With
fhsreaV*iiiiu?n are, that a null .
fitfrnippotifted over them by tht Kir.g,
but supported by them, and chosen
IfßJin'krfibng themfrlyes •, tint aM offi
cers under him (ball be chosen from a
*t4ng the Americans •, that they wilt,
be governed by their’'ovftvlaws j are
Willing'to pay raxes, but theft* taxes
(hall be fettled by their Houses of Af
.lembly, and colleftcd by their own
pebplo. ‘And that they yivill have K-
trade with Spain forlome par
<tfc<HaP ott tides, <for the tike of re.i ly
‘ their trade
(hall be confined to Great Britain ; that
- BWlhbif (Hill be included in the peace
•If they think proper, and if they do not
•the *Am*i*ieans are to havfc no further
. ’fUtancd V#fh’ th#m.
* 8;’ The following is the re
rfbfufion, verbatim, his.
jtfty*t moft gracious Ifrfwer to the
‘lifaWrl of thtTHoufe of Common^:
r %l Refolvedy That, after the solemn
’ddifHdVtbn of “ the opinion ot this
**Hbuft in theft* humble address preferg
-1 e;d*to‘Hls Majesty on Friday lad, and
• ‘hW Mhjeft y assurance of his gracibQs
. intention, in purluance of their advice,
“to.take such meaforcs as dull appear
ttyWfvfajriW tb be mod Conducive to
of harmony’ between
Tdfeft'Brltain* hht! “the revoTted Colo
nies, ‘fd <sflTeHt?dr m the pf6j peri of
” both, the Houfc will’ connder’ ns ene
mies to bis Majefly and this coup try,
all thofc who (hall endeavour to
tme his Majefty*s paternal care for’the
ode and happinefa of his people, by
advifmg, or by any means attempting
tiie further prosecution of effenfive war
on the continent of North America,
for the purpole of reducing the*revolt-;
cd Colonies to obedience by force,**
March 9. Yesterday ift'the Houfc
of Lords the order of the day -being ,
called for,'which was to proceed into
the enquiry on the loss of Lord Corn
wallis’s army, the Duke of Chandot
rose, and, after f hmg imrodudlbry
fjpcech, moved two resolutions Ito the
following purport:
1 ft.. “ Relolved, That it is the opi-.
nion of thia.Commitiee, shat a primeir
pal cause of the Wfe of the army mulct
jhe oommand of Earl Cornwallis* *at
arofe from the ; want of -a
fwffickntruu’sl forte to cover and pro
tect the fame.”
ad. “ Rcfolved, That it is;the opi
nion of this Committee,’ that it is cri
minal in the Ministers-who conllitiKe
the CabinelTlo adopt any measures for
the final completion of which they do
not l\fficiendy provide.**
X.his ht-on dJbate, in.
“wliich Lord Sandwichf Earl Derby,
Earl Temple, Lord Fauconberg, tre
Duke of Richmond, Lord Camden,
fcveral others, took a puti after
which the qiu ltion was pur, and ‘the
Houle diyided upon it, when there Ap
peared, Contents 37, Non-Contenis
72, MajoritwWs
The Govelior of Padang, on the
weft coj4if of* . urivwj in
Englantlas an hoilage Tor the efTidual
* of the terms of his fur
renderii>g all the very valuable Dutch
forts and factories on that coast,, viz.
Padang, Plaman, Pooli, Serico, and
Ayer Hadjah. They were taken with
out opj)i>fu:on, by five Indiamen from
Bcncoolen,commanded byCprnmodore
Clements, on the J9tlnvf ; A|agpft.
April 5: Lord Ilo.Ve Wpi fjvr l>ir fhgVqn
board the V'Aoryof 100 gun*’,. Aarairal Barring
ton ®n board the BiitamJa of'ioo giliwV and Ad
miral Kcnrperi< on board the Koyal George of
100 gni all which ill>ps arc now at Spithead,
ready for fty.*- . . f
The Allowing hav’-il* ariangemertj *have been
made at the Adoiiraliy : Lnnl’rfowe 4a> accepted
the commind of the grand Hcct, AormtM Bmnng
ton goer to the Weft Indies, bir John Lochhart
Ross to the North Seas, Sir Myde I’-rker to the
Lift Indies, and it is in agitation to give commands
to several other Admirals who have been long un
ernployed, in the room ofthofe now abrostd, whose
different ttations will this day be finally adjnfted.
Admirals Pigot and HaiUnd will J;ave appoint
ments in the g'and fleet,
1 he four ’vacant Blue Ribbons arc disposed of
in the following manner: Duke of Porrl*nd/\pd
to goXord l.itutenant of freh.nJ, in the room of
Lord Carlifle. J)uke of Devonlhire. Duke of
Matichcfier. Earl of Shelbacr*.
The lion. Col. Fitzpatrick is appointed Secre
tary to the Lord Lieutenant.
’ A Charge de* Affaires is certainly embarked for
Holland, to propose a ceftatron of h>flilitie, an<J
a .treaty of peace between. Great Britain and the
, States Ge:;eral.'._. .
