Savannah weekly echo. (Savannah, Ga.) 1879-1884, December 02, 1883, Image 2

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Savannah, Ga., Dec. 2,* 1888. T. T. HARDEN, Editor in Chief. Bev- J- HH- Sengstacke, German Editor and Translator. Newspaper .Advertising Bureau <lO Sprooe Street), where adver- If ft 11V YORK. Politics are at a stand-still. The educational convention is the talk of the town. Ben Butler, is now earnestly en* gaged in checking off his so-called Presidential chips. He dies hard. The cold wave visited Savannah last week, and completely demora lized the average Thanksgiving turkey. The coming educational conven tion of colored men, of the State of Georgia, to be held at Atlanta on the 12th, is ‘‘booming.” Savannah will elect delegates on Wednesday night Dec. sth. In another column of the Echo to-day, will be found the report of the Ladies committee of the Bazaar, which took place at the First Afri can Baptist church, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 20th, and 21st, under the auspicis of Mrs. M. A. DeLamotta. The community at, large, are fully aware of the fact that the Bazaar was given for the special benefit.of the Colored Or phan Home ; hence the great inter est displayed in its behalf, by the citizens generally. It is with much pride and delight that we point with enthusiasm to the glowing figures, which tell in unmistakable language, that the affair was crown ed with success. The people have spoken ; and we are to understand plainly, that the poor colored orph an will have a home in the ne*r furure. No city in the South, is so badly in want of an Orphan Hooredureelored, children, as Susan nah, and it is with much pleasure that we are enabled to chronicle such able efforts as that of the Ladies Bazaar, which is certainly a credit to Savannah, the State and the country at large. The Echo is always anxious to be permitted to journey along heart and band, with those good souls, who are so anxiously engaged in the good work. Wealth is pretty well brought down in these days to a question of health. It you are not in thorough good health you are not fit for the daily battle of life. A man in poor health, can barely hold his own nowadays, and as tv increasing his income, that is out of the question. orain tonics, heart tosics. .iver tonics, attractive tonics and electric tonics are concerted by the hundred, and certain cures and safe cures by the thousand as if there was safety in numbers. And ail the while there is but one cure. Natures own remedy. A simple natural com* bination of indigenous Herbs' such as are contained in Dr. Clark John sons Indian Blood Syrup. The re ceipt of this Remedy is as old as the grand country, in which it has grown, and it has cured far and wide, without the possibility of doing any harm to the most delicate system. This is perhaps w’hy it has reigned supreme all theseUiff erent concotions with such hard jnames, and impossible theories, the herbs composing the Indian Blood Syrup have a natural power, an in stinct within them, which naturally enables them to find of their own ac cord the particular part of the body which requires their aid, and they therefore cure with comfort, cer tainty and without danger. Thus, after their use. a man may go about his business with ease, and attain the position and fortune which his faculties, in a healthy body, entitle him to, and which with the perpet ual clog of poor health he could never attain. Chicago Nov. 26. A special from Battle Creek, Mich., Haya* “Sojourner Truth, the colored lec turers and sibyl, died here this "‘’morning, aged 108 years.” Hart Wins We Walking Match. Francisco. November 25. — The walking match was concluded at 10-05 last evening with the fol lowing score: Hart. 500 miles; Harri man. 481;McIntyre, 481; O’Leary, 475. _____ Attempted Murder and Suicide. Chicago, HI., Nov. 26.—John Schmidt, a German, 30 years old and in easy circumstances, in a jea lous rage this afternoon shot his wife and then killed himself. The wo man is still living, but her recovery ie doubtful. Fixing the Mails to Suit Tourists. Washington, Nov. 26—General Superintendent Thompson, of the Railway Mail Service, has gone to Florida to make such changes in the mail service in that State as may be necessary to meet the wants of a large number of winter visitors from the North. Seals Burned et Dawn. Loss Nearly 6300.000. Jacksonville, Nov. 29, 6 p.m.