The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, June 06, 1782, Image 1
THURSDAY, Junk 6, T II E GEORGIA SAVANNAH; .Printed ; From tle LONDON GAZETTE. “PROMOTIONS. If'sr Djpety February 16. . be GtlojtH of the 7id )s(jl lyjt . regiment of foot, vice I w § ‘ lion J r ’ E' r , dt*ct*af t;<f, Cos). Tnotnai Stir uur AW'Ar li fin? of 42d toot. To IL3fwTN/?,A\Jt 1 1, • >, 1 1 be I itetuerunt Colonel Comm md;int of the 2d battalion of the ,71st residerit, to be formed into a fc parate regiment, nnd railed the Lcond 71st n gimme of loot, Lieut. Cos). A ieTrander d\ari; of * Baivartat. To be Lkutenant-‘ -Co I*mel Cdjnmaadajafc-iaf. the 78-ch oflor, Gent. Cot. Thomas Frederick {VEKkiizie Humber.- (lon of looth toot. To be Colonel <*f the 100th regiment of tom; Col. Hon. Thomas Bruce of 65ch foor. To be Colonel of the 104th regim nt of foot, to be formed out of independent coin panic*, M ijor Gen. Stturt * D niglas. To be Aide du Camp to the Ring, Lieut. Col. George Hot ham. To Colonels in the Aumy. LEm. Col. Da.viit Ltiidas, /Qjartermaftrr iGcu ral ta I.dLrd C<A .Vtam WUliamfoivDeputy Adjunnt Gn-ral. To be Aide du CVry’ to the King, vi e Thomas Stirlimj, l/ieut. Col. Gerard Lake or the 4 ft foot guards. . Feb . ‘s4 9* 5 1 ft regiment of f or: James Campbell, Majors Ilaac Ph pps, Captain est a tympany. Feb. 23. 65th regi ment Foot: Ma jor Thomas Bafkerville of 50'n Colonel. 104th regiment foor: *M.i|or Archibald Earl of Killy of 1r th foot, Lieuten Colonel ; Major Sir jjpolin Whitefobrd, Bart,, of the late 107th foot,. M .jor. Mirth 5. 42 1 regiment of foor, id. battalion : Lt-ut. John Grant to be ‘-Captain of an additional company. 50th regiment of foot: Brevet Lieut, Col. Andrew Ed month me of 48 th foot to Be.Major, vice Thomas fLfkerviilr. 78th regiment of foor: Major Jahirs Stuait to be Lieu renant Colonel. 104th regiment of foot: Brevet Major Dun- Can Urquhart of 50th inot to be Ma jor, vice Sirjohn Whitefoord. Inde pendent company of foot: Lieut. John :r’M i Ker t of the iff battalion of the 73d foot, to be Captain- / ; ” Copy of 4 Utter from the Hen Gen. Mur ray Governor of Minorca, to the Earl -o f Hillfborougb , ore of his MajeSlfs principal Secretaries of State. Received by Don , March 19. ’ ggj Minorca, Feb. i6, ij%i. My Lord, i,. • Mi t aV’ * .----t. V- , M .. . ► jr- 1 HAVE the honour to acquaint your Lordtbip that Fort St. Philip's was lurrendered to his Catholick Nfljefl:/ the jgth current. The capitulation -v’ accompanies this. Islams myfelf all Europe will agree th# brave gam fun Chewed uncommon heroiun, and that for gjory which has ever djftm guifhed the troops of my Royal Mailer. Our necefia y guards requited four hundred and fifteen men; the night before the capitulat on tH< whole niim* berat le to carry armsamounte 1 hundred anlMlxry only, of comic there was hone ior the p’cquer, and a de-t< ft of one hundred and ievemy to re lieve the guards, as is evident by the return*. The in- ft inveterate feu vy whirl? I beitfVe ever infedied poor maVtals re ducedms to this fi nation; The report* y-lhc f ’ Ttfr'• thvvc-; x ? ,*yF* • further obftihaey oh my part must have - inevitabjv destroyed the brave remains of this garrilhn, as they declare th-re was nb remedy for the rrtrn in the ho spitals but vegetables, and that of the fix !.u uhed and frxry afde to do duty five hundred and sixty were aftuaily tJfinted with the fcurwl and in all likrlth r>d would haite.leen in th? ho* fpit'als i a )hr e or four city's timer Such was tli? u leontnjn of uie Ki g’s foi Tr their dhf orders ar.d ir.nbifity-raijier than go into the_hofp‘tal ievcial men died on gu-d'Al after having flood fmtry. Their, fate was rot and feovered till Called upon’ for t e :!;tf, v/hen it came to thdr turn 1. mount again, Perhaps a more noble or a more tra gical feene was never exhibited than th t of‘the march of the garnfon of St. IM.hp’s through theSpankh andFrench arm.