Lord Nor{h is appointed Conflible of Dover
Castle and Warden of the Cinque Ports for life;
and <*!fo a grant pafled the great feal.of 40C0I. a
year, payable quarterly during life*. Jikewife a
Era. his Ldrdlhip’i Sterctary>
Stocks are got up three per cent, within a few
‘dhysi *’ • • • “ •■ s ‘
Ap rit Z . • Too much cannot be beftowei
on the moral \hrraAer of the Marquis of Rock
ingham i his Lordship ha again'fhut his hand a--
Samft’ all etnoiilittenu* of office, -and declared bis
eterminatioQ not-toaxkcaqy emolnnent whatever
from, his place as full of the Treafgry. • ,
—Tlic Mai quis of Rock mgham, whcn’ba was be
fore io Adniiniflrafion, aAed the lame dirt oaarerted
part. We arc allured that the whole of hia Lord-
Jh-A(alary due, wbehlw was last in offkc, is uow
Tn the Trenfar) J T v
The Duke of Grafton hat atyb determined to
feve hb country without any pajf orferOuXces of
office!-. *
The Dnkr of Portland and Mr. Fowy, with
other men of high rank and chaiaace ameng the
friends of the new Adminiflratidb, have likowife
1 irefufed accepting of evy ofpoimtmni lukmtrotr. .
By Robert Sfiettce,
Opposite to the south caff corner of Cfariil Church
E hefh flout in baircls,
O Checfe in hamper!:
Madeira wine, in bottles, of a superior quality, by
the.dczen; * 1
Military lhoes and (him,
Menvfine hau and thread bofe, ....
Ditto fine (hoes:
Superfine scarlet, blue, green, black, and fafhion
able coloured broadcloths:
frrflr linen; • /’ •
China, glass, and etrthen ware;
Paints giound in oil, and oil in jars; -
Lacipbi?.ck, * .
Treble dhi iHed Ltvender wafer,
Mttft3t.d-, • t
Blnching Ball,
Prinred cottons and Manchefler goods, &c. Sec.
Savannah, lytli May, 1782. •’
1M FORTEfHn the Schooncf Olcah, ’
from Antigua,
dm of the bell quality in quarter calks,
fv Mufcovado Sugar in becreli.
To be fold by LEWIS jdHNSTON.
Savannah, 27th. May, 1782.
\ Wanted, a few Barrels of Tar, Pitch, and Tut
petrtine, and fomc White Oak Kocfhead Staves
and Heading. . 1 f
London Particular
Epcf.and Vidojn ;, Warn. ... . , ”T .
<!)!d Spirit*,
Hoßandfe Gin ii> cases and by fiugalloti,
Mufcovado and Loaf Sugar *
Hyfon and Bohca I’ea,
. Coffee, Soap, ** .
Likewifc .1 general AfTortment of Dry Gvj 3
‘I o be fold cheap for Cifh, by
At his Stoie oppofite'Mr. Harriet’s Buildings o>
‘ : the Bay.
HAS for sale, at his Vendue Store on the Bny,
fpr cash, oTHs of exchange, lumber, or naval
(lores, Good Port wine by the dozen, Madeira dit.o
fft ;df. per dozen, (herry ditto, loaf and mufeovauo
|jgr, mdlarte ; green, fouchong, and Congo tea;
(hull green coffee, bert alum fair, a few bands
clean rice, fuperfine flour, bell leaf tobacco by the
barrel, military (hoes and (him, mens faflvonaftle
boots, Hops (uiubio'to the season, Russia (hcvUfg;
aifo rum and (limb by 1 the quarter calk and threa
gallons. A gehetous price will be given for Navzl
Stores and Lumber and Empty Bottles.
!■■■ -ts. -via ... ,
MarfhaPs Sales.
On Monday the 3d o( June next fl wJI be
at the Mai dial’s Office, to the highest bidder, for
cafii, the Die to begin, precisely at 11 o'clock,
A BAY Horse, fit for fuddle or chair, com
monly known by the name of Jriihman,
13* hands high ; ravo Mahogany Tables, a Delk,
a Pine Chelt, a Bedstead tfß a Man’s
Saddle, and a Silver Watch.
The vvhold seized under execution by
LEW IS JOHN STON jxo. Pro. Mar.
> Savannah, May 23,,1782, . W %'• -
On Monday the jd of June next* xrilj be fold; at
the Marlhal.’i.OtHce, for cafir,. the f**lc to begin
It MO clock,
N INE Negroes, a Stock of Wile Confiding
•of about 3-s'head, ft •sew-Horses; a Riding
Ch:dr ( fomc Hopfebold TftbJe and Tea,,
China and Pjate, a Stock of Hygs t< aFuieAnd
VowliW Piece, with fubdry other'hriJdesj the
f%holcH(*e prpdftyx>f PhMip dsoeaf
, dj;aivl .iirized ftbdfr mciicM toix hiti
■ it •
Savannah, May 23, *>> • •