— A disastrous fire, which occurred this morning, destroyed the larger part of the town ot Ocala, including the Banner and several stores and residences. The. loss is over 200, QOO. The insurance is probably small. Beaders of‘‘THE ECHO!” To save money it will pay you to patronize our advertisers, rass an outers oy. Sergeant Mason's Pardon. I Washington. Nov. 26—The pSr- j don issued to Sergeant Mason. after reciting formally Mason's offense the ■ orders under which he was hied, and the fact of his conviction and sentence, simply adds tha f t the Pres ident, for “good and sufficient rea sons me thereunto moving, do here by grant to said John A. f Mason » uil and unconditional pardon;” Bold Post Office Robbery. Pottsville, Penn., Nov. 24.- Burglars broke into the Pottsville Post office last night, and blowing open the safe stol • $6OO worth of stamps and a small sum of money. COLORED MEN IN POLITICS. Mora Evidence That They Are Breaking Away from Republi can Thraldom. Boston, Nov. 27. —A political or ganization, to be known as the Sum ner National Independents, has been started in Boston in the inter est of the colored men. In an ad dress the committee say: ‘‘We ask for nothing unreasonable or that overleaps any proper restraint in society, but we demand the protec tion of our civil or public rights under the laws protective of all citizens, regardless of color, race, nativity or faith, and in mindfulness of the fact that we have the ambi tion and aspirations of other Ameri cans. The Republican partv has not been consistent and true toward its colored ally, notwithstanding he has been its faithful and heroic de votee; but we are hopeful of in creased consideration for the poten tial colored vote. It is becoming more manly and enlightened. We believe that the Democratic party, which antagonized us so bitterly from policy, is beginning to change its course, that it will attract to it further representation of the moral sentiment of the land through being just toward those, who, though poor and of the laboring class, are strug gling to command respect. We is sue this appeal to the colored pea pie with the hope that others, like us, will organize and become a power in the coming Presidential campaign and until our rights are recognized. We desire that corres pondence be commenced all through the land to give force and efficacy to the political parties. We respect fully solict co-operation and letters from all parts.” Hon, E. G. Walkei is President of the organization; Wm. Wells Brown, Corresponding Secretary, at No. 73 Cornhill, street, and Geo. T. Downing, Chairman of tue Executive Committee. The meeting of colored citizens to-night adopted a protest against the recent outrages at Danville. Va. A Child With Two Faces. Madison, Ga., Nov. 26.—a .strange ; freak of nature has come to light in * the eastern part of this county, j near Park’s mill, on Oconee River, upon Seackey place. A colored j woman gave birth last Wednesday j to a monstrosity which, in some re- . spects, is rare among ill-shapen <»nd . deformed births. The child had i two weljformed faces, one arts* end lower limbs, two teeth in each month. The heads are well covered with hair, the two are uni ted, and the body has all the fea tures belonging to a properly de veloped child save the union of the heads. The shoulders and limbs are covered with a hair, fine and silky. The gender of the double malform ation was masculine, and it lived a few seconds after birth. GRAND MEETING AT EMPIRE HALL. Wednesday Night December Sth. All are Invited. On Wednesday night next, Dec. sth at 8 o’clock, a meeting of the colored citizens of Chatham County, will be held at Empire Hall, for the purpose of ! electing delegates to attend the Educa tional Convention of the State of Geor • gia,tobe held in Atlanta. Ga., on Wed ■ nesday December 12. 1883. The pub . lie generally are cordially invited to be , present, as the delegates, [about 15] will , be chosen from among the people. Please bear in mind that this is to be no political gathering. It is hoped that ' the meeting will be largely attended, as ' it is to be of great interest to<he educa -1 tion of our people in the future. J. 11. ' Deveuex, chairman. Jas. A. Sykes. Capt. ' L. M. Pleasant, H. J. Warren, T. T ’ Harden, R. W. White. J. C. Monroe, I C. L. DeLamotta, C. H. Ebbs, Rev. U. L. Houston and others. An Omission. In making mention of the closing scenes, prizes and other interesting items of the Ladies Bazaar last week, Mrs. Charles Lawson, who presided at “the wheel of