-3. It con filled of ho more than fix hundred old decrepdd i dldi-rs, two hunilred- lea men, one hund.rd and twenty cf the royal ai til le rv, twenty Co.'fifai.s, and twenty-five Greeks, Turks, Moors, Jcv/s, fccc. 7he two armies* were drawn up in two lines, the battalions hunting each other, foi mihg a biv h>r us to rtiarcji through ; they confided ot fourteen thousand men, Xf>d reached from the glacis to George Town, where 011 battalions laid down themarms, declaring they had ftirfen deretl them to G having the confutation to know the vjetotts could not plume the mfdvesjn taking an ho . fpitaL Such was the difireffing figtves of our men that many of the Spamfti and French troops are Lid to have filed ,tears as they paflftd them; the Duke de Ciill-n and the iitron de Falken hayn declare it is title: 1 cannot aver this, but I think it was natural; for **my own part, I fdc no uncafmefs on* this- wCcrdion but that which proceeded .from the milerable difWder which threatened us with deftruflion. T.ianjcs tq,-the Almighty,- my apprehensions are now abated ; the humanity of the Duke Ue Crilion (whose heart was moft feniinly touched by the misfortunes of fucli brave has gone even beyond my willies W :providing every thing .*?•* [N *. 171.) royal ■f - C GAZETTE. by j AMESJOHNSTON. hn wiiich can contribute to our recovery; ‘1 he Spanrfh as well as the French fuP geons attend our hofpitds. Wr are greatlyihi'ebted to the Baron de Fal kenhayn, who commands the French troops. \Ve owe infinite obligations t'-’ |he l mint de Crilion ; they can nc- Wbe forgot by any of u*. I hope this youhg man never will command an army again ft my Sovereign, for his military talents are as conlpicuous as tne goudnefs of his heart. * I.ifts of the killed and wounded. wuh the number of cur guns which were destroyed by the enemy’s batter. in Q artillcriy, which confitledMf log are’ th ‘ 1 aft man of garrifon fafely and com modioufly embarked. If my accompanying them in a transport to England could be of the smallest ser vice to any of them, Umuld cheerfully go with them by as j can of no fonher ufc to “lifter they are on board ftiip, I trust fils Majesty will approve of my . going to Leghorn to bi ing home with me nvy #if e and chil dren, who fird to Italy the of day the Spanish army landed on the iflancl. My Aid de Camp, Capr. Don, will have the honour to present this letter to yoyr L iriUhip; he is well acquaint ed wiili the moft minute circumstances relative to the siege, is an .intelligent diftinguifiied officer, and is furniftied with copies of all the papers I have, which he will lay before your Lordship if requ site. Thr Capts. Savage, Bvothby, and Don, of -the 51st regimenr, Lieut. Mercier of ditto, Lieut. Botticher of Goldackrr’s ifgiEnent, and Lieut. Dou glas the Engineer, are exchanged for the officers wcinade prifyners at Cane Mol a. 1 - Col, Pringle, and his nephew Lieut. Pringle, are to be left hostages until . the transports return agreeable to the capitulation. I have the honour to be, with great truth and regard, my Lord, your Lord ihip’ moft obedient and moft humble lervanr. JAMES MURRAY. P. S. It would be unjust and un grateful, was A not to declare, thar, from the beginning to the last hour of the siege, the officers and men of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, and like wile the Teamen, distinguished them f Ives: 1 believe the World canrfot pro duce more expert gunnera and bom bardiers than those who served at this siege, and I am fufe the Tailors (hewed uncommon zeal. It is necefiary. like wise to declare, that no garrison was j. ever nouriffied with better fit provisions of alt kinds than we had sent t* us from England; frefh vegetables we could hot fuve; but we had, plenty of peafe,* good bread and rice, with currants and [ See the fourth Page. 1