fortune” and Miss Minnie Hooker, as “Rebecca at the well: were unintentionally omitted. Another Boy Wanted. To a good boy with a fair education, polite and quick, an opportunity ot learning the printer's trade is offered. Salary moderate to begin with. Apply at the Echo office Monday morning early. Married. Bolen —Johnson. Mr. John J. Bo len, to Mias Maria E. Johnson, at the bride’s residence on Thursday evening November 29th 1883, at half-past eight o’clock, by Rev. U. L. Houston. No cards. Georgia Baptiet and Sea bland Newt pleate copy. Oso. W. Allen, Esq. We take pleasure this morning in directing the special attention of our numerous readers to the new and at tractive advertisement of the above named gentleman, in another column of the Echo. No merchant or business man, ie better known to the citizens of Savannah, than Mr. Geo. W. Allen, who studies to please and treats every body alike. No matter what you want; such as Crockery, Knives, Lamps, Tin ware, Toilet Sets, Tin Sets, in fact, if you want anything that is usually kept in a firat-elaas Crockeryware store at prices to suit the times, call on the above named gentleman. The finest and moat complete stock of Christmas goods in the city, is being received and opened daily Remember the place, Geo. W. Allen, 165 and 1651 Brough ton street, near Barnard. MASONIC NOTICE. The Grand lawlge A. F. <t A* M-. for the state of Georgia, and its jurisdiction, will hold a commu nication at the Lodg° Roon. St. Julian street. Thursday night Dec. 27th nt 8 o’clock sharp. Brethren of the fraternity will please take notice and govern themselves ac cordingly. C. H. Haywood, G- M. T: T. Ha den. G. S The Georgia Cadet* Grand Parade. The Georgia Cadets of the Colored Military Academy, received their new guns on Thanksgiving day, from New York, and paraded through the princi* I pie streets of the city, followed by hun dreds of men, woman and children. They presented an interesting spectacle, and their appearance was undoubtedly very creditable in every particular. The prize drill took place in the new Park, which was as exciting, as it was interest ing. Serg’t. J. Small of company B. won the silver medal. At night a grand entertainment was giver, by the Cadets 'at Empire Hall, which was largely at i tended. The Cadets are making arrange ments to give a grand fair during the Holidays. A MISTAKE CORRECTED. In making mention of the Commis sioned Officers last week, and the amounts turned in to the Ladies Bazaar, we should have stated that Mr. J. S. Quarterman. was a member of the Lone Star Cadets and not the Sav’h. Light ■ Infantry. Mr. Quarterman represented the consolidated vote of the four officers i of his company. an ■ A man was garroted and robbed just in front of the Tombs Jail, in New York, in broad daylight, the other day. I The highwayman knew his- business. ’ Had the man resisted the highwayman | could have called the police and had him • clubbed into insensibility, when he ; could rob Kim at his ease. The Sunday Schools. There are in the world fourteen million children receiving instruc tion in Sunday schools, and more than one million six hundred thou sand teachers. Of this number more than one-half are in the united states, exceeding the average daily attendance in the public schools, by • nearly one million. In all, there are in this country eighty-threo thou sand Sunday schools. In 1880, the teachers and pupils in the Sunday I schools of the world outnumbered the standing armies of the world as four to one; yet it is but one hun dred years since Robert Raikes established the first Sunday school in England. Go to *he new Store Everybody and Buy Your Goods. Go to the new store, corner of East and South Broad streets, if you want to buy dry goods, or shoes cheap. A good | assortment is always to be found there, I and all goods are warranted as repre sented. Cloaks : we are selling at cost, to close out. Bargains are offered in blankets and quilts. Shawls at very low prices. Shirts, Cardigan jackets and underwear, we are almost giving away a lot of ladies underwear slightly soiled, at cost. It will pay you to call and ex amine our stock of Linsays, Flannels, Checks, Prints, Spreads. Table Linftp*- lies, Corsets &c., Sc. If yon I will look through our shoe stock, you ; will be convinced that we are selling them low enough to suit all. We still have the celebrated “Rail Road Shoe,” which is the best shoe for little money, sold in Savannah. Respectfully, J. HART, Six Houses To Rent. On December Ist., I will have for rent six small comfortable tenement homes. Each house has a large yard in the rear and a small one in front, for a flower garden. Water, street cars and other conveniences near by. Those who desire a small house of four rooms had better call at once. R. H. Harden. 5 Jefferson street. ‘ Private Entertainment. A grand private entertainment will be given at Dittermousville, Thursday night, December 13th, by Messrs. John Battise, William Stewart and Edward Houston. The same is to be a pleasant affair. That Famous Coffee Club. Card No. 3. Mr. Editor: — We would be pleased to have the President of the Coffee Farm, to inform us.through your valuable col umns, how it is, that 250 Sacks of Cof fee, at 65.00 per sack, only netted the small sum $709. We would advise the President, to do the best thing for his benefit, which is this : prove what the money was expended for, to the satis faction of the members of the farm, He had better give the money to the Treas urer, and books and papers to the Sec retary. The deeds and titles to the Trustees and put the business of the building, in the hands of the building committee. We will admit that the Pre-ident is smart, (?) but it is not wise for him to do so much work.(?) He may hurt himself, “Be sure your sins will find yon out,”remember: “Do Right.” The pass-word of the Coffee Farm; is “Do Right;” independent of the past prayer meeting for a union—Hymn; “are not thy mercy large and free, may not a sinner trust in thee.” The prayer meeting brought up the following pa pers: Ist deeds of Land, also incopera ting papers —reading certain scripture lessons. Hymn : Vain man, the savior will cut short thy course, if the fail to repent. Death cau’t be far, O, think be fore that day. Respectfully, W. & Co. Savannah, Ga , Nov. 30 1883. n a TPIITO andersovasjiitii, □ A | L M I \ Sot Utters ot U. S. and JFo r- I H I Lil I Ol’tsn Pk.enta No. 7W Seventh ent Office, Wa-thlnxtcn. U. C. Corn-spondetv'c «o lleltad. No .barge for advice. No tee clwiwetl un less Patent is allowed. Keferenc-sj. l*wl» Johnaon A Co., Bankers, and Postmaster, Washington, D. C. Vsmphlet of Instructions free. i SbTe-wr T?.esta.-ixrais.t, In the Basement, North West Cor ner St. Julian st., and Market square, West side, under the old ale wall. I take pleasure in Informing my friends and th* public generally, that I have opened a firrt-cle* comfortable Restaurant at the above named place, where I shall be pleased to have their patronage. Mv saloon is nicely arranged so as to make one and all comfortable, who wiU kindly favor me with a call. My term* are very reasonable, «o much so that from the poorest to »n accomo dated at prices to suit everybody. My Odd Fellow brethren are cordially invited to give me » e»*L Call and see me anyhow, and tee b©* 1 am •ttua ted. Yours truly GEORGE R. YOU p^ rietor Personal. WANTED. —Money loaned on [tersonal property. A large assortment of nure deemed Gold and Silver Watch<s and other Jewelrv fur sale very elicep at Licensed Pawnbroker House, 187 Congress stfAet. E. MUHLBEKG, Manager. Fi B.—High est prices paid for old gold and silver. | Wanted I Wanted ! I Every housekeeper in Savsnnali. to visit the great ten cent variety store. No. 154 Bryan strset [Roeeu boiul's old stand J where everything is being sold at ten cents each. Articles which are setting elsewhere for *», 50 suri 75 cents each are being sold at the at'Ove named store, at ten cents. Don’t forget the place, 154 Bryan street, between Whitaker and Barnard. Special Notice to Builders and Contractors. For Sale—Half Million feet of Boards, Plank and Scantling at 87 per thousand feet, in the Sauannah, Florida and Western Railway yard. Apply to R. B. Reppard, 70 Bay street, Savan nah. Ga. Advice tO Another*. Are you disturbed at night and broken o your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so send at once aiid get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children Teething. Its value is in calculable. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately. Depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it. It cures dysen tery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums r -duces inflammation and gives tone and en ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female phy sicians an<l nurses in the United States and is for sale by all druggists throughout th< ( world Price 25 cents a bottle. Prescriptions at Night. M. A. Barie's Drug Store, south east corner Bryan and West Broad streets, has attached an Electric. Bell, for night purposes, and al) prescriptions brought there will be carefully com pounded by a competent licensed Apothecary, of 32 years experience as I a Druggist Physicians are respectfully invited to inform their patients where medicines can be prepared at all hours. Any one wishing to call at night will please press the knob in centre of plate and the call will be sounded. The Electric bell will be found on the West Broad street side, near the cor ner. Special attention is called to the instructions above, in regard to calling at night. Read this Once Again. Ladies Underwear at Byck & Son. A new line of Sack Flannels at Byck & Son. Dresss Buttons in endless variety at Byck & Son. Children's Lace Caps, Cloaks Ac. at Byck A Sou. Gents White and Colored Shirts at Byck A Son. ... Look out for Byck A Son’s Christmas ad vertisement. Gents Underwear in endless variety at Byck A Son. A Fine line of Black silks and Satins at Byck A Son. Fine Stock of Domestic Checks Ac at L- E. Byck A Son. For a Good Corset at 50 cents, you must go to Byck 4 Son. Try the Forest City Shirt ?1.00 at L. E- Byck A Son, 154 and 156 Broughton street CLOTHING. THE DUDE. We do not profess to make dudes of our customers, but we do profess to fit and sell them goods made in the best manner and cut in the latest Styles. V e buy our goods only of such house as we know make them up well and consequently we do not hesitate to recommend them. One thing we are sure of, and that is we sell our goods at the lowest prices, and our customers bear us out in this assertion. The following things we want the public to always remember : Ist. Our Clothing is of the best order and at the lowest prices in the city. 2d. Our stock of Hats is full of the latest shapes and lowest prices. 3d. Our Furnishing Goods Stock is full, Underwear, Hosiery, Earl & Wil son and other Collars, Neckwear, etc. at the lowest prices. 4th. We sell the “King of Shirts/ - the best Shirt in the city for the money. sth. Umbrellas for all. Please give us a call and be con vinced, CHAS. LOGAN & CO., THE SAVANNAH CLOTIIIJiIi AMI HAT STORE, 139 Congress Street. BHERTAKER & OABIAET HARER Has removed to Gwinnett Street, near West Broad, Savannah, Ga. Ths flown of Us South! Meals at all hours- Also, the Finest • Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS, ALWAYS ON HAND. Meals Carefully Prepared at all hours of the Dav or Night. OYSTERS in every style and served at short notice. GEORGIA NIXON. s. E Cor. South Broad and Price i Streets, Savannah, Ga. wmiw & co A COLOSSAL SALE. -OF- Millinery! <—FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN-- 1,000 DIFFERENT SHAPES and COLORS. /There is no hat on this year’s fashion plate we cannot stow you as well as l ips, Plumes, Birds, Wings, Fancy Feathers, Pompons, etc., will be> on out bibles this week, at prices surpassingly low to what they are usually sold 4grWE MEAN TO REDUCE OUR PRESENT LARGE Ilf you want a Hat, trimmed or untrimmed, for yourself or children , it will de if/harm to come and see our bargains. In spite of the warm spell the average I, sales still keep up for our Ladies’ and Childrens’ W raps I I Which for style end low prices level sll competition. —'—KJKTKA-- . . o JSOO Misses’ Solid Color Hosiery, full regular made, sues from sto 8 a aJlcents per pair, ordinary price 40 cents. A. ■*- * ii'rvi * » »:k «c «'«»• 135 BROUGHTON STREET. G. W. ALLEN, It I. Hi I Hi 1-i JMIUIII Mint, Illi Wllil DIAMONDS. 'I HE uml.nlgniH Wsl« aenna>!ii hi. ,t ‘ O>«^ | « un j e r«no root In ibis ret ireseut them to be, besides I DO NOT CHARGE FANCY PRICES, at sell mr goods at a very small advance above cost and have strictly but one price thereby placing hi amateur and the judge upon the same rooting. j—j WALTHAM WATCHES, hare every grade of t hese celebrated Watches, in Gold and Silver Cases, and what I said above abo«> my reliability 1 here again reassert. JEWELRY . ' 1 “*• . SXEVSRWAKE. The goods I handie are from the most reliable manufacturers, I Invite comparison in quality and price. —Z ZdZeaxL Strletlsr Bnsixiess.— M. STERNBERG, 24 BARNARD STREET. B. H. LEVY & ERO. INOTI C E !! , ■ il o B g ■ Suits Formerly Sold For a Sy $lO.OO to $13.00 « £ H Can be Bought Now for B » Jl] $7.00 and $B.OO. ||?! THE CLOTHIERS. Arc You Going to Housekeeping? ARE TOU GOING TO REFWMIISH) ? ARE YOU GOING TO MARRY? If you are, you need to call at A. J. MILLER & CO.’S FURNITURE AND CARPET EMPORIUM ! AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION. Elegantly Covered Bed-Room Suits with French Plate Mirrors offered at LESS than New York prices ! Why? We have lots of goods coining and must make room to store them. Parlor Suits, Hall ami Dining Room Furniture in latest designs, OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT Is chock full of new goods. The latest designs in fine Window Shades and Lace Curtains. Upholsterv and Drapery Goods. If you have not visited MILLER’S this Season, dont fail to call soon, as you wdl be pleased with the immense stock at low prices. A. J. MILLER & CO. NO. 150 BROUGHTON STREET. MQTHSR NOBLE’S Pmmnnan —The King of Corn Killers. The most desperate 11111 111101011 Corns, Bunions, Warth &c., Speedily cured. Price 2u Cents, n , -An Unfailing Remedy for I" ftftl ft ft ft ft Hot, Swollen and Tender Feet,Chilblain«,<kc. Price 25 Cents. | 1 IllllllU’nU Cornease Manuf *g Co., 236, Sth Ave. Place, Iff. Y. City • UUvUUMUi Saie Druggidt and Shoe Dealert. * HEALING syrup. 20 Million Bottles sold in 10 yean. A certain Cure for Dyspepsia, all Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Stomach, Blood, Skin and Bowels. Can Produce Thousands of Letters proving its Curative Powers. AN OLD AND LONG TRIED REMEDY. Laboratory 77 Amity Street, new yobk city. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. RUHi mi EVER HEARD OF ! 500 Dozen Misses’ Hose. They are full regular, seamier French Ingrain, extra length, Silk Clocked, nol.d eolors of the newest shades, all me* 5 to B|, cheap at 50c., At the Uniform Price of 25 oents. 250 Dozen Ladies’ Hose, Also full regular made, solid colors, new shades, never sold for less than .50a, At the Uniform Price of 25 cents. I 100 ROZ, BRILLIAHT LISLE LADIES HOSE. I These are. very superior quality of goods, all solid colors : the usual price for them is I $1 25 to $1 50 a pair, we offer At the Uniform price of 60 cents. 1,000 DOZ. FANCY HOSE AT THE UNIFORM PRICE OF 50. These good- compri-e in port Lndieo’ Striped Hose Meo'- Slripnl Half Hose, and Children’s and Misses’ Pancy Hose in all sizes. 1 ' are worth 10c., 15c., and 20c. Your choice for sc. J hey are onl) so < in our Bazaar. Owing to the Warm Weather I And the immense -took of Winter Goode we are cnrrving, we wi-h to unload at any sacrifice, and therefore offer these Sweeping Reductions. We have put the knife info the prices of onr Black Colored Cashmeres Fancv Dress Goods, Flannels, Pants Cloths, Blankets, I Cloaks, Walking Coats, Ulsters, Children’s Cloaks, Boys Clothing to such an extent that it really looks as if we are giving them away. I Remember, we always sell our goods at our advertised prices. Do You Want a Black or Colored SILK DRESS ? We have the best Silks at almost one-half the prices you will have to pay elsewhere. Whether you wM> to buy now or hereafter, you are invited to examine them for future reference. mini mini, . fl If tom WOFiOBT Have now in stock the handsomest lot of Machines ever seen in this city, consisting of the following makes, viz : White, New Home, Domestic, Household Hartford, Weed, American No. 7. also the first and only Revolving Shuttle Machine IN THE WORLD. ■ in: AVe have novelties in the -LITTLE DAISY” Sewing Machine for Children. Th Musical Cover, the Plaiting attachment for all Machines and other useful things. Needles, Attachments, and Parts for all Machines. Call or send for Catalouge. ISI BROTT3HTON STREET. wra wim iiihu. 170 Broughton Street, Where you can secure handsome new styles and and a good assortment of all kinds of New Furniture, Matting Parlor Suits, Etc BEST COOKING STOVES, With ut< nsils, at low figures. HEALTH AND ECONOMY. THE GREAT AMERICAN PATENT RENOVATER. Save your beds and preserve vour health. Perfect satisfaction guarantee.! or n charge Send frivour orders and come and see the process of steam a>>d the minner m which it is applied for vourselves. AU work called for, and deliv red free of charge. Thts pro cei-s/iias been highly recommended by the leading Doctors and the best citizens » 1 Herman, 170 Bi ought on Street. CHRDMOS, ENGRAVINGS! PICTURE FRAMES. IN GREAT VARIETY, AT A. HELLER’S,. Cor. Perry St. Lane & "Whitaker St- Frames made to order at shortest notice. Pictures brained at reasonable prices. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY! Call and examine the latest styles in the city, at G-OLESTBIW to HART’S, No. 19 Jeffereon Street, Savannah, Oa.